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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4817501 No.4817501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Seen the movie? I thought not.


When will you /co/cks get your heads out of your asses and accept that high fat food is perfectly fine?

>> No.4817522

You should watch,

Super Size Me
King Corn
The Perfect Human Diet
Fed Up!
Killer at Large
Genetic Roulette
Forks Over Knives
Food Matters
American Meat
Bad Seed: The Truth About Our Food
Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution
The Future of Food
Our Daily Bread
Food, Inc.
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
Food Fight

Then perhaps you'll follow your own advice.

>> No.4817526


That's nice. And yet not a single one of those is going to apply to any kind of high fat food that's locally grown organic action. Keep on trollin, vegan.

>> No.4817536

Fatty foods are fine, overconsumption is bad. Also Carbs are more to blame for general obesity.

>> No.4817554

High fat like doughnuts?

>> No.4817560

>Super Size Me
it was pathetic how he tried to act like mcds was making him sick somehow

his acting was terrible too

>> No.4817614

Some are pro-meat and anti-meat. I don't see where you get "vegan" at. I farm and hunt. Perhaps your knee jerked and you are replying to the wrong post?

>> No.4817615

That's retarded. You can eat anything you want to and still lose weight. It does not make a difference.

>> No.4817669


I read an article about a nutritionist who lost weight while eating nothing but fast food. He said it doesn't actually matter what you eat, as long as your energy out is greater than energy in. He concluded by saying that he absolutely didn't recommend anyone doing what he did, as you'd need a ton of supplements in order to get a proper diet while trying to keep your exercise routine.

>> No.4817697

No shit, it's like you guys don't know about the laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.4817704

Or maybe that we are just confirming them to people that seem like it is some big surprise. You know, like the OP.

>> No.4817726

>watch one sketchy documentary
>put all of your faith into it
>ignore all conflicting evidence

That's not how you're supposed to do things, OP

>> No.4817729


That's true, but its a bit more complicated than people want to put it. Fat is the preferred storage material because carbs require large amounts of water to be stored when eaten in excess. When they are stored it's as glycogen with corresponding water weight and not fat. Only fat is stored as fat (for the most part). A very efficient way to lose weight is to cut fats out, so you are not storing any new fat as you are burning it. High fat diets tend to be higher in calories anyway because fats are more calorically dense than carbs.

>> No.4817732


Of course you can lose weight eating anything as long as you're eating less of it than your body needs to fuel itself. Dietary advice shouldn't be about losing weight though, it should be about maintaining health

People are so fat nowadays that they associate weight-loss with good health and don't consider any other factors of the shitty fad diet they're told to follow. I'm sure many 400-pound people lost weight on the Paleo diet and Atkins, but it did nothing for their arteries

>> No.4817737

I eat a lot of carbohydrates but lately I started adding more fat to my diet from nuts because otherwise I keep losing weight, and I'm already 120 pounds down from 160. When I see fat people talk about how carbs will make you fat, I just get mad. Every person I've ever seen who eats mostly carbohydrate and little fat has been as skinny as me. It's always fat people who think they know how to not be fat that say carbs = fat

>> No.4817743

> Dietary advice shouldn't be about losing weight though, it should be about maintaining health

Imagine if there was an epidemic of underweight instead of obesity? " Dietary advice shouldn't be about gaining weight though, it should be about maintaining health" That'd really change how we talk on /ck/.

>> No.4817782


Hey faggot. Science has laid out the evidence against your bullshit. There is overwhelming evidence to suggest cutting carbs will result in weight loss.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that bread and pasta will make you fat.

>> No.4817790



>> No.4817791


Why does real-world evidence not reflect that then? Why are the countries that eat the most carbohydrate always slim and the countries eating the most fat always fat? The "science" YOU know is not the science I know

>> No.4817793


>making yourself sick to lose weight

Forcing yourself to throw up also results in weight loss

>> No.4817796

What are calories?

>> No.4817800


Apparently something that doesn't exist, because eating any amount of carbs = obesity and eating any amount of fat = slim and fit

>> No.4817833

Who said you would get fat JUST eating carbs. People get fat from having carb heavy diets and not burning the right amount of calories you dumb fuck, But please tell us how your anecdotal evidence trumps years of research.

>> No.4817837

>Also Carbs are more to blame for general obesity.

I thought you fuckers were right at one point. So I adjusted my diet to be very carb heavy. Potatoes, bread, pasta all day erry day. I actually started losing too much weight and had to revert back to more meat and fat eating in order to stop my weight loss. I don't know what the fuck to believe anymore. Yeah, call bullshit but that IS what happened for me.

