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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.18 MB, 675x4475, Vegan Cobb Salad The Sweet Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4819424 No.4819424 [Reply] [Original]

Nope, not a fast food thread. Nope, not a "how much blood do you like in your dead flesh" thread.

This a "Food that Loves You Back" thread.

I just had a vegan Cobb salad. I replaced the shitty eggs with delicious avocado. Well anyway, this is the recipe I followed. Was delicious. '

Vegan General aka Pure Wholesome Food.

>> No.4819435

>vegan eggs
Your grandparents died in a war for this.

>> No.4819437 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 1920x1440, MUHMEATYUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>guy's let go to the cattle farm and eat them fresh. Right from the farm. mmmmm so good.

>> No.4819443

>tofurkey bacon
>vegan chicken
>canola oil
>pure wholesome food


>> No.4819446
File: 221 KB, 608x488, MUHMEATYUM1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>guys let go to the cattle farm and eat them fresh. they're ripe for the pickin. mmm fresh meat is so good and so easy to eat

>> No.4819452

Not OP, but I would say that canola oil isn't too bad. Certainly not as good as a plain olive oil, but it doesn't belong alongside the monstrosities of fake soy food.

>> No.4819453
File: 58 KB, 320x320, kobe beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4819455

>>doesn't know we invented hand axes before we could speak language
>>doesn't know that we only have big brains because meat gave us the calories needed to develop and sustain them during fucking ice ages.

>> No.4819459


vegan pizza

>> No.4819460

>vegan goat cheese

>> No.4819465
File: 435 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mpahuk07Ko1qcjwm2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all vegan. all delicious.

>> No.4819471
File: 370 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mjiqg0EyNk1qcjwm2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.4819472

/ck/ was good before /fit/fags and their vegans brethren came along.

>> No.4819477


Yeah. I wish we could have fifty million fast food threads. Also, we sure do need another "how do you like your dead flesh" thread.

The variety here is amazing.

>> No.4819478


>> No.4819480

I don't really see how dead flesh is any less appealing than dead plant matter.

>> No.4819481


>ong he's using that website. aren't we 4channers. we're part of a secret club that makes fun of another online website. am I cool yet 4chan. pls?

>> No.4819483

If we weren't cool, all you tumblr idiots wouldn't be here.

>> No.4819486

Congratulations on all of your hard work for the most disgusting salad I have ever seen. 1/10 for making me respond. Yes, as a vegan you might live a longer life but what good is life if you spend It eating things that taste nasty that substitute actual foods, But fuck me for being an omnivore right?

>> No.4819487


my food didn't have a heart beat. my food didn't have mammalian offspring. my food lacks the required biological traits to express emotion.

Just those reasons. Plus, meat is just objectively bad for you. No matte rhow much you try to convince yourself it isn't.

>but in moderation

>eating something that you have to moderate.

Great diet bro.

>> No.4819489

serious question

how do you get around the whole 'no b12' thing, do you take supplements or what

>> No.4819490

Canola oil is usually processed and rancid. Simply being vegan doesn't mean it's healthy.
We can eat fish, shellfish, insects, eggs, and small animals without tools. Tools let us eat larger animals. Also, fresh beef has an appetizing smell.

>> No.4819492

Too much of anything is bad for you bro. Nobody is saying broccoli is bad for you, but if you just eat raw broccoli all day every day you're going to have some problems.

Too much sunlight and water are bad for you, too.

>> No.4819495


go chew on a live cow then. Do like lions do. Go tackle one. Then use your teeth to rip open the tender underbelly of the cow. Then let the innards spill out... And finally, eat that shit bro. It's nature. You'll love it. Meat just goes in us so naturally. Should be no problem.

>> No.4819496

remove vegan

>> No.4819498

Sorry, I meant *avoiding foods for the rest of your life. I couldn't imagine going out to a restaurant and saying "oh my god is anything vegan here? Do you cook anything in the same pot as meat or dairy or eggs?" Your friends must love going out with you.

>> No.4819501


I'll put my life savings on the guy who eats mostly broccoli over the guys who eats mostly meat.

>> No.4819503


I'm not that anal. As long as I don't eat chunks of meat or eat any animal liquids, I'm fine.

I don't mind using cooking utensils used for meat. That's just next-level douchiness.

>> No.4819507

I don't mind vegetarians but vegans take the proverbial cake in their demands for people to cater them.

>> No.4819508

>fake meats
i'll never eat those things
it just... it just feels like it's not helping the cause
like you're half way there but are still too attached to fix a habit, like smoking e-cigs instead of real smokes.

>> No.4819509


Taking B12 supplements to survive your chronically deficient diet

pharmaceutical manufacture comes to us so naturally bro

>> No.4819511

We're not carnivores. You know how an otter uses a rock to open clams? We do something more similar to that. I'll gladly eat fresh, raw beef and fish. Organ meats taste good too.

>> No.4819515


Yeah, fuck those guys for caring about animals.

>> No.4819519

Well today I am making seitan and will put it in curry. Gonna mix pureed black beans in for flavor. Will take photos.

>> No.4819523


>eating animal matter when plant matter provides everything you need

You can skip all the bad shit meat gives you and just take a multivitamin. I'll keep living healthy. You continue sliding dead flesh down your throat. Maybe you'll even cover that dead flesh with tit secretions.

>> No.4819525


Thank you. Please share. Need more vegan content.

>> No.4819527

Beef stroganoff and cheeseburgers ain't bad... but kind of gettingturned off these days.

>> No.4819528

>plant provides everything you need
>yet you need to take a vitamin supplement

>> No.4819529


Good luck with your vitamin D derived from sheeps wool, faggot

>> No.4819532

btw not vegan,
Just like a low animal diet
For example, last night we (family of 4) had 2 small rainbow trout, roasted red pepper butter (about 3 Tbsp butter), vegan black bean soup, vegan home fries, and vegan brocolli.

>> No.4819533


You should be taking vitamins anyway. The only thing that meat can give that plants can't is b12. It's not worth all the other shit. Most nutritionists agree.

>eating meat because you need one thing from it

Nah. I'll skip it. You'll be redpilled soon enough

Protip: You only eat other animals because you're a weak willed fuck who is addicted to a primal thirst for blood. I'll keep my glowing skin, my slim body, and my pure white teeth.

