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4831190 No.4831190 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people have food allergies and problems these days?

Everywhere I go its 'muh gluten' or 'muh blood sugar' or they'll die if they eat nuts or whatever.
Are people evolving?
..or is nature trying to kill off the people with weak genetics?

I have nothing against these people. Its just that sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who can eat whatever I want without some sort of issue.

>> No.4831199

I think a large portion is people being scared by the media into thinking something is wrong with them.
Theres always something new thats gonna kill you or your children or increase your risk of something or other.
Big pharma's gotta sell them pills somehow.

>> No.4831198

I think it's due to the way most food is processed these days. Things like gluten intolerance, or allergies to corn and or soy can probably chalked up to the fact they're in virtually every processed food item, and with over exposure to something, it's sometimes possible for people to develop allergies to said food items.

Adaptation is in full effect. It's natures way of getting our bodies to say "hey, stop putting that shit inside of me".

>> No.4831204

because their parents sanitized and protected them from everything, not exposing them to enough allergens and shit when they were babies.

>> No.4831203

Over protective mothers are to blame for this trend and the gluten free thing is due to obesity as well which comes from the parents poor decisions of eating to much. Remember my friend who carried around this anti germ gell and always sick and very fragile person. His mother was this "germophobe" and well he was kept in this bubble.

>> No.4831209

No the gluten thing is obesity

Allergies are caused by not having exposure at an early age

>> No.4831211
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I have this one customer at work who carries this huge bottle of hand sanitizer in her purse and squirts that shit constantly, literally whenever she touches something
>touches a can of corn
>squirt, rub
>touches money
>squirt, rub
>touches the shopping cart
>squirt, rub
>touches the bags carrying her groceries
>squirt, rub
Its fucking surreal

>> No.4831212

To add to this, many womens gut flora is way out of whack because of ubiquitous pharmaceuticals like birth control, or they use those hand sanitizers and antibiotics like they're candy. And when the women do end up having children, they transfer their fucked up flora to their offspring. It's a very vicious cycle.

>> No.4831213

>Grow up poor
>Relatively dirty, but still bathe
>Parents die of drug overdose when I was eight
>Have to think for myself more
>Stop washing
>Eat food off floor
>Live uncleanly
>Gluten gives me stomach cramps and flakey skin, and dairy fucks my stomach up


>> No.4831218

I think it's a problem with American households since Europeans do not have this weird this hand sanitizer culture.

Yes I know the feels of a co-worker who lathers herself with that shit

No, it's mostly parents keeping children in a bubble household. My nephew never ever ever leaves the house without the mothers permission . They live outside of the city and he is not allowed to do anything? Pussfied men are made like this and makes then limp writested in the future

>> No.4831220

women don't birth babies out of their assholes so their gut flora has little to do with it.

there is however a theory that the increasing number of caesareans has something to do with allergies being on the rise because babies aren't exposed to natural microbes on their way through the birth canal or something.

>> No.4831227
File: 251 KB, 734x950, Emperor_of_Mankind_by_genzoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be that gross little kid that eats dirt and bugs and everything else
>constantly dirty and skinned knees
>always getting cut and scraped and scabs everywhere
>hardly ever washed my hands
>20 years later
>god like immune system
>never get sick
>cast iron stomach
Some people just get lucky, I guess.
Feels good, heretic.

>> No.4831230

Nope. It's a well documented fact that babbies begin to develop the colonies of their internal bacteria, in vitro, and they develop it by inheriting it from their mothers. If the mothers flora is bad, the babby is starting out with a terrible deal of cards.

>> No.4831232
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But maybeee

>> No.4831235

It's both natural and the mothers genetic traits that causes these limp wrist children in the first place. The way we treat children now is kinda scary never leaving the house always cleaned from impurities

>> No.4831234

>hurrdurr spanking kids is bad
Fuck off Louis. You're not funny.

>> No.4831237

It is the information age. There's always been people with allergies who have managed them easily enough. Yet, because it is the information age, we can instantly see how many people there are and listen to them online. Int he 1980s, barely anyone had such information at their fingertips so allergies were "uncommon", yet they weren't really uncommon at all.

