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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 347 KB, 256x192, upsidedownface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4829658 No.4829658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>eats cereal with orange juice instead of milk

>> No.4829672

good job not likign thing

wow clap

>> No.4829675

Are you saying he pours orange juice in the bowl of cereal because that's disgusting

>> No.4829718
File: 144 KB, 600x750, puffincereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a guy who, along with his wife and kids, ate pic related with apple juice.

>> No.4829720

I tried it once. didnt like it

>> No.4829723

>wow clap
I was on a plane to the U.S. last week and people clapped when we landed. I'm not even kidding, I thought it was just a /ck/ joke, but apparently Americans sometimes clap on planes.

It was fucking hilarious and horribly awkward at the same time. I looked at the clapper beside me with almost shock.

>> No.4829728

>eats subsidized HFCS corn cereal with HFCS concentrate juice analog instead of subsidized hormone and antibiotic laden, subsidized corn-fed dairy product

>> No.4829743

If you're a britfag, think of it as cheering whenever shit gets dropped at a pub. You were probably on a high-turbulance/other fuckup ride and it was a facetious one celebrating that you "survived" the flight.

>> No.4829750

>You were probably on a high-turbulance/other fuckup ride and it was a facetious one celebrating that you "survived" the flight.
It wasn't though. It was a 3 hour uneventful flight.

>> No.4829753

Okay, that is strange. I've been on probably 20+ flights in my life and I don't even remember people ever clapping.

>> No.4829782

Yes we do clap a lot here. It's the most accurate Murrcan stereotype. People clap after movies. They clap if someone says something cool. Clapping is the preferred murrcan way of expressing joy.

>> No.4829788

>Clapping is the preferred murrcan way of expressing joy.
I thought eating, buying things, and shooting people were the preferred expressions.

>> No.4829797

Those are the things that make us happy. Our faces are so buried under fat rolls, however, that clapping has replaced smiling as the primary method of expressing said joy.

>> No.4829801

Well, if you're a vapid cunt or a nigger sure.

>> No.4829833

This makes a lot of sense now.

>> No.4829861

lol this fucking thread.

>> No.4829874

True, and we are actually slapping our knees or other body part because we can't actually have one hand reach the other due to the fat in the way.

>> No.4829885

Orange juice on muesli is actually pretty good, I used to have to eat it as a kid because milk made my sinuses clog up.

I'm Australian and last time I was on a plane it took the pilot 3 attempts to land the plane because it was pissing down rain, when we finally touched down everyone clapped, it's not normal though.

>> No.4829890
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>drinks baby cow food

>> No.4829898

some men just want to watch the world burn

>> No.4829903

>autistically samefagging for years on /ck/ out of butthurt because nobody has ever converted to your anti-milk crusade

>not worse than vegans

>> No.4829904


>muh casomorphins. goo goo ga ga. mooooo

Be a human. Stop drinking cow's milk.

>> No.4829909

Until I can find a lactating hooker that will let me milk her, I will have to make do with cow's milk.

>> No.4829915
File: 176 KB, 458x438, 1353439981291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dick produces milk....

>> No.4829916

I'm full after a bowl of cereal let alone my wife and kids

>> No.4829918

>p-please fuck me guys

Is that why you've been samefagging this fucking long on an anonymous image board?

>> No.4829926
File: 102 KB, 400x200, beereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has /ck/ ever tried Beereal?

>> No.4829927

What's your rate?

>> No.4829928

i use nesquik chocolate milk product in my cereal

>> No.4829949


Do you think everyone on an anonymous image board who isn't you is the same person?

>> No.4829960

>I-I-I-I'm not the same guy who's been posting anti-milk threads for years now! There's totally an entire community of anti-milk faggots devoted to shitposting on /ck/! Honest!
>F-F-Fucking caesin filled faggot! VEGAN 4EVER!

lel, you're hilarious. keep at it

>p-p-please suck my dick guys ;_____;

>> No.4829967


I've personally never posted an anti-milk thread, but I've posted IN a few, alongside other people

If you want a casomorphin fix, we can get you into rehab, but you really got to lay off the dairy

>> No.4829977
File: 126 KB, 600x400, 6a00d8341c630a53ef0133effc52f9970b-600wi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving this much of a fuck about other ppl's diets

>> No.4829985


I'm just pointing out that it's pretty ridiculous to drink cow's milk. Even a cow doesn't drink cow's milk past 1 year old. You're not a baby and you're not a cow, to pretend you're both is pathetic

>> No.4829986

>I-i-i'm not a samefag, honest
>let me just use the same exact phrases and terms that I've posted in previous anti-milk threads I've started

TOP lol you aren't even trying anymore

lol you probably drink milk anyway

>> No.4829990

he's been at it for years now, he's not going to stop until he realizes his pathetic life is better spent doing something besides shitposting on an anonymous image board originally devoted to the discussion of otaku culture

>he actually thinks proselytizing works on 4chan

>> No.4830007


it's the corporations brendan

>> No.4830030
File: 40 KB, 640x480, pan-de-agua-tang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about dunking some bread in Tang?
pretty damn tasty surprisingly

>> No.4830064


my father did that with apricot nectar, he's lactose intolerant though.