>> No.4819548

>fuck those guys for caring about animals

Your "veganism" diet does nothing to save Anything. Just like people who don't buy/wear fur. It's not stopping or changing anything, it's still being eaten and butchers are still in business

>> No.4819558


>not believing in yourself.

Change starts with individuals buckaroo. Whether you believe it or not, there's not once instance of change in the history of the world that didn't start with one person.

>> No.4819564

If plant matter gives you everything, why do you need supplements? Did you know liver and some seafood is a great source of B12? I don't think needing a supplement means you're in great health.

>implying I don't have heavy tit secretions culturing for butter, and regular tit secretions culturing for yogurt in my kitchen right now

>> No.4819568

>implying that believing In yourself changes the world

The furthest you will get is a 5 minute segment on the 11 o clock news.

>> No.4819576


>if a certain amount of money gives you everything you need, why invest in stocks

>> No.4819586

Vegans spend more time defending their diets and trying to force it on everyone else because they believe they are better people for it. Vegans and Christians are on par IMO leave your crazy jive to yourselves, better yet, go on a vegan board on another website and knock yourselves unconscious from the lack of nutrients you don't consume.

>> No.4819591 [DELETED] 


Fuck you. This is a food board. I'll make vegan threads every fucking day.

>> No.4819598
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>> No.4819602

Wooo you better calm down, stop wasting the limited calories you have for the day. You don't want to wear yourself out before your kale with a side of homemade tastes just like bacon dinner

>> No.4819604

>You should be taking vitamins anyway.

No, you shouldn't. Vitamins are something you might need short term, but a terrible way of getting what you need long term.

>> No.4819609
File: 1.12 MB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 14.59.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquid ingredients for Seitan

>> No.4819619
File: 1.32 MB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 15.05.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry ingredients

>> No.4819626


sweet. that looks complicated

>> No.4819636
File: 1001 KB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 15.22.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small hands kneading

>> No.4819643
File: 1.10 MB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 15.25.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrap into foil log

>> No.4819644


What are you - Canadian?

>> No.4819647

Typical Vegans

>> No.4819651
File: 771 KB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 15.29.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bake for 90 minutes at 325

>> No.4819653


awesome job. thanks for the education. will save and make for family sometime.

>> No.4819657

I am Canadian. Eat vegan, organic, or game.
Not complicated. Mix 600 mL wet including sauces, stock, oil (I used olive)
Mix 2 cups gluten flour with like 4TBSP spices, 1/4 cup nutritional yeas.
Mix wet into dry, knead, form log in foil and bake in 325 degree oven for 90 minutes. The kids love it.

>> No.4819671

That was just terrible.

>> No.4819673


puss filled tit secretions are terrible

>> No.4819678

I find it rather tasty actually.

>> No.4819680

If you're going to be vegan, why imitate non-vegan food?

>> No.4819683

Holy shit, you sound so pretentious.

>> No.4819684


because I still haven't got over my addiction to meat foods?

Pretty simple answer. I am ashamed, but I am also working on it. Soon I'll eat 80% fruit and vegetables and 20% cooked vegetables.

>> No.4819686

>hurrhurr hoomans never discovered fire and used it to cook meat so thare4 u shood eat an life cow

>> No.4819690

>because I still haven't got over my addiction to meat foods?
Are you asking me a question?

>> No.4819693


>eating food that must be seasoned and cooked for consumption

>inb4 you can eat raw

Yeah, because Americans just fucking love raw meat. They do however love raw apples and carrots. Not as much as they should, but most people consume those foods raw with no problem.

>> No.4819695

I hope you balanced that plate better than Sarah did.
It looks awful.
Do you have a picture of the one you made?

>> No.4819698


Nah. I have a kid. I just ate it and got back to parenting. Now I have some freetime on /ck/ cause he's over at mamaws.

>> No.4819699

Just wanted to let you all know that it's baking as we post

>> No.4819700


tight! Love this type of shit. Post finished product.

>> No.4819707


>Canola oil is usually processed


who gives a fuck if it's 'processed'

>> No.4819725
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Dairy always makes me feel great.
Which is strange, because I'm lactose intolerant.
But if I take some lactaid or any other supplement to help me digest the stuff, I feel better than if I eat anything else.

Particularly goat cheese or Brunost.
Besides from that, I always feel amazing after I eat kaviar.

Whenever I go visit the in-laws in Oslo I usually feel better than I have all year. I'm not particularly changing my food habits besides adding in a few of the things I mentioned, so I really wonder.

>> No.4819743

as much as i appreciate people eating vegan, i also really hate it when they try to imitate animal products.

seriously, that is the dumbest thing you can do as a person advocating a plant based diet.

there is no need for vegan eggs, tofu turkey, vegan spam and all those other culinary abominations.

vegetables, legumes and fruits are ace as they are. if you truly loved your plants you wouldnt need to obscure them into something they shouldnt be related to in the first place.

also, vegetable oils are not 'healthy', eat a few nuts for your fatty acids but dont add any extra oil to your dishes you numb-tongued twats.

>> No.4819745

>meat is just objectively bad for you

>> No.4819746


it's used as a stepping stone for a real vegan lifestyle. just a temporary crutch. I agree with you wholeheartedly

>> No.4819748



>> No.4819751

Just came in to say you subhumans should be exterminated. I wouldn't even have taken a double take at this thread if OP didn't start it in the most condescending way imaginable.

>> No.4819754

45 minutes til I slice it
Secret ingredients this time: black beans, maple syrup, beer

>> No.4819755

alright then, good luck on your progress!

(i consumed ridiculous amounts of coconuts, peanut mousse and avocado when i started in fear of craving cheese or dairy if id go low fat vegan right away)

>> No.4819759


doesn't matter. hooked ya.

>> No.4819760

Hue hue.

>> No.4819763


more denial

>> No.4819764

I love vegan food that doesn't have the sensory qualities of vegetables. Some examples:
Vegan Pate
Miso Gravy
Vegan Loaf
Deep Fried Soy Milk
Vegan Cheese
Vegan Cutlets
Vegan Jerky

>> No.4819775

maybe those are just shitty people to begin with, who just happened to pick veganism as their uniquene trait that requires special treatment?

>> No.4819782


meat eaters are the pickiest faggots in the world. Their entire culinary world revolves around meat. Meat in every dish. This is objective fact,

>> No.4819784

Anyone reading please do not listen to this guy. >>4819533

As long as you don't solely live off fast food you probably don't need supplements.

