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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4815153 No.4815153[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: awkward dining experiences

>in McDonald's one day
>these three girls I kind of know but don't ever really talk to come in getiting water cups after I finish eating
>decide to sit down with them after politely asking
>make some light conversation and try to keep up appearances, things go okay
>this one guy sitting a few tables down comes back from the bathroom
>they leave me and go over to him
>hopeful, I go back over to them and try to maintain what I had established
>guy asks how long I've been there and if I was waiting for someone (I had rode my bike there and was alone)
>I tell him I'd been there about 20 minutes (about as long as he'd been there), finish my sentence with "I was about to leave, then these three ladies came along"
>He replies, "And then that sign came along!"
>right fucking above us is a sign that says "NO LOITERING - 45 MINUTES MAXIMUM EATING TIME"
>I'm speechless, wish them a good day and leave the restaurant
>they laugh at me as I walk out
>NTR'd at fucking McDonald's

>> No.4815157

Come on, a 5 year old could come up with a better story than that.
Delete this thread and start a new one after you've improved it.

>> No.4815161
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OP thats weak sauce there.

Anyone have the thread capped where the guy orders an assload of food the same order twice in a day and the girl at the window is like "its you here, AGAIN?!" Then he spaghettis and leaves without his food.

>> No.4815164

OP is from the future.

A dark and dismal future, I weep for the future of the human race.

>> No.4815179


I can't imagine how painful it is living your life like this

>> No.4815189
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> Go to sushi for my birthday
> Normal place I go to is closed
> I could have waited but I decide to try another place
> Has some mixed reviews, but what the hell
> Go there with my mother, step-dad, and brother (all of which refuse to eat raw fish)
> Arrive and it is completely empty, stand and wait for a server
> Overly enthusiastic white bitch seats us
> Gives us water from a... vase? Really?
> Order miso, unagi, and yellowtail
> Yellowtail arrives first

>> No.4815191

>bitching about a roll of sushi that costs 4 dollars
That's the cheapest you'll get it without making it yourself

>> No.4815196

>Go to sushi for my birthday
> Go there with my mother, step-dad, and brother (all of which refuse to eat raw fish)

Sorry, I know its your birthday and all but why so selfish? Couldn't you compromise and pick a place your whole family would enjoy?

>> No.4815194

> At this point I am feeling a great mistake has been made
> Miso comes
> Sip from the bowl and watch the sushi "chef" behind the counter
> He's... in his early twenties?
> badvibes.gif
> Watch him get the unagi, mix the sauce
> Is that... Oh christ, no...
> Ginger proceeds to put unagi in MICROWAVE for ~15 seconds
> Horror is building
> He pulls the nuked eel out and slaps it on a microplate with ginger and wasabi
> Hands it to me
> Worldless, horrified exchange

>> No.4815201

He doesn't have friends, so his only opportunity to eat out is with his family, and his birthday is the only time he can choose.

>> No.4815200


>doing conts for less than 15 lines

are you shitting me?

>> No.4815207

>power is out in a bunch of neighbourhoods after floods
>gather up nearby friends and we go out for food
>japanese restaurant, looks good, go in
>white as fuck friend, not racist, just white as fuck
>gets his miso soup
>baaaaarely tastes like fish
>makes a big fuss until the really cool guy who served us apologises and takes the soup away
>tries to eat a bit of karaage
>can't use chopsticks
>spaghettis and covers for it by grabbing a bit with his fingers
>came out of the oil about 30 seconds before it made it to the table
>burns the ever-loving fuck out of his fingers
>spaghettis and retards, puts it in his mouth instead of dropping it
>almost in tears at the pain of eating a giant ball of scalding chicken and oil
>the whole restaurant is now watching everything he does
>main meal comes out
>"watch this"
>tries the thank server in japanese
>"gochisosama!" (what you'd normally say after the meal)
>dude, that's not what you're supposed to say
>server is getting fed up
>friend spaghettis again
>still can't use chopsticks
>tries to ask for a fork in japanese
>whole table growing increasingly embarrassed by all of this shit
>you're making a fool of yourself just shut the fuck up and eat
>the staff asks him to leave for being racist
>finish meal in peace

>> No.4815209

He's a rare breed of asshole on all fronts.

>> No.4815211

>thinks he knows Japanese
>Doesn't know what miso soup is
I still have yet to read a good story.

>> No.4815213

He is the biggest weeb I've ever met. Watches anime ad nauseum but had no idea that miso was based a on mild fish stock.

>> No.4815214
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> Following my loss of hope in humanity, I eat the eel slowly
> Rage bubbles
> The chicken teryaki my family ordered isn't even good, nor the unsalted tempura
> Still fucking hungry but I'm already 12+ bucks in the hole
> Okay. Okay. I'll swallow my pride and order a roll.
> Get their "signature" roll which is deepfried because I'm past the point of dignity and I'm hungry as hell
> Angry Japanese woman in the back kitchen fries it after Ginger-dick rolls it
> It comes hot as Hades asshole, but is palatable
> Polish off, look at my poor family

>> No.4815216

None of these stories are actually believable.

>> No.4815217
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>the staff asks him to leave for being racist

>> No.4815225

Pretty much.

Plus, sushi on birthdays was a tradition I had with my dad before I lost him. My mom kept with it through my teens because she knew it made me happy and respected the memory. It became a tradition, so they get their teryaki and I get to remember.

>> No.4815228
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>be 9, quiet kid
>my birthday dinner, asked where I want to go
>Joes crab shack just opened up near us
>go check it out
>holy shit, this place is cool
>get a seat outside
>family knows I don't like birthday songs
>they tell the waitress when I'm in the bathroom
>sit back at the table, and resume eating
>suddenly hear the clapping in unison
>shiver down my spine
>2 lines if employees come pouring out
>before I can react, they've surrounded me
>put a lobster bib aroun my neck while clapping
>the turn it backwards and stand me up
>they announce that superman is going to save the day
>realize in horror what they mean by that
>look at my family for support, they're all giggling in unison
>this isn't my family
>these are monsters, remorseless monsters
>forced I run around this crowded restaurant with a lobster bib as a cape
>some employees making wooshing noises
>the rest are singing some demonic chant, something like, "Love Shack"
>hiding my face of embarrassment and mortification as I run through the guests for all 4 minutes of the song
>no free ice cream when I return to my table
>only a lobster napkin signed by "superman"
>never go back to Joe's Crab Shack again
I didn't even like superman.

>> No.4815229

evil, pure evil

>> No.4815230
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>> No.4815233

>Be in a restaurant
>Child running around screaming
>Father smacks it
>Silence and staring follows for a few moments

Yup. That's about all I go.

>> No.4815235

IKTF anon. I forget where it was but I had a birthday dinner somewhere and I had to wear a sombrero and put a spoonful of icecream on my nose and stand on a chair when people sang and made lots of noise, or something like that. Was horrible, I don't like attention.

>> No.4815237

your family sounds awesome

>> No.4815241

Bro, I'm guessing he's talking about nigiri, get it right

>> No.4815256

>go to decent burger place nearby
>just kidding, it's red robin
>friend orders "cheapest margarita.... neat"
>gets half filled tumbler with warm tequila and sourmix
>qt3.14 waitress comes to get our order
>same "neat" friend gestures with his arms while talkin about league of legends
>throat chop waitress
>she excuses herself
>different waitress comes over and gets our orders
>when asked how he'd like his burger cooked, says "still mooin"
>universe facepalms
>servers keep bring us baskets of fries
>finish the meal with way more than we need
>he stuff them into his cargo shorts
>on the way out elbows kid in the face

>> No.4815267

>Driving through Wisconsin to Michigan
>Get hungry
>See small truck stop
>Go in and to get some food
>Place is completely empty
>Nice old man at the counter
>Order a club sandwich and go to the bathroom
>Come out and the man is gone
>Sit down for 15 minutes
>Place is quiet as fuck
>Start calling out to him to see how he is
>Go behind the counter and peek into the kitchen
>Kitchen is empty too
>He left

>> No.4815304

>be incredibly sick
>fever, nightmares, sleep-deprived, puked all night
>know that I've got to eat something
>it was Sunday, I had literally nothing to eat at my place
>"Maybe I should go to Subway"
>use the toilet beforehand, diarrhea my intestines in the bowl
>change clothes, go to Subway
>wonder what that weird smell is
>enter Subway, the cute cashier is there
>order my sandwich while struggling to not fall over
>take sandwich, pay up and leave
>what is that smell
>get home, change into other clothes
>smell hits me hard
>look into my jeans
>tiny brown speck
>look into my boxers
>huge shit chunk stuck to it
>look at my legs
>more shit caught up in my leg hair

That was, all in all, a bad experience.

>> No.4815308

I've had that happen to me on multiple occasions. At this point I just refuse to leave the house after diarrhea unless I've had a couple showers and the sickness has passed completely.

>> No.4815320

This was at my friends house.

>We're eating lunch and I'm having juice and she has a diet coke
>She gets up to use the rest room
>I reach over and decide to lick her straw for some reason i dont know why
>i hear footsteps and it's too late to put down the drink
>start drinking
>"hey that's mine!"
Played it off cool.

