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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 500x343, grocery_check_out_cashier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4806948 No.4806948[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Horror Grocery store stories

>In line to check in food to cashier
>My little cousin is with me
>Behind me there's a man with down syndrome with his mother
>The man with down syndrome is acting a bit wild
>Wishing the line to move faster
>Suddenly the man starts dry humping me
>Literally felt his thing against my butt
>The mother makes him stop
>Turn around and say "What the hell?"
>The mother apologizes to me
>I say it's not a big deal, when it actually was.
>For a whole month, I felt violated over it

At the time, I really didn't know what to do, I was wearing a dress, so I just felt so weird of how that happened.

>> No.4806950 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should go to the store in drag, guy.

>> No.4806953

Maybe you shouldn't go to the store in drag, guy.

>> No.4806955

>for a whole month

Women are emotionally retarded.

>> No.4806958

Right..."no women on the internet".

Anyway, just tell me your stories to make me feel a bit better. I'm having a rough night.

Sometimes we are, I won't lie, yet when you have someone dry hump you, it's something that's just hard to forget.

>> No.4806964

take it as a compliment

He thought you were hot and was too tarded to know how to court you properly, hence the cock thrusting.

>> No.4806965

I had something similar happen to me when I was in the Army. I had just gotten off work so I went to Burger King to get something to eat. I'm standing in line and this retard starts dry humping me and trying to lick my face. I couldn't flip out on him because I was still in uniform. Like what the fuck man, keep your retards on a leash.

>> No.4806968

>btw i'm a girl xD

>> No.4806971

I wasn't going to add that part, yet I didn't want hundred people saying "Are you a boy or girl?"

>> No.4806973
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>Self checkout

>> No.4806974

This. I LOATHE that shit

>> No.4806998

>be 10
>waiting in line with mom
>'Hold on, I forgot to get something stay in line."
>Line gets closer to the front
>Mom still not back yet

>> No.4806999
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Oh fuck please don't

>> No.4807001


theres a store near me with one of these, but literally everything you ring through pops up with assistance required.
they have 4 people manning 4 self-checkout registers. its insane.

>> No.4807009

Tell the person behind you to go ahead of you and keep doing this until she gets back

>> No.4807013

Let me tell you the worst case.

>Make it to the front
>Cashier says hi sweetie
>Remain silent
>Starts ringing up the items
>Mom nowhere in sight
>People behind me
>Okay that'll be $[some amount]
She came back 1 minute later. The longest minute.

>> No.4807066
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>> No.4807072

>is she coming back?

>> No.4807079
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>> No.4807083

hehe.. Hard to forget.

>> No.4807090

>usually see same cashier
>'Hey boss, hows it going?'
>'What? No ice cream this time? Haha it's cool. Take it easy'
I need to find times when he's not working to do my shopping now.

>> No.4807093

ok now im not even some feminist moron but i would feel violated if a tard did that to me. and im a dude.

you all got so hung up on the fact that this happened to a girl that you didn't even think about it.

>> No.4807112
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>have to pick up medication from grocery store pharmacy
>too many people at counter
>hide in bathroom for 10 minutes
>come back and see that too many people are still there
>faggot pharmacist spots me and calls me over
>forced to go ask for medication
>asked DOB, name, etc.
>forget everything
>sweating profusely
>raviolis pouring from every orifice
>get medication and leave in panic

I've been avoiding that entire section of the grocery store ever since.

>> No.4807116

>go to walgreens
>pay for medicine
>please come to the side window for instructions
>walk 5 steps to side window
>7/10 female starts explaining how to use my anti-fungal cream
why god

>> No.4807120
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I'm so sorry, bro.

