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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4845222 No.4845222 [Reply] [Original]

this is not a substitute for milk. it just tastes like almonds. fuck you ck

>> No.4845227

rice milk is the closest thing to milk in terms of straight drinkability imo

almond milk is the tits for making horchata though

>> No.4845238

This thread again.
Almond milk is good.
Fuck you OP.

>> No.4845240

Almond milk is good on it's own but it isn't milk in many ways. That's as far as this thread needs to go. Anyone below my post is being trolled.

>> No.4845244

I actually like the Silk soymilk a lot but fuck it's expensive.

Then again I buy organic milk anyway... (can't stand the taste of non-organic, and it always seems to go bad really fast, even before the date)

>> No.4845248

It's perfect for cereal, which is the only real reason you'd need any kind of milk

>> No.4845250

There's no substitute for real milk. Milk is delicious.

>only babbys drink milk

Oh yeah, faggot? Well babies eat veggies too, should I cut those out?

>> No.4845251


organomilk bro here, shit lasts forever

>> No.4845254

>listening to vegfags

You got what you deserve.

>> No.4845255

I don't really buy into the organic stuff but I really do notice a distinct taste quality with milk. Friends give me shit for buying organic milk and cage free eggs

>> No.4845286

I don't really consider it a complete substitute for milk. Goes great with a lot of things and gives cereal a great flavor.

Now I tried using it as a creamer for coffee once, never again. Completely ruins the coffee and the almond flavor just jumps out at you and has this dry taste to it afterwards.

>> No.4845328


Vegetables are for people of any age. Milk, specifically, is for infants. Cow's milk, specifically, is for infant cows.

>> No.4845337

>I'll cut em proper like wiv dis edge

>> No.4845338

>tastes like almonds
Proof you've never tried almond milk and are trolling right there.

>> No.4845344

>Friends give me shit for buying organic milk and cage free eggs
They should give you shit for cage free eggs. "Cage free" is a feel-good label with actual meaning, since there is no monitoring agency or strict requirements to earn that label. To call an egg cage-free in the USA, all you have to do is give the birds "access to the outside." This can be in the form of a filthy 2 foot feces-burried strip of land outside that only fits a couple chickens. Or windows that are too high for the chickens to even get to.

It's a bullshit label. If you don't want to eat cruelly produced eggs, then either get your own hens or buy them from people you know.

>> No.4845349

I hated the creamy non-milk taste of it in my cereal. I actually gagged and dumped it out. It seemed to be fine for other things but I don't know how quickly it expires. It's practically full and still sitting in my fridge from the summer.

>> No.4845355

>putting cream/milk/anything in your coffee to dilute the flavor


>> No.4845358


How is that edgy? That's nature. That's what milk is designed for. That isn't debatable

>> No.4845359


>> No.4845364


>> No.4845367


It exists because babies needed a food source. That is why there is milk in the world. It has what those babies need in the initial stages of life in the proper ratio for that species. Cow's milk is built to make a baby cow balloon in size over a period of about a year

>> No.4845370

>implying intelligent design

>> No.4845378

>tfw no gf who is into lactation

>> No.4845379

>implying anything is designed for human consumption

what would you suggest we eat?

>> No.4845381

human breast milk

>> No.4845383


That's kind of the opposite. Nothing is designed FOR us, we're designed for IT. We evolve around diet through evolution, just like a species' milk, and milk production itself, was designed through evolution. Nature is very specific in most things

>> No.4845401

>certain peoples evolved with the ability to digest and derive nutrition and energy from milk after infancy because... they're not supposed to drink it
Fruits are meant to be eaten so their seed spreads. Stop throwing away those seeds and pits, it's not natural. Go throw them on the ground outside.

>> No.4845408

I don't like almond milk on anything but my cereal. I'm pretty sure I'm lactose intolerant, because I get an upset stomach when I eat cereal with milk in the morning anymore (not any other time though, so that's why I'm not totally sure). Started putting regular almond milk in my cereal instead and that problem ended.

It's not a good milk replacement, but it has it's uses.

>> No.4845411

Do you have any problem with yogurt, cheese, sour cream, butter, etc.?

>> No.4845414

Add it to cereal, you shouldn't notice that much. Just don't drink a big glass with cookies.

>> No.4845418

I pressed send idk why. Anyway, just don't drink a big glass with cookies.

Also, try rice milk. I liked that too.

Also, try the Chocolate flavors. Those always taste like a treat.

They are cheap, you might as well give it a shot.v

>> No.4845423

No. That's the thing, it's only recently that milk does that to me in the morning.

My mother has been convinced I was LI since I was young, but I've never had a problem with it until now. I know my dad is LI though.

>> No.4845424


People developed lactase persistance so they can drink milk without immediately puking and getting sick and dying. That doesn't mean the milk is healthy food just because you got rid of the mechanism your body was using to tell you not to drink it

>> No.4845433

>citation needed

I thought, you know, because we're fucking mammals that we can drink milk.

>> No.4845443


Sure, we can drink our own species' milk, when we're babies. After that we aren't looking for saturated fat, cholesterol, IGF-1 and hormones anymore, we eat whole healthy solid foods instead

>> No.4845447

>Just don't drink a big glass with cookies
Chocolate chip cookies with vanilla almond milk is orgasmic.

