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4817233 No.4817233 [Reply] [Original]

whats the best bum wine you can get?

>> No.4817240

This is like asking what animal produces the best tasting feces.

>> No.4817246

glad to see mr richfag can be picky

I have to get drunk on a budget

>> No.4817251

I like the sour apple pucker, stay away from the wild irish rose though, the CIA invented it to kill the homeless

>> No.4817257


Get some cheap bottom shelf rum and some coke. It tastes nowhere near as bad as bum wine, and is fairly cheap too. Calories are extremely low if you use diet coke.

I haven't done the math, but by volume I would assume the price is similar to bum wine.

If you absolutely must get some cheap wine go get some box wine. There are some good tasting brands out there and they don't taste anywhere near as shit as the bum wine.

>> No.4817258

Having drank waaaay too much WIR in my youth, this seems like a reasonable statement. I am partial to MD 20/20

>> No.4817260

cheap gin ain't bad if you mix it with lemon and orange juice

>> No.4817264

what is burn wine?

if you want cheap booze that tastes like candy get boones farm wines

>> No.4817274

that shit is for highschoolers, its alcohol content is not worth the money

>> No.4817425

Night Train

>> No.4817426

This, I use bottom shelf gin for gin & tonics and it tastes fine.

>> No.4817427
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Oak Leaf, from Wal Mart
$2.97/750 ml
$10.99/3liters box

>> No.4817429

Fuck the wine. King Cobra or bust. A sixer in nyc is like 5 bucks. Should be cheaper elsewhere.

>> No.4817434

Frosty Jack.

>> No.4817435
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Tenafly Viper

>> No.4817442

get a 1.5 L bottle of the cheapest vodka you can find and use for mixers whatever you have in the fridge. if you're actually concerned about the best bang for your buck then you need to start thinking outside the box-o-wine.

>> No.4818142
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> box wine
so much this! all you need OP!

>> No.4818169

Where can I find stuff like this in the UK? What is it called?

>> No.4818172

your best bet is Buckfast, although it's too expensive to be a true bumwine.

>> No.4818188

Holy shit, what nigger town are you in?

>> No.4818222
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box wine~

>> No.4818227

Flip Flop ($3.99) or Double Dog (2.99)

>> No.4818250

I work in a 4 star resteraunt and we normally only use Vella box wine. Its pretty amusing trying to explain to a snobby customer his burr blanc was made with delicious white wine.

>> No.4818276

>Best bumwine

...bumwine is not supposed to taste good. The entire point of drinking it is either to get drunk as cheaply as possible, or to savor the awfulness that lurks inside the bottle.

>> No.4818277

Dude, Cisco is great. Shit's like syrup. And the two times I had Wild Irish Rose I enjoyed it. Don't remember much, but what remains is pleasant.

>> No.4818289

oh god i hate boiled bell peppers

>> No.4818312

Thunderbird/Night Train/Wild Irish Rose to get fucked up, Mad Dog to not taste like total ass, Cisco to wake up naked in the middle of downtown with no idea how you got there.

>> No.4818313

Fucking Slapbag killed that shit for me. God damn.

>> No.4818328
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Arbor Mist

Shit is like 4 dollars a bottle and tastes like cool-aid with alcohol added.

Blackberry merlot is best

>> No.4818349

>13 year old Girl detected.

>> No.4818388

>arbor mist
>bum wine

You seem to think he wants "sugary sweet wine cooler" rather than "cheap high ABV wine product that tastes like Kool-Aid+Crack"

>> No.4818394


Around here it's cherry wine without a doubt.
1 bottle of 14% shit fruity wine for 2 dollars man

>> No.4818459

the best think about it is it gives you a containers to throw it back up into when you are done

>> No.4818489


Didn't you just describe the same thing twice?

>> No.4818494

squares are rectangles,
but not all rectangles are squares

>> No.4818496


>> No.4818498


I don't pay attention to the alcohol content of alcoholic beverages because I am not an alcoholic.

>> No.4818502

then what are you doing in the bumwine thread

>> No.4818503

Well why the fuck are you in a bum wine thread?