>> No.4815350
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That's... gross...

>> No.4815352

More awkward for my friend than me but I still think it belongs here.

>go to Souplantation (salad bar/buffet type place) with bummy friend
>friend says "dude they don't give a shit here, just grab a tray, load it with food and walk past the cashier while other people are paying"
>I go here pretty regularly with my family so I pay for my food
>he gets his stuff, skips the line, and gets a table
>about 5 minutes into our meal the manager walks up and asks my friend if he paid for his food
>friend tries to bullshit something about being rung up by a different cashier than the one that was there
>manager calls his bluff
>friend gets bounced
>manager apologizes to me for interrupting my meal, thanks me for being an honest customer "unlike some people", and brings me fresh baked cookies
>friend sits in the grass outside by the window for the next half hour while I eat and laugh at him

>> No.4815356

He saw you go into the bathroom and went to man the adjacent gloryhole. It's like you've never been to a truckstop before.

>> No.4815363

I went to Applebees with a friend and my friend told them it was my birthday so I could get free shit and they gave me the dessert and didn't sing or anything. Pretty cool.

>> No.4815366

This is quite creepy

>> No.4815368

He probably went to sharpen his machete and you left before he could murder you.

>> No.4815373

>Be around 13 or something
>Driving to Pennsylvania to help my dad manage his restaurant
>Drop by a pit stop to get something to eat
>Order a cheese steak
>Its filled to the brim with mayo and veggies
>Fuck it
>Sit down and eat it but forgot to get napkins
>While in the middle of eating it my hands gets all messy with mayo and cheese
>My dad yells at my in Chinese
>Cursing me out and telling me I look like shit and whatnot
>Condescendingly tells me to wipe my hands on myself
>Keeps telling me to do it
>I do it
>In front of all the customers
>He calls me stupid for doing it and I get up to get napkins
>Nearly tearing up
>We leave with him smacking my head and whatnot

>> No.4815376

>be edgy teen boy
>have long faggy hair
>go to eat with mom and sister
>seating guy says "right this way ladies"

>guy taking our orders gets to me
>"and for you, miss?"
>rest of meal is always awkward as fuck after they hear my voice

This happened multiple times over the course of my adolescence, and once in my adulthood even though I have short hair now and had visible facial hair that time.

>> No.4815378

I would have applauded.

>> No.4815383

He was just testing your intelligence.

>> No.4815385

What does this mean?

>> No.4815392

OP's post stretches the definition a bit but basically it's when a person's spouse/gf/bf/ect gets screwed or raped by someone else and winds up dumping their original partner for them

>> No.4815398
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>finish the meal with way more than we need
>he stuff them into his cargo shorts

Your friend sounds cool.

>> No.4815405


>> No.4815408
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>Be 12 and having to endure 3 long days of driving from Maine to Georgia for a trip
>Miserable as fuck, feel carsick the whole trip down
>It's only worse, since I have a fear of vomiting
>We stop at a hibachi bar and I still feel like shit
>Very small restaurant, I believe there were only 2 or 3 other families there
>Get up to use the bathroom and start crying in frustration and tired of feeling this miserable for 3 days now.
>Didn't know the whole restaurant could hear me
>Dad comes over to try to comfort me
>How did he know?
>Go back to our table and see everyone staring
>Oh, no wonder...
>The chef tries to be nice and get my attention by making me extra for some banana dessert
>He's flinging banana in people's mouths with his spatula
>Everyone is having a good time now as they get their little bits of food
>Tells me it's my turn
>I don't want to
>Open my mouth anyway
>Hot banana slice on my cheek instead
>I'm the only one who couldn't get it in their mouth
>Feel embarrassed from that and the whole restaurant hearing me cry, still nauseous
>Go to the hotel room that night
>Look in the mirror and tell myself I'm never going on a long car trip again
>And no more hibachi bars
>Go a few years later anyway
>Again I'm the only person who couldn't catch food in their mouths

>> No.4815424

Have had this happen so many times. Was never once embarrassed.

>> No.4815459
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> be male
> was 18, about 5 years ago
> had long hair, baby face
> worked as a cashier
> Woman comes up to get checked out and goes "Oh miss, could you split this into seperate orders?" or something like that.
> I answer back with something, but I mumbled so she didn't hear me
>" Honey just give the girl your candy she has to scan it"

>> No.4815462

What a terrible made-up story OP.

You'll never be Awkward Fast Food Guy, so don't even try.

>> No.4815473

I once took ski lessons when I was 11. I had long hair, a high voice, and a baby face. I was with a group of like 5 girls and the instructor referred to me as a female. I didn't correct him.

I took lessons for 6 weeks and befriended a girl. I'm not sure if anyone there thought I was a boy.

I don't know how I don't have gender issues from that.

>> No.4815598
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What anon didn't yet realize was that this was the moment when he entered.. THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

>> No.4815625

This wasnt much of a "dining experience but its pretty fun And I have posted it before.

>cook in a restaurant
>quite slow Tuesday afternoon
>I have a great view of the entire restuarant from the ticket counter, where i chill until some one orders something
>some old lady comes in and is seated by our waitress, a semi new girl.
>the old lady orders a steak with broccoli sauteed in bacon fat.
>send out the dish
>I see the old lady looking at it and not really eating it
>she takes a picture
>she asks the waitress to come over and then asks if our plates have ever been used to serve non kosher food.
>she says she doesnt know but shell ask the chef
> I think Isnt pig non kosher, and didnt she order for bacon sauted asparagus?
>the old lady fucking flips her shit and starts saying how she cant eat off from plates that are used to serve non kosher food

>> No.4815631

>she lashes out as our waitress and calls her a gentile, and demands to talk to the manager
>manager comes out and tries to calm her down
>old lady yells at how we are disrespecting her people and then asks us if we remember all the trouble her people have gone through
>our manager says he is so sorry and then says he will grab a brand new plate from the back for her
>old lady follows him to the back and watches him pull one out of an unopened box and then demands that they wash it with brand new soap and detergent
>Remake her food and serve it on a brand new plate
>she finally sits down and asks our waitress to stand next to her table in case she needed anything
>she stands there for 45 min. if she tries to leave the lady starts to yell
>our manager had to wait on her tables.
>she leaves without paying and leaves no tip.

>> No.4815637

> slow day in the kitchen
> 4 bussiness dudes come in
> all ask for steak
> 3 medium rare and 1 well done
> ughhh motherfucker
> finish and send them out
> ask the waitress how they liked their steaks
> she tells me they all drenched them in ketchup and steak sauce before even trying them
>die a little inside.

>> No.4815644


The story fails on principle, anyway. Autistic Fast Food Guy never eats indoors. He eats inside his old beater of a car that has a seemingly infinite void of McDonald's Wrappers, Wendy's Nuggets boxes, and dried and caked on Milkshake containers that cockroaches and other vermin tend to feast upon.

>>decide to sit down with them after politely asking

If by asking "politely" what is mean is "Stand awkwardly, sweating, shuffling feet, looking at the ground sipping a Diet Coke, is what is meant, then maybe.

>> No.4815645

Yo man I have a similar story
>be a jungle beaner from a tribe in mexico
> dark skinned and very feminine face with long straight hair
> very skinny
>go to america when I was 7 along with twin sister
>teacher introduces us as twin girls

I was a "tomboy" till like age 13.
the entire cultural backlash didn't let me know any better.
I thought I HAD to do everything like the girls, like pee sitting down and shit.
Fucked up my childhood

>> No.4815654


And you Murricans wonder why we gassed them all ...

>> No.4815655

Peeing sitting down is the best way honestly. Unless you're in. Hurry or something.

>> No.4815662

>implying what people of her faith endured nearly 70 years ago has anything to do with what she deserves now.

>> No.4815673

oh anon i love you so.
that was a great story.
Im busting up over here
At least the experience was good for something right?
You should try that on girls or something

>> No.4815702

>go out with friends
>eat at this amazing burger place
>one friend has never been there
>he spots the qt3.14 waitress who has been working there for a few years
>instantly begins hitting on her
>she laughs and ignores him
>he keeps doing it
>gets to the point where she's fidgeting uncomfortably anytime he speaks
>stop it, you're making her uncomfortable
>>she loves it, I'm going to slip her my number
>she hates it and you're going to ruin this place for us
>>it's cool just watch the master at work

>proceeds to hit on her by talking about how nice her tits are, offers his number and tries to physically put it in her hand
>she starts to raise her voice
>he grabs her by the wrist and plants his number squarely in her hand
>she screams and hits him
>manager asks us all to leave
>asspie friend gets banned
>apologise profusely to the qt
>she looks emotionally damaged

>never go back there

>> No.4815705
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>> No.4815708

I thought it was "never to return"

>> No.4815719

>the staff asks him to leave for being racist

Yeah, this probably didn't happen.