>> No.4845448

>nitation ceeded

>> No.4845454

It's not milk anyway, it's juice. They call it milk to let vegans pretend they're not miserable while eating grass-flavored facsimiles of otherwise good dishes.

>> No.4845463


Citation on what? That saturated fat and cholesterol and increased IGF-1 levels and sustained hormone supplementation isn't good for you? Give up the ghost

>> No.4845465

It's possible you are, but I also have problems with milk and cream that aren't cultured, but I can have everything else. Try just avoiding those, you can use plain, real yogurt instead of milk for almost everything. If you stir the yogurt, it gets thinner, and it's drinkable.

It might take a while for you to adjust to the sourness of yogurt, but I love the taste of it now, and barely notice the sourness.

>implying this ever happens to people who are lactose intolerant
You're talking about a severe allergy, not lactose intolerance.

>> No.4845469

Thinking only vegans use dairy-free alternatives is pretty bigoted. I love meat, but dairy can go fuck itself. It's disgusting, unhealthy, and the only people who should drink it are those who still use sippy cups and pacifiers.

>> No.4845471

Yes you faggot. The citation that the levels ingested during normal milk consumption are detrimental to one's health.

Innuendo isn't proof.

>> No.4845475


>> No.4845481


Normal consumption as in what?

>> No.4845493

As in any range between 1 and 6 glasses daily, preferably around 2-3. You would need to do some /fit/ GOMAD for months chugging it straight for anything around what you're implying.

Any source, any at all, just back up what you're even attempting to suggest.

>> No.4845495

You complained about a bigoted statement and you just made a bigoted statement as well.

>> No.4845527



>a study at Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, NY, found an increased risk of prostate cancer with the daily consumption of three or more glasses of whole milk, compared to never drinking milk.9In Montevideo, Uruguay, a comparison of prostate cancer patients to hospital controls, most of whom had other forms of cancer, found an increased risk of prostate cancer associated with drinking two or more milk servings per day, compared to having less than one serving per day

Prostate cancer seems to be the number one thing associated with dairy, and the risks shoot up even at low level consumption

>> No.4845531

It's okay, I balance that out by jerking off constantly, like 5-8 times a day.

>> No.4845587


i cant consume any dairy and jerk off 5-8 times a day too

im gonna make it :')

>> No.4845594
File: 5 KB, 274x242, 1309366729448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is not a substitute for milk

Well I use it for cereal, so it kind of is.
Stay butt devastated, kiddo.

>> No.4845600

Some people just don't like to admit it's creepy to indirectly suck from a ruminant's nipples.

>> No.4845622
File: 31 KB, 250x348, fat_redneck[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh daddy drank milk and his daddy and his daddy before him! it's TRADITION! fucking liberal hippie vegan Obama QUEERS! GIT ER DONE!

>> No.4845648


Please, continue to reject foods on the basis that they are "gross". More cheese, livers, headcheese, mushrooms and crickets for me.

>> No.4845700

Eating mushrooms is normal. Plenty of animals eat mushrooms. No other mammal sucks the milk of another mammal, 'cause it's unhealthy and unnecessary. Our bodies stop producing lactase naturally as we get older because we're supposed to transition from milk (baby food) to solid foods. Sorry you're still stuck on baby foods.

>> No.4845703

Except that's not true. Any mammal given the opportunity to drink milk will do so.

>> No.4845715

>Thinks cartoons about cats loving milk is real life
All other mammals can't digest lactose. Cats might try a sip of milk, but if they drink a lot they will throw up and shit all over your house.

>> No.4845720

it has replaces milk

>> No.4845724


No other animals cook. No other animals farm. No other animals actively and intentionally ferment food. No other animals brew and distill liquor. No other animals season their food.

'Animals don't do this' is not an argument. Animals we may be, but there is lots of shit we do that others don't and can't. That's part of our evolutionary advantage. Noone is holding a gun to your head and saying 'you have to drink milk' or 'you have to eat beef' or 'you have to be an ovo-pescitarian'. If people want to drink milk, let them, it doesn't impact you in any way. Spend your time learning a skill instead of being an uppity cunt about things that do not impact your life in any way.

>> No.4845737


Monkeys have been known to cook and ferment food/make alcohol, and ants farm

None of that is relevant at all though

>> No.4845745

Is this what passes for "bigotry" these days?


>> No.4845804

>it doesn't impact you in any way.
Dairy production is among the top causes of GHG emissions, and land, soil, water, and air pollution. So, yeah, it does impact people that don't drink milk. I stopped drinking it purely for environmental reasons.

>> No.4845817


I like milk, but that is a lot of milk to drink.

>> No.4845821


ant species farm both plants and livestock, it's pretty cool. they've one-upped us though, when they need to move their aphids they can just pick them up, no aphid-driving.

>> No.4845827

cow milk makes me gag. it's like i can taste the hormones and pus in my mouth. almond milk all the way

>> No.4845834

It's like you've never even tried hormone free milk. Check local dairies.

I'm willing to bet you can't actually taste them.

>> No.4845839


>hormone free milk

There's no such thing. You can avoid milk that has artificial hormones added to it, but milk by default has hormones, because it's milk

>> No.4845852

There is a correlation between prostate cancer and taking fish oil supplements.

>> No.4845869


I wouldn't be surprised, those things are polluted as fuck

>> No.4845910

Can you make milk steak with almond milk?