>> No.4807122

As a self checkout cashier:
>fatasses sitting on the machines and breaking them
>people who try to skip bagging on every fucking item
>people hitting "skip bagging" and placing it in the bagging area
>people who get legit upset the machine won't let them remove their bags until shit's paid for
>people shit talking my job right to my face/within earshot because I'm running the "job stealers"
>higher ups skimping on hours as usual, so I have to do damage control with angry customers when I'm the only checkout left for the last hour of the night
>baby-faced gangbangers wanting me to risk my job to sell them $6 vodka and water beer without an ID

Sorry, this was supposed to be a horror thread.
>customer relentlessly pestering me with personal, creepy-ass questions and my sup. has fucked off to their office so there's no one to help them go away faster, it's almost close and I'm the only one around for miles
>little 91 year old lady mugged in our parking lot, needed double hip replacements among other treatments
>400-500 pound woman in a shopping scooter, I wait in abject horror for her to tumble and shake the floor, because I can hear the frame dragging and the poor engine grinding

>> No.4807131

Sorry, we don't have self checkout counters in my country, but what's "skip bagging"?

>> No.4807137

Meaning skip the whole process of putting the groceries in the plastic bags they provide.

>> No.4807142

>buying tons of shit for my wife
> pads, shaving cream, tampons,other shit
>she was in the hospital for a while and was resting at home so she sent me
>self checkout fuck yes
>a fucking tranny shows up to help me
>just keeps giving me this smirk
>calls me honey when im done

>> No.4807145

I have a mild phobia of retarded people. I feel for you bros.

It's where you put it in your trolley / basket / hand instead of putting it in the plastic bags b

>> No.4807158

>waiting in line at walmart to buy my video game since gamestop was being faggots
>a retarded kid gets behind me
>the line is pretty long so im listening to music on my headphones.
>Notice that the retard is trying to talk to me
>pause music
> He says its rude to listen to music while people are talking to you
>ignore him
>he gets pissed and starts punching me in the back of the head
>turn around and look at him with a face of utter confusion,
>you cant hit a retard man what do you do? block?
>swings again
>Why is no one helping me what do i do
>he keeps swinging at me and im just trying to block and defend myself
> he literrally pins me up against the rack and starts hitting my wildly
>kick him off
>everyone goes apeshit and I get escoreted out of the store

>> No.4807160

Machines here have scales underneath an area set aside for bagging groceries. So if a customer removes something before it's paid for, I get an alarm on my end. They hit that "skip" button, an alarm goes off on my end to let me know they're not placing it in the bagging area (ie, large items that don't fit). They place that item in the bagging area, I get another alarm for the unexpected weight.

Sometimes they remove the item and scan it a second time, now I have to fix that, sometimes they get upset and insist "these machines don't work, this is why I don't use these!" because they didn't spend half a second to pay attention to what buttons they're pushing.

The other crowd relentlessly hit that button for every item in their overflowing cart. No-go because it gets difficult to tell what's been scanned and what hasn't, and it makes it easier for someone to zoom out of the door with free shit when it's not loaded onto the machine. I have six machines to run, I can't babysit their whole order.

My machines run great as long as you can read and aren't a self-entitled prick.

>> No.4807166

I probably have a worse story
I was waiting in line and some 8 year old boy who was behind me reached up my skirt and tried to pull my panties down.
when I slapped the shit out of him his mom yelled at me and threatened to call the cops.

>> No.4807167
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>> No.4807170

>>fatasses sitting on the machines and breaking them
This didn't happen.

>> No.4807174


There were kids like that at my old school. Most of the time you can counter with "hitting people is mean/rude", but there were some where it was obvious the parents just did not care and wouldn't do anything unless their little miracle did some serious damage to someone.

>> No.4807179

>handicapped guy beginning to rage because a machine won't take his dollar
>manage to calm him down and help him straighten out his dollar
>nervous as fuck through the whole thing because I grew up caring for a relative like that, and another relative is a social worker specialized in that area, so I know first hand how volatile someone like that can be

>> No.4807180

Something like this happened to me before. I was thinking to myself "Do I put up with it, it punch him right in the face???" I went with somewhere in between and punched the shit in the upper arm (hard. It hurt my hand a fair bit too) told him to shut the fuck up and turned back facing the registers. At least he was smart enough not to piss a 6 foot 3 tall guy off twice.