>> No.4815723

>Go to the food counter in a service station
>grab this bacon roll/wrap thing from behind some sliding glass
>go to cash register
>girl scans it
>I hand her cash and grab it back off her
>get change
>no words were spoken
>she looks at me like I'm a freak
>get back to car and start eating wrap thing
>this thing was supposed to be toasted buy the checkout girl after you buy it
>I sit in my car eating raw bacon and horrible cold cheese thing

>> No.4815727
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>for some reason I don't know why

you knew exactly why you cheeky kunt

>> No.4815740

>Get promoted to district vp at work
>Girlfriend and I decide to go to dinner at Mortons
>Show up at her condo not expecting her fag-hag roommate to be home so early
>Hag is crying on the stairs over some distant relative being in the hospital after getting hit by a car
>Says one of her boi-tois is coming over to hang out and cook for her
>"Anon was promoted at work today so we're going to celebrate at Mortons"
>Hags face lights up and the tears stop
>I LOVE MORTONS! I'll ask Francois (real name is Francis) if he wants to join us
>Umm, no
>Well we won't go together but we can have drinks together
>"Francois" shows up fucked up on something
>Get to Mortons and the fag offers to blow the Valet at the top of his lungs

>> No.4815749

am i on /r9k/?

>> No.4815751

>inform the hostess that we are two separate parties
>stand at bar while table is prepared and order cocktails
>Fag gets a Zombie and shots of brandy
>Faghag had told the hostess that we were one party when she "went to potty"
>Fag "mimes" groping all the waiters and water boys as they walk past
>Our server brings out another round of cocktails including his two shots
>chugs them all and stands up to slam the glass upside down on the table
>starts getting louder by the minute about all the "hot cocks" that work there
>hag is giggling her clit off until her toi passes out and falls in the floor
>asks if she can babysit him in the car to make sure he doesn't get in trouble "or die"
>No, call a cab
>Pouts and takes her fag home
>Blissful dinner in a corner booth alone
>Find hag crying outside in the grass at home because we would not answer the phone when she called
>Francois had puked and shit diarrhea all over her bed

>> No.4815757

>go to sushi

>> No.4815761

That does sound weird, doesn't it? Huh... Guess I've always said it that way. Dropped the "get" for no particular reason. Maybe it's NW colloquial.

>> No.4815767
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>> No.4815772

If a place sells sushi you can go to it, I don't see a problem.

For some reason if you change it to "go to burger"
That's just absurd

>> No.4815820

>not going for the shelfish pun

>> No.4815849

Your friend sounds cool

>> No.4815854


>> No.4815860

i'm being very condescending when i say no, that's not it.

>> No.4815863

More specifically it's a fetish thing, and said stealing of significant other comes not from love, but physical pleasure or mindbreak.

>> No.4815867

Still happens to me. I just raise the pitch of my voice now. But no fucks given.

>> No.4815865

The worst is when you go somewhere with a friend and they start doing something dickish...

>> No.4815883

Ketchup is a god-tier condiment and ketchup-steak is a god-tier dish. You just have to think of it as any other beef dish with sauce.

>> No.4815891

Fuck you. It's high fructose corn syrup with red food coloring a little tomato concentrate.

In no way is ketchup a good condiment, it just makes fat fucks happy with a good blood sugar spike.

>> No.4815894

>Fuck you. It's high fructose corn syrup with red food coloring a little tomato concentrate.
That's like half of good chinese food there without the tomato you giant faggot.

>> No.4815895

Why did you guys not kick her out when you knew she was just there to cause a scene?

Shes old so its not like she has any friends to give bad word of mouth to.

>> No.4815897

But if they know that they like the flavor of steak sauce then whats the big deal?

>> No.4815924

>delete this thread

you must be new here

>> No.4816333


It made me really paranoid of having shit still somewhere on my ass or something.

>> No.4816455

Man, I was a faggy 12 year old too. It luckily stopped some time though.

>> No.4816458


>still trying to pick up worthless American trash women

good goy. don't go to Asia where you can actually find high class, high quality women for cheap. Nope, continue chasing these worthless, monster scum sucking western bitches.

>> No.4816988

>debit card
>$2 in change
That's where his story falls apart.

>> No.4817000

Because only people who are new know how to delete a thread?

Makes sense.

>> No.4817192

Give me the money to travel to Asia and then we'll talk turkey

>> No.4817866

Doin gods work.

>> No.4817892

yes, those well-known nonmaterialistic Asian women

>> No.4817911

>run out of money
>run out of normal food things
>make refried beans from old bags of dried beans I never did anything with
>make tortillas from masa I forgot about for months
>everything turned out better than expected
>still don't know how I'm going to pay fastly approaching rent

Hello? I am confuse. How do I get out of here? I am not good with computer.

>> No.4817927

This never happened.

>> No.4817937

not sure if shitty or godly

>> No.4817942

contrary to popular belief, whites aren't very criminal

>> No.4817945

>i wanted to try it silly ;)
oh u!

>> No.4817955

>maine to georgia
>3 days
man your parents suck

jesus christ

>> No.4818003

>staff asks him to leave because he was being too retarded

>> No.4818012

Prohibited under the ADA.

>> No.4818047
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>Back when I was in secondary school
>It's lunch time
>Chilling at local cafe
>'Friend' says he'll buy us something to eat
>Orders our food
>We eat
>He fucking runs off without paying and leaves me behind
>I have no fucking money to pay the bill
>Have to dig around my wallet and pockets for change like a retard

>> No.4818134

>me traveling alone on business
>be in Miami Florida not far off from "Calle Ocho" and 27 @ 4:00pm or so
>be hungry, see "Italian Restaurant" sign.
>Stop, find parking
>Go in, looks like a nice little authentic Italian place.
>Hostess is old Russian womyn, takes me to table.
>Several older Russians mens appear from nowhere to all stand around bar speaking Russian.
>Can see they all have guns.
>Oh Gawd, I'm in a Russian Mafia restaurant.
>Waitress comes to take order, I order some sort of shrimp and pasta.
>Waitress asks about my accent. I'm Swiss, from Switzerland.
>She disapears
>All men at bar turn to look at me.
>2 come over. Oh I'm going to die.
>They smile, start talking, real friendly.
>Conversation starts, I'm hesitant at first, but they were really cool.
>Many hours of conversation and eating and drinking and some light gambling of Eucher at the table pass.
>At some point was served A single breaded Shrimp. The 1 Shrimp was as big as the dinner plate.
>Be after 12:00am when all breaks up, many handshakes and some man hugs.
>Made friends with good, but scary, Russian people.
>Go to that restaurant everytime I am in Miami.

All Good Feels man.

>> No.4818170

>cruising with 2 buddies last winter
>both are smoking weed, I dont smoke as it makes me paranoid and retarded
>go into mcdonalds drive through
>get food, pull into parking lot to eat
>get mild contact high
>have to take a piss
>walk inside and use the bathroom
>standing at urinal
>door opens
>female voice, giggling
>"Hey *giggle* would the cute guy in there come to my table after your...*giggle*.. done"
>walk out of bathroom
>table with 3 average looking chicks at it and one dipshit guy wearing a fedora
>one of the girls waves me over
>"Hey my friend thinks you're hot you should give her your number"
>her friend is super fucking embarrassed
>feel awkward as hell and again slightly paranoid
>dont know wat do

"That's nice, but I'm way to high for this shit, I came here for a burger not a hookup"

And then I walked out.

>> No.4818176

Swap Miami for Philadelphia, 'Italian restaurant' for 'Austrian restaurant' and Russian mafia for Polish mafia and I'd ask if you are me, down to being Swiss and everything.

>> No.4818190

An Austrian Restaurant? Seriously? In all my travels on 2 continents I do not think I have ever seen a restaurant serving Austrian food except for in Austria.
Americans have bastardized "popular" german food, yes. But Austrian? That is a new one to me.
Same as trying to find Swiss style raclette in USA. Impossible, except for trendy "fondue" restaurants.

I have a visceral HATE for Philadelphia that I refuse to ever go there again, so I doubt I'll ever have a chance to see the fabled Austrian Restaurant of that city.

>> No.4818198

It's called Austrian Village. Now STFU

>> No.4818212

That's not the one I was talking about. The one in question is now closed, but the food was quite good, surprisingly. It was a little sweeter than what I'm used to but I guess that's because it was cooked by Poles for Poles and Polish savouries have a notorious sweetness to them.

I have never seen raclette of any sort in America. There was a Romand-owned Swiss restaurant here when I first moved into my own in Philadelphia in 2006. The owner and I lamented the lack of raclette here.
Do you live in the US and if you do, do you get as annoyed as I do that the best place to buy proper chocolates (the stereotypes are true: Swiss do eat a metric fucktonne of chocolate) in the US is Aldi?

>> No.4818270

I actually wouldn't doubt it. My grandmother (although not Jewish) was a crazy old bitch who did shit like this wherever she went (the bank, the grocery store, etc.) She'd either get all angry like that, or she'd act super feeble and helpless... then slip up and show that she was actually quite capable of dashing through aisles, holding onto things with an iron grip, etc. She'd also pit people against each other with different stories. She was the one person that caused me (and several others) relief when she finally died.

Point is, some old bitches be crazy.

>> No.4818304

>hotline miami

>> No.4818309

>the staff asks him to leave for being racist
Yeah, no.