>> No.4845944

Hemp milk is the best I've found, but I have to go into Whole Foods to get it.

>> No.4845988

Hemp milk tastes like fucking grass. Like I'm drinking water with grass ground up in it. It's fucking disgusting.

I drink cow milk. I drink about 3 gallons a week. I've consumed about 3 gallons a week (minus a year) since I was a teenager. For a year of my life fresh milk was not available and I drank orange and pineapple juice instead.

>> No.4845995

I don't know what it is about milk, but milk has a special quality/property that it makes it perfect for washing down sweets/pastries/cereal. I've tried almond and soy juice in a cereal and after chugging down a danish and it's just not the same- it doesn't deliver that clean mouth feeling. I'm not anti-milk alternatives. I do enjoy a chilled vanilla flavored soy drink from time to time. Almond though, I just don't like. Something about the viscosity and aftertaste puts me off.

>> No.4845996

Oh hey, it's you again!

>> No.4846011

Y'know, some ants farm aphids and consume their secretions.

Of course, you can't rant at them about how that's unnatural because ants can't use the internet.

>> No.4846018

The FAO's report on livestock rearing's impact and the environment? A little digging will show that their comparisons and estimates are wildly overstated. Of course, they're overstated in a way that makes you feel good about the choices you've made, so you either a) didn't care to find out or b) read about them and rationalized them away.

>> No.4846024

Everything you consume has hormones in it, because they were alive at some point.

>> No.4846028

>Thinking cow milk normally contains pus

>> No.4846057

..it does. most things that are in constant lactation secrete pus. the fda actually has an amount that is "allowed" to be in it for it to be approved to sell. lot of milk-drinkers i know are cool with it and don't care, but if you care, fda-approved mass-produced dairy milk is not for you.

>> No.4846109

I can't stand drinking cow milk straight, the smell and the taste make me nauseous and I sometimes get sick from it. About four times a year though, normally centered around ovulation, I crave milk. Almond milk fills this craving without making me sick and tastes damn good doing it. Adding it to any kind of cinnamon flavored cereal is also god-tier.

>> No.4846146

>Ovulates 4 times a year
What species are you?

>> No.4846153

I ovulate 12-13 times a year, but I only have this craving about every 3 cycles.
With the right timing of BC pills I could ovulate only 4 times a year.

>> No.4846170

[citation needed]

>> No.4846190

OP is a nigger, this thread is dicks

>> No.4846202


>> No.4846210

But eggs get talked about on this board all the time!

>> No.4846230

Imagine raiding egg donor clinics or something and coming away with huge stashes of the stuff, which you then blend and fry as an omlette.

>> No.4846232

It's best with human lactation made into cheese. Delicious.

>> No.4846236


Mammal eggs are a bit different from avian eggs.

Except platypus, don't even bother trying to figure out that thing.

>> No.4846241


Lol teleology.

>> No.4846260


Platypus eggs are more like reptile eggs, with soft leathery shell instead of a hard one.

the bigger mind-fuck is the fact that the platypus mother lactates milk without having nipples and the puggles drink it without having lips.

source: my local museum's native fauna exhibit.

>> No.4846264


Organic milk is usually treated at a higher temperature so it'll last longer. Organic stuff is more expensive, so they want it to keep longer.

It's not because it's organic that it lasts longer, it's because of the treatment.

>> No.4846277

That's fucked up.
But now I want a platypus omelet with platypus cheese, platypus steak and a side of platypus milk.

>> No.4846423

>Hemp milk tastes like fucking grass.
When people say things like this it's retardedly easy to see they're trolling. It's like saying olive oil tastes like tree bark.

Hemp milk in tea and coffee is awesome. Love it in oatmeal too. For cereal I stick with almond.

>> No.4846443


hemp milk is the one milk alternative I haven't tried, none of the stores had it, but all the others have been terrible in tea. yes, I put milk in tea, I know I'm pleb.

I'll ask around some of the little health food stores about it.

>> No.4846448

Aww, it's all subjective - if you want to put milk in tea you go right ahead. Don't feel hated because you like it like that.

>> No.4846497

You wouldn't happen to be talking about UHT, would you? I recall another thread some time ago in which someone claimed that UHT milk was relatively uncommon in the US.

>> No.4846582

Health food stores are likely to have it. Surprisingly Bel Air and Raley's have gotten a huge dairy-free section in the past year, so I get it there. I need to try hazelnut milk next. Make sure you get vanilla flavored hemp milk, the plain isn't so great in tea or coffee.

>> No.4846697

>be lactose intolerant
>able to drink 3.25 for some inexplicable reason
>try lactaid
>get the shits


>> No.4846746

So wait, do you guys make cheese out of the almond stuff too? what about baking, do you use it as a sub in baking?

>> No.4846871
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>drinking milk

>> No.4847123
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You can make cheese out of it. Cashew cheese is an awesome replacement to use on pizzas

>> No.4847269

I only use milk in cooking.

>> No.4847338

Milk is awesome

>> No.4847386

[I'm too fucking lazy to google shit on my own and must be spoon fed everything]

>> No.4847390


someone doesn't lift

>> No.4847502

almond milk is fucking delicious who the fuck wants to drink shit that needs to have blood and puss removed from it.