>> No.4807188

Easily 300lb man plopped his ass down on the bagging area, which is floating on a scale. I had to call a tech to get the scale to work again.

>> No.4807189

why does she needs pads AND tampons. Does she use them at the same time? Does she know she only needs one? Why is she making you spend extra money on things she doesn't need.

>> No.4807192


never had a girlfriend with heavy flow? also pads are better when you have spotting.

>> No.4807193

>never had a girlfriend-
Stopped there. It's probably a safe bet that most people on 4chan haven't had one at all. I know I haven't.

>> No.4807200

Restaurant, but whatever.

>Be at Denny's with friend at about 1 am.
>Waitress comes along, seems like kind old lady
>Borderline autistic friend asks for a coffee, black.
>She comes back with coffee.
>As she goes to leave, he stops her, "Wait a minute, Wait a minute.
>He does the whole damn fine coffee scene from Twin Peaks
>Die of shame

>> No.4807199



>> No.4807207 [DELETED] 

Reported. Obviously underage

>> No.4807216

Should have acted shocked, then led him by the hand for some good old man on man fucking.

>> No.4807224

Op, that is common mentally challenged behavior. They can get really aggressive with puberty too, often a time a family moves them to a group home.

Try to think of it like someone's dog humped your leg. Try to judge it innocently like that and pity the family who has to deal with him til they die. They can't even go on a quick store errand without a babysitter. It must be exhausting.

>> No.4807225

Not everyone is like you.
Plenty of people on 4chan actually have normal lifes.

>> No.4807228
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>> No.4807229

Oh, I know that, I just thought it was strange for you to assume that the person had. Because even though plenty of people on 4chan are like that, it's traditionally the opposite. It is an imageboard where most people are either really into games or anime.

>> No.4807250

No disrespect but you sound like someone who spends most of their time on /v/ or another autistic board. Do you think the same people who are into cooking, fashion or sports are the same people into games, anime and mecha?

Those kinds of boards attract a much younger age range which affects the image of 4chan as a whole. A lot of people find /b/ or /v/ aged 12-16 and move onto other boards within a couple of years.

>> No.4807253


>people who try to skip bagging on every fucking item
>people hitting "skip bagging" and placing it in the bagging area
>people who get legit upset the machine won't let them remove their bags until shit's paid for

Not your fault, but those machines are built counterintuitive as fuck with shitloads of redundant and easily-circumvented anti-theft measures and it's no wonder you have to deal with this shit all day. Speaking as a software tester I think that the people who designed self checkout machines should be dragged out and shot.

>> No.4807267

>No disrespect but you sound like someone who spends most of their time on /v/ or another autistic board. Do you think the same people who are into cooking, fashion or sports are the same people into games, anime and mecha?

No offense, it was a valid assessment. My homeboard is /jp/, which could be considered the worst, I guess, but a man's still got to cook most of what he eats.

>> No.4807271
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no mom pls hury

>> No.4807275


EIGHT years old? That little shit knew exactly what he was doing. I know it's easy to say this in hindsight and not in shock, but you could have threatened the fucking hell out of that mother. "What's going on at home, for little Johnny to think that's okay? Hello? Child services? Yes I want to report ... "

>> No.4807277

>Why is she making you spend extra money on things she doesn't need.

I'm guessing it's because she is a she.

>> No.4807279

>Go to any wal-mart
>Immediately the most decent human being inside counting the employees
>Kids running around
>Tubs of lard letting the diet sodas rain

>> No.4807280
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>his thing

Are you fourteen?

>> No.4807283

You should be glad someone even did that to you, I bet you're ugly.

>> No.4807284

I feel this way whenever I go to wal-mart. It's like I instantly become social first-class once you walk through the doors. It's one of the reason I go to Target, sure the prices are higher but the people inside are more people'ish.

>> No.4807287

>implying that men cannot also wear dresses

and I look faaaaaaaaaabulous too.