>> No.4819786

Not a vegan/vegetarian myself, but my sister is all over it. On Thanksgiving she brought over some "vegan thanksgiving pie". It was fucking delicious even though it gave me the shits after. I wish I could find out the recipe, since she apparently can't remember it.

>> No.4819791

>Evidence for the controlled use of fire by Homo erectus beginning some 400,000 years ago has wide scholarly support

>Anatomically modern humans evolved from archaic Homo sapiens in the Middle Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago.

The use of fire by human ancestors predates anatomical modernity by 200,000 years. Our ancestors were using fire to cook meat long before we were actually human, so it only makes sense that we evolved alongside the mastery of fire. At the end of the day, humanity is completely inseparable from the use of technology, and to say that eating meat is unnatural because we can't eat raw meat is the same thing as saying "HEY GUYS WE SHOULD ALL GO BACK TO BEING APES AND LIVING IN TREES!"

I mean, you can advocate that, but just don't expect many people to find that appealing.

>> No.4819792

You're an idiot. This is in the top 5 stupidest things I have ever read on /ck/

>> No.4819794
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>Deep Fried Soy Milk

>> No.4819795

Troll line aka pretentious faggot line

>> No.4819814
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 16.39.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done. Caramelizing onions for caramel onion gravy.

>> No.4819823

>vegan brocolli

Wait, what?

>> No.4819828

It's broccoli that's served on a high horse.

>> No.4819843


I've had that. They thicken it, although not to the point of being tofu, before frying. Tasted like someone deep fried a pudding.

>> No.4819846
File: 64 KB, 850x565, I_only_eat_the_finest_raw_vegan_cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4819854

I'm telling you, Nacho. This is for reals!

>> No.4819859

If you drink tons of tap water you should be taking supplements, my brother had a hair test done at the doctors office...he had elevated levels of chlorine, lead, and mercury from drinking over a half gallon of tap water everyday. Linus Pauling lived to be 92 from ingesting high doses of ascorbic acid everyday, it works for some people.

>> No.4819861

if you're vegan you need supplements by default

>> No.4819865


>> No.4819867

>I just had a vegan Cobb salad. I replaced the shitty eggs with delicious avocado. Well anyway, this is the recipe I followed. Was delicious. '
>Vegan General aka Pure Wholesome Food.
Janitors/Mods, can I please have your attention?
See the OP? This is what a troll post looks like.
Look at the baiting and purely antagonistic tone. This thread was not, in any way, shape, or form, intended to actually discuss food.

>> No.4819869
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 16.58.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seitan minutes from coming out, you can see veggies for steaming (didn't peel organic carrots) and potatoes boiling. Onions starting to brown.

>> No.4819874
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If you eat lots of fruits and vegetables, then no. There is no nutrient which we know of that doesn't come from plants. When you eat meat and dairy and get the nutrients from them, they got it from the earth. Just eat the vegetation instead of getting the nutrients from somebody else's body.

>> No.4819879

please stop spreading misinformation and get your b12 levels checked. b12 deficiency is a serious health risk and should not be taken lightly.

>> No.4819880
File: 51 KB, 610x458, 20100329mangoprimary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fruit ever, pic related. Pink champagne ataulfo is my favorite mango variety.

>> No.4819883
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 17.04.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those onions should make for a pretty good gravy. Next, flour, then veggiiie stock and miso.

>> No.4819887

>please stop spreading misinformation
I recommend you research b12. Creatures produce it in our intestines, but humans primarily get it from the earth. It's a sensitive nutrient which harsh chemical fertilizers can destroy. The best way to get b12 is from eating fresh organic produce and by not washing it. However, with the poor quality of soil these days lots of meat-eaters and vegetarians and vegans have b12 deficiencies. If you're deficient you can get it as a shot from your doctor.

>> No.4819888

>obvious b8
>close to 100 replies

Anyone who has replied without saging is part of the problem.

>> No.4819901
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 17.08.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toasting flour with caramel onions

>> No.4819903
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This book will change your life.

>> No.4819905

yes, cobalamin is produced by bacteria in most mammals including humans, who by the way produce it in their small intestine where they can't really absorb it thus being dependent on other sources.

in any case the little amount of cobalamin that potentially can be found on dirty organic food is in no way sufficient to meet human needs.

>getting shots
there you go

>> No.4819909
File: 910 KB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 17.10.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stock added. Boiling to thicken.

>> No.4819914

>vegan black bean soup, vegan home fries, and vegan brocolli
Those things are already vegan, unless otherwise specified.

>> No.4819917

My mom is a very sick woman and ends up puking up every meal. After experimenting around, it seems fruit (especially grapes) and veggies are kept down. Whenever she eats desserts or eggs/meat she gets sick right away. If you have any more recipes, please share. I take care of her and don't have much money, so the cheaper the better.

>> No.4819918 [DELETED] 

There are fantastic. Nam Doc Mai mangoes are also really good, they taste almost like a peach. I recommend at least trying those too, if you can.

>> No.4819919

>no way sufficient to meet human needs.

For several people it is, but again just check with your doctor and get it tested. Different environmental factors can cause people to have problems absorbing it properly, and soil nutrients are becoming depleted. Otherwise getting it from organic produce is enough for humans, if the produce was grown in quality soil. If unsure, get levels tested before taking shots or b12 pills.

>> No.4819923
File: 1.00 MB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 17.20.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick as hell. Added soy sauce and dark miso for color and flavor. Already tasted it. Sweet and rich. You can see finished veggies and boiling potatoes.

>> No.4819926

These are fantastic. Nam Doc Mai mangoes are also really good, they taste almost like a peach. I recommend at least trying those too, if you can.

>> No.4819927
File: 27 KB, 250x200, watermelon-smoothie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't come across Nam Doc Mai yet but I'll keep my eyes out for them, thanks! Usually Asian markets nearby have good selection, hopefully the one near me has them.

>> No.4819936

>mildly interested in trying some vegetarian/vegan food
>tons of substitutes contain nuts
>severely allergic to nuts


>> No.4819937

not to mention some meat eaters tend to have a B12 defiency as well, it's just that they hardly get their levels checked for that because everyone assumes the supply from meat is adequate.

>> No.4819940

almost as if meat isn't the only factor to consider in a healthy diet

>> No.4819944

Well yeah.