>> No.4847511


>> No.4848364

[ I don't have a citation]

>> No.4848393

You made a claim, now you fucking need to substantiate on it. This is how it works. Ball is in your court.

>> No.4848399

Try it in earl grey tea with orange peel and honey.

>> No.4848454

the vanilla flavor is pretty damn good in coffee.

>> No.4848457

Id like to say something about this. I'm not knocking almond milk because I actually like it but people always talk about vanilla almond milk, or vanilla soy milk, even marketing that "people prefer vanilla silk over regular milk"

well no shit they do, thats like saying people prefer to drink chocolate milk over regular milk. The milk isn't the thing people like more its the added flavoring being put in at the end.
make the same comparison between the regular varieties or the flavored varieties, dont just give the delicious flavored version and put it up against the bland regular version of something.

>> No.4848854

>Cashew cheese
I only had this once, on a pizza at a restaurant in SF, and sweet god was it good.

>> No.4848997

I'm not him, but you are pretty ignorant about milk. There is a legal limit for the amount of somatic cells in milk.



>U.S. government staff met in early July with European Union (EU) authorities to discuss the EU’s new somatic cell count (SCC) certification requirements, which will require each farm to meet a 400,000/ml. threshold.

The UK has a big problem with the pus count of USA's milk and major steps are being taken to try to reduce them to meet the UK's requirement.

>> No.4849001

Nice appeal to nature fallacy. "Animuls dun do it so that means it bad!!!"

>> No.4849026


>> No.4849077
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Not to mention he is completely incorrect.

>> No.4849111

>The UK has a big problem with the pus count of USA's milk and major steps are being taken to try to reduce them to meet the UK's requirement.
the European method of calculation produces a lower number than the US method. A US farm goes offline if any monthly reading , is high. The UK continues 3 months and averages highs and lows, and only then compares it to the next 3 month average before fix. If can't do maths, you probably can't understand how forgiving your method is to your actual quality.

>> No.4849213
File: 188 KB, 339x314, Hazelnut-Original-1L_187.5x455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im yet to open the almond milk shill hyped
but the hazelnut was too much for muh rice crispies.

makes a bad boy chocolate milk tho.
prolly go good on coco pops iirc.

>> No.4849315

Any pus in my milk is too much pus in my milk. Will try almond milk.

>> No.4849317


It's not so much the fact that other animals don't do it, but because they don't do it because they have their own milk that's tailor-made for them

>> No.4849321


Exactly, it's like having sex with a goose because "who cares what species its vagina is for! I can use it too! what's the problem!"

>> No.4849384

Love this analogy, will use it when friends ask why milk disgusts me, haha.

>> No.4849414

If only that were even true in the first place.

>> No.4849518

>implying there is anything wrong with beastiality
There are plenty of animals with vaginas which are far superior to those of humans.

>> No.4849661

There is a correlation between prostate cancer and having a prostate.

>> No.4849886

True us, when you have a bunch of men's hands up your ass all the time you'll wish you had been drinking almond milk.

>> No.4849890

humans seem to be the only animal that thinks there is something wrong with having sex with other species.
other animals do it all the time

>> No.4850021


>> No.4850080

>other animals do it all the time
Please show me some footage of a giraffe fucking a zebra. Pretty sure this doesn't happen.

>> No.4850095 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 480x360, giraffe X zebra hot action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4850098
File: 96 KB, 500x407, giraffe X donkey hot action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus pic

>> No.4850110

The man said footage, not photoshop

>> No.4850114

wtf happened to this thread

>> No.4850115

Giraffe rape may not be as widespread as dolphin rape, but it does happen.

>> No.4850207


I have seen footage of a elephant trying to fuck a rhino, dogs trying to fuck cats, monkeys trying to fuck everything, ferrets and rabbits getting it on.

animals are horny and have no morals, there's a thread on /an/ with dog on cat in it right now.

>> No.4850235
File: 45 KB, 313x168, 1332480038210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh a thread about almond milk
>cross animal species sex

>> No.4850237

These are not the norms. Other species have their misfits and crazies just like we homo sapiens have our schizos and serial killers.

>> No.4850258


that's true, it's also not the norm for a dog to adopt and nurse feline babies, nor for a cat to nurse piglets, or seagulls to peck mother seals so their milk spurts out onto the ground and can be drunk. many things are not the norm, but to say they never happen is akin to all those natural scientists completely covering up all the deviant shit that happens in nature because it offended their sensibilities or because it didn't fit with their idea of how those animals are meant to be.

If you want to argue about why you shouldn't drink cow milk, don't resort to "animals don't do it", it makes you look silly and there are better arguments you could be making regarding commercial dairy.

>> No.4850268


Uh... I mean... fucking vegefag, enjoy your soymilk mantits lelelel

>> No.4850276

fucking this

>> No.4850283


So you're saying the only people who should drink milk are those with mental problems just like those animals you're talking about

>> No.4850285


The funny thing is you're still talking about babies drinking the milk, while everyone here is trying to defend the idea of an adult drinking interspecies baby food.

>> No.4850304


If it makes you feel better to label every one who drinks milk as mentally ill, then yes. Are you going to do that for everyone who does something even moderately removed from normal primate behaviour though, because that's a lot of people.

also, those animals aren't mentally ill, they've adapted to strange situations as the situations have happened and they don't care how strange it is, becuase it works. perhaps the first finch to try drinking blood may have been sick in his tiny bird brain, but now there's a whole subspecies.