>> No.4818508

OMG i didn't know other people did this

>> No.4818528

müller thurgau

>> No.4818531

I want to find some of this Cisco

>> No.4818540

Four loko is cheaper and you can recycle the hundreds of cans you'd accumulate in a few months.

>> No.4818543

Cisco was shit, didn't even know they still made it.

Used to hang out with this 24 year old black dude because he would buy it for my friends and I when we were underage, then we would sit around and play Tekken 3 all day or he would make beats on MTV Music Generator and freestyle horribly over it. Then he went to jail for fucking around with this 15 year old goth girl we went to school with that lived in the same housing complex as him.

Those were some weird times.

>> No.4818546 [DELETED] 

Wow great story faggot

>> No.4818548

Four loko is way more putrid, it's just wrong

>> No.4818550

I got used to it and it is the cheapest option.

>> No.4818552


>> No.4818554

16 year old

>> No.4818557

You're better off buying 2 buck chuck.

>> No.4818569
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the civet
....the civet produces the best tasting feces
shit goes for like $30/oz

>> No.4818593

jezze.. of all those in op's pic none if possible. but if I had to chosse... Md 20/20 or wild irish rose.. that's been a long time ago. the orange driver.. I wrecked my dad's car( and he was a state trooper) just the thought makes my belly do backflips. I guess Md 20/20 or night train.. if it's<6 bucks, has to be chilled, and >14%, you might question why you are dronking it . just saying.

>> No.4818622

just get everclear, mix with koolaid of your choice.

>> No.4818644

Lord god, I have not drank everclear in a long time. almost pure grain alcohol. almost 30 years since I rushed a college frat house. sig ep sam. pj made in in a garbage can, but even back then, you still had to be careful. people died of alcohol poisoning. paticularly ones not used to it God, I like young people, but glad I'm not 18 again. I think they have it tougher than we had it.

>> No.4818650

Stay away from the Wild Irish Rose, its hell in a bottle, I am convinced that it was created specifically to kill off the homeless through alcohol poisoning

Night Train will get you where you need to go

>> No.4818675

why would anyone want to choke down bum wine when cheap ass vodka is so available?

>> No.4818680

bring on the hate but this shit was delicious, I could sit in the driveway and drinks these all day

>> No.4818681

you only have $3-4 and you need a drink NOW

>> No.4818684
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forgot pic

>> No.4818686

with the addition of a brita water filter and some good quality water, it's one of the best ways to get some cheap, quality vodka.

also, great to put in an igloo cooler with a bunch of frozen juice concentrates.

>> No.4818687

That's not really bum wine. That's soccer mom territory.

>> No.4818689

still cheap as fuck, and delicious

>> No.4818691

if you only have 4$ and are trying to spend it on alcohol you have problems.

>> No.4818693

no fucking shit eh?

>> No.4818699

true dat. you might want to reconsider your priorities. if not careful, shit can get away from you. fast.

>> No.4818747

Pretty sure if you're doing that that shit has already gotten away from you. Might as well just carry on the ride.

>> No.4818749

UKFags have a great selection of quality white ciders in 3 litre bottles for next to nothing, just head down to your local offie.

>> No.4818754

that's why it's called bumwine.

>> No.4818771

yeah but, never be afraid to jump off that horse. It hurts when you hit. but still not bad if you can get up.. even after several times. it does tend to hurt a bit more, each time.

>> No.4818854

Yellowtail is decent and only $6 per 750ml....

Can't really beat that

>> No.4818861

>Yellowtail is decent

cats puking dot jpg

>> No.4818862

>malt liquor
>0 results

Malt liquor tastes like shit but it is the cheapest by volume by far. You can get colt 45 for like 99 cents at your gas station.

>> No.4818875

>malt liquor

>bumwine thread

>> No.4818882

I usually make two trays of jello shots for any party. The first layer is premium hooch and the bottom layer is Mad Dog.

By the time the first layer is gone nobody notices.

>> No.4818883

This thread is great, it's like the opposite of all the faggy scotch fedorafests. Carry on.

>> No.4818916

Where are you from? Are you talking about 40s? In (the state of) New York 40s are about $3...

