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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4831879 No.4831879 [Reply] [Original]

1. Vietnamese
2. Americanized Chinese
3. Thai
4. Korean
5. Japanese
6. Filipino
9001. Chinese

>> No.4831888

Thai is too spicy for my tastes, probably would switch that with Japanese

>> No.4831889


>> No.4831902

>vietnamese being overrated as usual

a bowl of broth and some rice noodles and uncooked steak is really nothing too special if you think about it...

>> No.4831914
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>In the bathroom at my favorite Vietnamese restaurant and walked in on the bartender and waiter smearing shit on the walls.
>make eye contact
>they wipe their hands with paper towels and then leave
>they didn't actually wash their hands
>leave the bathroom and tell friends we should leave
>as we exit, I see the bartender putting ice in glasses and squeezing lemons

>> No.4831927


There is more than pho to Vietnamese food, but I do know where you're getting at with how overhyped it is.

>> No.4831931

lel, those crazy gooks...

>> No.4831941

If I wanted to eat spicy pickled fish bones then I would just check myself into the looney bin instead

>> No.4831945

Thai >>>>>>>>>>> Everything else

>> No.4831963

>nearly 20% of the world's population eats shit food

okay bro

>> No.4831982

thanks for the laughs OP

>> No.4831999

Anyone who places Japan lower than #1, clearly hasn't had anything other than sushi.

Don't get me wrong, sushi is delicious, but it's only the tip of the Japanese culinary iceberg.

>> No.4832010

>shitty soups
>bento boxes

American Chinese should be #1.
>implying chow mein/fried rice/surf and turf/orange chicken combo from Panda Express isn't GOAT asian food.

>> No.4832577

For me it is:

Indian>>>Thai>Indonesian>Japanese>Vietnamese>Korean>>>>>>>Americanized Chinese

Haven't really had real Chinese or Filipino food

>> No.4832597
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Rank differs from day to day.

IT depends on what you had to eat previously, what happened during the day (e.g. stress, exercise), what you feel like.

Also how much drink you may have consumed the previous night.

Any permanent ranking is just plain ignorant faggotry.

>> No.4832611

Absolutely this. takoyaki, mentaiko spaghetti, and rice with furikake are god tier

>> No.4832618

Only thing I had was Americanized Chinese. Pretty good stuff. Yummy yummy.

>> No.4832630

I like Chinese and Japanese the best so they're #1

Fact. I am right.

>> No.4832675
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Wrong, doesn't matter what the fuck happened that day or what I drank last night, Indian food will always be my fav.

Leave your faggotry at the door

>> No.4832700

>culinary iceberg
>mirin, sugar, soyproduct
>90% of the dishes
Yeah, okay. Spend some time in Japan and realize how unvaried and boring their food is.

>> No.4832786
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1. thai - you can't even dispute

2. japanese - sushi, dumbass

3. korean - mmmm good.

4. burmese (never had authentic but i dig the curry recipes i've tried)

5. even cronkite's saying the war is un-winnable

6. americanized chinese

9001. chinese

i have never had flip cuisine. can't imagine it isn't pretty good though.

>> No.4832806
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Switch Vietnamese and Thai and you're in business.

>> No.4832833

>implying Uyghur cuisine isn't best

>> No.4832856

What about bulgogi?

>> No.4832860

man anyone hating on chinese in this thread can't deal with everything the cuisine has to offer.

Americanized chinese is a complex joke, we are in the back laughing at your round eyes and inability to eat anything that isn't fried and in a heavy sauce.

>> No.4832878

Its because they never really eaten Chinaman food

>> No.4832881

Spicey pickled fish bones? that is the most ignorant shit I've heard on /k/. Why don't you try actually eating some authentic korean food instead of going by some stupid shit you heard.

>> No.4832895

>CUCUMBER kimchi
>jaeyuk gui
>yaki mandu
>daeji bulgogi
>samgyeopsal gui
>implying any of this is spicy pickled fish bones

>> No.4832932

Korean is better than Vietnamese ... but an otherwise accurate ranking

>> No.4832959

>no Indonesian food
Fucking pleb

>> No.4832960

but this isn't /k/

>> No.4832964

Serious lack of Indonesian/Malay food.

Also, there's no 'Chinese' food. Every region has it's own cultural heritage. Szechuan differs from HongKong or Shanghai food as much as Middle-Eastern differs from Italian.

>> No.4832969
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>no India

>> No.4832975

For me it's
1. Japanese
2. Americanized Chinese
4. Thai
5. Korean
6. Vietnamese
7. Filipino
8. Chinese

Everything else I don't give a fuck

>> No.4832980

1. Indian
2. Thai
3. Persian
4. Southwest Chinese
5. Vietnamese
6. South Korean
90001. North Chinese
90000001. Japanese

Those are the ones I've had my fair share of.

>> No.4833092

filipino food is the most savage shit i've ever seen. that being said, fillipino girls are beautiful.

>> No.4833109


stop using all these words I don't understand. are you one of those hipsters who knows how to use the chop-sticks?

>> No.4833111

>one of those hipsters who knows how to use the chop-sticks

You mean a civilized person?

As a Dutchfag, Indonesian food has pretty much been a staple for me. You learn to use chopsticks more as a novelty than as a necessity, but you'll get the hang of it eventually.

>> No.4833114

>spent childhood in indonesia
>indo sister-in-law
>only ever used chopsticks for chinese food
why do white people think all asians use chopsticks?

>> No.4833115

why do white people act surprised to learn that ethnic Chinese live in a lot of places?

>> No.4833123

Like I said, as a novelty. At first, a lot of Indonesian food was still served in Chinese restaurants. Until this day, there are still lots of Cantonese-Indonesian restaurants.

>> No.4833125

God you guys are all faggots

1. Vietnamese
2. Thai
3. Indo-Malay (#1 would be Singaporean but that's unfair since they have 3 different cultures living inside)
4. Chinese/Taiwanese
5. Indian
6. Japanese
7. Korean

Vietnamese is number one because even though pho is great, it's banh mi that smashes every other Asian dish, not to mention fresh spring rolls, pork stirfry, and shitloads of other amazing mixes of food.

>ranking Japanese or Korean highly
I live in Japan and most of my food is foreign cuisine because Japanese cuisine is extremely bland and repetitive. It's not bad, but it's not creative at all. Korean is mostly spicy shit; I like bbq but it's pretty much the sushi/pho of Korea and does not excuse the rest of their fermented shit.

Chinese is amazing. Sweet and sour ribs, oyster sauce potatoes, chili rice, dan-dan mian, allll the dumplings, holy shit. Taiwanese is like a cleaner, city-boy version of Chinese and it's amazing, especially tea eggs, fried chicken, etc

>> No.4833137

i was with you until you mentioned panda express. i thought that shit only appealed to 5 year olds.

