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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4810617 No.4810617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder the term "healthy" is subjective, stop being stupid, /ck/.

>> No.4810638

I'm guessing your fat then

"Healthy" is a pretty objective term

>> No.4810643

>Ad hominem

I bet you think calories, carbs and fat are bad.

>> No.4810646


Quite the opposite. But what I do think, is that you're obese

>> No.4810647

fuck off retard

>> No.4810648

>"Healthy" is a pretty objective term

...it really isn't. Some things like bleach are objectively unhealthy but nobody's talking about that.

>> No.4810658

Not even close.

Quality post.

>> No.4810664

How could healthiness be subjective?

>> No.4810667

Not everybody has the same dietary restrictions. Fatties have corrupted the word into meaning "low fat/calorie/whatever"

>> No.4810671

>Fatties have corrupted the word into meaning "low fat/calorie/whatever"

If you like; meanwhile people who aren't cretins realise that healthy means to be in a good state of health. No single food is healthy in the same way that no single food is particularly unhealthy. The key is balance in one's diet and moderation.

>> No.4810687

Daily reminder that /a/ commonly gets bored of their own board and likes to shit post in other boards because they're lonely and think they are better than you.

>> No.4810691


So why does that make healthiness subjective? Because there's varying degrees of health?

>> No.4810694

>No single food is healthy in the same way that no single food is particularly unhealthy. The key is balance in one's diet and moderation.

OP here... That's pretty much what I was saying.


(fuck /a/)

>> No.4810706


You're a fucking retard. You just proved it IS objective, because you're claiming that there is food that's healthy and that fat people are wrong in saying that those foods are unhealthy or that unhealthy foods are healthy. Other people being wrong about something doesn't make it subjective, it means they're incorrect about something objective

>> No.4810711

What is your weight?

What is your height?

We'll decide if you're healthy or not.

>> No.4810724

Then... What's the point in this thread?

Ohhhhhhhhhh shitposting. Cool. I'm drunk, what's your excuse?

>> No.4810751

..."healthy" refers to the specific person.

This is irrelevant, I could easily lie.

>> No.4810793

>This is irrelevant, I could easily lie.
>implying height/weight isn't an objective and accurate method of determining obesity
>avoiding the question

fatty detected

>> No.4810821

>posts stupid cartoon picture
>claims they aren't from /a/

>> No.4810901

>using BMI to test if someone is "healty"
>>>/fit/ would like a word with you

>> No.4810915


a "healthy"/"unhealthy" dichotomy is fucking stupid, but it's just as dumb to think that eating bacon cheeseburgers and twinkies every day without any excercise isn't going to slowly and painfully kill you.

>> No.4810951

>"healthy" refers to the specific person.

...And? I want to know specifically what you are trying to say here. Not all cars work exactly the same, but there is a big difference between a car working or not.

One persons healthy is anothers unhealthy, I will give you that. But if someone is unhealthy, that doesn't mean they are healthy just because they still fall into someones elses standard of healthy. If someone is unhealthy, they will have symptoms. Note that not all symptoms are obvious or life threatening.

>> No.4810989

Should have been a daily reminder that no adjective can ever be objective because for such word to hold meaning it would have to be compared to other.
Fucking retard

>> No.4811035

>no adjective can ever be objective

"Raped" is a pretty objective adjective.

>> No.4811041
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on /ck/ it means "a retarded man looked at me at the supermarket once"

>> No.4811053
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I would also like to add:

no one knows another persons activity level/energy needs, therefore "OMG YOU JUST ATE A MEAL FOR 3 PEOPLE" and "YOU MUST BE 300 LBS. TO EAT THAAAAT MUUUUUCH" commenters need not show their faces.

>> No.4811063

No because it holds no meaning alone, it depends on the word "rape". For something to be objective it has to hold meaning by itself, and only nouns and verbs can do that (some even say only nouns can do that)

>> No.4811069
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>fat acceptance

>> No.4811072

No, it isn't. That is why there are doctors who give physicals.

>> No.4811075

fatty spotted

>wasting my 60 seconds on this troll thread

>> No.4811076

>meaning alone

Pick one. In fact, pick none. Meaning as you two are arguing over isn't what people usually make of it, but fun chasing your analytic-synthetic distinction endlessly in circles if it gives you pleasure.

>> No.4811084

>analytic-synthetic distinction

What the flying fuck?

I want you to define this string of words right now.

>> No.4811087

It actually is really annoying when people derail a thread to criticize someone's portions/act intensely shocked and horrified at them.

>> No.4811094
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This is now a fat people thread.

>> No.4811097


>> No.4811110


Laymans terms please, not something you pulled off google. How does it apply to the current conversation, why bother labeling the conversation as such.

An intellectual such as yourself should be able to give me the run down.