>> No.4819008

A friend of mine went to the states around may, and I asked him to get me a bottle of Thunderbird, but he said people generally didn't know what he was talking about.

This was vegas, so maybe they were pretending. No idea. Is thunderbird still available?

I want to experience the black tongue.

>> No.4819034

Big Kahuna from Fresh and Easy. Two bucks a bottle and it's delicious.

>> No.4819164

yes it is, but a lot of places now ban cheap fortified booze as it keeps the lower classes nice and drunk

you may have to order it, I can get it in a liquor store a few towns over

>> No.4819165

I like the Hurricane High Gravity myself

>> No.4819167

mickey's is the only tolerable malt liquor to my taste

>> No.4819173

Boone's Farm

>> No.4819540

oddly enough doing shots of that shit went fairly well

>> No.4819552

obviously though it tasted like total shit and you couldn't do much

>> No.4819563
File: 21 KB, 460x288, buckfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buckfast wine, mostly bought in Glasgow by Neds (Chavs) who then go on to start fights with random people/objects.
Pic is of a Glasgow ned drinking Buckfast also commonly known as "buckie" or "wine" . Smells like cat piss.

>> No.4819566


I just buy that Franzia brand box wine all the time. It's like $12 a box. It lasts awhile. I like the White Zinfandel flavor because it tasts better than the other falvors.

>> No.4819571

I didn't even see this comment. I just posted this>>4819566. Yeah that shit there is good. That's the exact stuff I get. Good to see another like minded person on here

>> No.4819585

You can get MD 20/20pretty much anywhere. Also the uk has cheap cider if you want to get pished on a budget.

>> No.4819588

If you live in a deprived area there's often similar things. Otherwise just go with cheap spirits.

I guess there's Lambrisco/Lambrini of you're a fag, but it's not especially high abv.

>> No.4819592

>You can get MD 20/20pretty much anywhere
You really can't. You will only find it in shitholes. You should leave your ghetto some time.

>> No.4819596

In deprived areas strong white cider is the way to go.

>> No.4819607

It became fashionable for non neds to drink it in almost an ironic manner when I was younger. I never really got the point of it, for the 6 quid a bottle cost I could have picked up a half way decent bottle of red.
That said when you mix it 50/50 with vodka red square you create a potion known as turbo tonic. Caffinated fortified wine mixed with caffinated vodka mixer, who would guessed it would go so well together.

>> No.4819628


First time I got drunk was with everclear. I puked all over the door, pissed in a flower garden and passed out on the floor. Apparently an orgy happened while I was passed out. I always miss out on orgies.

>> No.4819654

I spent 9$ on a cote-du-rhone at a supermarket chain in central iowa last week.

I can't think of any excuse to drink terrible wines in this day and age

>> No.4819661


I can think of an excuse. Cotes du rhone for the most part doesn't have cartoon characters or catchy puns in the name of the wine. In addition, there are often foreign words on the label. Therefore, it's pretentious.

>> No.4819670

dont drink wild irish. it is literally cheap grain alcohol mixed with welches grape juice.

>> No.4819674

This thread is making me physically ill.

>> No.4819692

Why don't you just drink bumwine to make you feel like that?

>> No.4821072

bum wines and malt liquor get you good and fucked up alright, but you best be ready for the hangovers

also for all the hate I see wine coolers are not bad

>> No.4821120

You can buy really cheap 1L white wine from aldi for 2 dollars

>> No.4821140

you can only find MD 20/20 in shit holes because mad dog is to good and smooth and to keep the riff raff out the nice neighborhoods baned it from stores in the pretencious neighborhoods

>> No.4821167
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>> No.4821183
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One or two of these 3 litre badboys.

>> No.4821547

We used to mix it with red bull. After a couple of bottles your heart would feel like it was going to explode. The hang over shits smelled of pure death as well. Good times.

>> No.4821792

just killed a bottle of MD 20/20 orange jubileee and got a bottle of Banana Red

shit tastes like a bargain brand juice cocktail concentrate, I've had worse

>> No.4821822

I can handle all the fast food threads without batting an eyelid but this shit is fucking disgusting.

>> No.4821879


what? got a soft belly?