>> No.4830078

Do I have to pretend to be a sheep if I wear a wool coat?

>> No.4830113


You do if you eat grass while doing it

>> No.4830122
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1365521233084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. Humans do things we were never meant to do, because we learned how. If you're trying to be the purest most bestest human you can be just like nature intended kindly break your computer, take off your clothes, burn your house down and go pick berries in the woods until you turn 35 and die of old age.

>> No.4830130

>until you turn 35 and die of old age.

What if you are already 35? Would you die at 70 then?

>> No.4830139

please dont be mexican... and if you are tell them about we used to fill our baby bottles with the essence of high society: coca cola.

>> No.4830142
File: 98 KB, 400x266, fig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this, anti-milk faggot.

If milk drinking didn't pose a distinct advantage over non-milk drinking, then why did Europeans, Arabians, North Africans, West Africans, the Semites, the Persians, the North Indians and the Finno-Ugrics all develop unique genes for lactase persistence, in ancient history long before factory farming?

Or are you trying to claim evolution is also a myth?

>> No.4830153

>on an anonymous image board originally devoted to the discussion of otaku culture
Why the fuck do we need to keep pointing this out? You're just as bad as him. It's not your weeaboo club anymore, son. Go back to >>>/a/.

>> No.4830179
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1367273475969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaku culture is pervasive throughout 4chan. This is painfully obvious on every big board and even in some of the smaller ones you're going to find things like animu reaction images.

Not even a weeb and I have an animu reactions folder. You should make peace with the fact that it's never going away.

>> No.4830186

Yes, and if it wasn't against the rules, the mlp reactions would outnumber them.

You have no point, 4chan wasn't a weaboo site since '05

>> No.4830192
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, 1380243289893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you make it to 40 and become the tribe elder. All pack daughters are given to you and on their 6th birthdays you deflower them.

>> No.4830191

>You have no point, 4chan wasn't a weaboo site since '05


>> No.4830194


newfriend, you don't have a fuck what you're talking about

>> No.4830197

where the hell did i say /q/ was around in 05

>> No.4830203

I'm not so sure. Horsefuckers are a minority here as well as being a very new occurrence; they would have to fight pretty hard to overtake things like anime reaction images that have been ingrained in this website's culture since it was created.

Also everybody hates the horsefuckers while only most people hate weeaboos. Liking anime is acceptable on any board if you aren't a twat about it; liking MLP is acceptable on exactly one board.

>> No.4830206

To make faggots like you rage about it.

>> No.4830207

Then what was your point?

/q/ had nothing to do with anything, just giving you a history lesson on this shithole. It hasn't been primarily weaboo for a long, long time.

>> No.4830213

Do you even remember 2010? It was everywhere.

It's not just horsefuckers who liked the show either, as well as even more people just gratuitously using the reaction images. But after it became cancer, a lot of people just had to hide their horsefucking powerlevel.

>> No.4831306
File: 51 KB, 200x200, fudginchiggynuggets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit USA
>sit next to cool guy from india
>get off airplane with light hand luggage
>go through customs behind friendly sikh guy with turban
>All of the TSA officers pull M16's on the sikh guy
>Fire 16 shots into guys chest while screaming 'Murrrica
>I walk through the unattended gate
>a large black woman stops me
>"mmmmm mmmmmmmmm watchoo think YO goin"
>rapes my arse with gloves
>says she was looking for a bottle water that was the wrong size
>leave through narrow hallway of advertisements and people trying to get me to sign up for online university
>go to bus stop
>bus is leaving
>run for bus
>people on mobility scooters turn to me in disgust
>"oh my god he's exercising, somebody call 911"
>block me from running with their mobility scooters
>miss bus
>police arrive, tell me to get down on the ground
>I do as im told, "Im just a tourist, im innocent"
>"he's resisting arrest" they shout, as they taser me and search my bag
>after they find nothing, i offer my passport as ID
>police officer says "whats this?"
>"my passport, for leaving and entering countries"
>"you kidding me? now why would anyone need one of these?!" he said
>officer sprays pepper spray in my eyes and tells me to be on my way
>a mobility scooter rolls just into the road
>officer tickets him for jay-scooting
>go wait for another bus
>people ask why im crying, tell them about the pepper spray
>peppered steak? their eyes light up
>"no, Mace" i say
>"oh". everyone offers me xanax and a variety of pain meds
>take 2, ask if they have some water
>turn to each other like "whats water?"
>"you know, to drink?" I respond
>"oh you mean coca cola" they say
>woman opens bag and takes out bottle of diet cola
>takes out bag of sugar and pours it into the diet cola
>"here drink this, anon"
>swallow xanax with sugar saturated coca cola and board bus
>bus has mini-escalator instead of steps
>bus ticket has free coupon for plastic surgery on the back
>every time bus pulls into a stop everybody claps