Never forget that if the vegan alternative was as good/better, it would be the default.

>> No.4819946

Hamburgers minus the bun, sardines, and sweet potato fries. Was damn good

>> No.4819948

>ground beef, sardines, and sweet potato

>> No.4819952
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Bingo! Very true. It's a problem facing *everybody* today but unfortunately it's typically targeted towards vegans as a vegan-only problem, when people across all diets are experiencing the deficiency.

>> No.4819953

Ohhh, didn't see the vegan part, just food that loves you back. If any consolation, the beef was grass fed

>> No.4819958

I wasn't surprised by that, but that you're considering bun-less hamburgers with sardines to be hamburgers. That sounds like an entirely different dish.

>> No.4819964

that looks badass, OP. i will def try this tomorrow.

>> No.4819978

Nah, high as fuck and figured hamburgers minus buns would get point across better than grilled ground beef. Sardines was just cuz I was still hungry afterwords hahaha

>> No.4819993
File: 1.24 MB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 17.14.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baked seitan

>> No.4820003
File: 965 KB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 17.44.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan Sunday dinner. Mmmmmm. It was good. Mash had vegan margarine and almond milk.put gravy on everything

>> No.4820017

>/co/ in charge of not feeding trolls
Jesus, this was the most obvious troll OP, and still gets over a hundred posts. To be fair, most of it is the same guy spamming the same pics and repetitive arguments over and over.

>> No.4820031

not over P. I have been posting photos of me cooking my Sunday dinner. Too bad I left home or I would post a time damn. It was good as hell. suck it vegan haters.

>> No.4820059

>not over p
*not OP

>> No.4820064


>Being afraid of facts

>> No.4820091

What facts? All I see is
All emotional appeals. Good job making vegans look like hysterical idiots.

>> No.4820103


not a single thing is incorrect about your greentexts. everyone is an accurate description of common animal products.

1. Meat is dead flesh. It is flesh that no longer has circulatory blood flowing through it. It is dead.

2. Milk consistently has pus in it. It is literally another animals tit secretions. This is indisputable. You just don't like how harsh it sounds.

3. When you kill an animal, it becomes a corpse. Also a correct definition.

Why are you so upset? Maybe you should take a look at your diet if these things rile you up. Maybe you have a problem with it, deep down.

>> No.4820105


every one*

>> No.4820107

Maybe you have a problem with being such a fucking faggot?

>> No.4820111


I won. Guilt ridden dead flesh eater confirmed

>> No.4820114

He never said you were wrong, just that instead of arguments, vegans tend to post:
lol how dida corps tast?
We already know animals are killed first, I even keep, feed, and slaughter a few of my own from time to time. Stating the obvious in a snarky dickish way is not an argument.
Enjoy ur dirty mole man food, pussy
See how convincing it is?

>> No.4820115

You claim not to eat meat yet you inhale the cock. You've won nothing, you fruity faggot.

>> No.4820122


It doesn't bother me. lol. My food didn't have a heart. My food doesn't have a similar mammalian anatomy. I can't relate to my food on an anatomical level. My food can't show emotion to its offspring.

>> No.4820125

Nobody cares.

>> No.4820126


A lot of people do.

>> No.4820130
File: 151 KB, 500x375, supersupreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck vegan
thread is now about meat

>> No.4820133

This isn't a refutation either. We are closer relatives to many forms of fish (Trout in particular) than mammals.

>> No.4820135
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>> No.4820138
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>> No.4820140


Da Vinci cared. Bill Gates cares. Steve Jobs cared. Buddha cared. Pytharagus cared. Plato cared. Voltaire cared.

But what do they know. They were/are industry leaders, timeless artists, inventors of basic mathematics, and some of the world's most respected scholars.

Bunch of fucking faggots actually.

>> No.4820147
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>> No.4820149

it's nice to have a bit of variety though. I still miss the taste of chicken a lot so once in a while I eat Gardein chickn. that said, I'm not a strictly healthy eater.

>> No.4820150

Guess what? *I* still don't care.

Go dig up Steve Jobs and suck what's left of his cock. Oh you can't, that would be eating meat.

>> No.4820152


boy you're showing them. If anything, you're just showing how insecure you are in your own diet. lol.

Keep posting your shame faggot.

>> No.4820153

>Steve Jobs
That smelly Buddhist thief
You left out Adolf Hitler. Famous people doing or being something does not make it right.

>> No.4820154
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>> No.4820160

Posting pictures of meat isn't a sign of insecurity, you dense motherfucker. Now you're just being a fucking dick.

>> No.4820162
File: 141 KB, 540x397, grilled-rare-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4820166


Veganism is the objective moral high ground. I am not even Vegan and this can't be disputed. If you don't eat animals, you are superior because you do not eat animals capable of emotion. No getting around it. Vegans cause less suffering.

Not to be confused for people like me though. I don't give a fuck. I know I don't need meat. I just eat it.

>> No.4820168

What about the smart and successful people who ate meat? Or the evil people who ate vegan? Or the normal, unsuccessful people who were vegans? Listing famous people doesn't help your argument much.

>> No.4820170
File: 149 KB, 595x679, steak_filet_sliced_sq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4820172

Gta 5 shit on you vegan fags

>> No.4820178


How about this for an argument. Plants do not have a central nervous system. They are not capable of emotion. They do not feel any sort of pain humans could relate to. Chickens, cows, deer, etc. All mammals. All have the same basic anatomy. All have a central nervous system. All feel pain. All have been proven to show emotion. All show affection to their young.

I don't eat them. I win.

>> No.4820179

>Saying anyone is superior over anyone else.

No one is superior over anyone else.
Everyone has something to contribute, everyone's experiences are valid.

I haven't even been reading this thread but fuck all of you.

Eating or not eating meat doesn't mean you're better than anyone else.

Goddamn why do so many people go "It's different, one must be good, one must be bad!"
It's a fucking cop out.

>> No.4820176
File: 644 KB, 900x675, rare-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4820183

>Eating or not eating meat doesn't mean you're better than anyone else

Actually, it does. No getting around it.

>> No.4820184
File: 18 KB, 400x201, meat-rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4820187


The fact that you see this as some sort of competition only reinforces the idea that you're only vegan for the smug false feeling of superiority it gives you.