>> No.4850307


the seagulls aren't babies and I don't even drink milk, I don't even know why I'm arguing here.

damn that 4chan effect.

>> No.4850334


It doesn't happen because an animal thinks "hee hee hee, I'm gonna do something WEIRD!" they do it because it's the only way to survive. An abandoned kitten might try to get milk from a dog and pretend to be part of its litter, but that's because it doesn't have its own mother to provide for them and it's either suck dog tits or die. If the only food source a human had was cow's milk it would make sense to drink a cow's milk. Since that's not the case, it's fucking weird. Simple as that.

>> No.4850402

Yep. No one is arguing that someone shouldn't drink cow's milk if it's either that or death. But when you have so many options drinking from a cow's tits is just freaky.

>> No.4850403


I think it could fool me in breakfast cereal, though.

>> No.4850762
File: 8 KB, 193x251, 1361710771590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously? you again ?

i thought your stupidity tumor had grown so exponentially from the last discussion that you wouldn't be able to operate a computer at your hospital.

>> No.4850780


how do i into commercial agriculture

>> No.4850835

So drinking another species milk isn't normal. Let's say you're right. And you're quite certain humans were meant to be able to eat almonds, right? We're designed to be able to consume them as you say?

>> No.4850836

He is correct though. Cow's milk is not intended for humans and milk is for babies.

>> No.4850843

Same question. Almonds, and thus almond milk, are intended of human consumption?

>> No.4850948

I like how vegfags think that using words like "titjuice" or "mammary gland secretions" is somehow an argument. Yes, you found a different way to say "milk" that uses vaguely uncomfortable words, congratulations, that proves fucking nothing.

>> No.4850954

Almonds are not intended for humans

>> No.4850960

can you believe these fucking vegans make milk by ripping apart tree ovaries and grinding the embryos into a liquid?

>> No.4850982

Those sick fucks. They must all have mental illnesses.

>> No.4851080

"titjuice" actually makes it sound more appealing.

>> No.4851090

No, it tastes like chalky water. So I guess it tastes like milk if you've been drinking fat-free "milk" all your life.

>> No.4851132

>tree ovaries
>tree embryos
Please stop making us milk drinkers look like retards.

>> No.4851142

I'll forgive you if you weren't aware that plants have those too, but just don't be a jerk about it because it makes you look kinda silly

>> No.4851239

Agreed. Lactation is pretty hot.

>> No.4851746

Not sure if srs.

>> No.4851972

Time for you to brush up on your botany.

>> No.4851985

Just because plants have organs that can be considered analogous to those in mammals doesn't mean they are the same.

>> No.4852040

>almond milk in horchata

Do you even know what horchata is? It's fuckin rice milk dummy.

>> No.4852043

Oh shut your fat mouth. Adults drink milk too for strong bones.

>> No.4852058

>Adults drink milk too for strong bones.

>> No.4852061

>People still think dairy advertisements are scientific facts.
Dairy won't give you strong bones, anon. Harvard discusses the issue pretty nicely, why there's better sources of calcium that won't increase your risk of disease like dairy does.


>> No.4852071


Do you eat any kind of leafy plant? That shit's for collecting sunlight, not for eating, you sick fuck.

>> No.4852076
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>Almond milk tastes like almonds

You don't say.

>> No.4852094

All those studies against dairy are pure baloney, they seem to contradict themselves and say different things every time.

>> No.4852101

Same with the pro-dairy studies. Scientists are really biased and prone to mistakes just like everyone else.

>> No.4852119

Nutrition is the shittiest science. Half of everything you hear will get disproved or altered in a couple decades. The basics are good, like the stuff you read in the /fit/ sticky, but most is just fads or money-making schemes. I don't know why the standard of proof is so low in nutrition, pretty much every study has glaring fallacies, almost always correlation=causation.

>> No.4852129


speaking of which, people seem to believe a lot of propaganda and bullshit from the anti-meat side as well. After all, they have just as much of an agenda as the dairy industry.

Trust research only.

>> No.4852130

>expecting not-milk to be milk


>> No.4852131


Adults actually eat vegetables.


>> No.4852134

>they have just as much of an agenda as the dairy industry.
People with ideological views =/= billion dollar industry. Poor comparison.

>Trust research only.
Research paid by whom?

>> No.4852141

>almost always correlation=causation.
Lots of science is like this.

>> No.4852145


The reason nutritional science seems shitty is because there's so much conflict of interests. Industries influence everything, and there's very few researches and doctors who are willing to just put out facts and not try to prove some industry's product is benign or beneficial through some bullshit study. The egg industry for example has convinced most people that dietary cholesterol does nothing at all to you and it's fine to eat all the eggs you want, and the olive oil industry has convinced people to dump olive oil all over everything they eat for good health

>> No.4852150

Why not both? Oh wait, you're a troll.
Organic and vegetarian food makes money. Not as much as mainstream food but it's still a market. It's easy for an underdog to paint the big companies as bad guys. Even easier to half-ass research to please flaky hippies and hipsters with too much money.

>> No.4852152


>why not both?

Because only one of them is good for you. Eat some vegetables, faggot.