Also, I'm white, I love asian food, but I have never once attempted to thank for the meal in anything but english. I won't even attempt to say a meal's name if I'm not sure I can pronounce it correctly, because I don't want to spaghetti. I'll just point and be like "this, please".

Or the best luck is with this pho place that has the best fried squid I've ever had; everything is numbered so I just give the number instead. Fried squid appetizer, bowl of pho, and if I'm REALLY hungry, the marinated beef salad, all split between three people.

For my brother's tenth birthday (and, for both of us into his late teens afterward) Dad took us to Hooters. Yes, a ten-year old boy and his friends at Hooters. When they get him up on the stool, he was supposed to dance or shake this cup filled with spoons or some shit, but all he did was stare downward. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.4818316

I used to get mocked in middle school because I could pass as 30, at 12. Seriously, had a full beard well before my bar mitzvah.

>> No.4818323

Name and address of the austrian place? I'm from Cherry Hill, so I'm only half an hour away from Philly, I'd love to try something new.

>> No.4818346


1/10 try harder

>> No.4818703

see >>4818212

>> No.4818757

I am in USA, Cincinnati area of Ohio actually and am about 1.5 kilometer from an Aldi, I go there often, yes for the chocolate. :D:D:D
Even though the chocolate that Aldi carries is German made it melts nicely for souffle and other treats.

As for raclette, the closest I have seen in USA was at a little place in Centerville Ohio on Route 725; thinking I might get a little taste of home without having to make it myself... well... it was OK but not quite right for raclette.

Sadly, I think things are done for the American palette of taste sacrificing quality of product of traditional continental cuisines.
Even in "German Village" in Columbus Ohio, there is Schmidt's Sausage Haus, which is a very old, very popular restaurant; however it is almost a parody of cliche's of German food. Their Cream Horn is excellent though.

>> No.4818765

that was awkward

>> No.4818803

They carry no Swiss chocolate, true, and carry mostly German and Austrian though I've seen Italian chocolates and, much to my surprise, Irish. The Irish chocolate was a variety box. I bought it. It was basically a chocolate version of allsorts IE none of them tasted of chocolate much as no piece of allsorts tastes as licorice does.

Ours is generally a well-off nation and most of us have little interest in leaving, so it's rare to find Swiss products outside of Maggi/Nestle abroad as there are very few Swiss outside of Switzerland to buy it. Same with Germany and Austria. Other than Jews after the war, large-scale emigration from these countries to the US generally ended sometime in the early 1800s.

After nearly 200 years of isolation from its compatriates, of course the European originals will have changed to American originals and there is no sacrifice of quality, per se, just a difference in preference. Expecting to find our traditional foods in a nation over 6000km away across a damned ocean when you'd be hardpressed to find them in countries neighbouring ours will just leave you dissatisfied and unhappy. Rather find American foods that match your tastes.

>> No.4818805


American here, raclette is no problem to find where I live (an actual city). Leave the heartland, rural America is just a parody of itself now where people drive around in big trucks that they don't need, carry guns that they shouldn't be trusted with, and convince themselves they live in an exaggerated macho reality even though everything is done by huge sophisticated agricultural machinery now. There's nothing left, just leave and come to a city where you can have normal food instead of horrific casseroles made of canned string beans and cream of mushroom soup. Urban life is the real reality and anyone who pretends otherwise is living in a self-imposed fantasy.

>> No.4818825



How can anyone be speechless after some highschool level bullshit like that?

There is no reason to leave a mcdonalds if there are plenty of empty tables. McDonalds has free wi-fi ffs, they don't care if people hang around.

>> No.4818834

Have you been to and had raclette in Switzerland? Having had raclette in the US, it's good but it's not the same. It lacks the bite characteristic of raclette. Raclette tastes like a cross between provola and brie or camembert with a stronger bite/tang and less of a sweet finish. Raclette I've had in America tastes like a cross between provola and gorgonzola with less of a bite and a strong sweet-cream finish. It's good. It's tasty. But it's not the same.

As I said already, living over 6000km away from Switzerland and expecting to find proper Swiss foods is silly, so I just avoid them altogether.

>> No.4818836


Is this how most asian parents are? Because that is awesome.

>> No.4818848


I haven't been to Switzerland, but I'm not clear on how something like raclette would change so dramatically in transport, or at least, why it would be more affected than any other cheese (and I don't hear people complaining that their imported gorgonzola doesn't taste the same on this side of the Atlantic).

Are you sure you're not eating something labeled "raclette" that's actually made in Wisconsin?

>> No.4818864

I currently live in the fifth largest city in the US and have difficulty finding raclette here. Even when driving an hour and a half to New York, it's not easy to find proper, Swiss raclette.
The five times I've bought 'raclette' each turned out to be different from what I grew up with. I doubt its authenticity because the US doesn't protect AOC/PDO. Whether it was made in the US or in France, I can't say, but it wasn't raclette as I know it. Again, not bad, but not the same.
While we're on the subject of American cheeses, I actually prefer American 'cheddars' to proper ones. Sorry, Britain!

>> No.4818949

>Yes, a ten-year old boy and his friends at Hooters
I don't get it

Hooters is just a restaurant with waitresses slightly more attractive than average.

>now if your dad took you to one of those topless diners....

>> No.4818951

they're not more attractive, they're just wearing less.

>> No.4818958

>Whether it was made in the US or in France, I can't say

That's kind of an important thing to check if you're going to worry about AOC, don't you think?

What kind of places are you going to if you can buy cheese that doesn't even have a country of origin label?

>> No.4818976
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>be 8-10 ish
>be with dad and his friends in an asian restaurant
>a lot of us order some lamb dish (they ordered for me as well)
>get the food
>start eating
>daddy and the rest are curious if it really is lamb meat
>turns into a big conversation around the table
>randomly i say "i didn't know the lamb's bones were so small"
>some guy to my dad: "your son is right"
>"this isn't lamb meat! they have bigger bones"
>they ask for the waiter to get a new dish and want to complain to the chef
>i'm pointed out as "even this kid knows that this isn't lamb meat"
>everyone around the table agree and suddenly i'm the lamb bone expert
>waiter looks at me
>i try to focus on the table cloth
>feel like it's my fault the waiter got yelled at
>feel like it's my fault the chef had to make an apology

I don't really remember what they served us instead of lamb meat, but I think it was duck.

>> No.4818982

Each time, it's been labeled as 'swiss raclette.' The shops I've gone too have been reputable, but I think that it's more about American general lack of understanding/knowledge of proper European cheeses. I can get Italian cheeses quite easily as well as a few French ones, but beyond these two countries, European are mostly absent from American shops. Like... 70% of the cheeses at any given shop will be Italian or French with the rest of the world represented by the remaining 30%. Good luck finding Büsciun stateside.

>> No.4818984

america only imports what people will buy, and we can't make ourselves

>> No.4818986

Exactly what I was saying above (>>4818803: Ours is generally a well-off nation and most of us have little interest in leaving, so it's rare to find Swiss products outside of Maggi/Nestle abroad as there are very few Swiss outside of Switzerland to buy it).
Also, every country is like that. Who would import what others won't buy? Supply and demand, of course.

>> No.4818997

you're whining about how america wont buy your shitty cheese
it's because no one wants it

>> No.4819001
File: 50 KB, 468x635, SwissSheepL_468x6351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would buy Swiss cheese despite disliking Swiss people and culture.

I wouldn't buy it often, but I would buy it.

>> No.4819002


lamb and duck are nothing similar.
what is wrong with you.

>> No.4819003

>Live in a medical marijuana state
>Friend visits from across the country
>Manage to get him a hookup while he's staying with me (I don't smoke)
>Take him out to eat dinner the first night there
>He smokes beforehand and gets in the car reeking of marijuana
>We go to a grill / cafe nearby that I frequent
>QT asian waitress who I always make pleasant conversation with seats us
>Friend spends fifteen minutes vocally going over the menu several times
>Proceeds to order a huge amount of fries and a shake
>Blows into his shake and it overflows onto the table
>He giggles at the top of his lungs at the mess and shouts "GOD MAN, I'M WAY TOO HIGH FOR THIS! YOU GOT ME SOME GREAT BUD, MAN!"
>My internal dialogue involves screaming NO over and over at this point
>He lays on his booth cushion and pulls fries down into his face
>At this point he's managing a continuous groan, and everybody is staring
>I tell the QT server I'm moving to the outdoor seating area, and that I'm not with him
>I apologize to her when she comes to refill my drink
>Pay, tip 40%, and leave him inside
>He came back two hours later with the cops
>Freak out behind the door
>He was pissing in the public park
>Never welcome in my home again

>> No.4819004
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so would i but i wouldn't expect it to be widespread
because come on, USA is pretty much the cheese capital of the world.

And now i am remembering the meat shop i used to go to, and how the old ladies there had to close up shop

thanks bro

>> No.4819005

I'm with you 100% completely but this is /ck/ So we should probably talk about cooking. I noticed every Asian girl I'm with could cook awesome!