>> No.4820189

If anyone claims to be vegan, then fuck yes I'm better than them.

>> No.4820190

>I don't eat them. I win.
Win what? You want an award for being the most pretentious asshole?
>Chickens, cows, deer, etc. All mammals. All have the same basic anatomy. All have a central nervous system. All feel pain. All have been proven to show emotion. All show affection to their young.
Why does that matter? None of the are capable of the intelligence of a human.

>> No.4820194
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>> No.4820196
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This man is your friend
He fights for your tastebuds

>> No.4820198

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
If you're serious, then okay, you're delusional, but beyond that, vegans are in no way superior, because that is not a viable diet for anyone but a privileged rich twenty something. Even then they need pills to live that way. If you are put off by the idea of eating sompething "With a pulse" or "That can feel" or whatever other phrase you want to use, then I doubt how much good you will do in a world where even existing can be molded into such a way into "Ur evil, ded ppl is the oblctivly gud way to go."

>> No.4820205
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>> No.4820207


Nope. I'm vegan first and foremost because it is the diet of peak health. The superiority is a natural offshoot of the lifestyle. I don't eat walking, breathing, sentient animals. You do.

Plus, you simply don't need to eat meat. You think your taste buds are more important than your fellow mammals. It's part of a larger problem with humans. They operate under the assumption that they're not a part of the animal kingdom. We're the first species that has figured out meat is not necessary for a modern human but still continued to eat them. Not for nutrients, but "because it taste good." "EXTREME CHEESE LE EPIC BACON AMIRITE." etc etc

A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.
—Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist (1828–1910)

>> No.4820208

>Stop eating meat
>no one keeps cows, pigs and chickens anymore
>They die out
Nice going, vegans.

>> No.4820209
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>> No.4820217


It doesn't matter. It's a lifestyle choice you made. It's not even the default lifestyle of humans. We're omnivores with canines for a reason.

Eating animals or not doesn't make one superior over another for any reason whatsoever, and the corollary is true as well.

>> No.4820214

my taste buds ARE more important than my fellow mammels.

I'd eat human meat instead of chicken if it tasted better

>> No.4820215
File: 234 KB, 548x468, 76876986876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am getting sick of these threads. I hate OP and I hate the image OP posted. I hate that they named their child 'Eden', I hate that they think their chemical foods aping the real thing are actually better. I hate the cashier for relating to such a customer. I hate that OP consistently starts threads like these, and has such unmasked hatred and disgust of not only meats and cheeses, but the 95% of us who eat them and don't think any further about it.
I hate the way OP propagandizes, referring to meat as "dead flesh" --as if we don't know that's what it is-- as a means to associate it with dead humans.
I do not feel guilty in the slightest, ever, when I eat animals or products obtained from animals. I DO feel shame and guilt when I eat vegan sausage, vegan cheese, gluten-free breads, and other unnatural concoctions.
I also feel pity for OP, because OP genuinely feels that perpetrating an all out, long-term assault on the rest of us will sway anyone to their worldview, which it will certainly not.

>> No.4820218
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>> No.4820221


Who cares? They're existence wouldn't be a life of slavery. The earth would get rid of them. If they're not meant to exist, they're not meant to exist. Breeding them just to eat them is the same logic as Southerners had when they bred slaves to work them.

Blacks seem to be doing fine. Cows wouldn't go totally extinct anyway. This is hyperbole used by weak as fuck faggots.

>If we can't them den day dissappeared just like dat!

>> No.4820222
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>> No.4820223
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>> No.4820228

As said earlier, if you're going to use the appeal to nature tactic, you should know we are more closely related to trout than several mammals. Humans never existed in a state where they did not eat meat, our genetic relatives were using fire and eating animals long before Homo Sapiens, Sapiens was around. I doubt your sentiment of "Never harm anything, cover life in bubble wrap" almost never carries through all the way.

>> No.4820229
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>> No.4820233

thank god for archery season. Can't wait for firearm season though, got a few new rifles I want to snipe bambie with

>> No.4820237


Yeah, are canines sure are useful... It couldn't possibly be a residual evolutionary trait. No, never. Not that. I mean, they're so fucking sharp! I'm thinking about going to tear through a hide as I type.

>> No.4820244
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>express emotion


>> No.4820245



shit son my bad

>> No.4820248
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>> No.4820241

>arguing with a vegan
just report for shitposting and move on man
theres really nothing to win

>> No.4820249
File: 52 KB, 500x388, h3539F591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life of slavery

Just stop, you have gone so far off the deep end its embarrassing. Not to mention how you just literally said blacks and animals are the same thing .

>> No.4820251


Keep thinking this. It's just a way you deal. They do express emotion. Deal with it.

>> No.4820253

Blacks do just fine because they haven't evolved to be totally dependent on humans.
>implying an animal can actually be a slave
It's a human concept. An animal in a group is basically the slave of the alpha animal, its not really that different from nature (actually, it is nature, since the human takes the role of the alpha animal).

>> No.4820257
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>> No.4820261

Ever hit a deer pefectly in the heart with an arrow and see it twitch while it's dying? Then a few moments after it dies it spazzes all out, then you hear the death rattle, air escaping from its mouth and ass. That's when you know you asserted dominance over another.

Then you go home, skin it, cut it up, and really have fun.

>> No.4820258


Give me an argument that actually addresses the issue of vegan being supposedly better due to not eating meat, rather than using your "eat hide, canines are stupid" argument to strawman me.

>> No.4820264
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>> No.4820265


False equivalency. I didn't say they were the same thing. I'm just saying blacks were treated the same way we treat cattle pigs etc nowadays. And it's the same logic actual slavers used.

>if they didn't have us, they wouldn't know what to do. They'd die out.

They said shit like that. It's no accident they we have convinced ourselves that animals can't survive without us. Fucking obsessed with ourselves.

>> No.4820267
File: 52 KB, 500x388, stop it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some do not all and the range of emotion is often limited

>> No.4820268

>Anything that makes sense is the nile
Vegan tactics 101

>> No.4820271
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>> No.4820274
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You fucking hypocrite. You ate DEAD FLESH. It doesn't matter how much you ate. Those trout were LIVING BEINGS WITH EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS AND SOMEONE KILLED THEM SO YOU COULD SUP UPON THEIR DEAD FUCKING FLESH!!!!!