>> No.4833145

ethnic chinese (tionghoa) are all over indo, but most indo don't eat tionghoa food with chopsticks at all. mie/mi goreng is tionghoa, but it's not eaten with chopsticks. see?
the only foods eaten with chopsticks by indo are purely cantonese/chinese foods by recent immigrants and japanese foods that are very popular right now. everything else is with hands or fork or spoon.
the number of ethnic chinese or tionghoa in indonesia doesn't much matter. many americans are ethnically irish but don't know what colcannon is just as many indonesian who are ethnic chinese don't often use chopsticks. after many years and generations, most people of different ethnocultural background lose many parts of their original culture and adopt some parts of the culture of their new place of residence, creating a third culture that is something of a mishmash between the two, distinct from both.

>> No.4833154

1. chinese
2. thai
3. korean
4. viet
5. japanese

that's all I've had

>> No.4833270

Top tier:

OK tier:
Uighur Chinese

Shit tier:
American Chinese

>> No.4833352

Chinese is the easy #1.

>> No.4833356
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>breaking down chinese into a million different regions

r u avin a giggle m8

>> No.4833502

1. korean
2. thai
3. indian
4. philippino

u fucks know india is in asia right

>> No.4833527


Try picking up a book some time.

>> No.4833530

>Korean foods

Except for their BBQ, I find their foods kinda shitty.

>> No.4833680

Even gimbap, kimchi, and mumallaengi-muchim? Hell, most of the 'sides' are fucking delicious.

You're comparing all Korean food with jeotgal? Why not just use a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as a basis for comparing all American/European food?

>> No.4833716

Sushi is japanese.

>> No.4833757

Where in the entirety of my post did I say sushi?

>> No.4833758

Vietnamese food is godly

>> No.4833854

Bretty gud power ranks OP, however I'd drop flip food to 9000. Adobo taste like straight dookie and this filipino broad gave me some spaghetti one time and shit didn't taste right (lel, it also came with a fried chicken drumstick)

>> No.4834222

I'd place Korean at the top, personally.

>> No.4834237

Why would anyone eat Chinese food when haute cuisine exists?

You can't even pair a proper wine with half of that crap.

>> No.4834262
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>spaghetti with fried chicken

ahaha stop it

>> No.4834541

a hilarious amount of Korean cuisine includes kimchi or is based on it; a lot of non-kimchi food still rely on fermentation and/or chili. here's the thing: I hate kimchi. I'm a huge cuisine buff, love a lot of Asian food, come to love chili and quite a lot of strange products that just aren't common in the west, but I simply can't stand kimchi or anything that tastes like it. Somehow the entire peninsula thought it a grand idea to base their entire cuisine around kimchi. How can you have such a one-trick pony, especially when it tastes so fucking gross?

>> No.4834552
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The only people who say Korean food are better than Thai are those idiots who listen to K-pop. The height of Korean cuisine is actually Spam.

>> No.4834584

>Obviously never had Korean BBQ or Korean Fried Chicken

>> No.4834587

>The only people who say Korean food are better than Thai are those idiots who listen to K-pop.
>I've never listened to K-pop a single day of my life.

There is a lot of kimchi, but there is also a lot of foods that have NOTHING to do with kimchi.

>> No.4834596
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Delicious Korean food.

>> No.4834597

maybe so but kimchi is the quintessential food
that being said, I like bbq but that's about the only outstanding food in Korea and does not justify the entire cuisine, much of which is fermented, salted, chili garbage

>> No.4834602

Those are literally the only good things in Korean cuisine.

>> No.4834610

I got some of those nong shim shrimp crackers because someone here said they were good, if i wanted to eat rank pussy i would go to the dt eastside with 20 bucks

fucking gross korea what the fuck

>> No.4834617

>The height of Korean cuisine is actually Spam.
You know that 40,000 krw is only like, $35 usd, right? It's a luxury in Korea, but it isn't 'the height of Korean cuisine'.

>> No.4834622

>not liking stir fried chicken gizzards
>not liking kimchi jiggae
>not liking soy marinated crab
>not liking ox-bone soup
>not liking gimbap
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4834626

There's that kimchi again. Who knew they would be so proud of spicy fermented cabbage?

>> No.4834629
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That looks like sushi.

>> No.4834630

man, that just went over your head

>kimchi anything
>soy-marinated crab
I'll try it, but I have to wonder why they wouldn't put chili on the ONE thing that begs for it. Soy is extremely overdone and not that tasty on its own.
>ox bone soup
so watered down pho?
you mean sushi?

>> No.4834634

I had chili crab from a Chinese restaurant. It was tasty. Soy crab doesn't even sound good.

>> No.4834647

It looks like it, and is similar, but it's not the same. Sushi has vinegared rice for instance, gimbap doesn't. I've also never seen sushi with beef in it.

>Who knew they would be so proud of spicy fermented cabbage?
There are a lot of differnet types of kimchi. Cucumber kimchi and radish kimchi for instance. Neither of which have cabbage in them.

>you mean sushi?
No, gimbap. Gimbap and sushi are different things, though they have a similar appearance. Gimbap was inspired by sushi, but that doesn't make it sushi.

>> No.4834667

>I've also never seen sushi with beef in it.
You don't get out much.

>> No.4834671

I never said it didn't exist, only that I haven't seen it. Bulgogi gimbap is fucking delicious though.

>> No.4834695

Traveled extensively in asia

1. Chinese
2. Thai
3. Korean
4. Japanese
5. Viet
6. Americanized Chinese
9001. Flip

Flip food is greasy, bland, and full of organs and other things most people dont like. eg. chicarron bulaklak, bopis, balut, dinuguan, papitaan (goat bile soup wtf). All clases of flip eat this so you cannot say its just the poor people in the provinces.

only redeeming food they have is sisig and even that is made of pig faces

>> No.4834716

Koreans invented sushi.

>> No.4834717

>sisig and even that is made of pig faces
I initially read that is pig feces. But they're certainly not the only place to use use pig face.

>> No.4834723
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>> No.4834726

No, it wasn't. 'Sushi' originated in Southeast Asia, Korea is an East Asian country. It was also a vastly different dish back then, than it is now.

>> No.4834734

pretty much every Asian country has their equivalent of sushi, the only legitimacy is provided by the first country to have the international marketing power to claim it, and that's Japan, who also claims that yakiniku "is a post-war invention" even though they had claimed the entirety of Korea for the half-century prior to the war and ate their fair share of bulgogi as an imperial dish.

point is, no country should be claiming sushi as a dish unique to its cuisine. it's just Asian cuisine, not much else, like egg/spring rolls (and in some countries spring rolls ARE sushi)

>> No.4834740

Ridiculous. I don't think those brown people can make anything of worth that Koreans have to borrow from. Everything that is delicious is Korea's alone.

>> No.4834746

SNSD sucks
KARA sucks
T-ARA double-sucks
and particularly you suck

>> No.4834747

What in god's name are you talking about? In Japan, yakiniku is considered Korean.