>> No.4817846

>Naughton addresses Spurlock's argument that the current prevalence of obesity cannot have been caused by home cooking
Confirmed for never having fried potatoes at his home.
Fast food chains are not the responsable for people becoming obese but they sure have made easier for people to get access to supersized sodas and deep fried food

>> No.4817862


So how is that different from fat heavy diets and not burning the right amount of calories? You eat more than you need, you store energy as fat. Carbohydrates atleast bypass that to some degree by becoming glycogen, unlike fat which only ever becomes fat, and quite easily so because that's a simple metabolic action your body goes through, whereas de novo lipogenesis, turning carbohydrate into fat, is not nearly as efficient

>> No.4817871

Bread and pasta should be fine, people have been eating that shit for thousands of years.


People have not had easy access to sugar, and more importantly, soda; in those thousands of years.

Regardless of what you eat, if you have two or more Coke's a day, it fucks up how your body digests food, and you will get fat; unless you're way under the daily RDA for calories.

>> No.4817872

>Fast food chains are not the responsable for people becoming obese

Actually, they are. Through subversive advertising, addictive ingredients, and lobbying the government to keep it that way.

One of the biggest things I noticed while visiting a friend in a big city was that his apartment complex was in the middle of a dead zone for food. Within 15-20 miles there was nothing at all except fast food places. No sit down restaurants, no grocery stores, nothing like that. You had to go all the way out of that area to find a grocery store where you could buy fresh vegetables. With the traffic it was a 2 hour round trip or longer not including shopping time. There's something deeply wrong about that.

>> No.4817885

The cities of America as we have constructed them now are mostly fucking poison, for a lot of different reasons. The Great Wen, reduplicated over and over and spread throughout the land.

>> No.4817899

Lmao, which city, Detroit? I live in a large American city and I have 2 grocery stores within half a mile, and 3 within 3 miles. And those are the "white" stores; within 15-20 miles I've probably got access to hundreds or more stores where I can get fresh vegetables.

>> No.4817907

in this movie: a comedian who is obviously dried up/ not very funny and has a vindictive and childish sense of logic that seeks to undercut an interesting piece of journalism that indeed is one-sided. The dumb fuck also goes on atkins while doing his 'spurlockian experiment".
The fact that the argument has progressed into fat versus carbs further illustrates the misunderstood points of not only Super Size Me but of healthy eating in general. Here goes:
Processed foods are bad. Any diet high in processed food (when i say processed I mean foods that have little or no nutritional relation to the foods from which they are derived) regardless of exercise will have a negative effect on your body and its processes. I do not mean solely weight gain but long term health problems.
You're more than welcome to put whatever shit food you want into your body, but regardless of health issues aren't the environmental, economic, and global impacts of fast food, supermarket meats, and monoculture veggies enough of a deterrent?

inb4 veganfag. I raise chickens and have gardens and until you ass hats kill an animal clean it eat with produce you have spent time caring for, don't pretend to know shit about what food is healthy. If you don't agree just consult 200,000 years of human progress as well as the animal kingdom, that is of course until we started fucking up their diet too.

>> No.4817916
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>> No.4817918

>You should watch,
>Super Size Me

I almost stopped reading there.

>> No.4817919


>I grow food, so everything I eat is healthy

Can't tell if you or OP is the bigger retard

>> No.4817922

Where does your friend live?

>> No.4817925


>only processed food is bad!

It's like you think nobody before World War 2 was obese or unhealthy.

>> No.4817926

I put it first exclusively for the OP since the OP's movie is against that movie.

>> No.4817930

The more you process food the less nutritious it becomes.

You obviously don't grow your own food.

>> No.4817934


>The more you process food the less nutritious it becomes.

Right, but that doesn't mean everything that isn't processed is healthy by default

>> No.4817936

Everything, baring very few exceptions, is less healthy once processed.

>> No.4817938


And not everything is healthy before being processed

>> No.4817948

I've never been fond of sodas. Too sweet. I prefer carbonated water. I do like chocolate, but dark/bitter kinds usually. My post you replied to may have been confusing to some. I switched to high carb foods because I'm too skinny. I thought I'd get some fat on me because everyone says that's what carbs do, but instead I lost weight. I'm murrkan and when I talk about wanting to gain weight, people trip out. Some say it's funny or refreshing to hear, since the vast majority of people are trying to lose weight and that's all anyone ever hears about. Almost never the other way, like for me. One exception for sweets I have is brownies and chocolate ice cream. I just don't like it all that much though.

Anyone know salty/savory foods that actually aid in fat gain? Muscle is all good and well, but I need some fat cushion on me, and carbs did not work at all. Quite the opposite.

