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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 240x184, cokepepsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4827066 No.4827066 [Reply] [Original]

Coke or Pepsi.

>> No.4827080

Coke all the way

>> No.4827088

Pepsi because of the taste the only reason coke is such a known brand because of a agreement of not shifting prices for the it's products for 70 years which fueled its image all over the worrld

>> No.4827089


>> No.4827093

>implying anyone can taste the difference

>> No.4827092

So you think that people buy Coke because it's popular, and not because it tastes good?

>> No.4827094

Here's an interesting article:

>> No.4827096

I agree but Pepsi also tastes like shit. Coke is only better because it's cheaper and it has coke vanilla. That's it, coke vanilla shits on every other softdrink.

>> No.4827095

Diet coke with my mixed drinks

Pepsi for straight up

>> No.4827099

>coke vanilla shits on every other softdrink.

Ma nigga.

>> No.4827102

Coke. I don't drink soda unless it's got alcohol in it, really, but once a year or so, I get an overwhelming desire for some cool, crisp Coca Cola. Pepsi isn't crisp enough and it's too sweet.

>> No.4827104

pepsi is like mild coke

>> No.4827105

Yes, for 70 years the price did not inflate in such a way like other more expensive items they where seen as boutiques . Soda shops popularized the drink that was all because it was a frizzy drink for cheap

I love Pepsi for it's taste not because of the brand but the actual taste does not have that awful coke bitterness

>> No.4827111

Coke. Is this even a question?

>> No.4827109


if you can't tell the difference you haven't been alive long enough to matter

>> No.4827112

you are fucking retarded.

Pepsi tastes like actual fizzy sugar water, Coke at least tastes good

>> No.4827114


>> No.4827127

Did you properly cool it?

>> No.4827138

Iced tea, because I'm not a lardass.

>> No.4827150

Pepsi, because blue cans bring out my eyes.

>> No.4827156

Don't drink it anymore, but Pepsi was much, much WORSE than Coke.

>> No.4827157
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>implying anything shits on the god king of all soft drinks
I don't understand how anyone can force themselves to drink anything else.

>> No.4827291

Shit's wrong with you if you can't tell the difference between nasty ass Pepsi and god-tier Coke...

>> No.4827298

You can
Coke taste better
Pepsi tastes like store brand colo
pepsi and RC are very similar in taste
Coke has something a little different
Also pepsi is cheaper than coke 95% of the time

>> No.4827308

Pepsi's too sweet and ambiguously syrupy

Coke gets more vile when it warms up though

Coke wins for the crisper and more pleasant taste with that nice bite

>> No.4827332

I love the shit outta soda although I rarely drink it in lieu of beer and wine. I will drink either one and enjoy both, but I've always liked Pepsi a little more.

>> No.4827355

Coke, but if I have no choice I wouldn't matter Pepsi.

>> No.4827441

Both taste like crap if you drink the high fructose corn syrup versions. Pepsi has a version made with real sugar, and that one kicks Cokes HFCS version out of the water.

>> No.4827663

I can taste the difference and I don't even like colas.

>> No.4827979

>Id rather have a usa product than some mexican piss water shit

>> No.4828033

Coke but Pepsi Max if I have to go diet.

>> No.4828081

Dr Pepper is my favorite kind of coke.

>> No.4828086
File: 65 KB, 500x360, fuckingcokefags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously don't give a shit which one I drink if I have to. I don't drink enough soda to care.

But Cokefags piss me off.
I used to have friends that fucking refused to get their shitty syrup beverages unless it was stupid Coke. This one bitch I knew would moan all the time about her shitty health and weight but wouldn't mind sucking down a liter of Coke a week.
I've never met a sane Cokefag.

>> No.4828091

I prefer regular Coke over regular Pepsi. I think Pepsi Blue was the best soft drink imo.

>> No.4828098
File: 21 KB, 256x256, 1379275381447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are adults on /ck/ RIGHT NOW who still drink soda

>> No.4828100

I drink every brand of cola, for me it's just to stay hydrated

>> No.4828102

normal adults understand moderation and can have sweets once in a while. i'm sick of trendy healthfags who randomly decided to quit everything unhealthy in life who think saying you enjoy something unhealthy means you eat/drink it 24/7

>> No.4828109


much like regular cokeheads, Coca-Cola lovers speak out of pure desperation of addiction. So don't feel anger towards them, but rather pity their weak addled minds and rotting teeth.