>> No.4819006

you could have written that in 1 or 2 posts top faggot
you should also feel bad

>> No.4819010

If you followed the thread, I am not at all 'whining' about anything. I live in a different country and don't expect to find the same products here as back home just as I'd be hard-pressed to find proper barbecue in Switzerland, Italy or Slovenia.
I was merely giving explanations for why our stuff aren't easily found in the US.

Swiss are an unfriendly people and are exceedingly xenophobic. Romands, though, tend to be less so.

>> No.4819011
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>be 18
>at fairly expensive restaurant with family + their friends
>they bring their 3 and 5 year old kids
>kids are throwing salt and yelling the entire time
>just as the mains are served the 5 year old goes over to indoor garden setup
>starts pissing everywhere
>shakes around violently while laughing peeing on a tree and all the plants around it
>their parents flip out when they realise
>have to eat my main with the entire restaurant peering over at us
>leave as quickly as possible as soon as im done

Don't bring your kids out until they are at least 10 for fucks sake.

>> No.4819016
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>In college
>Go out to eat with my roommates
>Some place I'd never heard of...Jackasters? (I'm from the north, this was North Carolina)
>Decent atmosphere, prices are reasonable, standard fare
>Burgers, ribs, chicken, steaks, etc.
>Server thinks my accent funny, asks me to read the menu for a few other servers
>Why not, I'll be a good sport
>We get our food, pretty good, good portion, steak was cooked as I ordered it
>One of my roommates goes and talks to the server
>Just finishing up, and the server comes back over with 4 or 5 other servers
>"We hear it's somebody's anniversary!"
>Go over to two of my roommates, make them stand on their chairs while they sing, give them each a bowl of ice cream
>Old guys sitting behind us look on in disgust at 2 men sharing an anniversary
>Servers stop singing, they leave, roommates sit back down
>Ask them, "Guys...you aren't gay or dating. Tom, you're engaged. Why didn't you say anything."
>Tom looks at me, holds up his bowl, and in his southern drawl says, "Dude...free ice cream."

>> No.4819020


I lol'd

>> No.4819027

>friend's 12th birthday party
>pile in his dad's suburban
>"where we going?"
>"hooters bro"

>> No.4819030
File: 90 KB, 300x300, costan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw americans clap at birthdays

>> No.4819053

>go to play with girlfriend, her friends, and one of my friends
>plan to go out to pizza place afterwards
>other friends ask my friend that is with us what he's doing tonight
>he tells them he's going to the restaurant with us after the show
>they invite themselves
>so now we have like a 14 person party (instead of 5 or 6) at this pizza place on saturday night
>$6 pitchers of shock top
>there are families in the room as well as a group of frat guys
>two people from the group that invited themselves start to get drunk and play the penis game
>frat guys join in
>screaming PENIS in the restaurant
>families and people around us starting to get angry
>what the fuck guys we're all in our early 20s why are you acting like fucking children
>literally trying to cover one of my friends' mouths so he will stop shouting PENIS
>girlfriend's friends are super embarrassed
>have to apologize to all of them after we leave

They maintain that they did nothing wrong and were just having fun.

>> No.4819065

oh, you can bring along kids of any age. But 5 year olds throwing around salt and PISSING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM is a certain sign of catastrophically failed parenting.

>> No.4819068

>you can bring along kids of any age
...if and only if your kids in particular have demonstrated the ability to behave.

>> No.4819082
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Here's a great one

>Working, doing a job for the power company
>They have to reset a pole and affix the transformers before we can do our job
>Getting late (9 pm) decide to get some food while we wait
>5 of us, one guy is an older black guy
>Ignorant as fuck
>Only place thats open is a chinese restaurant
>We go in, look at the menus, tell the guy at the counter that we'll be taking out
>Black guy goes first, loud as shit, demanding that the guy tell him whats in the shrimp and garlic sauce meal
>Guy at the counter starts listing he veggies, shrimp, rice, and sauce
>Black guy is demanding that they add other veggies that don't come with the meal for free
>Counter guy has no idea how to respond, gets the owner
>After about 10 minutes (with a line forming behind us), black guy finally decides what veggies he wants with his meal
>It's what originally came with it
>For fucks sake
>The rest of us order, all while he comments (rather loudly) "Fucking chinks, these places always stink."
>He wanders off while we wait, we apologize, the owner is understanding
>We get our food, and black guy comes from around the corner
>Whiskey on his breath
>He walked down to the bar at the other end of the strip mall and ordered a bunch of shots...on an empty stomach...while we were still working...getting ready to go back to the job site
>He gets his food, and can't wait until we make the 5 minute drive back to the job site to eat
>Spills garlic sauce all over my truck seat
>"Hey, this chink shit is pretty good."
>After all that, MFW

>> No.4819087 [DELETED] 

check your privilege, racist
afro-americans are just like me and you
kill yourself

>> No.4819096

>afro-americans are just like me and you
Rude, ignorant and racist?

I'll give you the last part, shtiskin.

>> No.4819098
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But I'm a robot. I can't be racist. It's not a part of my neural subroutines.

Why do humans insist on only seeing the differences?

>> No.4819101

...because there's more than meets the eye.

>> No.4819106
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>> No.4819130

>go out to a party with gf
>she's Tuxedo Mask and I'm Sailor Moon
>I have a full beard, mad chest hair, hairy ass legs and arms, pretty much bear mode
>leave the party after a while, stop by some fucking restaurant that she was in love with but I can't remember the name of it
>waitress comes up for our order, my back is to her, guess she didn't see my beard
>takes girl's order and asks "and what would you like to drink, ma'am?"
>"Sprite" in my naturally low voice, turn to look at her with a smile
>she spaghettis and apologizes profusely
>apologizes every time she comes to the tabl
>eating my burger while feeling everyone stare at me
>leave the waitress a good tip and go have Sailor Moon roleplaying sex with my girl
>tfw I was the little girl

>> No.4819150

check your privilege, racist
afro-americans are just like me and you
kill yourself

looks like mods are supporting the evil white patriarchy
i'm calling the NAACP

>> No.4819151

I was invited to meet an African warlord and he offered me some sesame cake but when I took a bite he told me to stop eating his sesame cake.

>> No.4819153

That's not even what you say after a meal, that a misheard attempt of him calling the waiter "Master" as if he was a maid.

>> No.4819176
File: 5 KB, 183x275, HNI_0035_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at Wendys
>a married couple walks in with a young child who is about 2 months old
>they sit at a table right in front of me
>keep eating
>all of the sudden, she lifts up her shirt showing her tits
>about choked in shock
>she is breast feeding the child
>the staff didnt notice suprisingly
>after i ate i got up, and the mother got up to use the restroom, lifting her shirt up again
>i accidently put my face in between her tits, showing EVERYONE her nipples
>my dick actually grinds her crotch
>she makes a small moan
>backed up abd noticed the husband right behind me
>he is uber pissed
>run out of there, knocking over some chairs in the process
>start the car and zoom out of there

Im never going back to that wendys again

>> No.4819188

I like that you accidentally put your face in her boobs like a shitty harem anime. I think the husband should have penetrated you.

>> No.4819208

What the fuck

>> No.4819227

If he still has his job after that, then this is why I hate unions.

>> No.4819236


>fag, etc..

Sorry you had a bad experience, but there's no reason to keep pointing out that the guy is gay. Next time, choose your company more carefully.

>> No.4819252

it can be different.
>eating out
>muslim in a white gown, wife in burqa and 2 kids of around 5, 6 years old
>kids start to make noise as kids usually do
>father makes a short but powerful "shh" sound
>kids didn't open their mouths for the rest of their stay

>> No.4819253


>austrian food doesn't exist

Why do you think they call it WIENerschnitzel dumbass?

>> No.4819260
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>Go to Sushi Neko(Best sushi place in OKC)
>Order Sushi, really friendly Japanese waiter won't stop talking to us
>Starts telling us about his favorite movies while we are eating
>Shows us his Rocky Balboa impression

I....I don't know how to feel. I still go there, but damn

>> No.4819265

If that would've been austrian it would've been called a viennaschnitzel

christians 0
Autheïsts 1

>> No.4819270

What are you, some kind of retard?

>> No.4819274


>> No.4819279

Upon finishing a meal, the Japanese also use the polite phrase Gochisōsama-deshita (ごちそうさまでした?) (lit. You were a Feast (preparer))

>> No.4819281

The phrase you were thinking of was "goshujinsama" ;)

>> No.4819288

>april 2011
>in Palm Springs for Big 4 show (Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax)
>entire family decided to go to Palm Springs with me (not for the show, though)
>my dad's step dad lives in the area
>we go out to dinner with step-grandpa and his wife the night before the show
>I've only met them once when I was younger
>they start hugging and kissing me like they've known me forever
>I hate it when people I don't know well hug me
>I was so uncomfortable and wanted to hide behind my mom even though I was 20 at the time
>we sit down
>Mrs. Step-grandpa asks me what I do
>I tell her that I'm a music major studying classical voice
>she says I should go on American Idol
>that's about the worst thing you can ever say to a classical singer
>tell her as politely as I can that it's not my kind of singing
>ignores me and tells me I should be on Glee
>I'm super annoyed at this point
>she starts talking nonstop about Glee and actually lets out a teenage fangirl scream at one point
>it's taken amazing willpower to not punch her in the face

>> No.4819294
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>mfw these are three different people.