>> No.4834750

Today, it commonly refers to a Japanese style of cooking bite-sized meat (usually beef and offal) and vegetables on gridirons or griddles over flame of wood charcoals carbonized by dry distillation (sumibi, 炭火) or gas/electric grill. In North America, mainland China and Taiwan, Yakiniku is also referred to as "Japanese barbecue"[10] while in Japan the origin has become a subject of debate, though it is conventionally considered to be Korean cuisine. In 2002 the NHK program NHK Ningen Kouza (NHK人間講座, literally NHK Humanity lecture) stated: "While some tend to think that yakiniku came from Korea, it was born in post war Japan."[11] Yet there are those who say that while yakiniku may have its beginnings in Japan, they believe it was first made by Korean Zainichi and should therefore be considered Korean cuisine.[12]

>> No.4834754

>while in Japan the origin has become a subject of debate, though it is conventionally considered to be Korean cuisine

That's was my point. What was YOUR point?

>> No.4834757

that means that a lot of people outside of Japan consider yakiniku Japanese, and many people inside Japan still insist it's Japanese. it's not like hamburgers which everyone agree to be western or soba which everyone agrees to be Japanese

>> No.4834762

If the flavoring has changed beyond recognition, then it can be considered Japanese cuisine since grilling meats is something everybody does not just Korea. At best it's Korean-Japanese cuisine.

>> No.4834763

(it hasn't)

>> No.4834775

>Yakiniku is a variant of bulgogi that has been modified by Zainichi Koreans to appeal to Japanese tastes.

Basically, it's just Korean grilling style with Japanese flavors.

>> No.4834882

Lol at rankings. Op must be white for thinking Chinese is anything but #1

>> No.4834919

Tfw when I am Thai and can't cook.

>> No.4834923

As long as you have a Thai mother that can teach you, it's ALLLL RIGHT.

>> No.4834941

I'm black nigga

>> No.4834946

Vietnamese #1 and only one!

>> No.4834978
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In all the world there are only two really great cuisines: the Chinese and the
French. China’s was created first, untold centuries ago, and is judged to be
the greater—when executed by superb chefs. It is the most complicated cuisine;
it uses ingredients no other employs; and it is distinctive in that, for the most
part, it is cuisine à la minute.
— James Beard, 1973

First time on /ck/ and this thread reeks of people who have never left their flyover states.

Lived in Asia for a few years and sichuan food is awesome. There is so much flavor that it can be overwhelming if you are used to eating more plain food. Definitely makes the dish more interesting.

Also, Xinjiang food is delivious too. Nothing like some good lamb barbecue.

>> No.4834984

>first time on /ck/

Get out and never come back.

>> No.4835001
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>> No.4835013


Sichuan is my favourite type of food.
Thinking about dining in Beijing is getting my cock hard

>> No.4835048

people have never been to asia with these types of lists.

First, wheres Singapore and Malaysia? They have some of the best food in the world. Ever heard of Penang? Food City mecca. Korean is too high. Its the same chili broth over and over again. I can name at least 5 cuisines higher than Korea in asia Alone

Real list should be this:


Japan should have a tier of their own, they are perfectionists.

>> No.4835060

>some recipe book selling, shit tier American chef
>thinks he knows wtf he is talking about

I like Chinese food but it is hardly sophisticated, and certainly not comparable to French cuisine.

>> No.4835077

I think people consider Singaporean food Chinese food.

>> No.4835138

I thought you were talking about people, not foods. but it matterzed not. and I know that sounds terrible. and everyone one should keep foods to liking. but just 'cause I like shepherds pie made with campbells soup (an yo shount't be donthat) i would not try to tell no one llse about Mex food excpt for one thing. and an breaking a vow masononic right. thahat is the most importint thing. and if you dont' know, you will. that babe hs potential. better than i. the color or colulr mateers not. try not to f-- um mess it up this time

>> No.4835153

>Singaporean food
>Chinese food

>> No.4835160

1. Cantonese Chinese
2. Singaporean
4. Vietnamese
5. Japanese

Love Asian food in general.

>> No.4835164

>Sichuan food
> coming from Beijing

Do you even chinarrr?

Aside from being an asshole there are some great Sichuan restaurants in Beijing, but the big city that takes the cake with it in the Sichuan region is Chengdu.

>> No.4835168

That kind of opinion is total bullshit for a number of reasons. It ignores the nature of shifting geographic, cultural, and class boundaries, which has forced to the exclusion and appropriation of cuisine. French culture is great for circular reasons; French were among the first to declare a culinary art rather than just to accept cuisine as what it is: preparing sustenance. Therefore French cuisine sets the bar, and whatever doesn't fit into that tight, subjective definition of not simply delicious but also artistic and culturally unique cannot be called a nation's fine cuisine.

Nevermind that France and China are both formed from the amalgamation of smaller states and cultures, they're "old" and therefore they can declare their cuisines as culturally unique and exquisitely varied.

>> No.4835175

This completely excludes the cuisine of newer nations such as America, where ethnic influence can be attributed to existing states in the remainder of the world since its establishment, and thus "putting a twist" on an older dish serves no value in creating a new dish; it is just an "Americanized form of X." So deep-dish pizza is just a bastardization of Italian cuisine, mufalettas and poboys (note the s, there is not just one poboy) are bastardizations of English sandwiches, the entire spectrum of Southwestern cuisine is a bastardized pull from Mexico even if you couldn't find any of that shit south of the border. And America, being a culturally liberal state, accepts its position as a "melting pot" and therefore refuses to accept its own cuisine as distinct to itself no matter how fucking fine it may be, American high chefs forever being forced to adopt titles of European and Asian cuisine no matter how much independent research they put into creating their own new works.

>> No.4835180

Meanwhile you have culturally conservative countries like Japan who the world doesn't bite the ass of, who constantly ignore their own ethnic heterogeneity and annex culturally anything they've been allowed to annex geographically. This allows them to append the title of Washoku, traditional cuisine, to anything formally referred to as Okinawan cuisine, despite the fact that they had their own kingdom into the 19th century and didn't become part of the Japanese empire until after fucking Woodstock (and 30 years of American control). This means that, the culinary gods be fucked, taco rice (yes, ground beef taco innards on rice instead of a tortilla, with salsa) is officially a Japanese dish. Look it up.

But no, bleu cheese avocado burgers are not American cuisine, and being fucking delicious does not qualify them as fine cuisine; they are bastardizations of German food with bastard condiments of France and Latin America smashed together. Eat a dick America.

>> No.4835182

If you're gonna justify, justify in term of complexity and reaching influence instead of 1 or 2 overhyped dishes reduced to being icons of an entire culture.