>> No.4807292

>be at Wal-Mart checkout
>have big bag of M&Ms
>huge lardbeast cashier says "I lubbs me sum M&Ms!"
>not sure if she wants me to open the bag and give her some
>wat do
>finish checking out
>go home
>comfort myself that at least she's not on welfare so she's got that going for her

>> No.4807293

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.4807311

Why would you assume she wanted you to give her some?

I get that she's fat, but why not just assume she's trying to make conversation?

>> No.4807344


>randomly heavily accented redguard approaches

Hate this shit, happened the other day again

>walking out of Harris Teeter (comparable to Whole Foods) Monday morning ~10AM
>Have stuff for cookout later and a case of beer
>Old cart pusher walks by
>"aww sheeit mang you dun gunna haves you a fiiiiine mondee monin"
>Just say, "umm, yeah"
>"man use jus be drinkin on a mondee monin? dayum missah I done wish I could"
>Ignore him and go to my car
>"You haves yoself a fine day, ya hear" and winks
>He proceeds to tell some other lady the same thing about me

>> No.4807351

YOu should have apologised to the waitress, left, and never meet that person again.

>> No.4807354

>why does she needs pads AND tampons. Does she use them at the same time? Does she know she only needs one?

how to spot the guy whos never had a gf

>> No.4807356

>Used to work as a cashier in a well known local store
>The manager decides to let special needs people get hired for small pay and menial tasks (like help bagging)
>Even though I do everything just fine on my own I have to be a wrangler for one of these people
>All he does is slow my work progress
>One day he's just flailing his arms around and eventually puts them into a shotgun holding position
>Points "the gun" right at me and yells "SHOTGGUNNN" and pretends to shoot me
>Literally terrified for 2 weeks that he's going to murder me

Luckily he left and I never saw him again, but still.. fuck..

>> No.4807360


na, R9k is the worst. By far.

>> No.4807377

What is that?

>> No.4807393


Tamrielan for nigger.

>> No.4807409
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>rescans item
>put it in bag

Rinse and repeat

>> No.4807429

>At the grocery store
>Some 15 year old retard punching me in the back of the head repeatedly when we are in line while his mother stands to the side talking on her phone
>Tell him to stop it after the 5th one and he doesn't
>Spin around and hit him in the fucking mouth as hard as I can
>Security finally rushes over and escorts me to the back room, banned from the store and held by the police for 3 hours while they try to sort everything out and get a statement from the mother screaming about her poor baby
>Police let me go when the manager finally figures out how to playback the camera and see that he was hitting me first
>Broke his jaw and my hand in 3 places because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, never hit anyone before
>Still banned from the store and get random abuse around town for "hitting the mentally challenged"

What are you meant to fucking do in these situations?

>> No.4807434


>> No.4807436

Every fucking time I go to the self checkout, and someone else comes up to the self checkout area; if there are other self checkouts open, they will, of course, come mingle uncomfortably close to me and my self checkout before realizing they can go to another; if there are no other checkouts available, they will always stand by me. ALWAYS.


>> No.4807443


Oh my god, I hate retards. They need to be euthanized. Fucking menace to society. Fuck their moms for not aborting the rejects.

Also, kick them in the balls so they drop in one hit. Never take their shit. It's self defense. If anyone questions you, say "I didn't know he was retarded." What are they going to say, that it was obvious? They'll just shuffle away with their tard and leave you in peace.

>> No.4807458

have some tolerance, and some patience. Ask his mother to tell him to stop, not him. Go to another line. Anything but hit him back. (especially as hard as you can, what were you thinking?)