>> No.4852158

>only one of them is good for you.
0/10 try harder next time

>> No.4852160


>muh casomorphins

Enjoy your cancer, milk junkie

>> No.4852164

Sigh, is this what passes for trolling on /ck/? Even /v/ has better b8.

>> No.4852166


Not trolling, just telling you things you don't want to hear and watching you sink into denial because you don't have the willpower to stop drinking baby food.

>> No.4852170

>Nutrition is the shittiest science. Half of everything you hear will get disproved or altered in a couple decades

Not really. That confusion happens when people draw conclusions beyond what the research says, not with the research itself. Errors in research are rare, but errors among people drawing conclusions from that research are common as hell.

The solution is that you need to read the research itself and see what it says, not the conclusions that someone else drew for you.

A perfect real-time example. The Dr. Hu study of red meat and cancer has been misinterpreted quite often in the last few months. A lot of people go around stating "red meat gives you cancer, the research proves it". Well, if you bother to read the paper it says VERY clearly that the study did NOT find a link between consumption of red meat and cancer. In fact, the study even states explicitly that there was NO correlation whatsoever between the frequency of red meat consumption and the incidence (risk) of getting cancer. What it DID find, however, was that among those people who did get cancer and who ate several servings a week of red meat there was a slightly increased risk of death (IIRC about 6%) from that cancer.

..so the people who go around stating "red meat causes cancer" and quoting that study are parroting something that is not only very different from what the study actually found, but is also dis-proven by the very study that they are embracing.

>> No.4852183
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A similar thing happened in the past regarding cholesterol.

Scientist A: We did a study and we found that cholesterol is linked to heart disease

People: ZOMG we need to stop eating cholesterol right now.

Scientist A: I never said that eating cholesterol affected your cholesterol...I didn't study that. All I said was there was a link between the two, but I don't know what it is yet otherwise I'd have been more specific...(gets cut off)

People: whatever. We need to ban cholesterol in food right now! stop eating eggs! Call Greenpeace!

Scientist B: We just did a new study and we found out that dietary cholesterol doesn't affect your serum cholesterol.

People: What? The first scientist was wrong! Damn scientists, always contradicting each other.

There was no contradiction. But people are fond of drawing conclusions above and beyond what the data actually says. People on both sides of the issue are also fond of selecting what they agree with and what they don't.

tl;dr: don't trust what anyone tells you, read the damn research for yourself.

>> No.4852198


We know red meat causes cancer without a study though, we can see it chemically. We know what's in it that causes it. Bacterial endotoxins, heterocyclic amines, inflammation that provides an environment for cancer cells to grow undetected, increased IGF-1 levels, etc. We know it causes cancer and we know why.

>> No.4852204


This example is particularly annoying because while cholesterol IS bad for you, the way people misinterpreted why it was bad, after it waas cleared up that they were wrong about why it's bad, everyone just said "oh, it's not bad for THAT reason. That means it's not bad at all"

>> No.4852215

[citation needed]

You're just going to prove him right by misinterpreting another study. Like 99% of the vegetarians on /ck/ you're either trolling or shitposting.

>> No.4852219


If you've never even heard of those things, don't enter a discussion about cancer.

>> No.4852221


You're missing the point. I didn't post that to start a debate about red meat and cancer. It was an example to illustrate how people draw incorrect conclusions from studies. The study says one thing but people go around claiming that it says something different.

As for your point on "red meat causes cancer", this particular study found that the consumption of meat had no effect on the incidence of cancer of the colon or rectum. But then, the study didn't cover any other cancers.

>> No.4852226

Well, normally, the general public is below average intelligence.

>> No.4852245

>studies against dairy are pure baloney
Right, and tobacco is good for your lungs.

>> No.4852250
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>implying it isn't

Cigarettes ARE good for your lungs. Native Americans have been smoking it for centuries. They were great warriors. That's proof.

>> No.4852253


>> No.4852255


Perfect example of the topic at hand.

That cigarette ad never said that cigs were safe, or that doctors "approved" them. It simply said that among doctors who smoke, the majority of them chose to smoke camels.

Now you guys are implying conclusions that simply weren't there at all.

>> No.4852258

It's funny how there are so many examples of this kind of thing, but people still think it is impossible - IMPOSSIBLE - that things which are considered benign in our diet/lifestyle based on current understanding/media may not actually be

>> No.4852261


this is because people are idiots.

>> No.4852262

>a cigarette ad based on asking doctors which cigarette they prefer is not making any implications about health

Sure bro.

>> No.4852263

Do you even know what the term average means?

>> No.4852267


Oh, I agree that the implication is obvious.

I'm pointing out that a human being capable of rational thought and logic should be able to see right through the bullshit, and should apply similar scrutiny to claims regarding the health and nutrition of various foods. If people focused on what the facts actually stated rather than what the dairy industry claims or what the vegan movement claims they'd find that both sides were implying quite a lot that the facts didn't back up, just like the cig ad.

>> No.4852273

It is a joke, like "half the population on the planet has below average intelligence". Everyone that laughs and moves on will be below average intelligence and all those that are like, "heyy...wait a minute" then go into a verbal dissertation as to why it is incorrect will normally be above average intelligence.

>> No.4852278


Oh look, it's "water is a chemical" guy. Not as smart as you think you are, obviously.