>> No.4817960

Thanks, evolutionary biologist.

>> No.4817964

I already said that.

>> No.4817969

I supposed you are accredited in order to make a statement like that, huh faggot?

>> No.4817972

Go to /fit/, about half of those guys are trying to gain weight at any given time, even one guy who has browsed /fit/ for a couple hours knows more about diet & nutrition than the combined "wisdom" of /ck/ over their entire lives.

>> No.4817973

So you are some kind of accredited faggot?

>> No.4817978

You mean those hypermasculine manchild with image issues masquerading as PhDs in nutrition?

>> No.4817979

Probably more than you, faggot.

>> No.4817985


What are you, retarded? Nobody on /fit/ knows about diet/nutrition, that's why moot turned it into "/fit/ - Fitness" instead of "Health & Fitness." The idiots there think you need 300 grams of protein a day, and you should eat eggs and meat and down a gallon of milk every day with artificially-supplemented whey powder in it, while never doing any cardio exercise because "that kills gains"

/fit/ is not a health board, it is a bodybuilding board

>> No.4817987
File: 12 KB, 244x251, 1265948370779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>go to /fit/
>threads about what fast food chains to eat at for maximum gains

>> No.4818008 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 1200x1600, 1379676344396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen that in years of browsing /fit/

*tips Fedora*

>> No.4818011
File: 45 KB, 500x306, 1379788229297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even one guy who has browsed /fit/ for a couple hours knows more about diet & nutrition than the combined "wisdom" of /ck/ over their entire lives.

>> No.4818017

I've been to /fit/ before about this. Most of them want muscle mass. I want fat. Not to be fat, but fat gaining solutions. I did not get that in the visits I made there.

>> No.4818018

dude those insanely insecure virgins with zero relationship experience and the inability to maintain comfortable eye contact with a woman are really smart.

>> No.4818025

If you're really worried about how to gain fat, then you've probably got something badly wrong with your digestive system, and you need to find out what that is and how to either fix it, or work around it.

Trust me that this is important, even if you find out how to keep your weight up. You can get brain damage from vitamin deficiencies and stuff.

>> No.4818027


I'm on fit right now

>>I ate four McDoubles today
>>Serious Post. Guys why aren't you guys eating dog food? It has soo much fucking protein and it taste delicious.
>>I need ideas for a cheating meal (a meal of diarrhea food that /fit/izens "treat" themselves with because they have no willpower)
>>3x McDoubles - bulking lunch of champions

Your board is a joke. I used to go there myself but even as a lifting board minus the health aspect, it's still a shit board overall

>> No.4818030

Alright, at least that gives me something to look into. Thanks.

>> No.4818036

>/ck/ calling any board shit


>> No.4818043

Not knowing /fit/ is the most shit tier board on the chan

>> No.4818044

He hit a nerve it seems.

>> No.4818046

Just eat more fucking calories you muppet. That is all there is too it, people telling you otherwise are fools.


>> No.4818054

why? because I replied?

good one mate

>> No.4818060


/ck/ is hit or miss, but /fit/ is the /v/ of the lifting world. Let that sink in

Luckily for me, I don't identify myself with whatever boards I fuck around on

>> No.4818062


Sounds easy, but eating when you're not hungry/full is kind of like trying to have sex with an ugly girl when you're not horny at all, nor interested in having sex in any way at the moment. I don't know if that's the best comparison, but it probably makes sense.

>> No.4818079

>Similar to Super Size Me and just as funny

Were either of them funny...? The funny thing here is that statement. Especially considering that the Fat Head guy sounds like a fucking robot, and robot dialogue is never funny.

>> No.4818085

Either eat more at every meal, or eat small meals every couple of hours. Your body with get used to both of those and it won't be difficult after a couple of days. Especially if you're already skinny.

Or you could add olive oil to a milkshake each day, but hey, that isn't great for you.

But honestly if you're not willing to consume the number of calories needed, stop complaining about being underweight.

>> No.4818091 [DELETED] 


>> No.4818098

They were equally funny in that they weren't funny at all. It is like saying it was just as erotic as Super Size Me.

>> No.4818100


A doctor recommend my mother try a high protein diet without cutting natural fats (fats from nuts, seeds and animal products, but not added fats) from for gaining body mass, she lost a lot of weight through illness.

It was hard for her, because she has intolerances to things, including sulphur, so no eggs.

>> No.4818139 [DELETED] 

I never see anything nutrition related on here other than "lel soy is SUPER healthy! lelelelel *tips fedora*

>> No.4818210

We get a lot more "SOY IS DEVIL" around here. Are you new?