>> No.4831309

>get off bus and go to meet US friends at restaurant
>menu has no meals, only ridiculous challenges to eat large amounts in 1hr for your money back
>Waiter comes to the table
>What can i get for you gentlemen this evening?
>I politely request to order a touch after everyone else.
>waiter brings everyone glasses of water regardless of the drinks we have yet to order
>about to take a sip of water, completely gag
>smells like someone tried to cover up chlorine and fluoride with cheap lemon concentrate
>first friend orders cheese burger with fries and a 12oz steak with extra mashed potatoes
>second friend order full rack of ribs, pulled pork sammie (his vernacular for sandwhich) marcaronite and heees, and deep fried pickles
>15 min later, water returns with our food
>friend asks me if i want to try a fry
>say sure, grab one and gently pour ketchup onto it
>he looks at me in confusion
>asks me what I'm doing
>starts pounding bottle of ketchup into a seperate bowl he requested
>empties another one into the bowl
>asks the waiter for a third bottle and empties it into the bowl
>grabs a handfull of fries, oil dripping down his arm as he squeezes them
>starts moving them around the table making airplane noises
>dunks them into the bowl of ketchup, entire fist is stained red
>has to forcefully shove them into his mouth as to make sure none of them drop
>tell me "that's how ain't no faggot eats sum fries in uhblub MURRCA"
>other friend says "praise jesus"
>other friend starts clapping
>a grotesquely overblown piggu-man splinters his chair to get out of it
>"HOLY GOSPEL HALLALUJA AND THE PENTACO- he dies from a heart attack
>soon the entire restaurant is clapping
>first friend is laughing his fat arse off from the poor man who just died

>> No.4831310

>zoom in on his face in slow motion " HUA HUA HUA " chunks of potatoes flying out
>man in 10 gallon hat walks up to our table and starts shooting revolvers into the ceiling screaming "YEEEE HAWW"
>kindly ask waitress if I can order just a caesar salad or something similar
>waiter calls manager who pulls a light machine gun on me
>"sir i am unarmed and mean no harm, please put down your gun" i stumble
>"stop trying to take away my freedoms" he screams
>he fires gun across restaurant in a sweeping motion
>i dive out of the line of fire and sprint out the exit
>friends talk him down by telling something i can fainty hear as "he is a 6 a bong bing dong doodly do not from murrca"
>go back to their house and chill on the couch
>friend asks "bro dude like hey man wanna ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhhhh *belch* play some vidayar games?
>say to him "sure! what do you have?"
>he pulls a fancy silver platter dish cover dramatically off of a cable box
>whats tha- BEHOLD FOREIGN FRIEND, dis rite heer is thee Q-Container-Uno.
>what does it d- a familiar voice pipes up *MMM HMMM WATCHOOO DOIN unregistered user detected!*
>mechanical tentacles jump from the "console" if it can be called such, and proceed to rape me.
>*no contaminated/illegal items have been detected, yet as a safety precaution user xXmurricaDurritusDiabeetusMTnDooXx has been charged 499.99*
>friend throws me out the window and i struggle to get up and start running as he smashes through the wall of his house
>believe i can outrun my landwhale of a friend but clearly mistaken as half his bodyweight is turned directly into energy
>his hair turns yellow and he begins to scream HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA as he charges like a rhinocerous
>doing parkour over countless hybrid scooters powered on green energy and turn to look back at him to see his folds of fat bouncing and making fart noises

>> No.4831314

>he runs past a womyn and is simultaneously sued for emotional damages and oppressing the opposite sex
>gasping for air decide to go back to my hotel and order pizza
>pizza arrives, its 50 inches and appears to have an unopened bag of crisps baked right into the crust
>"that will be $200 or free if you eat it in one hour" says the driver
>eat three slices and give him $200
>he doesnt leave "whats the matter?" i ask
>"i'm waiting for a tip"
>pass him $20 and he leaves
>decide i've had enough and leave
>battle through oceans of mobility scooters to get to the airport
>a soft cumulonimbus cloud decides to form
>flight delayed 10 hours
>USA, never again.