>> No.4852279

Is Silk a good substitute for milk if you have a peptic ulcer? I drink milk daily and I think my condition would improve if I stop, but I'll need to replace it with something.

>> No.4852339 [DELETED] 
File: 400 KB, 784x463, meat science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That cigarette ad never said that cigs were safe, or that doctors "approved" them

"Don't smoke those BAD cigarettes. Smoke our GOOD cigarettes! They don't hurt your throat like the HARSH tobacco of other brands!"

>> No.4852345
File: 494 KB, 1600x1032, the meat industry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That cigarette ad never said that cigs were safe, or that doctors "approved" them

"Don't smoke those BAD cigarettes. Smoke our GOOD cigarettes! They don't hurt your throat like the HARSH tobacco of other brands!"

>> No.4852357


>>don't drink that BAD cow's milk, drink our GOOD almond milk! it doesn't hurt you like that NASTY cow's milk

I don't understand why anyone would fall for that kind of advertising bullshit.

>> No.4852369


Actually it would be more akin to

>don't drink that INDUSTRIAL cow's milk, drink our ORGANIC cow's milk from grass fed cows!

Almonds are a whole separate thing

>> No.4852371

The original flavor almond milk taste like shit if you aren't used to low sugar diets. Vanilla almond milk is not bad though.

>> No.4852377

I agree, but prefer coconut milk. Cows milk is delicious with Ovaltine. But... I mostly just use it in scrambled eggs (and tbh, cream tastes better in them)

>> No.4852448

Were you in Iraq or something?

>> No.4852453
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>not drinking at least 1L of high fat milk every day
>drinking vegetable shit

>> No.4852460


Missing the point bro. It's all advertising bullshit, doesn't matter what they're pushing.

Speaking of which, anyone notice how much more expensive stuff like soy milk or almond milk is?

>> No.4852462
File: 1.90 MB, 316x213, 1377739141814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lactose fags arguing that since their bodies are so weak they can't consume a basic part of diet, it's bad for everyone

it's the fox and the grapes all over again. it's almost as bad as those shits who wear glasses thinking they're not genetically inferior.

>> No.4852465

I'm not an american, so tell me...is lactose intolerance actually a thing? As in, a common thing?
I only heard about it in movies.

>> No.4852467


what does lactose intolerance have to do with america? most lactose intolerance is in asia, bro. google it.

>> No.4852468

>euro fags just assume that americans have tons of diseases he's never seen first hand

>> No.4852469

That's like 1000 calories, fatty.

>> No.4852470

>what does lactose intolerance have to do with america
my only connection to the idea of lactose intolerance is american movies
>most lactose intolerance is in asia
So all these people in this thread are gooks?

Or is there another reason for not drinking delicious milk that I'm missing.

>> No.4852471

>watching your diet
I'm 192 cm and 78 kg fatboy

>> No.4852606

1000 calories of milk everyday? Enjoy prostate cancer in 10 years.

>> No.4852611

is it better to drink almond milk or regular milk

>> No.4852679

You are so fucking fat it is pathetic. I am Vegan and I am 190 cm and 56 kg fatboy.

>> No.4852735

Unless you're a girl that sounds really unhealthy.

>> No.4852743
File: 19 KB, 500x500, oh no...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you actually have an eating disorder? No one who's over 6 ft should be below 130 pounds. You're killing yourself, dude.

>> No.4852822


>Speaking of which, anyone notice how much more expensive stuff like soy milk or almond milk is?

It's not that soy and almond milk are expensive, it's just cow's milk is massively subsidized by the government. It's a huge industry whose leaders are also intermingled into the different government agencies

>> No.4852961

>it's just cow's milk is massively subsidized by the government
>implying soy isnt heavily subsidized
have you noticed that its in 90% of the food products you buy in stores?

>> No.4852970

you dumb bro? they are called the same thing

>> No.4852992


It's subsidized to be fed to milk-producing cows, but consumer soy is grown differently. Notice on the carton of soy milk it'll say "NON-GMO"

>> No.4852998

>Notice on the carton of soy milk it'll say "NON-GMO"
>the company chooses a more expensive option so they can use hotbutton buzzwords and market to idiots that don't understand science
they sure do know their market demographic really well, I'll give them that.

>> No.4853002

you are a scrawny faggot. just accept it and eat some protein.

>> No.4853018


What would eating more protein do?

>> No.4853023


Did you not see those mice with the tumors?

>> No.4853351

Almond milk is healthier, and I prefer the taste, so I drink that.

>> No.4853363

>Notice on the carton of soy milk it'll say "NON-GMO"

All soy is GMO now due to cross pollination contamination. Even all wild soy that escaped before GMO soy is now mostly GMO soy. Anything that states it is made from non-GMO soy is extremely suspect.

>> No.4853366

you mean that "study" with results that could not be replicated under supervised lab conditions? and was rejected by all peer reviews that looked into it?

they literally set out to give rats cancer by any means they could and then claimed GMOs caused it. there was no legitimate experiment that took place.

>> No.4853371

>Almond milk is healthier
dairy milk exceeds almond milk nutrient density in all nutrients save for 2 which are artificially added to almond milk

>> No.4853389


Yep, but a photo of mice with tumors proves nothing. What if I gave mice cancer and then Photoshopped "GMO" and NON GMO" onto the picture?