>> No.4819313


>be really young, probably 7 or 8
>go with family to tiny pizza place called Antonio's
>there is no one there but an old dude (Antonio) and a middle-aged waitress
>we order food
>my dad chats with Antonio
>he pulls up a chair to our table
>he eats pizza with us while he and my dad talk about something, I think New York because this dude used to work at a pizza place in NYC
>I'm really confused as I have never been to a place where some random guy just eats with you
>makes me really uncomfortable
>even more confused because my dad is acting like everything is okay

Of course, if that happened nowadays I'd think it was awesome. Get to talk to the guy about his passion for pizza over dinner. The place closed down a few years later, I assume Antonio died because he looked to be in his 70s at this time.

>> No.4819325

>USA is pretty much the cheese capital of the world.

Do you really believe this?

>> No.4819341
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>leave the waitress a good tip and go have Sailor Moon roleplaying sex with my girl
>tfw I was the little girl

>> No.4819345

unless wisconsin is in canada?

>> No.4819350


Wisconsin may be the cheese capital of the US but certainly not of the world.

You're not even allowed to produce or import raw milk cheese in the US.

>> No.4819351


Your friend sounds like fun, why not just roll with it? And also, the qt asian waitress doesn't want to bang a stiff like you.

>> No.4819368

>make lots of young cheddar
>are we cheese capital yet?

>> No.4819400

>in very expensive restaurant in Malaysia with my dad, two cousins (ages 19 and 6), their parents, and a few family friends

>deco is minimalist/modern, plates are small, porcelain everywhere

>6 year old cousin starts to knock over glasses, throws salt and pepper, making a general ruckus

>parents aren't doing anything about it, my dad tries to quiet him down politely

>little fucker starts eating off of other peoples' plates, parents still do nothing

>my dad fills his own plate with peppers and chilies, gently nudges them in kid's direction

>grabs a handful of peppers, his parents once again don't notice

>starts crying quietly after chewing on peppers

>dad whispers to him that he won't get him milk unless he agrees to shut up

>kid passes out on floor, has to get taken to the hospital

>dad tells no one but me about the peppers

>> No.4819404


cont: it turns out that he had a small seizure, had nothing to do with peppers, everything turned out okay

last I heard, he got hit by a motorcycle while running around on a busy street throwing stuff at cards

>> No.4819406

Jack Astors? I don't know what you mean by "from the north", but my brother dragged me to one in Hamilton, Ontario.

>> No.4819407


edit: CARS

>> No.4819410


Your dad sounds like a cool guy.

>> No.4819414

The poster was saying that s/he's never seen an Austrian restaurant outside of Austria. S/he has seen several German restaurants, but never Austrian.

>> No.4819417

First week on 4chan?

Lurk more dude.

>> No.4819445

Are there many Amish in Wisconsin?

>> No.4819484


Fucking justice.

>> No.4819504


Lel faggot I've been on 4chan for 8 years. The guy is making it seem like all gay people act like this (hint: they don't)

>> No.4819565

>the old lady orders a steak with broccoli sauteed in bacon fat.
> I think Isnt pig non kosher, and didnt she order for bacon sauted asparagus?
Nigga you high as fuck

>> No.4820597

>implying faggots don't exist

liberal faggot

>> No.4820599

>acting like a manchild

pick one

>> No.4820612
File: 56 KB, 373x457, mr cool ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work there bruh! I'm not a "manager" but I'm a crew leader which is basically hourly management. The salad bar girls have hawk eyes for things like that.

>> No.4820621

i hate that dumb hibachi gimmick. ive avoided those places for things like that, but have still went from time to time with groups of people who made plans, and things of that nature

>able to catch things in mouth and act like im having a good time master race

>> No.4820659

I went to a really legitimate Cantonese joint with a dude i play king of fighters with. waitresses spoke Canto with me which was cool cause i usually get read as a white dude (hasian here).

anyway when it came time to order we hadn't come to an agreement on what to order and I was just like "ahhh you order dude". he didn't hear me and he just started demolishing all this fried chicken and fried rice, all surprised when nothing arrived for me.

man i usually get real mad when white ppl don't share at Chinese restaurants, but getting that shit from an official chinaman was the worst surprise. I got duck noodles soup tho and it was decent.

at least I ate really good sichuan last night dogg. I have taken three shits today already.

>> No.4820669

I'm gonna try and recap this one as best I can. This happened maybe about a month ago.

>At girlfriend's housesitting for her and watching her dog
>Getting bored so I call up my best friend
>Decide to go to Wendy's to try that new pretzel burger
>Get to Wendy's, start ordering my meal to the obese, greasy, acne-ridden, asian teenager there
>Guy says it's gonna be a few minutes
>No problem man I'm in no rush
>Standing around waiting for meal with friend
>Obese middle-aged woman comes busting through the door with huge sunglasses on and a receipt in one hand and a big ass purse in the other
>Breathing heavily, she waddles up to the counter and demands to see a manager
>Proceeds to have an argument with black bitch manager about how she didn't get her fries with her 6 piece nugget meal or some shit
>Both of them screaming their heads off right in front of the counter where my food is about to come out from
>She finally leaves, we both grab our burgers and sit down
>Start eating a couple fries
>Hooker comes into the Wendy's
>My friend and I are busting out laughing at this point, this fucking weird series of events going down
>As we are cracking up, our friend from middle school comes out of the kitchen area (we hadn't seen him in years) and goes out to his car
>The hooker fucking follows him out there
>Very old woman standing in line waiting to order (people are ahead of her)
>She's blatantly talking to herself
>She sees an advertisement on the TVs in Wendy's talking about their free fish sandwiches (while supplies last)
>Starts talking about fish sandwiches (to herself)
>Starts getting really excited, eventually yelling at the fat cashier about how she wants a free fish sandwich
>She kept shouting "Go fish!!!" because she saw it in the advertisement
>Go fish!
>Free fish sandwiiiich!!!!! Go fish!!
>Cashier gets freaked out and brings out black bitch manager to explain that they don't have any more free fish sandwiches (while supplies last)


>> No.4820677


>While all this is happening, my friend and I are just trying to eat these fucking burgers
>These things are fucking terrible
>Dry, stale, nasty tasting bread
>One slice of normal cheese
>Some kind of drippy, greasy nacho cheese in addition to the normal cheese for some reason
>drips out all over my plate and get some on my pants
>Feeling sick at this point so stop eating the burger and just eat the fries

No wonder no one goes to that Wendy's. It was the weirdest experience I've ever had at a restaurant.

>> No.4820789

He never implied he was gay.

>> No.4820819

Man, that sucks for you, those things are bomb as shit when they're made right. If there's a better wendy's anywhere near you, give it another go at some point.

>> No.4820834

Why would an Asian guy be working there?
He must be extremely desperate to be working at a place like that.

>> No.4820912

That shits the best dude.

>be in berkely visiting a friend
>eating at this little pizza place next to his commune
>ridiculous political quotes and comics all over the walls
>best pizza ive ever had
>got to experience that glory that is a peppadew
>whole time just chatting with the owner(late 40s) and delivery guy (late 50s)
>talking about football and random shit
>brotier as fuck
>go there 2 more times in the next 2 days

Any ways, its a made to order single oven kind of place though he does have 2-3 pizzas precooked for people who just want a slice or two.
>guy walks in
>wants plain cheese pizza
"shit dude, I dont have any fresh ones and theres a bit of a queue for the oven right now. you can wait like 20-30 minutes or Ill heat up this older pizza but I wont charge you for it"
>dude accepts two huge slices of pizza for free

>> No.4820925


it's completely relevant to the character he's depicting in the story. you can fuck right off back to tumblr if you need people to censor themselves to protect your feelings, you fag-loving fucktard.

>> No.4820927


no, he sounds like a college freshman who can't handle his weed

>> No.4820930


Your rights end where my feelings begin.

>> No.4820933

>be 10
>be at outdoor mall
>mom lets me and little sister wander off on our own, meet later at designated spot
>go to food court
>get pretty nasty tasting chinese food
>there are birds flying around
>I love birds
>try to get one close to me by setting some of the nasty broccoli on the stone railing by our table
>some interest, but it hardly works and none of them even peck at it
>soccer mom stomps over to our table while angrily yelling "Hey! HEY!" and gets up in my face
>everyone staring
>no mom to turn to
>everyone continues staring, do nothing
>soccer mom stomps off triumphantly, damn proud she just told off a 10-year-old

>> No.4820936


that's because non-white people actually know how to keep their children in line, they don't fight teachers who give C's to shitty students and fawningly congratulate their kids' creativity when they draw on the walls with shit. those muslim kids knew it's a fucking belt to the ass when they get home if they don't shut the fuck up.