>> No.4820275


How is refusing to accept that mammals express emotion factual? The opposite is true. They do indeed express emotion. You just can't attack this argument because it sucks for you to think about

>> No.4820276

OP is a troll, a nigger, and a huge faggot. Oh, and an ignorant faggot at that. ALL Cobb salads have avocado, you giant douchebag licker. I hope you get a dozen hard boiled eggs crammed straight up your diseased asshole by a diseased faggot and catch consumption.

>> No.4820278
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>> No.4820282
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Evolutionary residue? if you don't know anything about evolution, don't use it as an argument. As stated several times, the line of sapiens-like animals before us ate meat, and we've never existed in such a state that we did not, meaning that canines were never chosen against in natural or artificial selection. Unless vegans start breeding themselves for smaller canines, they will always have canines.

>> No.4820287

I couldn`t care less about the argument that theyd die out since its obviously false. My problem is with your anthropomorphizing something as something as brain dead as a chicken to the point that you think its in anyway comparable to HUMANS being kept as slaves.

>> No.4820288

To be fair if you remove the shell they shouldn't be that hard to cram them up there, i don't think it will even hurt

>> No.4820292

Why do people think calling meat dead flesh will accomplish anything? How is flesh gross?
>Eat a plant, contains plant cells, amino acids, carbs and proteins
>Eat an animal, contains animal cells, amino acids, carbs and proteins
Yet one is gross and one isn't. They're both biological matter.

>> No.4820293

I never said it was, implying I did is a strawman. I know you don't want to admit that because it sucks, but it's true. Thinking all regular diet people secretly feel guilty must make it a lot easier for you preach like veganism is a religion, no?

>> No.4820294
File: 93 KB, 275x252, 353454343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all postin' in a troll thread!

>> No.4820295

I really don't give a damn if my food had emotions or not. I don't see any relevance. The maggots that eat me when I die won't care either.

>> No.4820298


>> No.4820299

Because the closet furfags cant stop unconsciously anthropomorphizing anything that clucks, moos, bleet, etc. While simultaniously being unable to come to terms with the fact that no one else does it.

>> No.4820301

Vegans should try and shame other omnivorous species, since we all have a pulse and heart

>> No.4820302

Meat is murder. Eating animals is wrong.

>> No.4820306
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Try to be more subtle

>> No.4820304

Please share the recipe

>> No.4820305
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>> No.4820309


>comparing yourself to less intelligent mammals.

>welp, I guess in spite of overwhelming dietary evidence showing that plants can provide a sustainable human life, I'll just at this less intelligent omnivore and take advice from it

>dead flesh consumer logic

>> No.4820315

if they're not smart enough to avoid capture or escape, they deserve to be killed/eaten.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.4820316
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> I'll just at this less intelligent omnivore and take advice from it
Wow, that lack of vital nutrients is really making you type like the retard all vegans are.
"if i typ ded fls enuf deyll agre"
>Stick eater logic

>> No.4820317

>comparing yourself to less intelligent mammals.
You're he one comparing cows and chickens to intelligent humans. Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.4820324
File: 410 KB, 2304x1728, cow2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi cow. How are you doing today?


that's...cool. Any big plans?

>stares blankly

>hey, would you mind if I ate you?

>looks off towards nothing in particular

You know... *makes gestures like I'm eating*


okay then.

>steak for dinner

>> No.4820367

I love meat, and I mean, I LOVE MEAT, but honestly I could be a vegetarian. Vegetables and fruits are amazing and vegetarian dishes can be absolutely fantastic. Vegetarian Indian food is AZEEM O SHAH SHAHENSHAH. Shit, so can vegan food. My uni has a vegan food line that makes some of the best grub the dining hall has to offer.
But I doubt I could ever be a full time vegan. At least vegetarianism allows for some wiggle room. As other anons stated, we are biologically engineered to eat meat. And so is a huge portion of the animal kingdom. Should we boycott snakes, or lions, or bears, because they eat meat? Ohhh, but they're killing they're fellow animals! They're sentient beings! You think a bear gives two fucks? The world is harsh, but it's natural.

I respect veganism, but seriously dude, stop trying to push it on everyone and try and shame us into not eating meat. Billions of people in the world are probably currently eating meat. There are epochs and epochs and generations and generations of meat-eating humans. You're not going to change anything anytime soon.

>> No.4820376
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>> No.4820411

You know, in these vegan threads there's always posts like this, same syntax, same story "I like meat but I could be a vegetarian! It's so good and ethical!"

You need to change it up, shill.

>> No.4820427
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>> No.4820437

lol fitizens would never go vegan.

>> No.4820448

>>eating something that you have to moderate.
I didn't realize B vitamins were bad for me.

>> No.4820453

Google Maddox guilt free grill.


>> No.4820463
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>> No.4820466

Everyone I've ever known who becomes vegetarian/vegan is underweight and gets sick far more often than the average person does

>> No.4820472

I personally don't care about Veganism/Vegetarianism

If you want to avoid eating meat, fine. That's your decision. It doesn't bother me.

What bothers me is when those people get fucking abrasive/militant/abusive about it.

It's my goddamn choice to eat meat, just like it's your choice to not. I have no problem with you having a different lifestyle but where the hell do you get off calling me a "murderer" and insulting me and my lifestyle just because you don't agree with it?

>> No.4820480

They're making me suffer right now

>> No.4820486

Life is cruel. Deal with it.

I'm guessing you wish your ancestors never hunted animals to evolve smarter brains? For everyone else's sake it would have been better if they didn't

>> No.4820498

Vegans must be the same people who feel white guilt.

>> No.4820506


Veganism is just a corporate scam aimed at privileged whites just like the organic craze.

I bet they're all liberal too (the main sufferers of 'white guilt' aka bullshit)

>> No.4820539
File: 993 KB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-22 17.38.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure was a delicious Sunday night dinner. Goodnight 4chan.

>> No.4820545



>> No.4820559
File: 5 KB, 221x159, Tom Cruise laughs his head off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please note that my goat cheese recipe takes at least 12 hours of advance preparation.

>> No.4820570

OP is a faggot.

>> No.4820584


>mfw this just rekt all dead flesh slurpers logic

>if dey too stoopid to avoid capture I'mma eat dem

Enjoy your tit secretions and your heart disease

>> No.4820631
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>> No.4820634


Mmm. Coronary Artery Disease.

