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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4842827 No.4842827[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dinner, /ck/, you?

>> No.4842829


lol, it figures that, that's what you'd have for dinner tonight after all the crying you did on IRC last night, trippy.

>> No.4842842

lol, I'm having this for dinner cause I've been waiting forever for the apple shine to be released

>> No.4842844

Dude, shut the fuck up.

About to have some Sailor Jerry and maybe a beer or two. Dinner will probably be grilled chicken breast covered in Tabasco buffalo sauce with a sprinkling of blue cheese crumbles. Again. Or I might change it up and dump some Trader Joe's red curry sauce over it.

>> No.4842849

Is that a good brand? Its just now becoming available down here, the ones I've seen are the firefly brand and the one I tried was Ole Smokey brand white lightning. Was OK as a mixer, tastes like vodka.

>> No.4842853
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>Was OK as a mixer, tastes like vodka.
this is really good as a mixer but tastes nothing like vodka

the only thing I can tell people what it tastes like is un-aged whiskey

I haven't tried the other brands but I'm pretty sure this stuff is top of the line for moonshine

>> No.4842870

Yea, I don't think I got the right one. I'm not sure I got the full moonshine experience, I looked up the website and the one I got was meant to be neutral in flavor and used as a mixer, then had another regular variety that was true moonshine. My parents visited the distillery and picked up a bottle for me so I'm not complaining, I do look forward to trying the real stuff though.

How much does that stuff cost? My liquor store is really good about ordering stuff for customers.

>> No.4842881
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Pic related is what I had, mine was one of the clear ones but not the original shine. I want to try the regular and also the apple pie flavors. The cherries sound awesome as well, they sell them at my liquor store.

>> No.4842905


tastes nothing like unaged whiskey, as the character is distilled out of it multiple times at high proof.

it's definitely a grain spirit, which is coincidentally what most vodka is. It's very neutral to appeal to vodka drinkers, but they leave some character to differentiate it enough to call it moonshine and give it a marketable niche.

>> No.4842907

>How much does that stuff cost?
the 1.75 bottle of the 80 proof regular is 37.99 and that is my state minimum

the 111 proof 750 ml bottle is now 29.99 and I think might be my state minimum

the 70 proof 750 ml apple stuff is 31.99 where I bought it and not sure if that is the state minimum

I'm guessing they are charging more for the apple cause it's new

the regular moonshine is meant to be used in place of vodka

they just taste different but both are really neutral in flavor as you can get

>> No.4842912

>but they leave some character to differentiate it enough to call it moonshine and give it a marketable niche.

vodka was one of the first things I binge drank on and this is nothing like it

I will start gagging if I try to drink vodka

this tastes like whiskey but if it didn't age in a barrel

>> No.4842916

I think there are different types. I'm on the website now reading about them.

For sippin’. A true moonshine experience. · Ole Smoky’s® Original Moonshine is an unaged corn whiskey made from corn grown by local farmers in East Tennessee. Our century-old recipe proclaims a grain bill of 80% corn, with the remaining 20% a secret that gives Ole Smoky® the distinct character and bold flavor of Tennessee moonshine. If you like whiskey, you don’t want to miss this one. Best drank from the Jar!

Which seems along the lines of what >>4842853 is saying.

For mixin’. Use it in place of vodka, gin or tequila in your favorite cocktails. · Ole Smoky’s® White Lightnin’™ is made from 100% grain neutral spirits that have been distilled six times for premium smoothness. White Lightnin’™ is our alternative to vodka, gin and tequila and is perfect for making Apple Pie, Moonshine Margaritas, Moonshine Mojitos or the mixed drink of your choice.

Which sounds like what you are saying. I had the White Lightnin and it was almost exactly like vodka. I didn't enjoy it straight but it mixed quite nicely, I used most of it mixed with fresh lemonade colored pink with marchino cherry juice.

>> No.4842925

I've seen the way you eat dude. You're gonna die soon from all this alcohol and fast food. How old are you?

>> No.4842928

>111 proof 750 ml bottle is now 29.99

das it mane.

You recommend the higher proof or no?

>> No.4842935
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>> No.4842939

you HAVE to try jim beams white ghost!! Such whiskey flavor with no woodiness.

>> No.4842942


the higher proof of Onyx tastes the same as the 80 proof but obviously stronger un-aged whiskey

when you drink the 80 proof it is like drinking water but the 111 proof one just lets you know you're drinking alcohol

I'm curious to see them put out a 151 version since the 111 version is like drinking peachtree

it depends on how much you drink

I only got that one to try and I got drunk really fast

the value bottle is the 1.75 at 80 proof and the other bottles are kind of novelty items but still delicious

lol I thought you were posting a gore pic at first

>> No.4842949

I usually drink 80 proof liquors, occasionally 90 proof. Something about drinking 111 proof moonshine seems exciting though, but it might not be the greatest idea.

How are you supposed to drink it? Do you drink it straight or mix? When I'm drinking liquor I have this awfully pleb tendency to mix whatever it is 1 part liquor to 2 parts room temp water. I've tried drinking stuff straight, I've tried mixing drinks, its just how I like it. Drinking Sailor Jerrys mixed with a hefty pour of water right now lol.

No burn, lots of flavor, still get drunk cheaply.

>> No.4842966

>but it might not be the greatest idea.
once you start drinking this stuff at 111 proof you won't want to go back if you already have a high tolerance

I drink all of it straight and it tastes very smooth to me

the only things I ever drink straight are jager, schnapps and this

you can mix this stuff with anything and there are tons or local places now offering a whole drink menu from this one alcohol

even my local german place that sells jager on tap is now doing the same with this because it's such a smooth shot to drink

>> No.4842976

>once you start drinking this stuff at 111 proof you won't want to go back if you already have a high tolerance

Confirmed for horrible idea. Been borderline alcoholic for three or four years now without increasing my intake and I'm totally cool with keeping it at this level. If the 111 proof is as smooth as you say it is straight it could be my demise. I'm not looking to increase my tolerance and drink more than I do already.