>> No.4821890


YES, the moscato is a touch sweet, but for $3, I'm in every night. I wish I could find the box moscato, not that the cab or blancs are bad.

>> No.4821900

Bumwines are a yank think, came from a time where it was less taxed I believe. Europe is mostly bum beers. Of course you Brits have ye olde Purple Tin.

>> No.4821910


The term really just refers to the cheapest wine you can buy--the highest ABV for the money, basically.

The reason why it's "wine" has nothing to do with taxes, but rather with the classes of liquor licenses. In the US there's basically two levels of permits for selling alcohol. There's the "beer and wine retailers permit" which applies to "beer and wine" only, with a maximum ABV of around 20%, and then a full-on Liquor sales license which covers distilled beverages of any ABV. Bumwines tend to be "wine" because that's the highest ABV which can still be sold under the more basic "beer and wine retailers permit" held by convenience stores, service stations, kiosks, etc.

UK has plenty of bumwines. Buckfast Tonic Wine, White Ace Cider, etc.

>> No.4821924

I c waat u did ther :3

>> No.4821929

>it's not about taxes
>it's all about how the tax code recognizes them
You didn't sleep in a Motel 6 last night, did you?

>> No.4821935


What makes you think that liquor licenses have anything to do with the tax code? They are completely separate things. In fact, there's even completely different sections of the government which handle them.

>> No.4821956

>In 1972 ATF was established as a separate Bureau within the Treasury Department when Treasury Department Order 221, effective July 1, 1972, transferred the responsibilities of the ATF division of the IRS to the new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Rex D. Davis oversaw the transition, becoming the bureau's first director, having headed the division since 1970. During his tenure, Davis shepherded the organization into a new era where federal firearms and explosives laws addressing violent crime became the primary mission of the agency.[8] However, taxation and other alcohol issues remained priorities as ATF collected billions of dollars in alcohol and tobacco taxes, and undertook major revisions of the Federal wine labeling regulations relating to use of appellations of origin and varietal designations on wine labels.
>However, taxation and other alcohol issues remained priorities as ATF

Alcohol enforcement and taxation are as inseparable as a Mississippi swamper and his sister. If you think even marginally different, you need to really, really learn about your government.

>> No.4821957

Oh, and most licenses are established as part of the tax code (variations allowed for different jurisdictions).

>> No.4821962

I should have quoted the next paragraph too:
>In the wake of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush signed into law the Homeland Security Act of 2002. In addition to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the law shifted ATF from the Department of the Treasury to the Department of Justice. The agency's name was changed to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. However, the agency still was referred to as the "ATF" for all purposes. Additionally, the task of collection of federal tax revenue derived from the production of tobacco and alcohol products and the regulatory function related to protecting the public in issues related to the production of alcohol, previously handled by the Bureau of Internal Revenue as well as by ATF, was transferred to the newly established Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), which remained within the Treasury Department. These changes took effect January 24, 2003

>> No.4821965
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I had a look around and it seems I jumbled this thing up in my mind: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flavored_fortified_wines#History

Do your bums actually drink wine a lot? I'm Dutch myself and all the bums drink cheap and/or heavy lagers.

>> No.4821988


Read your own quote carefully:

>transferred the responsibilities of the ATF division of the IRS to the new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

The transfer was from a division of the IRS to an entirely new Bureau. In other words, the IRS and the ATF are separate bureaus.

When I deal with tax matters with my bar I deal with the IRS (for Federal taxes) or the state or county for local taxes. For issues pertaining to sales and advertising of beer, wine, and liquor I deal with my state's Alcoholic Beverage Commission, which is an entirely different entity than the above.

I suppose you could argue that they're the same because they're all "government" or perhaps even all related to the treasury but frankly that's being pedantic.

Bumwine is simply the strongest, cheapest swill that can still be sold with a wine & beer retailer's permit rather than a full liquor retailer's permit. Wine is taxed the same under either., but the former is easier to get than the latter (and requires a much lower bond)

>> No.4822018


Nope. Still straight up truth. Ever hear of a tax stamp?

Guess who is responsible for enforcing that sort of thing? Both the ATF and TTB are as tied into tax code enforcement as any agency other than the IRS can possibly be.