>> No.4831250

>because their parents sanitized and protected them from everything, not exposing them to enough allergens and shit when they were babies.

The "hygeine hypothesis" has been kicking around since the '80s, as to why autoimmune diseases, allergies, leukemia, autism, aesthma, eczema and other diseases worsened in industrialized countries but not more impoverished developing countries.

For some of these health issues, animal lab studies and human surveys have been supportive, while for others it hasn't. Food allergy studies haven't supported the theory well, and while it's still a possible explanation for some allergies, there are quite a few very different theories. The hygeine hypothesis alone shouldn't be presented as the single factor, or even necessarily an important factor, in the rise of food allergies in recent years.

>> No.4831264

Suburb schools have strict bans on several foods because of serious outbreaks amongst the students and had to call their local physician. It's bad in those area but these black school areas those problems do not exist and do you know why? Even at a young age they are exposed to bacteria and eat more HFCS foods. They developed a tolerance

>> No.4831274

>I think a large portion is people being scared by the media into thinking something is wrong with them.

While there's been an increase in misdiagnoses and false self-diagnoses, there's no credible doubt that there's been a large increase in the rate of real food allergies in recent years as well.

>> No.4831283

>black school areas those problems do not exist and do you know why?

do you have a source?

>> No.4831296

>No the gluten thing is obesity

>> No.4831301

i was a dirty kid eating scabs and boogers and i never get sick. but im also a social outcast. feels good man.

>> No.4831313

I work at these schools and the richer areas have "Peanut Free Zone " all over the place. When you ask students about how they where diagnosed the usual answers are, "sent to the hospital I had hives and very difficult breathing "

I work at these areas and know the parents whether or not you want to see that as a source. Parents are very uptight about students and how they shuffle them around like pets. Black schools the parents have little to no care they just want to pick up their student and leave

Fatter people have a problem with gluten products . See this trend all time in the US especially within my own family.

>> No.4831454

>Fatter people have a problem with gluten products
Holy shit you're stupid. That goes well beyond just fat people.

>> No.4831461

Nope, the sudden rise of obesity triggered this intolerance for wheat products. You can find information on the internet about it . Other countries do not have this much of a problem like we do in the USA

>> No.4831462

>Allergies are caused by not having exposure at an early age

they're also caused by overexposure.
i'm allergic to fucking apples now, i used to love apples.

>> No.4831478

That might be a difference in your diet having intolerance when you had tolerance is a bit odd

>> No.4831491

>That might be a difference in your diet having intolerance when you had tolerance is a bit odd
It's downright common. People of any age develop reactions to foods that hadn't previously been a problem. I'm in my late 40s, and criminies, half my friends this age or older have dietary restrictions. Not always allergies, some are like they can't handle spicy food anymore, but two of them developed life-threatening nut allergies in their 40s.

>> No.4831494

> I'm in my late 40s

Which explains a lot then because age is also a factor to these tolerances especially with acidic foods

I was referring to a younger audience

>> No.4831499

>i'm allergic to fucking apples now, i used to love apples.

I'm allergic to store bought apples. I have to use a pot scrubber and soap to scrub something off the skin of the apple before I eat it. Otherwise, my tongue, throat, and lips swell and itch. Even my ear canals start to itch when it happens. I can eat my own apples off my apple trees as much as I want without washing them and I'm fine.

>> No.4831501

What a fucking nightmare. Talk about first world problems. Those chemicals her body is absorbing will do her much greater harm than the average general exposure to bacteria and viruses. Not to mention long-term use of these sanitizers has been shown to be counter-productive as it increases resistance, essentially, making us all sicker. Fucking stupid people will be the death of us all.

>> No.4831502

>I'm in my late 40s, and criminies, half my friends this age or older have dietary restrictions.
I'm 45, and the only way I managed to get off cholesterol pills was lifting weights and eating a mostly vegan diet. Allergies would really complicate things, so I consider myself lucky not to have developed any.

>> No.4831508

Allergies mean your system is inferior. A strong, just healthy person has no allergies to anything. Natural selection, bitch.