>I love you son and I want to see you graduate, but daddy just HAD to eat dead animals. Sorry.

>ok dad. I guess it's okay you were a weak willed faggot who couldn't resist the taste of dead flesh. th-th-thanks.

>> No.4820636

This reads like satire.

>> No.4820638
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>> No.4820644

This is why I fucking hate the lot of you. Why are all of you such fucking retards. Agree to disagree and do your own shit without criticizing or condemning others. If they want to eat meat, leave them the fuck alone about it. If they want to eat veg, leave them the fuck alone about it. Who gives a fuck. Do your research and figure out what diet best suits you.
There is a very clear link between animal products and coronary artery disease; as well as cancer. If you choose to continue down that path you will pay for it in the long run.
Vegans, get off your fucking high horse. Unless you're sticking to whole foods only, most of that over processed fat/oil saturated animal substitute is just as bad for you. Not eating a steak b/c you want to save a cow is not a sufficient reason. If you're strictly veg, do it for yourself first.

>> No.4820647
File: 126 KB, 800x609, 189864_376217892479191_50983283_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I really wanted to be there for my grandchildren, but meat was too important for me. Surely you understand, son

>n-n-not really dad. Was eating dead animals more important to you then your family, your goals, and your health?

>yes son, I absolutely needed it. /ck/ told me meat was necessary.

>but dad, just look at our teeth. Here, look at this picture. How is it not obvious to you? How do you ignore basic anatomy, dad?

>Dad? I love you dad. I love you so much. I'll miss you...

>> No.4820648


raw vegan masterrace here. 80/10/10 is the formula for peak health.

>> No.4820649
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>> No.4820655


yum. cardiovascular disease.

>> No.4820657

>raw vegan masterrace here

This is the shit I'm talking about. Just b/c you eat a certain diet doesn't make you superior to anyone else. Fuck you

>> No.4820661


>what is fun
>what is joking
>what is taking the piss

Plus, no, it doesn't make me a better person. It just makes me a healthier person. No morality to it.

>> No.4820663


enjoy your murdered flesh. so glad I decided to stop that shit a year ago. fucking savage. you know the reason Joaquin Phoenix, Natalie Portman, Bill Clinton and hundreds of other sophisticated, rich, high-class people don't eat murdered animals? It's because they're better than you. Not trolling either. Once you realize that eating meat is the equivalent of our great ancestors performing ritualistic, human sacrifice... You'll fully understand. It will click. You have no excuse if you're a parent. You have no excuse if you're a dog owner or cat owner. Because with your kid and your pets, you've already admitted to me that you understand the value of mammalian life. What separates a dog from a cow? Surely it isn't intelligence? What separates a pig from a cat? Is it cool to eat a cow's baby? Or a pig's baby? Would it be alright if I eat your kid? Do you not think that animals love their offspring?Fucking murderer. Would not hang with you. I would moo for the entirety of dinner if I had to eat at the same table as you.
Moooooooooooooooo. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You're eating a walking animal you fuck.

>> No.4820664
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>> No.4820666

>sarcasm on the interwebs
>raw vegan masterrace here
certainly seems like you'er claiming to be a better person.

>> No.4820668


obvious pasta meant to paint vegans badly. meat eaters are guilty of this shit too.

>> No.4820670


>Nope, not a fast food thread.

you're right, somehow it's even worse than the fast food shitposting

>> No.4820672


I guess it's hard to admit that certain dietary lifestyles are just objectively healthier than others.

eating 80% raw fruits and vegetables for your entire life is far healthier than eating meat at all.

>> No.4820673


well i had been vegetarian for religious reasons as I had converted to Hinduism, but I feel incredibly betrayed by God, if there even is a god.

"God" says it's a sin to eat meat. Then why doesn't he get off his lazy worthless ass and come down here and STOP everyone from eating meat?

27,000 children starve to death every single day on this planet. What kind of "God" allows 27,000 children to starve to death every single day? Not the kind of God that I want anything to do with.

So since "God" clearly feels no obligations to take care of humanity, I feel absolutely no obligations to follow any of "God's" rules either. And thus, I eat meat because I want to.


>> No.4820675

you are a narrow minded twat. You have the same mindset as a terrorist. "I'm right, everyone else is wrong. Get rid of everyone who doesn't agree" YOU'RE THE PROBELM YOU FUCK!

>> No.4820678

you made my point

>> No.4820679
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>> No.4820683


yay! future health problems.

>> No.4820684

Its not hard to admit. Its backed by tons of scientific evidence.

>> No.4820685


>points out obvious pasta
>seriously replies to obvious pasta

>> No.4820688
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>> No.4820691


whatever you say you ritual murderer.

>> No.4820693

Cardiovascular disease tastes so amazing it makes my dick rock hard.

>> No.4820698
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>> No.4820702

A local steakhouse here runs their own farm.

I wish they would let you come to the farm and pick your own cow, see it shuffled off to the slaughter house, and you'd have it for dinner that night. They do that shit with lobster so why not cow.

>> No.4820703

>I wish they would let you come to the farm and pick your own cow, see it shuffled off to the slaughter house, and you'd have it for dinner that night. They do that shit with lobster so why not cow.

I started to explain why but then I realized you are shitposting so I deleted all that.

>> No.4820709

not really. Yeah you'd have to pay a premium, I'm fine with that. The rest of the cow could go to people who didn't want to pay to pick their own.

>> No.4820939

We have the right to eat things that are weaker or less advanced than us.

>> No.4820955

You know fresh beef isn't all that good, right/

>> No.4820956

mechanical keyboard masterrace reporting in. mx reds are the only way to go.

oh, wrong board.

>> No.4820959

no u

>> No.4820962
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>> No.4821003

and I'll punch you in the mouth and suck your blood, so what?

>> No.4821008

That seems like a lot of effort to go to, just because you're scared of eating something that came out of a chook's bum.

>> No.4821015

uuuyumyum rabbit, I have a pot with some adobo sauce and a nice brazier for you!
You have hit the nail in the head, I will start describing all my non meat food as vegetarian, and all my non meat non dairy as vegan and all the non gluten food as gluten free, you have made my day

>> No.4821092
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>> No.4821246
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>dat marbling

My God.

>> No.4822854

White people are so deluded and entitled, jesus christ. These threads are proof.