>> No.4807460
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>on road trip with mates
>supermarket in the country
>Fill up a massive bag of lollies from the pic' n mix
>aw yus, like a kg of lollies
>self checkout is pretty new
>put everything through
>Then lollies, and put them through as apples
>oh shit i didnt realise this needs to be verified
>young woman comes over to check it out
>give her a smile
>she smiles back 'oh you'
>scans her card and fucks off
>praise to Allah
>also, lets not try that again and tempt fate

>> No.4807462

>truck stop on a road trip, huge food court, packed
>grab stuff from the convenience store section and get in line
>hambeast couple and their 300 lb 15 year old daughter in line in front of me, at cashier
>the teenage pork is off at the slushie machine, parents holding the line up to wait for her
>yes, they got in line before they had all their shit together, and made everyone else wait
>pork doesn't know what size to get
>momma ham: "juss get an extra large then!"
>wait another minute while she pours the 3000 calories of frozen corn syrup slush into a bucket
>finally pay and leave...slowly
>roll off though the doors


>> No.4807465

>especially as hard as you can, what were you thinking?
Probably that someone was causing violence upon him, so it's natural to react violently in return.

>> No.4807470

You don't need to turn around punch someone AS HARD AS YOU CAN to end the violence. Especially in a grocery store. When you know the person is retarded. That's asking for trouble.

>> No.4807474



No. Fuck you and fuck that. The only way anything, no matter how stupid it is, learns is with discipline. You want to hit people? Expect a fist in the face. They need to be taught. The tards are only out of line because you bleeding hearts let them get away with murder because BBBUT MUH SPESHUL NEEDS.

They need to understand that actions have consequences.

>> No.4807503

amen to that
Cant stand them either, we had one at work because the goverment in our country requires us to hire one.
We used him to clean out the boxes with scrap paper of printouts and shit.

>> No.4807508

she wanted the D

unless your "praise allah" comment was not in jest, and she was scared you would have a muzzo chimp out in the middle of the store and cry about ramadan or whatever.

>> No.4807511

We had one in our kitchen to wash dishes till he pulled the fire suppression system one day
Shit went everywhere and the fire department fined us for the false alarm, was super funny when his mother came down screaming at us that we couldn't fire him and my boss just handed her the bill.

>> No.4807512

Sometimes I make our retards answer the office phones. Good times.

>> No.4807513
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This shit is why I no longer shop during the day:

>be running into Walmart for a few things after work
>of course the place is fucking packed
>go to produce section to grab some baby spinach
>suddenly feel someone ram their into me from behind, hard
>painfully scraping my shins/calves between the cart and the produce racks
>cry out "What the fuck!!" in a pained/annoyed tone
>"Don't curse around mah child! What is wrong with you!!?"
>apparently some white trash cow was letting her 9 (?) year old he-beast child push their fully loaded cart around the store, hence me being rammed
>fucking inbred didn't even acknowledge what her bastard did
>"Did you not see your son run into me like that? He really should apologize"
>had to walk away and leave my groceries before I backhanded the mother

The day some "mother" allows her kid to assault me like that again without so much as an apology, is the day I go to prison.

>> No.4807517

This. A million times this.

If my dog started attacking someone out of the blue, I would hit it to assert my dominance and tell it that that behavior was bad. It'll get the message. I wouldnt hit it hard though, just enough to remind it who is boss.

You need to hit tards pretty hard though, they are a lot stronger than normal people. And they don't learn things as quickly or easily as a dog does.

Think im being too mean? Think im just being edgy?

How many tards do you know who are police? Or firemen? Or who help blind people with their daily lives?

I rest my case.

>> No.4807525


holy shit. this edgy.

>> No.4807526

>hitting the dog instead of the owner

>> No.4807529

>hitting myself while my dog mauls someone


>> No.4807530


holy shit. this much bleeding heart pussy.

>> No.4807531

Actually now that I think of it.... why isnt there Seeing-Eye-Tards for blind people?

It seems like that is a huge resource we are not tapping here.

Are tards just incapable of the level of training of a Labrador?

>> No.4807533


No, actually, you're totally right. we should, like execute all these tards and make soap out of them, am I right? They are subhuman scum and should not be allowed to live.

*tips fedora*

Fucking idiot.

>> No.4807534
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>why isnt there Seeing-Eye-Tards for blind people?

If I was blind, I wouldn't want a retarded, dumpy fuck leading me around Wal-Mart while shitting his pants and screaming like an idiot.