>> No.4822051

>Both the ATF and TTB are as tied into tax code enforcement as any agency other than the IRS can possibly be.

Who cares? What does this even have to do with anything? This discussion has nothing to do with what gov't entity do which bureaus report to.

Let's get things back on track here:
>>4821900 was the original topic, which proposes that "differences in taxes" were responsible for bumwines, when that is not the case. Differences in the sales permit categories are the key, not the tax rates. The tax rates for wine are the same regardless if a shop has a permit to serve wine on the premises, or to sell wine retail, or a full-on liquor sales permit. The tax numbers are irrelevant, the key is the permit category.

It appears that you're arguing "but the permit category is set by a group who also belongs to the same group as the people who set taxes". Sure, that's true. But that is a useless fact that has nothing to do with the point at hand. We're not discussing who makes the rules, we're discussing what detail distinguishes bumwine from other alcohol. And it's pretty evident that "less taxed" (as 4821900 said) is quite a different thing from "different category of sales licenses". So while it may be true that the same agency controls the groups who set both the tax rate and the permit categories, it's pretty obvious that the tax rate itself isn't the culprit here.

polite sage for off-topic rambing.

>> No.4822117

back in the 20s and 30s during Prohibition the easiest thing to produce was wine like drinks, that were not distilled, they were cheap, often low class and barley drinkable, the hardest alcoholics who would turn to such fortified wines and ciders were called winos, hence low quality wine-esque drinks are called bum wine, Thunderbird, MD 20/20, Night-train, Cisco, Wild Irish Rose all fall into this catagory

>> No.4822191

Wine, even good wine, always destroys me more than any other alcoholic drink. I can't drink more than a bottle of wine a day without feeling poisoned. The idea of making cheap sweet wine the staple of your alcoholic tier drinking endeavours makes me sick.

>> No.4822226

don't become an alcoholic then, save you a world of trouble

>> No.4822844
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>> No.4822962

A jug of Carlo Rossi is pretty ghetto, though dat 20/20 was my blackout drink back when I was 15

>> No.4822966

I once accidentaly the entire bottle of Carlo Rossi


>> No.4822990

Ausfag here, IGA sell this box wine that's 4.4 litres for $11, I usually pour it in a mug (because I'm classy like that) 3/4 full and fill the rest with water to dilute the taste. Last me 2 nights. Been drinking like this since before Christmas. Also I drink a longneck (basically 2 beers in a long bottle) so I'm at least a little bit buzzed before the wine.

Holding down a full time job as well.

Life is ok.

>> No.4823006

It's so good, it even has bubbles and goes down smoothly. We'd put cheap vodka in it and soda, plus maybe some drgs we happen to have like a few oxy or extacy or mushrooms. Wed just pound the pinch between like 3 of us and it was one.

>> No.4823107

ahh, indian vintage

>> No.4823119

>I double-fist
>arbor mist
>a delicious wine
>with a fruity twist

>> No.4824359

bought a bottle of NightTrain and Wild Irish Rose, fairly cheap, not expecting too much taste wise

>> No.4824366

Yes it is, for $6 it's probably about the best tasting wine you can get. Infinitely then the bottom barrel shit for beer like Budweiser or Coors

>> No.4824401

just did the night train express, had the consistency of thin cough syrup and it tastes like grape juice... all in all not bad, I can already feel a buzz from it

>> No.4826028

just opened a bottle of wild irish rose

tastes like almost any "Italian" restaurant expensive red wine I ever tried, which makes me wonder

>> No.4826258

>longneck (basically 2 beers in a long bottle)
that kind of bottle is called a "bomber" here ... 22oz (~650mL)

>> No.4826519

About your taste buds?

>> No.4826680

well that was implied, but I shit you not you could probably pass this shit off as something more expensive

>> No.4826729

Buckfast tastes awful to begin with and surprisingly alright by the end of it. I love how a percentage of crime in Glasgow is committed under the influence of buckfast, and the bottle is registered as a weapon.

I was in a pub last night which did a drink called a "haggis bomb" which was buckfast and irn bru

>> No.4826739

I'm 24.

Try again.