>> No.4820938
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>> No.4820947

>Raw milk


>> No.4820950
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>hurrr durrr i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.4820982
File: 116 KB, 450x300, heath_ledger_joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out to eat for sisters birthday with our mom, stepdad, her and her boyfriend
>go to one of the chinese places they eat at often
>step dad is old guy, trying to be funny by making ching chong noises through out the wait
>asian waitress is noticeably rude as she slams plates and utensils down for us, its obvious why
>mom starts complaining about how horrible the service is, its a small place and obviously the employees would be able to hear
>step dad is still trying to get laughs making asian stereotype jokes, other people in the restaurant are staring and chuckling at his jackass behavior
>mom gets her fried duck, does nothing but complain loudly about it the whole meal. seemingly making the old waitress even more aggressive with her service
>step dad gets into argument/debate with the hardly english speaking waitress about bringing him tartar sauce for his shrimp, they don't have any but he cant understand her, starts yelling TAR-TAR, I WANT TAR-TAR slow and loudly as if hes talking to a retard
>just keeps ignoring me when i say they dont have any

>> No.4820996

> all these stories
Jesus, thank God I'm not American and have no American relatives. Must be hell for you guys.

>> No.4821010

It's OK. They're American too.

>> No.4821024


I don't think you know what "fag-hag" means.

>> No.4821025


>high fructose corn syrup with red food coloring a little tomato concentrate.

I am so sorry that you have to live in a third world country.

>> No.4821027


The wold > America.

It's a hard concept, but try to gasp it.

>> No.4821031

Unpasteurized milk is fine as long as you are confident in the health and living conditions of the cows.

>> No.4821063

Nothing stood out about the food or service but this happened one night when out with an ex girlfriend a few years ago.
>be eating at a wing place with girlfriend
>get some sauce and my face, girlfriend just wipes it off like I'm a baby, embarrassing
>acquaintance of both of our comes in, I know the girl because she is cousins with my best friend, girlfriend knows her because they were both tennis players in high school and her school played the other girls school
>acquaintance brings up a picture her cousin sent me of me passed out drunk in a chair at a party with a girl pulling her shorts up, hanging her ass out, and putting her ass super close to my face. Think teabagging but vagbagging I guess
>girlfriend wasn't at party, the picture would most likely piss her ass. acquaintance's story is vague so I play it off like whatever she is talking about is something my friend made. awkward.
>Super gay dude at acquaintance's table, hits on me by complementing my haircut and clothes and giving me a really weird sort of smile, not sure if he realizes I'm there with my gf and that I'm straight. awkward.
>Have to take ticket to counter to check out. At counter while cashier is making my change. Gf says "Do you need to go pee before we leave? I know how you get after a couple beers and we have a long drive." treated like a baby again, staff is in earshot. embarrasing.
>Start driving home, tell gf to stop acting like she's my fucking mom. She gets pissy, says something about how I don't appreciate anything and then goes into silent bitch mode.
>On interstate ride home, get behind a truck with a camper shell, bed is full of like 20 Mexicans, probably illegal because there are a lot of illegal immigrants in my area. Want to laugh at them, but must out will my gf's silence with my own silence.
>Get home, shut door in gf's face, lock the door so she gets in her car and leaves.
>Lay in bed, think about shit evening and reconsider relationship.
Most miserable date night of my life.

>> No.4821067

I once tried my wife's breast milk, it was weird.

>> No.4821076

You're right, I don't.

I withdraw my previous posts then. Sorry for this.

>> No.4821082


No problem anon, at least you apologized and didn't just disappear like everyone else would have.

>> No.4821302

Wisconsin won the biannual international cheese competition last year, and America is now today's best cheese producer. Just like beer, this isn't the 70s anymore, and 'murika is doing great on a lot of culinary fronts.

>> No.4821306

>the picture would most likely piss her ass
Sounds like your bitch just knows you and cares about you. Quit being a faggot. Everybody wants to fuck their mom.

>> No.4821313

>world's best
>pasteurized cheese

you can only pick one

>> No.4821319

Well an international group of folks picked both apparently.

>> No.4821326

>The World Championship Cheese Contest was started in 1957 and has always been held in Wisconsin -- in Madison since 2000. It's the oldest international cheese competition and, unlike others, it is a technical competition, judged by experts who look for up to 50 different defects in a cheese and judge in tenths of a point up to 100 points. The Vermeer cheese scored 98.73 in the final round of judging.


nigga you dumb

>> No.4821333


Uhm, they're not mutually exclusive bro. America produces a lot of shitty processed crap that can't even be called "Cheese". They also make some very good cheeses too.

>> No.4821366

>wisconsin wins a contest held in wisconsin with a wisconsin jury
nigga i just checked that site and all the cheeses they judge are american
>hurr durr america wins american chedder contests

>> No.4821380

So far the other guy has supplied a video that states otherwise. You haven't supplied shit.

>> No.4821384

>any year
>being this retarded


>> No.4821396

yeh i misread their official site.

apparently a dutch manufacturer won.
a swiss one was runner up.
a german one was second runner up.

>Wisconsin won the biannual international cheese competition last year, and America is now today's best cheese producer.

>> No.4821400

>>82 categories
>Among U.S. states, Wisconsin dominated with 30 gold medals

pretty sure that confirms my statement.
that world championship is a wisconsin championship with a handful of european entries mixed in for credibility.


>> No.4821407


>the oldest international cheese festival
>over 20 countries
>multiple states

Can't you just accept the fact that you're a moron who has no idea what he's talking about yet?

>> No.4821408

try again when the judges aren't from wisconsin and wisconsin doesn't win over 30% of the gold medals.

>> No.4821410

That confirms that Wisconsin makes good ass cheese. Nothing else.

>> No.4821416

>40 judges from 15 different countries
Just stop. You're wrong. You're an idiot. It's okay

>> No.4821422

Dude, just shut the fuck up. You're retarded.


>The panel will evaluate cheese and butter entries overseen by Chief Judge Robert Aschebrock, veteran USDA dairy grader. “The Contest Judge Selection Committee carefully reviewed many prospective judges to arrive at a well-qualified team. This year’s panel represents
a wide range of expertise as well as an excellent international presence,” said Mr. Aschebrock.

>International judges are expected to join the World Championship Cheese Contest from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Mexico, Portugal, The Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

>> No.4821424

>be in grade school
>Napoleon dynamite comes out
>oh shit, it's tater tot days
>realize I'm getting full
>the wind blows as I remember the sagacious actions of Napoleon
>try to stuff tots into my pocket for later
>shitty awful pants and I can't get the pockets open while sitting
>stand up and try to stuff them into my pocket
>"teacher's table" right fucking next to me
>get detention
some day
I'll sneak out of a cafeteria with tater tots in my pockets

>> No.4821432

oh boy, how could i have been so blind.
thanks for showing me the way of wisconsin cheddar gais!

>> No.4821438

Hello /ck/,

I just wanted to say that OP doesn't know what NTR even is.


>> No.4821507

Just a sample from 2012's results:

Cheddar, Sharp (6 months to 1 year), Best of Class
Maker/Team: Cracker Barrel Natural Cheese
Company: Agropur for Kraft

You think this is a motherfucking game?

>> No.4821527

>when asked how he'd like his burger cooked, says "still mooin"
My sides hurt.

>> No.4821537
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>mfw people in 4th grade when Napoleon Dynamite was released are 19-20 years old now.

>> No.4821544
File: 5 KB, 126x124, Jesus christ how horrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4821553

You call others 'goys' while you glorify Asian women because of 4chan jerking over them all day?

>> No.4821594

You sound terribly insecure for treating your exgirlfriend like that when she obviously just cares.

>> No.4821612

Yeah because nigger children are always totally well behaved.

>> No.4821623

>implying the jew does not want you to cut off your heritage with your half breed mongol children.

>> No.4821631


are you from the future?

>> No.4821674

And costco has high quality wine, so what.

>> No.4821694
File: 19 KB, 480x305, thegreatstateofvermontwillnotapoligizeforitscheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vermonter here. Cabot is pretty good, you guys, and it isn't neon orange and nobody makes hats based on it.


>> No.4821724

I love Sweet Tomatoes.

>> No.4821744

I once had fresh (as in still warm) cow's milk, it was the nicest milk i've ever had until 5 hours later when it tasted of beef.

>> No.4821763


>college freshman

More like highschool freshman

>> No.4821861


I have a kinda similar story with pigeons... 10 years ago I was at Catalina Island (off the california coast) and there were a bunch of pigeons while my parents were resting, and threw a couple of very small beach pebbles at birds, not hitting them (not even rocks, small pebbles). This old lady got really angry at me...

>> No.4823066

deja vu

>> No.4823162


A lot of places will give you a desert on the house if you just drop a line to the waiter about how it's your birthday. Not necessarily your choice of desert but you'll usually get something.

>> No.4823165


18y/o senior btw

>> No.4823170

It was dog.

You ate dog.

>> No.4823178

Did the old guys say anything after that?

>> No.4823204


This is just like my Mongolian cartoons.

>> No.4823209


>mfw US also won best wines against french contestants in france
>makes best cheeses in the world
>best wines
>mfw yurop sees McDonald's and thinks that's all that exists in the US

>> No.4823236

>Be fapping to live camwhores online
>Whore's internet is slow so she decides to log off and log back on
>waiting for her I decide to go into my kitchen and get a leftover burger from earlier
>my house so I'm walking naked
>smack boner on counter
>boner stands strong
>cut burger in half and put of napkin
>sit in front of computer and eat
>boner subsides
>other half of burger on my lap
>I open her page again and she's doing a free show
>boner regains full strength and knock burger onto the floor
>fap and later pick up remnants of burger lost and consume

>> No.4823239


Source: Personal experience

>> No.4823531

Poor guy.... We get the good stuff here.