>> No.4807536

No, we should just kill them. Processing their corpses would be too labor intensive and people like you would just bitch about it endlessly.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4807539

He wasn't saying anything like that, you just need to smack someone when they're acting out. That's not edgy to say, that's always been the way of things. Suddenly changing the rules because someone has mental development issues isn't helping them.

>> No.4807540


no one here is calling for their extermination. youre putting words in our mouth you liberal piece of shit.

all i pretty much said was that they are stupider and therefore more worthless than a canine.

i dont want to kill them, i just want to know why they cant be put to better use.

>> No.4807541

Edgy doesn't mean "I'm offended"

>> No.4807549

This is why we need "no children" hours at stores.

>> No.4807571

>What are you meant to fucking do in these situations?

Move to the other side of your cart, defend yourself by blocking a punch, yell loudly to draw his mother's attention, and/or ask the cashier to call security. Assaulting a tard with lethal force should have landed you in court, except your 4-year-oldesque "he started it" defense is barely acceptable because everyone realized you're mentally challenged as well.

>> No.4807574


Shove the cart back at them. Fucking sow, jesus fuck anon we'll pool money for your bail, just teach the cunt some manners. When did moms get this self important attitude that they and their precious spawn can do no wrong and everyone should bend over backwards to accommodate them? Someone intentionally rams into you, that is assault. You can't punish the kid, but you can raise hell at the horrible, inattentive mom who doesn't discipline or watch the kid.

Everyone I know, if their kid rammed a cart into someone, the mom would beat the kid's ass and apologize profusely to the victim.

>> No.4807580
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this fucking feel, thanks anon

>> No.4807594


>hide and cry and let the tard have its way with tyranny over the store, because they are above the rules

No. Go fuck yourself. If someone is assaulting you, it doesn't matter what their issue is. If they are that special needs that they can't be left alone for five minutes without punching someone, they need a better handler who is legally responsible for whatever damage the tard causes. The world does not revolve around the tard. The tard is allowed to be in this world on the promise that it is contained by the handler/mom. If not, they get treated like the other dangers to society--a ward. By being out in public, they take responsibility to handle the tard. They failed. It isn't anon's fault in the least. The mom is to blame here for not paying the fuck attention.

Let's say you have a pitbull that likes to bite people. you go out. The dog bites someone, and that person punches the dog off and kicks it away.

>oh noes mah pit! Police, police, someone hurt my poor baby!

No, you fucktard. The owner is at fault. In that instance, the dog would be put down, but we can't do that with tards (who the other anon proved aren't even as intelligent as dogs) because muh humane society. So they get sent to a ward where they can't be a public danger any more.

tl;dr tard handler is at fault, punching the tard is the expected result of being assaulted by one. You might want to fish your balls out of your purse and put them back on.

>> No.4807607
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>self checkout area
>it's getting fairly late and they've started closing some of the self check stands down
>step up in the small line with 3 - 4 items
>more people step up behind me which is weird because the self checkout at my store is usually super quick
>look up ahead
>3 middle aged women have no idea what the fuck they're doing, can't find bar codes, can't look up items, deciding one item at a time if they still want it or not
>self checkout assistant looks ready to kill himself

Don't use the self checkout if you don't know what the fuck to do.

>> No.4807617

His mother was standing right next to him and knew exactly what he was doing, the cashier could clearly see too and made no move to call security till I fought back.

>> No.4807618
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>heavily accented redguard

>> No.4807620

Why the fuck were you wearing headphones in queue to begin with? Seems just as rude to me as talking on a cell phone in a queue.

>> No.4807625

>except your 4-year-oldesque "he started it" defense is barely acceptable because everyone realized you're mentally challenged as well.

Defending yourself from assault is perfectly acceptable in the civilized world bro.

>> No.4807626

God help my child if they ever do this. It would be more likely that the cops would be called on me.

>> No.4807653

ITT: /ck/'s views on the mentally retarded and how they should be treated

>> No.4807654

What? Like every other person?