>> No.4823214

>implying vegans don't use tools to prepare their food

>> No.4823221

Do you eat oils? You have to moderate oil consumption.

And the bottom line is, animals eat animals. You think lions in the wild feel bad about the gazelle babies? Of course they don't. It's survival of the fittest. It's the food chain.

If you want to be a vegan/vegetarian, that's fine. But it gets childish when you start denigrating others for their choices. If we want to eat meat, let us eat meat.

>> No.4823246
File: 60 KB, 600x496, 1338401084801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm totally a vegan, you guys. i don't eat meat
>As long as you don't eat it, it's fine, u guys!!

>> No.4823358

nah bro.

>> No.4823374

holy shit, so mad
this is great

>> No.4823385

your food can't love you back, unless you're only eating some of the smarter animals that have managed to demonstrate affection towards humans.

>> No.4823403

>But it gets childish when you start denigrating others for their choices. If we want to eat meat, let us eat meat.

it is not that simple, and calling us childish only shows that you have no rational support for your argument. what if someone said, "if i want to eat human flesh, let me eat human flesh". and yes, our ancestors did this routinely before we got religion and god told us to stop it.

>> No.4823408

Like most stoners I know.
Most are content to smoke in privacy but there are a few who act like total cunts and defend their habit vehemently.
Those bad few make me resent all of them.

>> No.4823414


>Soy sauce

Biggest pretend fad ever man.

>> No.4823416

>soy sauce is of animal origin
My sides.

>> No.4823421


Pinoy bro here, just so you know soy sauce isn't just soy beans, the beans are fermented with several other ingredients including whole fish, squid ink etc. for months, sometimes years.

Good thing you took the time to research your fashion fad before you jumped into it.

>> No.4823422


About the only thing it's going to do is make non-vegetarian/vegans people hate vegan and vegetarian people more, causing the vegan/vegetarians to play the "prosecuted minority" card more and attack non-vegans, in turn fueling the spiral of hate we have for each other.

But we're allowed to murder each other and make immigrants and foreigners miserable by increased demand and prices for vegan foods, just don't touch the animals.

>> No.4823434

Not all soy uses other ingredients. It depends what kind of soy you get and where it's made.

>> No.4823435

Holt shit, unless I'm wrong, I remember reading the Mad Magazine that picture is from... Twelve years ago... It was something like a twisted Simon Says game with children playing.

>> No.4823438


>> No.4823440


good thing to leave such a gay, effeminate girl- son behind.

probably should have killed himself sooner rather than live with the guilt of having raised such a failure.

>> No.4823442

>all soy sauces are of my retarded local variety
Soy sauce does not inherently have animal bits in it. Your weird fish sauce blend is not the universal recipe for soy sauce. But good thing you took the time to research other kinds before assuming everyone follows your own personal recipe.

>> No.4823444


Except those are the main ingredients, that's actually how soy sauce gets it's black color, primarily from the fermenting process and the ink. The only regional differences are what sort of ink, fish and bean you use. Like worcestershire sauce is made with anchovies is something similar to soy sauce.

Both sauces are decidedly not vegetarian, but you're a white person, so go on living in your privileged dream world where you're not hurting the widdle animals.

>> No.4823453
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You actually protest when people eat meat near you? You interrupt someone's meal in real life to spout your objections? Bullshit. You just do that here where you can get away with it. I'm a special forces guy who will come to your house, etc, etc...

>> No.4823454

there is a lecturer at my college who does not eat. he only drinks shakes he makes from all sorts of fruits and veggies. i don´t doubt he neither drinks nor smokes either.

he seems to be in perfect health and i am sure he is fairly happy.

that said, that is not the kind of life that is attractive to me at all. what matters to me is the quality of life, not simply the quantity. if that was the case then we should prolly all be happiest or best off in an isolated room with one toy for all of our lives. of course, going out and playing might mean we risk injury and illness, but since we never even learned it might be fun we wouldn´t miss it either. isn´t that the argument in a nutshell?

if people individually want to limit the scope of their experiences in such a way, that is completely fine with me. however when they teach their children this bullshit and thereby deprive them of things many of us consider essential it becomes another matter entierly. same with trying to foist their propaganda on other people.

i would not want to live a life without alcohol, without some outdoor activities that may be harmful, without some people that might be...

there is no point in simply existing.

>> No.4823460


Outside Asia a lot of say sauce is made with food colouring and wheat proteins.

Mmm-mmm, tasty.

>> No.4823464


If it's not listed as vegetarian, it isn't. Like worcestershire the ingredients are proprietary and they're not required to list what sort of fish go into it. I can also confirm that kikkoman doesn't make anything of the sort as the taste of soy sauce is because of the fermenting process.

>> No.4823466


Actually, I have to amend this, I just compared an old bottle of soy to a new one, the new one is made with maize protein, not wheat, and has a lot less soybean in it.

>> No.4823481

My rational support is as follows:

Eating meat is legal; eating meat is tasty; therefore I will eat it because I am allowed to do so and I enjoy it. If eating human flesh was legal, then I would have no problem with it. But that would be illogical - no animals eat their own species. Maybe cannibalism was common in some places, but murder and rape are common in some places.

>> No.4823485


lots of species eat their dead. mice for example.

i wonder which race and what diet and upbringing would make for the tastiest human meat though.

certainly not obese americans.

>> No.4823486

Bill Clinton's no vegan fuck.

>> No.4823489
File: 50 KB, 196x248, 28165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd sample human meat, given the chance. I'd rather not eat an American. In the Vietnam war it was noted that American soldiers' corpses decayed considerable slower than the Charlie, because of all the preservatives in their diets, and that was back in the '60's. Imagine the fucked up shit we eat now. I'd like me a nice tribesman or something, who eats wild animals and berries and shit. Roast some thigh meat or something. Hoisin glazed man thigh coated in chopped scallions and black sesame seeds over steamed white rice.
Sounds pretty good!

>> No.4823548

I am neither obese nor American. Meat is not correlated to obesity. Obesity comes from excess calories. Okay, it's easier to eat a surfeit of calories via meat rather than broccoli, but if you eat too many calories you will get fat... whether those calories come from a carnivorous diet, a vegan one, a low-GI one or from just eating other humans.

'Meat = obesity' (if that's your point there) is a pretty illogical and redundant (and downright incorrect) argument.

>> No.4825455 [DELETED] 


Eating memories? What the fuck?