>> No.4823581

Your dad is funny

>> No.4823653
File: 54 KB, 657x788, 1352828170579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much older friend invites me out to dinner at sushi restaurant
>haven't seen him in a while so why not, gotta be nice
>he writes it off as a business expense
>he starts drinking
>oh boy here we go
>kind of busy in there
>can't get any waitress attention
>"5 dolla sucky sucky?"
>all asian waitstaff
>won't stop saying it till someone pays attention to him
>I awkwardly laugh and hope he stops
>I leave a big tip as an apology to them

>> No.4823660

I was at a local park. You're not supposed to feed the seagulls since they shit everywhere and there are signs saying so. This old woman tells the family there not to do it (kids were feeding the birds). Not in a mean way. Just informing them because you can be fined for it. My friend, who was on a prednisone regime and developed severe rage, heard it, walked by that old woman on our way out and said "THANKS FOR RUINING EVERYONE'S DAY, YOU OLD BITCH" and felt soooo satisfied about herself. I don't hang out with her anymore.

>> No.4823706 [DELETED] 


>caring what gooks think

They're subservient by nature.

>> No.4823711 [DELETED] 


>> No.4823795
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>Balls cold in the middle of winter
>Going to Sonic for some grub after a terrible day.
>Family orders and I order a Reeses Blast and some chili cheese fries, I think I also got a hot dog.
>While waiting for my food I turn on the radio
>Car battery dies in the middle of a decent song.
>Go outside to tell my family.
>Car locks itself somehow
>With keys inside.
>In shorts and a t-shirt because I didn't bother to put anything else on.
>Did I mention it's cold as balls?
>Sit at the table.
>Sister starts bitching to me about how it's all my fault.
>I just want my fucking food.
>Food gets here.
>The Reeses Blast literally tastes like toothpaste, something was probably wrong with the machine.
>It is so bad that I almost vomit.
>At least I'm minty fresh.
>Chili cheese fries and whatever else I ordered was cold.
>Bitch at waiter about it.
>Nobody comes.
>Family tells me to forget about it.
>Fuck it, I don't even care any more.
>It starts snowing.
>Slip on the snow.
>Friend of family comes to jumpstart the car battery.
>Finally go home.

Fucking Sonic.
Fucking holidays.

>> No.4823880

you're blatantly wrong about that.
I can buy legal, raw milk here at any farmer's market.
Stop lying.

>> No.4823892
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You aren't allowed to buy raw milk from farms I thought? The farm can make it all they want and drink it, but as soon as they sell it, it's against FDA regulations and they can be raided. Right?

>> No.4823915


Naw, he's right. What you guys buy as "Reblochon" for instance is a pasteurized version of the original. This happens for many cheeses on the US market.

>> No.4823965


>> No.4823972


What you are describing is generally true, but some counties in some states allow the sale of unpasteurized milk while most do not.

>> No.4823980
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Only for some it seems.

>> No.4823979

>still mooin
I'm not sure if your friend is a huge asshole or a bro

>> No.4824024 [DELETED] 

Fuck the jews

>> No.4824147

I know the feel..

>Goes to well known Teppanyaki in my area
>Celebrating aunt's birthday with family (mostly cousins
>Chef comes out, Mexican.. wut?
>Don't really care as long as he's not a newbie
>FML guy is clearly a newbie with a Japanese chef coming to us and showing/reminding him of steps
>Starts making volcano, takes 2 minutes..
>Longest two minutes of awkward stacking
>Luckily we all got a few drinks in us so we found it amusing rather than annoying
>Does the standard salt/pepper flip tricks and drops salt/pepper a few times
>Chef proceeds to cook shrimp
>So far so good...
>Begins to cut off tail of shrimp and flips them into his tall hat
>First 2-3 we're successful
>Begins to start messing up
>Mad/embrassed and chef says nothing
>Rest of the night, I had a red spot on my forehead

Yeah.. Fuck those restaurants.

>> No.4824202

Also one other story. This one probably altered my life the most.

>Be 8-10
>Naughty as fuck child
>At a Chinese restaurant with my family, an authentic one at that
>Tittering my chair forward and backward in an obnoxious way with my feet pushing it off the table
>Doing it for over 10 minutes
>Eventually falling
>Down backwards on the ground with my face looking up
>All I see is Chinese people laughing and some even pointing their fingers at me whilst laughing

And that moment has redefined my life. I was never naughty again after that, and I think my earlier adolescent life I was quite shy and timid because of that.. Well that's what my mum and I think anyways lmao. She told me after that I was never annoying again.. Haha.

>> No.4824238
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>> No.4824342
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>at Blockbuster with mom
>mom forgets her wallet on counter
>cashier "Ladies! Oh ladies! Come back! You forgot this!"
>the fell

As for a food related story
>be 10 or 11
>go to dinner with my grandma, and my two brothers
>we go to Montana's
>grandma and I order the same thing, a Buffalo chicken sandwich
>it comes with a fuck tonne of sauce, which I love and grandma hates
>she is disgusted by the sandwich, not sure what she thought Buffalo chicken was
>snatches mine and demands to see a manager
>wtf grandma, I like it
>"This is literally inedible, we need to send it back"
>manager comes, she insists on a refund
>he offers her free meal tickets for another time
>she wants a refund, not free meals
>manager remains pleasant throughout, grandma is almost in hysterics
>grabs all of us by the hand and storms out
>we got McDonalds

Fuck that shit grandma.

>> No.4824478


He meant the timestamp in the picture.

>> No.4824509

*tips fedora*

>> No.4824527

How does that even make sense in this context? Or you just throw the word 'fedora' at anything you don't like?

>> No.4824602

some people probably shouldn't smoke weed

>> No.4824611


>> No.4824633
File: 9 KB, 283x178, RAGE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people like this have escaped tumblr to post on 4chan

God Almighty

>> No.4824641


Where do you think you ware?

>> No.4824656 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 256x264, le happy mario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 12 going to a sushi restaurant for the first time
>order unagi nigiri and an eel roll like a boss
>wolf it all down with a Dr. Pepper, tall and ice-cold like yours truly
>see some Jap with his hand out
>"what the haps, slanty?" (that was the vernacular at the time)
>"sir, it is customary to tip"
>"Here's a tip for you, Kato - if my grandfather hadn't saved your ass in dubya dubya two, we'd all be speaking French right now"
>he recoils his hand as if bitten, a profound look of shame on his heathen face
>I tell him to whip me up a monkey roll and some tamago nigiri with a quickness
>raise fist for emphasis
>he scurries off to make it, I wink and tell him to keep a piece for himself
>he falls on his knees and pledges his eternal loyalty
>he's been my faithful manservant ever since

>> No.4824768

>lel faggot
>I've been on 4chan for 8 years
yeah right, go back to reddit

>> No.4825791

it wasn't HIM, you stupid asshole. ugh, what a stupid asshole...

>> No.4825871

I think he meant a general `your`.

>> No.4826618

I know this feel man. Had long hair pretty much all of teen years. Constantly called miss or mam.

>> No.4826731


You can get raw milk cheeses in the US, but they have to be aged for over 60 days. You can only buy raw milk straight from the source at either the farm or possibly the farmers market.

One can no longer buy mimolette in the good ol' US of A because cheese mites are too scary for us and make the FDA's skin crawl. It stinks, because it was such a stunning cheese.

>> No.4826755

what a fucking stupid cunt

>> No.4826833

My current bf's ex was Chinese and apparently could not cook at all. She made him fried rice once, and it was soft and tasteless. She was a waitress though.

>> No.4826856

OP I know we can't be macho all the time, but I would've told that prick that he'd better watch his mouth because if he says that to the wrong person he'll get himself killed.

>> No.4826873

Oh wow.

You're edgier than my kitchen knife.

>> No.4826874

the typical liberal government should control everything ideology is getting pretty annoying

>> No.4827046

Did he die?
I wont be happy unless he did.

>> No.4827101

Trust me, if theyre selling from a local farmer's market, nobody gives half a damn what they're selling until somebody gets sick.

>> No.4827420

>Super gay dude at acquaintance's table, hits on me by complementing my haircut and clothes and giving me a really weird sort of smile
He was making fun of you, you autist

>> No.4827434
File: 88 KB, 720x540, 1342907561264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just every foul bachelor frog iteration rolled into one sequence of events.

>> No.4827487


tough being 16, huh?

>> No.4827511

>bitches about cooking 4 steaks on a slow day
must be a nigger

>> No.4827529

uh.. what's wrong with the restaurant?

>laern to read faaget

>> No.4827541

I don't trust anyone who can quantify how long they've used 4chan.

>> No.4827753

Would any of you awkward fucks really just want to take the humiliation and walk home with it? I was quite the pussy in high school, but I'm not into taking shit from scum now as an adult.