>> No.4818214

I must have missed those posts. You see, I work for a living. Do you?

>> No.4818229

>this whole list

I guess it's not exactly the same thing but he also did this movie about advertising in movies. Whichever sponsor paid the most got their name in the title, and even though I can't remember the full title, I remember some juice won the title sponsor.

Either I completely missed the point of that movie or its point about advertising just never personally affects me, seeing as I can't even remember the title.

>> No.4818436

Nutrition is a really inconsistent science, isn't it?

>> No.4818592

I don't think "I looked up some diet on the internet" counts as science.

>> No.4818672
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>not getting 2 grams of fat per kilogram of bodyweight daily
it's almost as if you want your t levels to drop

>> No.4818694
File: 47 KB, 300x448, The_Greatest_Movie_Ever_Sold_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold


>> No.4818696

No, it is an exact science. It just has more facets than your mind can comprehend.

>> No.4818708

Maybe thats because every other person has a different "fact" about nutrition.

>> No.4818712

40 hours a week, yes.

>> No.4818717

Only aid ridden fags count t's

>> No.4818718

will all you fucking /fit/ paintsniffers stay the fuck out of /ck/

>> No.4818719


In some countries you need to have degrees and licenses to call yourself a nutritionist or dietician, which usually means that you'll actually know things and how the science of the body works instead of spouting holistic garbage but not in every country.

>> No.4818720


>> No.4818722

Calories are more important than anything. The problem is that it is very easy to overeat carbs and less hard to overeat on meat and fat

>> No.4818729

I don't give a fuck, I just make food that tastes good.
I like to think I'm healthy person and eat well still. It's not that hard, just exercise and enjoy all types of food and you are probably just fine.

>> No.4819396

>Food Matters
Most fucking bullshit nutrition documentary ever.
All those are fucking biased vegan bullshit documentaries full of broscience at it's finest

>> No.4819458

Fat Head had just as much bullshit in it as the original film whose format it copied.
Both are atrocious.

>> No.4819491

thats an ass backwards way of putting it, but indeed, meat does have a higher calorie density than your usual carbs.

>> No.4819497

It's sedentary lifestyle rather than most diets that give people obesity and health problems.

>> No.4819518

Don´t drink your calories

>> No.4819530


Sedentary lifestyles get too much blame. If you have a good diet, you can be very healthy without exercise. Exercise is required to be even close to healthy if you eat shitty foods though. Asians living on rice and vegetables are trim and healthy, westerners stuffing their faces with meat are fat and sick

>> No.4819537

>and those asians arent sedentary. The number of people that live in the cities and walk and bike everywhere is VASTLY larger than in north america and western europe.

>> No.4819535


This is a huge thing. I realize that one of the biggest reasons I was such a fat kid was that I drank huge glasses of milk or fruit juice. Even though it was skim milk and 100% juice I was still chugging down at least 600 calories a day in liquids alone. Add to that the occasional soda and it's even worse. 250 calories for a bottle of soda? Fuck that. For that caloric cost I can eat three eggs and a slice of turkey bacon, which will be much more satisfying.

>> No.4819551


> For that caloric cost I can eat three eggs and a slice of turkey bacon

Trading one unhealthy food for another

>> No.4819582

I don't watch stupid METOO films by conservative dip shits.

>> No.4819617


I'll just leave this here

>> No.4819622


Eggs and turkey bacon are FAR more healthy for you than a bottle of soda. How can you even compare foods rich in protein and fat with liquid refined sugar?

>> No.4819630

Doughnuts aren't high in animal fats, doughnuts are sugars and refined carbs, which the movie pretty much tells us to avoid.

>> No.4819633

>meat does have a higher calorie density than your usual carbs
Lean meat? ummmmmmmmmmm no

>> No.4819635

But people often mistake losing weight/ being skinny as being healthy. Sure, you can probably lose weight on any kind of diet, but that doesn't mean you're healthy.

In Fat Head, his high fat diet had a surprisingly positive effect on his physical health. So much so that even his physician was taken aback by the results.

>> No.4819642

There is no conflicting evidence on high-fat diets being bad. No actual studies have been done on the subject.

Corporations pretty much control what the public believes is a nutritious diet. We pretty much have sugary and starchy foods marketed to us ad naseum. Any food that is low-fat is filled with sugar to replace the flavor lost by the fat.

People used to not eat so many sugars and carbs until recently.

Animal fats, proteins and vegetation used to comprise the human diet. Now, it's pretty much just carbs and sugar.