Vietfag here and personally our cuisine is alright, top 5 maybe. Pho is honestly meh. In term of flavor, it's the weakest of its class. The rest of our cuisines share a lot of similarity with our neighbors - Thai, Cambodia, Philippine and whatnot so its hard to stand one out from the others.

Corean BBQ is nice, but then that's it. Everything else about it summed down to pickle everything and fucking peppers. Japanese is plagued by that miso shit and goddamn sushi. Both are top 6 at best. India shares the same issue with Americanized Chinese, except it's the Britbong instead.

Chinese is without a doubt first of Asian. Americanized Chinese is debatable a blight but just put it this way, a cuisine so far reaching that it bored a subculture of itself cannot be anything less than first whether you like it not. It is also the most diverse due to its history as well as its richer demography.

tl;dr fucking weebs and kpopfags

>> No.4835183
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>There are people in this thread who never ate a Rendang before

>> No.4835184

1. Chinese home-cooked food
2. Chinese food in countries other than China (with a sufficiently large Chinese population)
9001. Chinese food in restaurants in China

Anybody who has actually been to China will know this.

>> No.4835185

So yes, Chinese cuisine is great. It's fantastic, in the same way that Asian cuisine is fantastic. In the same way that European cuisine is fantastic. In the same way that Latin American cuisine is fantastic. But not in the way that North American cuisine is fantastic, because there's no such thing. There are 1.3 billion people in mainland china with 56 ethnic groups and god knows how many fucking different languages, and that's not even including the nations of Greater China, all of which have conspired to create "Chinese food." And this "Chinese food" is greater than that puny bitch Korean food or Vietnamese food.

This way we can say that Chinese food is the best in the world. Because after all, look at how many amazing dishes belong to Sichuan, Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong, Guangzhou, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Ningbo, Taipei, Tainan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and California's Chinatown. It must be the greatest cuisine in the world, to have that many good dishes.

>> No.4835189

But pho is not the defining dish of Vietnamese culture. To me, Vietnam is defined by flavor-mashing, such as in amazing fucking banh mi sandwiches, and a number of various chicken, beef, pork, and miso sautees. Not to mention spring rolls, and some Chinese-influenced food. If pho is all you think of when you think of Vietnam, you've never actually eaten real vietnamese food.

>> No.4835191

>no Indonesian, which is the superior form of Sing and Malay food

>> No.4835194

A few days ago I saw a menu from a Korean restaurant. It had banh mi with kimchi in it. I don't know what to think.

>> No.4835199

Indonesian foods looks like shit and gross
Who'd want that thing

>> No.4835205
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Just got back from a trip to Sichuan. We ate fuqi feipian and some other Sichuan dishes at a few popular restaurants. The gf actually didn't really enjoy the dishes there. She said it tasted much better in Shenzhen and even in Seattle. And she is Sichuanese herself, family is from there and lived there for a while as a child.

>> No.4835207

Also, mcdonalds in Asia is so much fucking better. Well, at least the spicy chicken sandwiches are delicious.

>> No.4835211

Laos o_o. Thai/Laos?

>> No.4835216

popular restaurants?

man you gotta just go to some hole in the wall!
hope you don't get serious diarrhea, I for one eat yoghurt and have no issues

>> No.4835223

Well, I mean popular by the locals. Like people often go there for celebrations. Also I was in mianyang which has very little foreigners and was not even in the main downtown area so it was legit.

Yup, I got bad diarrhea. Ate at one of those barbecue type places and then went on a walk. Oh my god I almost passed out because I was clenching my ass so tight. Literally almost shit myself and the gf thought it was hilarious.

>> No.4835225

Speaking of the shits, have you seen people shit in public? I heard that's what the Mainlanders do.

>> No.4835236

adults don't do that but they let their babies pee/poop on the streets. It is disgusting but I think it will become way less common as the income level raises. The problem is that there are so many poor people from inland villages and the country has grown so fast. The coastal cities are usually pretty different than the rest of the country.

>> No.4835239

good on ya, the "laduzi" is a right of passage haha!

but don't let it hinder you from getting 新疆烧烤 it is too good to pass up
can confirm that as I live here in Shanghai when some gross farmer does some nasty shit like that even the Shanghainese stare at them with a disapproving face

>> No.4835241


>> No.4835501

People with good taste

>> No.4835540
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Including South Asia and Middle East:

1. Indian/Pakistani
2. Korean
3. Japanese
4. Lebanese
5. Vietnamese
6. Turkish
7. Malaysian
8. Thai
9. Chinese
10. Mongolian

>> No.4835547

Is it just that I go to budget thai restaurants, or do thai only use REALLY dry meat?

Or maybe their buddhist culture means they had little chance to develop meat dishes similar to japs?

>> No.4835551

>jap food
>not stolen form koreans and chinese just like everything else 'japanese'

>> No.4835559
File: 405 KB, 460x4545, chinese alchemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating chinese food in china

I'd like to live, thanks.

>> No.4835562

There's like a hundred different kinds of kimchi alone, why are you faggots talking like you're some expert in asian cuisine?

>> No.4835569

No it isnt you retarded piece of weeaboo shit.

>> No.4835583
File: 151 KB, 604x324, 0402_img01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to korea to attend world expo
>something like this for less than 20 dollars per person
>all these retards going 'but kimchi is too spicy for my faggot self ;_;'

>> No.4835679

no one implied that. it just tastes like backalley skank trash cunt juices

>> No.4835704

Learn to read fuckwit.

>> No.4835718


My fucking sides, even japs admit that their food is about looking pretty than taste, which is why they're pushing 'sushi' which isn't even their own food.

>> No.4835771

I will fight you.

>> No.4835921

Most people who 'don't like gizzards', haven't actually tried them.

>> No.4835934

Indonesian (parents from Java, I grew up on this shit)

>> No.4835944

Imo Korean cuisine is the lowest tier, it's had the least amount of time to develop out of all the Asian cuisines. That's not to say they don't have amazingly delicious dishes, or food, but the dishes they haven't been refined or as varied as to their other Asian variants.

>> No.4836117
File: 129 KB, 500x621, What the FUCK am I reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese behind Korean.

>> No.4836420

Why do people overrate Korean food? Its probably the least varied of all Asian cuisines.

Japan can be very tricky. Its traditional food is meh, but they are high on the spectrum when it comes to restaurants

>> No.4836534


>> No.4836545

>Why do people overrate Korean food?
Taste is subjective. You thinking it is overrated, could very easily be underrated to someone else.

>> No.4836552

I really do think Korean food is the shittiest of all the Asian food.

>> No.4836565

It has to do more with the pop culture more than the palate of others.


>> No.4836569

viet is probably the best because of the heavy french influences on it

it's also a lot more light and balanced tasting than most asian food

>> No.4836685


Cantonese Chinese
Japanized Indian

South Indian
Malaysianized Indian
Sichuan Chinese
North Indian



>> No.4836718

I live in Vancouver where there's Asian food and nothing else. So from all the cuisines I had here, my favourite ones are all SEA.