>> No.4831513

Could be the type of apples that causes the problem or seasonal allergies

>> No.4831516

Same goes for crooked teeth American in general are like the Brits in this department. Soft foods is what causes this problem in the first place then you end up with all sorts of dental problems

>> No.4831527

Three words: GMO

>> No.4831529

It isn't. All varieties of store bought apples are like that for me. It also extend to the outside of oranges and bananas too. I don't eat the outside, but sometimes it can come in contact with my lips and that triggers it. It isn't seasonal either as it happens at any time of year. It is something on the fruit.

>> No.4831532



Also note that many people with allergies would simply have died young in years past. Even as recently as 50 years ago it was common for people to have large families in which a child or two or three died young from one medical issue or another. These days those lives are saved thanks to improved medicine.

Also, there's a lot of people who either misunderstand allergies or don't use the term properly and thereby think they have an allergy when they really don't. Many of the things that people claim is an allergy really isn't. Getting a headache, upset stomach, gas, or diarrhea after eating food is not an allergic reaction. It might be "something", but it's not an allergy. Allergic reactions are very specific: Redness, swelling, and itching where the allergen contacted the body. If you eat food that you are allergic to then everywhere that food touched your body (tongue, mouth, throat, etc) gets red, swollen, and itchy. The swelling is what can make some allergies dangerous because the throat swells shut preventing you from breathing. Poison Ivy rash is a great exmaple--that's a classic allergic reaction and it happens only where you touched the sap from the plant. THAT is what an allergic reaction looks like. Someone who says they get a headache after they drink a big pot of coffee is not "allergic".

>> No.4831533 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 832x1192, Monsanto_Shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be. There's lots of correlations. It could be that was the last piece of the puzzle in a chain of things that set off allergies in the long run.

>> No.4831544
File: 47 KB, 832x1192, Monsanto_Shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be. There's lots of correlations. It could be that was the last piece of the puzzle in a chain of things that set off allergies in the long run.

>> No.4831554


Nah it's the amount a person eats and people here eat excessively

>> No.4831672

A lot of apples in grocery stores are coated with a wax-like substance to make them look shiny and fresh. If you buy apples from farms or pick your own apples the skin is nothing like the unnaturally smooth, shiny skin you see in grocery stores; it's quite often a little bit rough and dusty/papery feeling on the surface.

>> No.4831679

It's just the latest version of special snowflake syndrome. I was at a famous sandwich shop in Philly yesterday and some hipster was holding up the entire production because what he ordered came on a roll. It took the guy at the counter a few moments to even process what the guy was saying. I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing. Complaining about getting a sandwich. At a sandwich shop. Hipster logic man.

>> No.4831685

Not all the apples are the same since we have 7,000 different types

>> No.4831711

So how do you deal with your food allergies anon?

As a trans-dairyallergic myself I must avoid all dairy products, which is a major pain in the ass in modern society where dairy is just everywhere and in smaller stores/cafeterias some products with dairy aren't even labeled properly.

>> No.4831728

>a trans-dairyallergic
a fucking what now?

>> No.4831738

Can't consume dairy.

>> No.4831753


That's your problem though. As long as you don't try to make your problems everyone elses problem, everything will be fine.

>> No.4831779

isn't that what a dairy allergic is?
but a trans-dairy allergic is somehow different?

>> No.4831783

It's not really different. The end result is the same, can't consume dairy because of an allergy.

>> No.4831791

[x] whinges about the 'good old days', where presumably no one had allergies
[x] talks about the inferiority of certain genetics; clearly, one is an Übermensch
[x] claims lack of hostility towards a group, but makes a thread bemoaning that group
Typical American thread.

>> No.4831795

When they put the 'trans' in there, its a subtle way of making you check your privilege

>> No.4831797

Part of it is hysteria. When I was a kid I knew one person who was allergic to peanuts and that was it. Now my kids know like 100 people allergic to mundane foods. Birthday party for my daughter and my mom goes 'put on the card, ask if there are food allergies we need to know about.'

I'm almost convinced its all hype and bullshit.