>> No.4828146

Surprisingly, there are people dumb enough to actually believe shit like that.

>> No.4828153

Post a pic of yourself I guarantee you look unhealthy.

Man child.

>> No.4828178

i could just as easily say post a pic of yourself, i'm sure you look unhealthy. only where you're assuming i'm fat because i engage in "unhealthy" food and drink from time to time i'm assuming you're a skinny little wimp who couldn't lift ten pounds. your argument is pointless and shows your own insecutiry.

>> No.4828180
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>> No.4828187

PROTIP: healthy people don't have to constantly worry about their health...because they're already in good shape and know how to manage themselves. The people always complaining on this board are quite obviously ex fat people mad at the people who don't have to worry so much.

>> No.4828210

I don't usually drink soda but I do like the combo of Coke and hot McDonald's fries.

Diet pepsi is alright for a diet soda

>> No.4828259
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>> No.4828285

I can reliably get Double Cola.

So that.

>> No.4828299


fucking THIS

the best mass-marketed cola in existence

>> No.4828308
File: 51 KB, 183x203, cherryZero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cherry Coke Zero

>> No.4828321
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>> No.4828340

Oi vey, this is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.4828348

Master race

>> No.4828350 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1372979443653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking calories

>> No.4828726

what is pepsi max/diet coke/coke zero

what is alcohol

>> No.4828738

Soda is a tasty caffeine delivery mechanism.

>> No.4828741
File: 49 KB, 500x561, 1372109433382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are adults on /ck/ RIGHT NOW that have no self-discipline

>> No.4828783





>> No.4828786

>what is alcohol

About 7 calories per gram.

>> No.4828793

exactly. so you never drink it? oh wait, of course you don't, you're some socially awkward home dwelling creep who's last sustained contact with a female was roughly 4 years ago

>> No.4828800


I'm not even that guy, fucking relax man. It seemed you were implying that alcohol had no calories, since you grouped it with three other calorie-free or low-cal drinks.

Try to quit being a dick and maybe people will take you seriously.

>> No.4828833

if people weren't so idiotic then I might relax

>> No.4828838
File: 40 KB, 435x435, dwight disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>makes a confusing and misleading post
>gets indignant and insults someone when they misinterpret it
>"Everyone else is dumb!"

>> No.4828857

>respond to someone making an ironic shitpost of >drinking calories

yeah, I'm the dumb one

>> No.4828922
File: 13 KB, 480x360, francismtdew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither. Mt. Dew.

>> No.4828924
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>> No.4828940
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>Drinking sodas

>> No.4829994

I prefer dew as well. In fact lately I'm buying a lot of kickstart, at least it has a little juice in it

>> No.4830251

Pepsi, for taste and own pepsistock too

>> No.4830257

Coke. It's got a spicier, more nuanced flavor compared to the pure vanilla sweetness of Pepsi, which I can't stand drinking for very long.

>> No.4830274

>Pepsi made with sugar is better than the HCFS Coke
>Doesn't compare it to Coke made with sugar
It's interesting that HCFS and cane sugar are both sucrose but have subtly different tastes. The Mexican Coke doesn't have the sticky, sour aftertaste of HCFS Coke and feels lighter when you drink it since they haven't added syrup to the drink.

>> No.4830345

Vanilla coke > Pepsi > normal Coke for me.

But rootbeers are my always go to soda.

>> No.4830507
File: 260 KB, 1280x1912, 3994-freeway-cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freeway Cola, not as "salty/bitter" as Coke, and not as sweet as Pepsi and only 1/3 of the price of both, it's just perfect

>> No.4830520

Easily. People can't just don't fucking pay attention.

>> No.4830528

I don't drink much soft drink but given the choice I'd take the coke, pepsi is over carbonated and doesn't taste as good. Pepsi is shit for mixing with booze too.

>> No.4830536
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1375165365625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had an RC Cola in a long time: that would be my pick.

reminds me of eating pizza/stombolis/grinders with my dad when i was younger at local, non-franchised restaurants

>> No.4830546 [DELETED] 


Jones > RC > Pepsi > Many bastard brands > Coca-Cola

>> No.4830567

kill yourself

>> No.4830579

Already am, though very slowly

>> No.4831475
File: 207 KB, 598x465, 1374725910863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This man knows his stuff.

>> No.4831483

I'll take my fizzy water plain, thanks.