>God Tier
>Great tier
>Edible tier
>Tastes like fermented ass tier

I tried Cambodian food only once, it was good, a simple curry meal, but I can't judge their cuisine like the other ones which I have all the time. I don't think I ever had anything from Laos yet, I'm planning on visiting that region in 2 years so that will change.

>> No.4836725


SNDS isn't even a part of pop culture outside of Korea.

>> No.4836734

>It has to do more with the pop culture
It really doesn't. I don't even know what SNSD is, and I don't like gangnam style. I don't know anything about their pop culture, and yet, I love Korean food.

>> No.4836735

I wish I could try all of these, but I live in a shit country. I like chinese so far and I don't want to try japanese, because it's full of fish and spicy things, both of which I don't eat.

>> No.4836746

I have fellow anon. I was in Malaysia for a bit. Shit was amazing with Nasi Lemak

>> No.4836762


>Doesn't eat fish or spicy things.

Have fun in your little box.

>> No.4836783

I'm not a picky eater, I'm just vegan. (yes, make fun of me to prove everyone you really have a penis)
And spicy things hurt me. (yes, I'm even more of a pussy now and I really don't care)

>> No.4836792

I just had Bun Bo Hue. It was great.

>> No.4836804

>I'm not a picky eater
>I'm vegan
Pick one.

>> No.4836819

Being picky means that you don't like the taste of any food. The food I eat is by far more diverse than the food of most meat eaters.

>> No.4836831

Being picky means you won't eat certain foods. Nothing specifies it has to be about taste. Many people are picky because they don't like the TEXTURE of foods, has nothing to do with taste. "Picky eater" is a broad spectrum, covering more than just a dislike of certain tastes.

Diversity is irrelevant in your pickiness. Many people who are picky eaters due to taste, also have diverse diets.

>> No.4836835
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x1600, Groceries 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The food I eat is by far more diverse than the food of most meat eaters.
By "the vast majority of meat eaters", I assume you mean buffet gorging McDonalds breakfast lardasses.

Plenty of meat eaters have a very diverse diet.

>> No.4836841

>buffet gorging McDonalds breakfast lardasses.

At the risk of rendering myself unclean by touching one of these loathesome "omnivores vs vegetarians" discussions, I have to say I like this phrase.

>> No.4836847

I honestly have nothing against vegans, one of my closest friends is a vegan. But claiming it isn't being a picky eater is silly.

>> No.4836851

Well, what's the problem then? I don't hurt anyone, I eat diversely and a lot of different foods, why would I still "live in a box"?
Kind of. Most people I know aren't that much into McDonalds, but rather prepare their own greasy (mostly deep fried) meat or eat at other restaurants (all of which have the same bland tiny menu where I live). And all they eat is meat only, except a few shitty carbs. But still, the same people are accusing me of not eating anything. (not pointing at you, but specifically those actual picky people)
I literally don't know one person (that is not a vegetarian) who eats diversely.

>> No.4836852

>Well, what's the problem then?
Nothing. All I said was that it IS picky.

>> No.4836855

>Chinese food at the bottom.
Get some Szechuan, you mongrel.

>> No.4836856

>Kind of. Most people I know aren't that much into McDonalds, but rather prepare their own greasy (mostly deep fried) meat or eat at other restaurants (all of which have the same bland tiny menu where I live). And all they eat is meat only, except a few shitty carbs.
Sounds like a regional issue. It's good to know that you feed yourself well though, most strict vegetarians and vegans I have met do not.

>I literally don't know one person (that is not a vegetarian) who eats diversely.
Fucking pity. They need to learn how to prepare their own food.

>> No.4836857

Lebanese food is Turkish food. Lebanon is a former Ottoman state!

Indian and Pakistani food is not interchangeable! North Indian and Pakistani perhaps but not the whole freaking country.

>> No.4836859

Indonesian in the best Asian food. I want some rendang and satay now. Get out of the Netherlands and come to Canada!

>> No.4836861

I don't really like Pad Thai.
It's okay, but I've never really been WOWED by it.
I haven't tried any other thai food.
Anything good I should try since it's so highly recommended?

>> No.4836863

Thank you for not being an asshole. Are you even allowed on 4chan?

>> No.4836864

Cooking bun bo hue right now.

Thai food is really good, assuming you take the extra steps like in Indian food and do things like toast the spices, roast the meat before stewing, use only fresh ingredients, etc.

>> No.4836872

I'm a line and swing cook. I got all the asshole out of me this weekend while throwing shit and cursing.

Been on 4chan since there was a zero bomber on the front page and there was... 4 or 6 boards? Been a long time, I was just getting out of high school.

I really don't like that you're vegan, though I'm perfectly fine with you being vegetarian. It's a funny efficiency thing. But I'm also not going to berate you for your choices, especially if you're happy with them and surviving, and not trying to take the high pedestal because I eat a small amount of meat most days.

Thank you for being a reasonable vegetarian/vegan.

>> No.4836880

topkek. didn't even bother to read anything else

>> No.4836884

I'm not sure it's Thai or Lao (could be Lao... could be Isan IE from Thailand...) but chicken in fish curry is a favourite of mine. I can't even remember the proper name, but it's basically red curry paste blitzed with tinned fish-in-oil (usually tuna) and padaek/plara stir-fried to fragrant, then cut up chicken is added and stir-fried before it's filled with light coconut milk and simmered.
Sour curry is also good. It's usually based on pork riblettes and has pineapple in it.

>> No.4836885

holy shit bro you know about uyghurs??

>> No.4836890


Why do people on 4chan with a basic level of knowledge of the world always act like everyone else on 4chan must be completely ignorant and illiterate?

>> No.4836891

Because he's a cunt who thinks he's better than others.

>> No.4836897

Maybe he is. I know I'm better than some other people. No doubt you're better than some other people, too.

>> No.4836898

Why are people saying OP should try Szechuan food to see that Chinese food is good. There's good food all over China. Dim sum, peking duck, pulled noodles, braised pork belly, char siu, all the different meat buns, there's no more varied cuisine in the world. It's all good except for their desserts.

>> No.4836901

No he isn't.

>> No.4836902

Thanks, evil Mr. Rogers.

>> No.4836935

If Korean food is in your top 3 then you're Korean or Koreaboo.

>> No.4836939


Both Malaysian and Singaporean are just as diverse. Indian, Chinese, Native are a big meltting pot in those places. Mexico is pretty diverse too

>> No.4836944

Which Chinese food won't make you sick like in: >>4835559?

>> No.4836946

Thai #1

Not even a contest.

>> No.4836947

see a doctor, /ck/ is not interested in your medical issues

>> No.4836953

I think you mean eat bird's nest. It has magical healing properties.

>> No.4836964

Singaporean cuisine isn't even from Singapore. I mean, some aspects are, but it's like a fusion of everything from the region, with a big influence from India.