Another thing is kids entering puberty at like 8 and 9. Its the hormones and chemical preservatives they inject/feed to animals. Drives me insane. Last year they gave the puberty speech to 4'th graders.

>> No.4831799

[x] doesn't contribute to the thread
[x] lacks any arguments to OPs points
[x] bitches about hostility towards a group while spouting usual anti-American drivel
Typical reddit post.

>> No.4831803
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As long as the age of consent starts to lower to adjust to these changes, i'm comfortable with it.

>> No.4831805

Maybe you should execute everyone with allergies. Get the shotgun, hop in the truck, and go to the homosexual atheist hotspots where people with allergies and intolerances must hang out. Cleanse the gene pool. Do it for your fellow Übermenschen.

OP has no points to argue against. His view of the world does not reflect reality.

>> No.4831807

And only about 4-6 are sold in stores.

>> No.4831809

>allergies are nonsense
>preservatives induce early puberty
Ye daffy cunt.

>> No.4831816

>constantly dirty and skinned knees
ROFL That's me exactly. I would scrape my knees and have huge scabs on both of them which I would pick off. So I had them constantly for years it seems. I spent most of my childhood outdoors. Now I get the flu like once every 3 years and I work in a university surrounded by thousands of people every day. Never get sick from eating crap.

I have a cousin whose mother was way over protective. They only fed him organic and had all sorts of nuveau diets. Kid would get sick from eating chicken soup my grandma cooked...

>> No.4831817

>white guilt
Ooh, slow down lad. Who said anything about race?

>> No.4831815

Allergies are on the rise because we live much more sanitary lives which has resulted in our immune systems becoming less developed over time.

Also all the chemicals and hormones and shit Monsanto and other such companies keep pumping into the corn and meats is dealing some pretty heavy damage to our biology.

>> No.4831813

Nice strawman. The OP said nothing of the sort.
He's just asking a question, and you're projecting your white guilt all over the place

>> No.4831819

>getting influenza that frequently

>> No.4831820

It'd be rather embarrassing when he develops an allergy within the next 5-10 years. I suppose we could dose the public with diluted poison ivy juice to see who breaks out in a rash. lol


>Percentage of the U.S. population that tests positive to one or more allergens: 55%.

>From 2001 through 2009, asthma rates rose the most among black children, almost a 50% increase.

>Percentage of the people in the U.S. who believe they have a food allergy: up to 15%.
>Percentage of the people in the U.S. who actually have a food allergy: 3% to 4%.

>> No.4831821

I meant cold.

>> No.4831826

Something something since we have so many drugs that keeps us from getting sick nowadays, our bodies are coming up with allergies to things to make up for the difference.

>> No.4831830

Surprised you didn't work God into that as well.

>> No.4831831

My my, it is interesting to find so many people who think being dirty as children somehow alters their DNA and removes allergic potential.

Interesting indeed.

>> No.4831835

I never had any allergies at all my entire life and then at around 24 I started getting seasonal allergies to some sort of pollen. I'm lucky enough that it only lasts for around a month and it's early in the season, March or April, and if it rains a lot in my area my allergies aren't too bad.

I don't know what it's from cause no one else in my family has allergies. It might be due to the environment where I live, it's often damp so it might be due to some sort of mold. My parents friend started getting her pollen allergies in her late 40s :/

>> No.4831839

Not so much altered in DNA but body getting used to that shit early in life so it never develops into full on Allergical Facista mode against all the shit like animal hair and fooditems and such.

>> No.4831855

most people do not realise that there are many living things inside them (think cartoons where someone loses an arm and its just solid meat, no bones or blood etc.) and that they are only what you can see on the outside

then again most people are stupid

>> No.4831890

>I have absolutely no idea how adaptive immune system works

>> No.4831900

it's all that artificial crap and chemicals being put into the foods.

Milk, for example, is very healthy in it's natural form. But modern milk is processed, and the cows are pumped full of chemicals, so milk contains hundreds of chemicals and other shit in it. Hence why people are lactose intolerace. It's because they can't handle the chemicals in the milk, not the milk itself.