>> No.4842986

I've been a heavy drinker for 10+ years and only felt withdrawal symptoms when I started getting euphoric off the 111 proof stuff that was like water with a slight burn

>> No.4842991

keep in mind I would drink almost a 750 ml bottle per night

>> No.4842998


Drinking booze makes you not believe in god?

>> No.4842999

Busch beer, sloppy joes and reruns of Bar Rescue. Living the midwestern dream.

>> No.4843009

Euphoria is what you feel when doing drugs

usually alcohol isn't associated with euphoria

drinking high proof alcohol very fast can make you feel this way

>> No.4843017

Thats quite a bit. I drink a half 750 ml a night and feel like I drink too much. I'm not that concerned though because I've been doing it for around four years and my intake hasn't increased nor has my desire to drink more.

Do you work in food? What do you do where you can drink that much? Or you just don't get hangovers?

>> No.4843035

>Do you work in food? What do you do where you can drink that much? Or you just don't get hangovers?

I'm what people call a functional alcoholic

I only drink after I've finished any thing that matters and I never get hangovers

my job is pretty much like geek squad for big companies

>> No.4843063

>functional alcoholic

Same. Get at least a heavy buzz nightly but never have my first drink until 7:00 at the earliest. Hangovers are rare and the stray ones clear up within an hour or two. I work in food though, catering. Its a cool gig, if you like food its got all the perks of working in a kitchen, but I only have to spend a couple hours back there a day. Most of my time is spent driving around and chatting up bored and lonely secretaries. And dem up to 20% energy and finance company tips on up to $1000 orders are very nice.

>> No.4844771
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welp I swung by the liquor store after work and asked about the Onyx moonshine, lady had never heard of it. I grabbed a jar of Ole Smokey original and the lady highly recommended pic related to me, midnight moon cherry. It was $8 cheaper than the one I intended to buy so I took her advice without much protest and got it instead. I'll let yal know what I think about it later. Being cherry flavored and 100 proof, I need to be careful with this one.

Also got a four pack of Dogfish Head 61 minute IPA on an anon's recommendation. Going to get into one of those after grocery run.

Also got some autumn harvest smoked cheddar. Its pretty nice.

>> No.4844789

I hate this shit. They market it as moonshine but is only 100 proof? wtf?

They needs some good ol' homemade moonshine.

>> No.4844815

looks good but I just don't like the cherries added thing because I think it lowers the proof after bottling and takes up space that alcohol could be in

>Also got some autumn harvest smoked cheddar. Its pretty nice.

just opened my smoked gouda yesterday and it's amazing as expected

high proof doesn't make it moonshine

>> No.4844821

Sipping on a pint of St Peter's Cream Stout. It really is a meal replacement.

>> No.4844835

I almost picked up some moonshine, but it was quite expensive. Got some everclear instead.

>> No.4844841

They had a regular variety too but this lady swore by the cherry one and seemed to know what she was talking about, I went with it. I don't think it really lowers the proof man, it's still 100 proof which is more than enough for me.

I just popped it open and ate a cherry. It was......boozy. Judging from first impression I don't think I'm going to enjoy drinking this straight, its gonna have to mix. The smell and taste remind me of a headache, its like vodka or everclear. In college I used to get blackout drunk on cheap vodka and wake up feeling worse than a corpse, this is reminding me of those days.

Just first impression. Still haven't had a shot so we'll see later.

>> No.4844897

the first time I drank onyx I was really skeptical because I hate drinking high proof stuff

just haven an open mind before mixing it I guess

also the reason I said it might lower the proof is because I saw that printed as a disclaimer on the side of a bottle of alcohol that had cherries added to it

>> No.4845007

Yea, I'm keeping an open mind. I haven't dismissed sipping it straight though, for my first try I plan on having a straight shot of it. Just saying I don't think I'm going to like it that way. I got me some of that trader joe's pink lemonade and some of the lemon sparkling mineral water for if I need to mix it. Higher proof stuff kills me, I actually don't like the taste of alcohol at all, just the effects. I fucking love the taste of good beer though but don't like to get drunk on it.

Speaking of which.......that 61 minute dogfish is calling me right now........

>> No.4845102

Here....we........GO! Pouring and drinking first shot of the cherry shine. Wish me luck.

>> No.4845121

And the verdict is.......its actually good. Much better than the smell would indicate. There was some burn from the alcohol but not near as much as I was expecting from a 100 proof liquor. There was a good amount of sweetness for a liquor and it was somewhat syrupy feeling, it helps it go down easier though. Cherry flavor was decent, not really artificial tasting like I was afraid of.

Is bretty good straight, I think this stuff is going to be fucking amazing mixed with that lemonade though. No regrets, good stuff.

>> No.4845156

I'm dying to try this trader joe pink lemonade now

>> No.4845179

Sipping it mixed w the pink lemonade now. About two and a half shots of shine and topped off w the ice cold lemonade. And.......good god. I've found a new favorite drink. Never have I had a better liquor mixed with lemonade, and I'm a fan of vodka lemonade, sometimes with that marshino cherry juice mixed in. This just takes the drink to a new level and no need to add cherry juice.

The Trader Joes lemonade is legit, it is low calorie though. It still has the organic cane sugar as the main sweetener, but there is stevia in addition to it. I don't mind stevia but some hate it, so be warned. The one I get is in a plastic bottle unrefrigerated, there is another really good one in a cardboard carton in the cold juice section thats awesome, and not low calorie. Decent amount of lemon pulp too.