I don't think Malay and Singaporean are as diverse. They're great cuisines but I think China has a lot more cooking techniques and different kinds of ingredients not available in the year-round hot countries. Plus China has muslim food out west as well, there's a great restaurant in my city that does cumin lamb noodles and it's an amazing dish that doesn't taste like anything you'd think Chinese food would be like.

I don't think Mexican is as diverse as Chinese cause the Chinese will literally eat anything, they're more creative with the ingredients. I like Mexican food but to me most of their dishes have a similar tone to them.

>> No.4836977

I kinda worded it incorrectly with the Muslim part. Obviously Malaysia/Singapore have a big muslim influence too. I just wanted to say that because China is so big that there are different food influences depending on the region. Where in most western cities, even the more "authentic" restaurants only show one or two regions that most people are accustomed to. I live in a city with a huge Asian population so I can get these kinds of noodles I mentioned in the other post.

>> No.4836993

See now this is where you're wrong. the kind of Chinese food you're talking about may taste good as soul food, since taste is objective anyway, it's considered poor people or snack food. The kind of food that you see in Chinese restaurants is what a middle to upper class Chinese family would eat. Although I agree that most of the time perfectly good ingredients get left out since western people don't like them, thus creating what you would call "Americanized Chinese".

Pretty sure /k/ has said some more ignorant shit than that.

>> No.4837014

What is so interest about Thai food? And what kind of Thai dishes would you recommend?

>> No.4837027

Dat Shit looks really good
Fuck you for making me hungry

>> No.4837032

Their curries are really good. If you're new to Thai food get a red or green curry or a pad-thai, I feel like those are entry level dishes. Then try some of their soups, the famous papaya salad or Massaman curry(which was the #1 dish in 2011 CNN poll of world's 50 most delicious foods).

>> No.4837033

I find Thai curries to be more elaborate and balanced compared to their Indian counterparts (spice overload). Try their fish in tamarind sauce or curries such as massaman or penang curries. Also try their tom kha ,which is basically a coconut soup, and their mango salad

Don't eat pad th

>> No.4837037


that list is shit, putting shit fajitas in the list whereas discarding real mexican food such as Mole or Chiles en Nogada

>popcorn in list


>> No.4837043

mad spic detected

CNN is objectively shit though.

>> No.4837045

Popcorn is a great food though. But yeah, I do agree that the list is kinda meh.

I actually prefer the penang curry to massaman.

>> No.4837493

>If Korean food is in your top 3 then you're Korean or Koreaboo
Nope and nope. Hell, I found out today that Korea is not where I thought it was. Thought it was quite a bit further south. Honestly, I think I was thinking of Vietnam. Damn shame, and quite embarrassing. But there you go.

>> No.4837496

>mongolian not #1
>american chinese not #2
>japanese and thai can be 3 and 4
>the rest need to remove from the list

>> No.4837541

Being raised in Beijing, I can say that though streetfood are mostly unsafe and poor in quality and taste, upclass restaurant Chinese food in China are some of the most filling and hearty meals I've had in my life. Sichuang food in particular is delicious, and I'm grateful that I can have it on a regular basis, since my mother is from there.

>> No.4837581 [DELETED] 

>Americanized Chinese

>> No.4837791

uh, that's Japanese. I can clearly read the writing.
that's also how much of Korean cuisine works as well.

>> No.4837793

>Singaporean cuisine isn't from Singapore
>it's just a fusion

>> No.4837833

>mongolian #1
... Have you been? I've been. Spent a semester in Ulaanbaatar. The food is the least flavourful. Boiled this. Burnt that. Spices are nearly nonexistant. Everything is soured.
Oh! Here're some friendly and tasty-looking dumplings! Eat up, Anon!
It's stuffed with goat mince, onions, yoghurt and milk vinegar, no salt.
That's another thing. Milk vinegar. I've never even encountered or heard of this anywhere else, but they ferment milk into wine and sometimes, when the milk wine sours, they make it into vinegar. It's awful. Just atrocious.
Boiled goat with no spices. Roast horse with no spices. Boiled vegetables with no spices. It's the worst.
Mongolian Chinese and Mongolian Korean food is pretty good, though. I had Korean-style hot pot there that was nummy.

And Mongolians don't have last names and a common name there translates into English as "I have no name." Weird fucking place.

>> No.4837835

I-i am actually an indonesian living in toronto

>> No.4837843

If you have really traveled 'extensively', you should've tried Philippine's Bulalo, Sinigang, Lechon and Adobo. These are the only asian foods i can think off my head that can compete to Japan/Korean foods.

1. Japan
2. Korean
3. Filipino
4. Viet
901. Everything else tastes the same

>> No.4837848

put viet at under indian and it's a good list, japan has bland food, and korea is a cheap copy of japan, no matter what weeabos think, bahnmi is overrated

>> No.4837852

>banh mi is overrated
no, it's greatly underrated. it's an extremely creative blending of flavors and textures sold at an extreme value. if you think it's overrated, you've probably only ever had that 10 dollar california garbage

>> No.4837854
File: 21 KB, 400x257, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flyoverland people think beef stir fried with onions and sriracha is "mongolian" food.

I wish I was making this up

>> No.4837857

Not that person, but I grew up in Pagudpud. Outside of those four things and a few others (batchoy, for example, which is made of fuckwin as is Pinoy miso), Filipino food is pretty bad, sad to say.

Also, I don't know what you're talking about. Indonesian food doesn't taste at all like Burmese or Thai food and Khmer cooking doesn't taste like any of the various Chinese cuisines, either.
I'm all for generalisations when they're apt, but this one just isn't.

>> No.4837858

Y... you're kidding...? Right? Why would they think that?! Sriracha as known in the West is an American thing, not even remotely Mongolian considering its origins are in SEA.
Also, what is your pic a pic of? I can't make it out, sorry.

>> No.4837970

We know why you don't like Filipino food because you're probably an entitled bitch who never really tried their culture.

Although personally:
2. Mainland Chinese
3. Japanese
4. Viet
5. Korean

>> No.4837973


Filipino food is only enjoyed by actual Filipinos nostalgic for their homeland, and white people pretending to like it so they can seem moar authentic.

>> No.4838007

Massaman curry is a good training curry since it is a Thai dish influenced by India. I am fond of green curry and grilled pork neck though

>> No.4838016 [DELETED] 

Of course I have tried those. They fall under the are western friendly sure. They just don't taste that good. Compared to Thai or Indonesian they are bland.

Go eat some daing for breakfast and tell me how awesome flip food is.

it isn't

>> No.4838020


I lived in Manila for 3 months (Not Makati/ or Fort Bonfacio). I have tried their culture. Didn't like it.

>> No.4838022

Of course I have tried those. They are western friendly sure. They just don't taste that good. Compared to Thai or Indonesian they are bland.