>> No.4831909
File: 33 KB, 600x400, 1284260056366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a New Yorker article on gut flora which says that non-vaginal births are infection-prone because they were supposed to pick up a massive cocktail of bacteria on their way outta ol' vaginal canal. Likewise it describes a guy who suffered chronic infections in one of his ears and not the other one. After numerous medical visits and no relief, he successfully cured it by transferring earwax from the healthy ear into the infectious one (apparently coming up with this idea on his own, dude must've been mashed on some high-grade).

>> No.4831912

>it's all that artificial crap and chemicals being put into the foods.

>It's all that damn fluoride they put into water to control us!

>> No.4831921

Lactose intolerance is the result of the intestines lacking a certain type of intestinal bacteria that is capable of actually breaking down the milk to a digestible form.
It's a mutation. People who lack that bacterial mutation are the normal ones and thus cannot consume animal milk.

Sometimes a feces-transplant operation can transfer the mutated intestinal-bacterial population from a donor to a person who used to be lactose intolerant.

But anyways point was that the added chemicals in milk are an issue but DO NOT cause lactose intolerance.
They just merely make you grow man-boobs and mess with your hormonal balance overall making you possibly feel like a girl trapped in a dude body.

>> No.4831943

>immune and digestion system made of titanium since childhood
>get sick once every couple years or so
>even then it lasts a maximum of 2 days
>can it anything no problem
>even if it old
>drank expired milk accidentally once, only the most minimal shitting

>only fruit that even slightly affects me is kiwis, even then its only a very slight prickly sensation on my tongue and not full blown puffing/swelling

I feel good.

>> No.4831948


>> No.4831960

I use "expired" milk all the time. Once it curdles and the curds separate, I strain and make quark.

>> No.4831973

Nah I'm Turkish. Might have hardened my stomach through growing up with my moms cooking though.

>> No.4831981

there was a special drink that one could order that basically cured lactose intolerance, by introducing that special bacteria in the gut. It was made by a guy who did this for a science fair project or something like that.

then he was bought out by a pharmaceutical company so they could keep selling pills that temporally stop the symptoms of milk problems cuz more money for a subscription than a one time buy.

>> No.4831985

What a douche.

>> No.4831991

It's actually an enzyme, lactase. :)

>> No.4831998

It was bill nye.

>> No.4832002

So you are a german then

>> No.4832005

Don't mention the war.

>> No.4832115

I have a severe nut allergy. No gluten hit or blood sugar this or cholesterol that.

But, if I eat peanuts, tree nuts, or anything processed on a machine that also makes things with peanuts, I have a pretty good chance of dying, or at least having my throat swell up, and requiring medical attention.

I was also in a class action lawsuit that forced chick-fil-a to put a warning on the sides of their containers that said they used machinery to make the chicken that also processed peanuts.

I don't think of it as weak genetics, since no one in my family is allergic to nuts, I think it's just a shitty hand I got dealt. I learned to cook because of it, though, and think that in the end it helped me out.

>> No.4832142

The War of 1870?

>> No.4832157

isnt the chicken fried in peanut oil anyway?

>> No.4832160

Yeah. But like most fast food joints they had no indication of that anywhere, and I was a kid when that happened, around 12 years ago. I couldn't get them to post an ingredient list, but we eventually settled on them printing that all of their products were fried in (in this case made on machinery that also processes) peanuts, tree nuts.

I wasn't looking for money, but you can't imagine how much it fucking blew to grow up and see candy and foods be taken away from me because cheap fucking faggot food makers tried to pinch every penny and started making all of their food on one line. Damn it still pisses me off.

>> No.4832165

Lots of fast food places that fry use random oils, whatever they can get for cheap usually. So, it is always a concern for those with peanut allergies. You have to talk directly to the manager of each individual place to find out.

However, some places don't use it, but have the warning labels anyway just to cover their asses. Lots of food labels are like that too, just for ass covering.

>> No.4832170


> kids entering puberty at like 8 and 9

It can be earlier than that for girls. I was having periods at 9.

>> No.4832186

When did the touching start?