>> No.4853398

>Do you even know what horchata is? It's fuckin rice milk dummy.

But that's wrong.

>> No.4853399


>> No.4853403

I never had almond milk :(

>> No.4853410

It's like those ads that have the duck with muscle arms. "HAS SCIENCE GONE TOO FAR?"

>> No.4853421

>not believing in the italian super cat

>> No.4853426
File: 46 KB, 832x1192, Monsanto_Shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were run into the ground and tore apart by everyone on the take of Monsanto. No joke.

>> No.4853431

gb2 Natural News

>> No.4853432

good evidence you have there

>> No.4853459

>I never had almond milk :(
Poor deprived soul. You must remedy this immediately.

>> No.4853465

Several weeks ago I went to a crappy mall near my house for groceries. I tried searching for Almond milk but couldn't find any. I'll buy it if I can find it on my next visit.

>> No.4853486

gb2 skeptico

>> No.4853539


In this case health isn't about having more nutrients, it's about having less negative qualities. Almond milk doesn't cause inflammation, increase IGF-1 levels, have cholesterol or saturated fat, contribute to excess methionine intake, have casein/casomorphins with all the problems those cause, etc like cow's milk does.

>> No.4853550

oh look the copypasta you post in every thread
I don't know how many times you need to have the facts of cholesterol and saturated fat explained to you and why there is no problem with consuming them

but you are talking about IGF-1 like that is not desirable for some people. You can buy it as a supplement.

>> No.4853668
File: 67 KB, 478x236, 1377159708542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh look the copypasta you post in every thread

If you like milk so much, why are you in a non-milk thread?

>> No.4853671

maybe you should read the OP again, champ

>> No.4853675

He's dissing almond milk. I don't see what you're getting at.

>> No.4853679

hes saying regular milk is better than almond milk

>> No.4853691

Milk is milk.

>> No.4853706

yeah, milk comes from mammals

grinding nuts into a powder, mixing it with sugar and water, and calling it milk doesn't mean it actually is milk

just like when guy jerks off on your face and tells you to drink his cock milk, its not actually milk

>> No.4853708

If you're going to play that then almond milk isn't even milk. Milk is milk would be a response to someone arguing cow milk vs. goat milk.

>> No.4853715

The only thing I really use real milk for is mac and cheese every once in a while.

Would (non vanilla) rice milk work for that?

>> No.4853838
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>just like when guy jerks off on your face and tells you to drink his cock milk, its not actually milk


>> No.4853848
File: 91 KB, 247x248, 1343408613449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like when guy jerks off on your face and tells you to drink his cock milk, its not actually milk
This, you fucking nut milk loving faggots.

>mfw Americans start labelling their milk "Real milk" to set it apart from nut milk

>> No.4853855

If you're using the milk to make a bechamel sauce and adding cheddar to that, I would say that rice milk would probably be the worst milk alternative to use. You want the sauce to be rich, and rice milk doesn't have much protein or fat. It does have a lot of starch, and when you combine that with the flour in the roux and heat it all up, it might just turn into jelly.

>> No.4853882

I've used soy milk on mac and cheese and it tastes good. Give almond a shot.

>> No.4854146
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>the facts of cholesterol and saturated fat explained to you and why there is no problem with consuming them

Is that you, Atkins?

>> No.4854156

i like soy(organic only)milk/almond milk/cowmilk etc.

>> No.4854158
File: 17 KB, 193x215, stay jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get at me faggit!

>> No.4854187


I see you post that image all the time, and I remember you saying you had to get bloodwork done every month just so you can keep everything in check. Being big is cool, but I don't know why you would think muscles = healthy. The healthiest people are the little skinny guys who do a lot of cardio exercise.

>> No.4854194

Goddammit, so which is healthier, almond milk or regular milk?

i like how almond tastes better but I'm going to dedicate the next year to eating for my health

>> No.4854197

>had to get bloodwork done every month just so you can keep everything in check
selective memory, why is that not surprising.

I get a full physical every month so I know exactly what is going on in my body at all times and can optimize its performance. I don't need to keep anything in check.

>> No.4854199

regular milk

>> No.4854200


Almond milk is healthier by default. Neither are really that nutritious, but almond milk doesn't have the negatives associated with milk. I would say to just drink water though and use almondmilk for cereal

>> No.4854208


>I have to alter my diet every month so the shitty food I eat can't accumulate health problems
>it's called optimization, DYEL?

>> No.4854220

>I have to alter my diet every month so the shitty food I eat can't accumulate health problems
nope not at all

if you remember anything from that conversation I also mentioned that I eat pretty much what ever I want most of the time because I need to put down a huge amount of calories every day to keep up with training

>> No.4854273


So what you're saying is that there's no such thing as unhealthy food because you work out 12 hours a day to blunt the effects of what you eat and get routine physicals and check-ups so you can make sure you're not about to die

Yeah, stop giving health advice to the sedentary/moderately active people on /ck/

>> No.4854276

it's the best for cereal. normal milk tastes bitter and gross.

>> No.4854282

>routine physicals and check-ups so you can make sure you're not about to die
>so you can make sure you're not about to die

are you bad at reading or what?

>> No.4854419

>I get a full physical every month so I know exactly what is going on in my body at all times
If only this were possible. It helps for some things, but still leaves hundreds of diseases to kill you that won't be found in a routine physical.