Go eat some daing for breakfast (Iike most flips do) and tell me how awesome there food is.

it isn't

>> No.4838027
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>9001. Chinese
I know this is bait but fuck you

>> No.4838041


Your post makes me think you are stupid. Who on earth eats bopis or papaitaan having not first had fucking adobo.

Go fuck yourself


>> No.4838042

>Everything else > Japanese

Lived in Japan for two years and I officially think the Japanese have no taste buds. Everything is either bland or sweet. There's no diversity.

Weaboos make me cringe when they think pocky and instant ramen is god tier.

>> No.4838176

Its true, Basically all Japanese foods is mirin , dashi , miso and soy sauce. some ginger at times too.

Their broths are shit too, nothing compared to a complex pho or thai coups

>> No.4838248

Vietnamese is probably the best. If by "American Chinese" you mean mango chicken, then that should be on the bottom of the list. I've never even had Filipino food, what is it like? Also Thai food is pretty good

>> No.4838545
File: 89 KB, 600x360, dinuguan1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a Flip, I like dinuguan, but there's quite a variety for that dish.

1. Japanese
2. Korean
3. Thailand
4. Vietnamese
5. Chinese

Daing is awesome with vinegar.

Pork, lots of pig crap for starters. I think there's a correlation with poor health and Philippine cuisine.

>> No.4838699

1. Thai
2. Korean
3. Vietnamese
4. Indonesian/Malay
5. Japanese
6. Sichuan chinese, Singaporean
7. Other authentic chinese, Japanese
>9001 American Chinese

Also if Indian food counts as Asian that would be #1 for sure.

>> No.4838764

Korean is too high, the food is not complex or varied to be a top asian cuisine, which is considered the best place to eat food in the world.

>> No.4838822

American Chinese

These are the only things I've had, so I can't comment on anything else.

>> No.4839362

lumping cambodian food with laotian food
>pleb detected

>> No.4839933

>look at photo
>hey that looks decent
>google dat shit up
>obvious wikipedia is obvious
>a Filipino savory stew of meat and/or offal (typically lungs, kidneys, intestines, ears, heart and snout)
>"snout" is not on my list of usable ingredients
>along with "uterus" and "testicles" and "ears" and "anal glands"
>close window
>flip food, never again

>> No.4840038

Kind of.

Where in Manila? Did you live in the areas near the slums? All of the food there suck by the way since it's made with the cheapest ingredients for the bottom of the barrel people.

Try living in the northern provinces, Cebu and other Visayan provinces and down south in Mindanao.

There's too much to offer but of course you'd need to take detours. Not one place can make it properly without being authentic. It's like comparing NY style pizza made in Oregon or Wisconsin.

>> No.4840041

Picky eaters are the scum of the earth.

>> No.4840043

>pussy entitled person thinking people should waste parts of a slaughtered animal just because it's disgusting
Thanks for wasting food.

Being another Flip/Jap that toured quite a lot of countries in SEA, you should switch Chinese and Korean unless the only Chinese food you had are the bastardised versions of our fastfood/family restaurants here in the Philippines.

Way, way different.

>writes Japanese twice
>lists Korean as high

>> No.4840397

>lists Korean as high
As many people have.

>> No.4840466

Many also said Korean food sucks. One guy above even wrote Korea high on the list when he meant Vietnam.

>> No.4840655

South Indian
North Indian

>> No.4840671

>One guy above even wrote Korea high on the list when he meant Vietnam.
I'm the anon that wrote that, and that isn't what I said OR meant. What I was saying is that I knew so little about Korea, that I didn't know where it was. But Korean food is still at the top of my list. The post I was responded to was saying that the only people who really love Korean food, are either Koreans, or Koreaboos. I think if I was a Koreaboo, I would know where Korea is.

>> No.4840683

>ranking food

this is why /ck/ is shit

>> No.4840747

Okay, I must have my say in this.

Everyone has different opinions.

My list is this:

It could be that I am half Laotian, but I really love it. Tam mak teng, jao mak lien, larb, sticky rice... deliciousnesssssssssssssssss.

Cannot beat padek (fermented fish gutsssss)

>> No.4840806

Nigga, that shit would be indelible if you did not fry it,and cover it in gravy. Of course you are a know nothing shitdick just spouting off at the mouth. 4/10 for the reply. You see, these "Chinese" resturants are fucking filthy, and take shortcuts left and right. Ever see a refrigerated truck deliver food to one of these places? Nope. They buy that food thats been 3 or 4 times frozen. To cut some corners. Hence drowning that shit in goo.

>> No.4840817

I got some on my hand in 2011, and I still can't get it off.

>> No.4840819

this is man children from /sp/ invading /ck/

>> No.4840831

5.Americanized Chinese

9001. Vietnamese (the only good shit they got going for them is pho, i don't even eat pho so fuck their cuisine.)

>> No.4840837

Do you even Bahn mi? Do you even rice paper rolls?

>> No.4840838


everyone is sick of listening to your lies...go to bed or better yet find a new board.

>> No.4840842

Leave him alone faggot.

>> No.4840848

SHITTY, i have tried that crap and it is crap, overhyped, and this is from real vietnamese people plenty of time

>> No.4840891

Bahn Mi is disgusting... i cannot stand that flavor on the meat. I do like other dishes though

>> No.4840904

>people listing korean


this aint kpop

>> No.4840933


your response confirms my impression that people who hate chinese food do not know it well.

>> No.4840946

1. Indian
2. Malaysian
3. Thai

>> No.4840971

Best tier
1. Most Middle Eastern Cuisine
>Dat Baba ganoush, dem kebabs, Dat Pita Bread, Dat Palau.
2. Japanese
>Dat Takoyaki, Horishima Okonomiyaki, Shabu Shabu, Katsudon, ohhyess, you can get rid of sushi and everything would still be amazing
3. Korean
>Dem Spice, dat bibimbap, dat shamgeopsal, it's so close to Japanese but Korean is just a lot sweeter and uses too much sesame oil for my taste

Really good tier
4. Filipino
>Mexican+Asian, ohyizz.Chicken Adobo and Tapsilog or whatever you call it. And that suckling pig? ohlawd
5. Indian
6. Thai
>Chicken Satay with Peanut sauce and Sriracha, ohlawdddd

It's ayt tier
7. American Chinese
>compow chicken, orange chicken, fortune cookies
8. Viet
>It's like Thai and Chinese but less flavor
9. Malay/Indonesian
>Kinda like Filipino but not even close

9001. Chinese

>> No.4840990

>korean BBQ
>Peking Duck
>korean BBQ
>korean BBQ
>......korean BBQ

Im half korean and literally grew up on authentic korean food. It's true that alot of our food is fermented/picked....but it's still damn good. Peking duck is very tastey but my Family can't stand it. Pho is good, but only with tendon and a nice bunch of thai basil, I cant stand hosin sauce though.