>> No.4831377

Fucking glorious. 9/11

>> No.4831395

h-hey.... wait a second...


>> No.4831408

and here I thought the actual landing of the plane is what wakes me up on flights. It's actual people...clapping.


>> No.4831410

>Go to freshman engineering 101
>Sitting in class before starts
>Kid in front of me gets bowl and pours sugary cereal into it
>Mixes COCA-COLA with it
>Starts eating

>> No.4831427
File: 74 KB, 500x525, somemenjustwannawatchtheworldburn01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4831464

>"he is a 6 a bong bing dong doodly do not from murrca"
lellus maximus

>> No.4831490

what does that map reflect?

>> No.4831495

>tfw the cereal is worse for you than the beer

>> No.4831581

Because Engineering majors are usually autistic as fuck, and it is probably his first time away from mommy so he can actually get away with it now.

>> No.4831598
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>> No.4831716

>not having joie de vive

>> No.4831933
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>> No.4831942
File: 19 KB, 497x388, 1370822147908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unlabeled axes
sub-human slime

>> No.4831954

Muesli was originally meant to be served with orange juice, and not milk.

It's much better.

>> No.4831957
File: 261 KB, 1072x804, challa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still caring this much about what other ppl eat.

>I'm just pointing out that it's pretty ridiculous to drink cow's milk.

Your just pointing out how much you actually care about other ppls habits. Wait no, let me correct that you are pointing out how your a superior human because you give this much of a shit about other ppls habits and your soooooooo above that right?

good job buddy, you should be proud.

>> No.4831969

>eats orange juice with milk instead of cereal

>> No.4832021 [DELETED] 
File: 784 KB, 1952x3264, IMAG0727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kirkland brand anything
>challah bread

Where's your wine grown from vines fed with ground up palestinian babies murdered with white phosphorus? Spanish wine isn't kosher you know.

>> No.4832029

>Spanish wine isn't kosher you know.

>> No.4832036

The inquisition, mostly. Also, too many filthy unclean goyim touching the grapes and so forth.

The standard of purity for yayin is exceptionally high. This is not gelt, after all.

>> No.4833798
File: 38 KB, 466x770, febreeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice unlabeled, uninformative map. Wanna see a picture of a bottle of febreeze? It's adds as much to this thread as your image does. Maybe they can be friends.

>> No.4833807
File: 476 KB, 438x325, 1377275492503.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw peanut M&M's and chocolate milk

>> No.4833832

I've been on plenty of flights throughout America, and this has never happened.

>> No.4834013

Hey I am on that no milk freak's side here,
I just think it tastes disgusting
>also mayonnaise tastes like shit

>> No.4834034

but not only americans do that,
everyone always claps or whistles to the pilot when he doesn't fuck up.

>> No.4835151


Why do you take such offense to that? Nobody's saying "I'm better than you as an overall human being because you drink baby cow food," but you have to admit it's a pretty dumb habit you have

>> No.4836369

This is a complete fuckin myth. I fly continuously, domestic within the US and international all over EU. US people never fuckin clap at the pilot. It would be considered rude and ignorant. It would be like congratulating someone for walking down a flight of stairs without managing to rub shit in their hair. Insulting.

Not only do smartass cunts from EU do that (you're getting cheeky with the flight computer btw, they handle the landings), but I was on a bus earlier this week and the fuckin EU idiots clapped when a bus driver made a tight turn in a driveway without getting the bus stuck.

Fuck is wrong with Europe? Is it really that emasculating to live in a piss-ant country, handing all your money over to the company store in the form of taxes?

>> No.4836388

I've flown on various US airlines with majority USican passengers.
They've occasionally, though not always, clapped upon landing. I'm not even trying to start anything and this is my first post ITT, but it's something that I've definitely experienced more than a handful of times. At least a half dozen. Each time, I thought it bizarre. It's like Americans at cinema clapping when the credits roll. They do that, to.
A little bizarre, but kinda heart-warming, when you think about it.

>> No.4836389

>eaing any cereal ever


>> No.4836396

this sounds okay to me

>> No.4837632
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>> No.4837656

I've lived in the US all my life, and flown countless times (my dad works for delta. Free flights for the family), and I've never ever ever ever seen this

>> No.4838289

sup zaphod

>> No.4838336

How odd.
The majority of times I've flown American, the flight landed and everything was fine, but a half dozen times or so, the passengers clapped. I've not a clue as to why, but they have.

You're American: can you tell me why your people applaud at the cinema?