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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 500x463, box-of-receipts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4821651 No.4821651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to some country store with mother because fucking lazy weekend.
>see random old southern bullshit. Antique tables, a wrought-iron lamp, a shoebox, some rustic chairs.
>was that a fucking shoebox?
>crack shoebox open a la legend of zelda
>over a hundred ancient clippings
>100% confirmed for box of recipes
>oh sir, how much for the shoebox?
>"Um, shit, lemme call the owner."
>"A dollar?"

So, I have a shoebox full of carefully maintained recipes (picture obviously antithesis thereof and thus marginally unrelated)

What do? Also, has anyone else had this sort of luck, be it with stores or your own attic?

>> No.4821665

Recipes, not receipts.

>> No.4821663

>buying a box full of old receipts


>> No.4821669
File: 21 KB, 500x490, hurrr-58514366611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recipes not receipts
>misreading recipes as receipts
>wondering why there's a thread about receipts on /ck/

Fuck. My bad.

Share, dude.

>> No.4821673

open a restaurant called anon's shoebox cafe

special of the day will be whatever random shit you pull from it

>> No.4821684

Can you date any of the recipes?

>> No.4821690

Be kind and share recipes on /ck/ so we can all try them? :)

>> No.4821691
File: 208 KB, 250x219, applause5gif2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.. that actually sounds kinda cool..
I'd eat there.
The menu could just have one thing on there 'The special'
..and it would always be one flat price. Like.. so many dollars for a plate.

Someone needs to make this happen

Also, post them OP
Take pictures or scan that shit or something.
I love old recipie shit

>> No.4821692

> 4831651
>recipes not receipts
>misreading recipes as receipts

To be fair, the image posted is labelled 'box of receipts' and is actually a box of receipts.

That said, post 'em!

>> No.4821695

Gifts They'll Remember
From: The Commercial Appeal Mid-South Magazine
Date: Sun. Dec. 9, 1973

>> No.4821699
File: 2.42 MB, 3108x2448, 1371961937035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4821705

This is nowhere near the lower limit. 1968...1966...handwritten recipes on napkins...Oct. 1957...

The best thing is most of these are magazine cutouts or things distributed by the companies. It's like a time capsule of cooking.

The restaurant would need to be called the Time Capsule Kitchen, duh.

>> No.4821711

Oh believe you me, I will. It'll take time and work...but it'll get done. Maybe I'll press-gang all the little recipes into a free pdf file or something.

>> No.4821732

I would eat this at least once.

>> No.4821738

Well, I've got a heck of a lot of time to lurk /ck/, so I'll check the catalog till you're done.

Godspeed, Shoeboxanon

>> No.4821747

Somewhere I've got a genuine 19th century cookbook lying around that my parents bought at a flea market once ... has one recipe for beavertail

>> No.4821755

>free PDF

Do want, that would be cool as hell

>> No.4821760

Reminds me of one I have, it tells you how to make headcheese.

>> No.4821767

I'd be interested in seeing this. What is the name of the book?

>> No.4822858

Bump for based-anon.

>> No.4822873
File: 518 KB, 750x1000, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made headcheese once.

People didn't seem to enjoy my thread about it too much though...

>> No.4822874

That looks motherfucking amazing.

>> No.4822882

That's Mr. Porky after his long bath

>> No.4822959

I found a recipe book for kiwi in some old dive second hand shop a few years ago. It was from the 19th century. It was $50 but i still regret not buying it.. Then hunting down a kiwi and hmmm forbidden meat.

I would probably be exiled for life or tortured on national tv or something if caught though..

>> No.4822974

Old cookbooks are awesome. I have a little collection of cookbooks from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that are so cool to look through. I've made quite a few of the recipes too, and they've all turned out awesome. I also have a little collection of food gore cookbooks from mid-century too. Those are hilarious. Ever seen a bbq'ed whole bologna? Terrifying.

>> No.4823353

You're in NZ? I hear the broiled kakapo is awesome.

>> No.4823377

jesus christ that is foul. and i will eat almost anything with zeal.

>> No.4826280

Is that a skull? Can you eat the delicious marrow inside it?

>> No.4826288

I guess that would make your special desert...Shoe-Fly pie

>> No.4826306

The special desert is the Sahara-Lee Dessert Brownies.