>> No.4840997

My indian friend im letting squat at my place brought his moms mutton over....Goat is so underrated...

>> No.4841000

Only think i cringe at is the anal glands, but everything else seems okay to eat.

>> No.4841018

It's just like this:

You like kimchi? Korean goes high.
Doesn't like kimchi? Korean goes middle.
Only like bbq? Korean goes low.

As much as I like their food, I don't think it deserves a higher spot than Thai and Chinese.

>> No.4841024

Chicken anus is one of my most favorite foods when prepared correctly.

>> No.4841047

>prepared correctly,

I feel like this is the most important part, I've expressed anal glands before andddddd it's not something appetizing.

>> No.4841051

>prepared correctly
Just clean it before prepping. That's the only thing you need to do exactly.

>> No.4841640
File: 275 KB, 1600x1200, dimsum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real chinese is getting shit on.
>no mention of cantonese
>even mentioning american chinese.

dim sum, my dudes. wtf.

honorable mention: malaysian / singapore.

>> No.4841892

There are so many different types of Chinese food so you can't really judge it properly.

>> No.4841894

1.Japanese (love sushi)
4.Americanized Chinese

I really don't know much about asian cuisine and the only time I was near real chinese food was where they were cooking chicken feet and I was gagging at the smell

>> No.4841981

> i cannot stand that flavor on the meat
which flavor is this? you know there's more than one meat configuration for banh mi
in fact, some banh mi have no meat at all

>> No.4842457

> Malaysian/Singaporean cuisine
Mah nigga. Born and raised in Singapore, never disappointed with our food.

>> No.4842464

Aren't your foods just Chinese dishes with Malay or Indian sprinkled in? What are native Singaporean foods?

>> No.4842465



>> No.4842729

Can OP please delete this irrelevant picture?


>> No.4842919


that is a great photo.

cantonese cooking is the strongest. I'm going to hong kong to visit fam next year and i am probably just going to eat shellfish till i puke

i think actual chinese food is still too much for some people who haven't been exposed to it. My girlfriend went out for yum cha with some friends and it was pretty much only dumpling dishes that were 'safe' and familiar, everything else in their minds was some crazy weird shit.

when my gf ordered a plate of greens w/oyster sauce they were both just like "what is this? have you had it before? how do you make it?"

so whenever i see people shit on chinese food on this forum, i used to get kind of mad. now i just assume they're the kinda people that dunno what kai lan is.

>> No.4843271


this actually taste really good :)

>> No.4843275


soy crab is freaking rice stealer >:)

so fucking delicious with rice

the strong taste of soy and crab harmonizes well with the soft and fortifying taste of steamed rice

ahhh i want some now :(

>> No.4843799

yea I don't get this shit, why are westerners so adverse to real Chinese food even when they consider other Asian cuisine "safe"? most of the essential ingredients in Chinese cuisine are soy (albeit often dark soy), five spice, oyster sauce, plum sauce, chili, honey or maltose, and cooking wine, none of which should be seen as an alien ingredient

most Americans don't even know sweet and sour fish exists. OH MAN THAT MUST BE SOME CRAY CRAY RICE NIGGER SHIT no you fuck it's made with the same shit you can find in any godamn Wal-Mart and no worse than the sweet and sour diarrhea sauce you buy at every fucking wing shop and mcdonald's anyway

>> No.4843827

I live in Malaysia, and I've traveled all around south-east asia.
Yeah, Malaysia has great cuisine but a lot of it is in due part to the cultural melting pot. Same with singapore, it's bona fide fusion cuisine at most points. Still won't turn down a great rendang at any nasi kandar stall.

For me, nothing beats Thai Cuisine. As much as I love the depth and variation found in Chinese cuisine, holy fuck, thai food done well is god tier.

>> No.4843830

>order vegetables
>"what's this?"
>gf confirmed for typical amerifat

>> No.4843832
File: 159 KB, 641x760, marshawn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Steak Pho
2. Vietnamese Crepe (yellow with steak and shrip and other stuff)
3. Pork Sandwich
4. Iced Coffee
9001. Spring Rolls

>> No.4843835

Also one thing that's overrated as fuck out here in Malaysia? Laksa.
Went to one of the most well-reputed laksa places in all of Penang with some of my friends, and god did it make my stomach turn. Like I could barely finish one mouthful.
Fucking Laksa.

>> No.4843853

Oh shit nigga. Dat pork sammich.
I never knew I could love a cheese free sandwich, but I do. With those little pickled carrots. And the pate. And cramming it full of bean sprouts.

>> No.4843865

who needs cheese when the mayo has that much fucking butter

>> No.4843867

I wasn't sure it was even mayo, I thought it was creamed heaven.

>> No.4843895

it's blubbery, buttery magic

>> No.4844891

Vietnamese style coffee is GOAT

>> No.4844945

You're right, I looked it up, shit sounds horrible. I was thinking of American-Mongolian BBQ

>> No.4844988

OP is right about "real" Chinese food. That shit taste like straight doo doo.

>> No.4844989

the fuck doe, szechuan food is fantastic

>> No.4845360

Seeing Anthony Bourdain's show in Vietnam really makes me want to visit some day. I recall him saying that it was his favorite country when it came to food and lifestyle

>> No.4846634

He says that every time.

He's said about Singapore, Malaysia. Baja and so on.

>> No.4847829

Cantonese Dim Sum ------------------------------------> other Asian cuisines

>> No.4847908


nahh nahhh i cook for my girlfriend a lot so she has good knowledge of asian greens. she is kinda chubby tho but i like that :3


I'm glad someone feels the same way. Still 100% sure it comes down to people being averse to gelatinous mouthfeel.

I fucks with slippery textures all day long. Should probably start a thread where people explain why they don't like chinese cooking and then all of the chinese assumptions about the western palate continue to prove themselves right in front of my eyes

>> No.4847954

Why is a nigger comparing Asian food?

>> No.4847959

There are literally lines of people waiting to buy these from vendors in china!

>> No.4847962

Spic food?
Get out you filthy pleb. Don't you dare even rank that shit as Asian. Filipinos are probably the nastiest cousins of Asians. You sick fuck. Fucks wrong with you spic lover?

>> No.4847987

>thai not at #1
Shit list

>> No.4847993

open a restaurant! i know of none in the gta

>> No.4848004

i was in sampoloc and also spent a few weeks in cagayan de oro... so i've seen the provices

got to say you do chicken well.

lechon manok and inasal are what filipinos should (but don't) export as their national foods

>> No.4848021

Putting Korean in top 3 is an insult. One region alone in China can hold its own against Korean cuisine.


The street food culture in Korea sucks and this is coming from a half-gook

>> No.4848041

ITT white people talking about shit they know nothing about

can't wait for this thread to 404

>> No.4848088

>Putting Malaysian but no Indonesian
fucking scums