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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4811552 No.4811552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone remembers that episode of Drake and Josh where Drake stops eating junk food, but starts feeling sick because his body so used to junk food that he gets sick if he doesn't eat junk food?

Is that even possible?

>> No.4811558

Yes, same with smokers and alcoholics.

>> No.4811557

yes. it's called detox/withdrawal symptoms. Your body is a great machine and will adapt to what trash you put into it (for a while). Any sudden change however is hard on it.

Better to ease off the junk food while slowly increasing the amount of healthier foods.

Also, he probably got sick because he actually started to get some fiber in his diet

>> No.4811559

Not at all. You feel great on clean food.
The only 'sick" anyone can feel is if they have a caffeine withdrawal headache, a vascular effect, or preexisting blood sugar issue.

>> No.4811644

Kinda like this?


>> No.4811651

Yes. Vegans get sick all the time from having a little bit of meat or people who cut out all gluten or dairy even though they're not doing it for any health issues. Theres also some people who start throwing up if they have normal food since they might have eatting disorders like those people who eat nothing but french fries.

>> No.4811655

Yeah, this is entirely possible. It sounds a little preposterous, but it's not because your body divides foods into "junk food" and "healthy food," it's because the proportion of bacteria in your gut which are crucial to digestion vary based on what foods there are. Like someone said, a vegan who has no dairy or meat for a year would be sick if they had some - the bacteria that help break down those foods would be extremely unrepresented. When the foods are extremely different like that, you are very likely to hit some snags, whether it's going from only fruit and veggies to eating junk food, or only eating cheetohs and coke to eating a bunch of carrots.

>> No.4811666

How do you get your body to become reacquainted with eating and digesting the food? I know you introduce it a little at a time, but if you are throwing up every time you eat it it kind of seems like a turn off.

>> No.4811681

basically this

>> No.4811693

>drake and josh

I'm too old for this shit. Maybe a reference to Prince of Bel Air would be more apt...

>> No.4811705

That's it, just gradual reintroduction. It would probably cause diarrhea more than throwing up, but if it's a smaller amount you'll just have some undigested food in your stool. It won't necessarily be identifiable except for things like some hardy fiber or impermeable vegetable skins; the food still passes through a stomach full of acid and enzymes, which will take care of sugars and simple starches without much bacterial help.

>> No.4811710

Yes. I'm a fatfuck with a mind to die if I keep going with my choices (seriously, I should have taken up a drug habit instead). Anyways, a greasy fast food cheeseburger? I feel fine, won't have stomach problems, and do great. Go get a salad? I'll have the shits later, guaranteed. It just comes out straight salad half the time. Other vegetables do fine, but it's fucked up that I can eat fast food without stomach problems, but not a salad.

>> No.4811758

Raw vegetables are harder to digest than cooked vegetables, and your gut flora is tilted toward digesting the foods you're accustomed to eating. Taking a probiotic supplement for a few days can help repopulate your gut with beneficial bacteria, if you want to try to include salad or other raw veggies in your diet. Also eat small amounts to start with.

>> No.4811784
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>8 potatoes and 4 cups of cheese

Why is it that fat fucks like these seem to live forever, but normal folks who just eat a cheeseburger here and there die first?
Is there some sort of hidden health benefit to being morbidly obese that science hasn't found yet?
Its always bugged the shit out of me.

>> No.4811794

Maby the body just.. adapts to being overweight?
It gets used to all those clogged arteries and that high blood sugar up to a point.
Also, some people are naturally more relaxed. Lazyness is part of being fat, and as long as the lardass doesn't get depressed, blood pressure might just stay within reasonable limits.

Personally, i've always been more curious about that fatty smell.
Every fat person i've ever been around has very strong, musky BO that hovers around them like a noxious cloud.
I'm wondering if this just.. naturally occurs after you've hit a certain weight.
No matter how much you wash your rolls, you always just have that reeking stink about you.

>> No.4811797

>people who eat nothing but french fries.
Man I did that for like a year

>> No.4811802

I get this but the opposite. When I eat junk food.

Since my body is not used to large amounts of fatty carbs, when I do eat say, a dominos pizza. I immediately feel like shit. My stomach cramps up and it usually lasts for the rest of the day. Puts me right off eating crappy foods, and reminds me what i'm not missing.

>> No.4811804

>hardly ever eat out
>hungry as fuck for some White Castle
>eat a few
>stomach immediately rebels
>farts and shits for the next 24 hours
...or maby thats just normal for White Castle burgers.

>> No.4811806


Your poor tum tum. Get some water down your neck and flush that shit out.

>> No.4811836

I've had the opposite of that problem.

I've cut off junk food cold-turkey, and started eating bland & healthy (ie. baked unseasoned chicken breast with a side of steamed broccoli & cabbage).

I did this for a few months. Then, as a treat, I decided to deviate from my new adjustments. I treated myself to a meal that consisted of fried foods, and I just puked, right then and there.

>> No.4811880

Why so utterly bland?

>> No.4814091


No, you would feel fantastic. the food would taste awful and bland at first because junk food kills your taste buds, but you would feel so much better

>> No.4814098

Part of this is true, food can taste completely different if you've been eating a lot of junk or a lot of vegetables. Your taste buds adapt to what you're eating as well so when you switch to something healthy it can taste horrible until you're used to it once again.

>> No.4814168

Yes, but it depends on how much and what kind of junk food you eat. It is not because it is junk food. It is because you switch your diet so radically so soon. Normally, you just get the runs with some gas. It is due to the sudden food change and the microbes in your GI tract being out of balance during about a 1-2 week transition phase.

Just stay on your new diet and the problems will pass. To prevent this, you can taper off the old diet as you start the new diet and you won't have problems at all.

>> No.4814201

>consisted of fried foods, and I just puked, right then and there.
That wasn't puke; that was vaginal discharge from your pussy body not handling all that flavor.

>> No.4814208

When I was an undergrad there was a period where I ate fast food a lot. Like twice a day.

Anyway, I started getting really fucking depressed right after eating it. I wasn't overweight, but I knew it wasn't helping me in the area of health.

I stopped eating fast food cold turkey and CRAVED it. I would cook good, healthy food at home and it wouldn't satisfy me for the first couple weeks or so.

After a couple months of not eating fast food I got a combo out of convenience. I thought, "I liked this???" and didn't even finish it. I could taste it for what it was, shitty processed garbage that relies on salt and fat for flavor.

I'm still amazed by the cravings I got for it, and how nothing else seemed to suffice for a while.

>> No.4814222 [DELETED] 

Yes, it's possible, as others have said, the bacteria in your system changes and adapts to what you're used to eating. It's why people who don't eat meat for a while have to slowly reintroduce it.

If you're trying to cut out junk food and you have this problem, eat small amounts of things like real, plain cultured dairy products without sugar like kefir and yogurt. Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, kimchi, real sour pickles, and sourdough bread will also help good bacteria grow in your system.

>> No.4814229

>drake and josh

just how young ARE you

>> No.4814617

Yes, it's very much possible.

If you eat high glucose food (most junk food) with lots of starchy, sugary carbs, your blood sugar will constantly be high, and your blood thin.

When you stop, you go through withdrawal. Like if you start eating low glucose foods like vegetables, etc. And you eat much fewer carbs like 20% of what you were consuming before.

You might get a headache the first day, and feel fatigued for a few days after that. After 3-4 days to a week though, you will feel better than ever, and be able to lose weight, etc.