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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 294x290, chopsticks3a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4808583 No.4808583 [Reply] [Original]

What's with all these anti-American hipsters using the new chop-sticks? Ever since that pretentious Panda Express place started giving them away with the lunch special, America haters having been flaunting their ability to pick up food with two sticks like I'm supposed to be impressed.

If you have a problem with a fork and knife maybe you can try moving to a gook country like China or Korea. Good luck finding a mall there to hang out in and show off your trendy non-velcro shoes and confusing newfangled smart phones. I spent 3 miserable years there when I was in the service, and I can assure you they don't believe in all these shiny consumer gadgets that you love.

>> No.4808589

Well said.

>> No.4808592

Just a fascination with stuff from other countries.

It's everywhere, kids buying katanas and korean/japanese clothing (all those shitty asian-sized clothes that fall apart after a week from online stores) and now the cool thing (if it wasn't already a thing) is chopsticks.

I was at Epcot in June and there were droves of literal neckbeards and weebs grabbing designer chopsticks and, drinking cup sets, bento boxes, and even the fucking wooden sandals.

>> No.4808593

sticks are better for picking up noodles and small pieces of meat. You have a problem with dexterity?

>> No.4808604

sage goes well with trout

>> No.4808639
File: 8 KB, 200x200, stop liking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rages about other cultures and technology...
>...on the internet

Just get it out of your system, champ.

>> No.4808644


Filthy white devils sucking the cocks of their commie masters?

>> No.4808655

What are these new chopsticks and how do they compare to the old ones?

There's not one thing that chopsticks does better than a fork or your hands.

>> No.4808658

They are better for stabbing someone in the ear.

>> No.4808672


The real question is: why do you care what they do? Does it really influence your life? If it does, then are you not specifically letting them do so?

From when you were in the service, you should remember something important: eat first, taste after.

If you choose to gaze at the mall crowd, that's your choice, but don't come raging. Please.

Please try to contain your envy.

>> No.4808676

I tried to use chopsticks once and it didn't work out, and I haven't touched them ever again. Once someone even tried to humiliate me for using a fork when everybody else at the table was using chopsticks, and I was just like, "Bitch, I didn't come here to fuck around with no sticks. I'm hungry."

>> No.4808693

You'd use your hands for noodles swimming around in a big bowl of boiling broth rather than chopsticks?

>> No.4808696

Yes. What are you a pussy?

A fork works better.

>> No.4808697

No, it doesn't.

>> No.4808701

With chopsticks you hold up the noodle and blow on it. Then the part that was in the soup is still too hot and attached to the noodle that's being slurped up.

With fork, you can swirl and then blow on the whole noodle without burning your mouth.

>> No.4808706
File: 142 KB, 500x333, bun-bo-hue-vietnam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all noodles are the very skinny ones you get in your 50 cent instant noodles. And you can get way more noodle sitting on a pair of chopsticks than you can on a fork.

>> No.4808707
File: 899 KB, 158x129, 1370562323239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you care..
Its the same thing with religion.
Its fucking 2013, throw away that shitty book and those wooden sticks already.
Or, you can always take your book and shitty sticks, go back to your cave and fuck yourself

>> No.4808713

>they don't believe in all these shiny consumer gadgets
Hey, neither do I. Maybe I will move to gook country. Thanks for the suggestion OP!

>> No.4808716

You're really expecting Asians to entirely change the way they serve and eat dinner because you don't like chopsticks?

>> No.4808723

>Implying all Asians eat with chopsticks
No, why would anyone expect anything from anyone?
Its not about if i like chopsticks or not. Its about being fucking civilized

>> No.4808730

Hey look, an American has found a reason to feel persecuted. What a surprise.

No idea who you're on about, by the way.

>> No.4808729

You're right, it brightens up my day after work when I sit down with mac and cheese and remember how civilized I am eating it with a fork instead of chopsticks.

>> No.4808781

>ARG! I'm OLD. Get off my lawn!

>> No.4808816

Ever hear of the kid that sold a kidney for an ipad?

>> No.4808879
File: 1015 KB, 500x278, 1363036326260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people butt-ravaged over being too incompetent to use chop-sticks