>> No.4819648

Ketosis doesn't make you sick. Taking in too many starchy and sugary foods raises your insulin level and prevents or deters your body from utilizing the fat it has as energy. So, you're taking in more energy on top of the energy you already have, and it's all just getting stored as fat.

Sugars and carbs are meant to be quick sources of energy, not staples in the daily human diet.

>> No.4819652

Prepare for an autist to call you out on not being an "evolutionary biologist"

>> No.4819658

>Ketosis doesn't make you sick.
Ketosis is the shit. Been doing it two years and I feel way better than when I was stuffing my face with bread and shit.

>> No.4819663

Hi, accredited faggot.

>> No.4819665


Probably has less to do with the ketosis thing and more to do with the not eating shit thing.

>> No.4819689

I agree with the "99% of the time in human evolution we ate mostly meat".

I adjusted my diet 2 month ago just by refusing almost all carbs. Now I have tons of muscle, way below 20% fat and tons of energy. I feel fantastic and eat delicious shit daily.

>> No.4819708


If you have meat that is 100% protein then it would be the same caloric density as carbs. If the meat has ANY fat in it at all (which all meat does unless the fat is removed through some process I'm not aware of) then it is more calorically dense than carbs.

>> No.4819709

For the most part of human history, we have been hunter-gatherers, where women and children gather whatever plants are in our surroundings, and the men try and hunt down animal for sources of protein. The ratio work out to be about 70% plants and 30% meat.

How the fuck do you people act like you know what people ate without setting even setting foot in an anthropology class? Do you go by images of cavemen in the movies? Or did you read it on the internet somewhere?

>> No.4819720
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>Do you go by images of cavemen in the movies? Or did you read it on the internet somewhere?

>> No.4819810

I'd say we ate more fat than meat. But the ratio of plant/fat consumption is probably about right.

>> No.4819821

Game meat are much leaner than the kind of meat we eat.

>> No.4819825


>> No.4819826

Depends on the game/time of year.

>> No.4819862

Definitely. If I leave ketosis by way of tacos and cupcakes, I take on a ton of water, get way gassy, and I feel like shit for like a week. I had an experimental carb up not long ago and stuck to sweet potatoes, low fructose fruits, and coconut water. The only a little water weight came back, as is expected, but I didn't feel like shit in any way.

>> No.4819890


What I do when I'm bulkan, is shovel shit in as fast as possible. You ever watch an eating contest? One of their tricks is to take advantage of the delay between a stomach filling, and your brain realizing it is full. Like, finish your meal in under three minutes, then get more.

>> No.4819895


>> No.4820507


>rich in protein and fat

So is ice cream. Don't ignore all the bad qualities of a food because it happens to have some macronutrients that you could be getting from healthier sources anyway

>> No.4820513


Take it from me, who's skinny as fuck, and take it from everybody else who eats a high carb, low-fat diet. You cannot get fat on this diet. I'm pretty much underweight eating majority carbs and very little fat, and now I have to add fat to my diet from nuts to bulk up or I would continue losing too much weight. This is the case with everbody I've ever met with a similar diet. You don't get fat eating carbohydrates, you get skinny as fuck

Like this guy


It's always fat people who claim to know what causes obesity, like Robert Lustig who says fructose makes people fat. Well that motherfucker's obese while fruitarians are the skinniest people in the world

>> No.4820582

You'll have to rewatch that doc OP. His point was that too much carbs (as well as too much of anything) is bad and that the vegetable trans fat is actually worse than the animal fat they replaced in the 80s food industry.

>> No.4820587

Get out of here with that faggy "I actually watched this movie" shit, boy. You're supposed to make baseless, unrelated comments on nutrition, or call the author of the movie a "conservative dipshit" (again, without watching the movie).

>> No.4821013


Except ice cream is also very high in sugar. You're probably a troll, considering how shitty you are at comparing things.

>> No.4821026

shh, science scares them in a way that sciency talk does not

>> No.4821028


That was the point of his diet, and subsequent article, sure he would have been thin, but the all fast food diet would not have done him any favours, super high sodium levels and all that.

>> No.4821035

you weren't there to see it, so how can you prove that, just like you weren't there in the evolution of man so how do you know that the forbidden fruit in the garden of eden was not sponsored by cocacola

>> No.4821038


>eggs and turkey bacon are unhealthy

hahaha what

>> No.4821374

being thin in 90% of being healthy

>> No.4821377
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>Food Fight

I like you

>> No.4821397


Speaking as an adult, no, I haven't seen this pseudoscientific crap, because my time is valuable.

>> No.4821453

He does have a point we need a shitload of calories just to become obsese one can easily limit the portion sizes of our foods.