>> No.4807661

Go kill yourself, whore. No one ever loved you anyway. You won't be missed. Bullet to the head is the most effective way. Don't be like the other bitches who want the painless deaths. Be like a man and straight shoot yourself. That's why more guys actually killed themselves successfully.

>> No.4807663


>in checkout line at Aldi
>put a few cans of tuna on the conveyor belt
>behind me hear "You bought dat tuna before?"
>old redneck guy is inquiring about my fish purchase
>"Iss GOOD, ain't it?!"
>"Uh, yeah...not bad and pretty cheap..."
>"I love dat stuff!"
>"Cool man."

>> No.4807668


Also, not a horror story for me, but rather the cashier

>be in high school
>drive my grillfriend to school every morning
>one morning she calls me and asks me to pick up a box of tampons and midol due to period
>go to the grocery store on the way
>load up the belt with a huge variety pack of tampax pearl and a big bottle of midol, also some dark chocolate I knew she'd want
>young cashier looks at me, then the tampons, then me
>"Yeah, it's one of THOSE days" I say
>she looks horrified
>lol all the way to grillfriend's house

>> No.4807671
File: 84 KB, 729x90, pure_edge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, the worst thing that happened in your life is a couple of chicks laughed at you one time in high school and you've not had any female interaction since.

>> No.4807674

In America, are you allow mentally challenge to wonder off on their own or not closely supervise?

>> No.4807681

God forbid someone try to make small talk with you in a public place.

>> No.4807686


kind of related. I was in hospital, visiting my Mum, she wanted to go down to the kiosk for lunch, understandable, as the hospital food is not so good. she was really weak at that point and probably should have been in a wheelchair, but she didn't want to wait for an orderly to dig one out of storage, so we went down. It was fine, right up until some fucking kid runs from a side corridor right into her, she's on the floor, the drip stand is on the floor and the kid is just sort of standing there.

I got mad, honestly I probably made the whole thing worse, but I was upset that day, and not just by what was happening, so I just fucking screamed at this kid. The mother shows up a few seconds late, and I scream at her too, she screams back at me about how we should have seen the kid coming, and don't tell her how to raise her kid.

security came, as we were right near the kiosk, and we were both escorted out, and my Mum had to get taken back to her ward and have her drip put back in. Also, turns out the kid was there to get stitches, because he ran away from his mother, tripped and sliced his chin open, orderly came and told me on a later visit.

>> No.4807690

Dude, what the actual fuck is your problem?

>> No.4807691

>be walking through the store late at night with mom
>she hears something suspicious and says "it's him. just ignore him"
>suddenly a tard comes charging towards us with a cart
>trying to ram into me, drool running down his face, hurr hurr hurr
>he's trying to get us to run so he can chase us and run us over
>i ignore him with all my might, the wrongness of such a creature is overwhelming
>he gets confused and takes his cart elsewhere
>turns out he was the owners son and he just lets him try to kill his customers because he's a dick

Fuck you all, tards are horrific.

>> No.4807696

>the least dangerous game

>> No.4807718


They ARE supposed to be supervised very closely by their mom or handler/assistant. But people here are lazy cretins and too incompetent to even look after their own spawn, so sometimes tards run wild. Please don't think we're all barbarians. Just some mouth breathers can't be pissed to watch their own special needs kid after giving birth to the vile monster.

>> No.4807727

that made me laugh harder than it should have

>> No.4807748

It's like I'm on r9k

>> No.4807770

The proper term is "tard wrangler"

>> No.4807780


Well having mushrooms grow around your house isn't nice.

>> No.4807790
File: 8 KB, 191x214, 1376372915952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be shopping with boyfriend
>Self-checkout tiem
>Start scanning and bagging a bunch of stuff
>Boyfriend tries to take over, ends up getting the machine upset because he took something out of the bagging area
>Trying to figure out what the fuck he did cuz I turned away for 5 seconds checking my change
>Try to hit skip bagging on screen but he accidentally hits assistance button first
>fuck, god damn it we don't need any help why did you do that
>Assistant guy comes over, asks if we need help
>Be nervous as fuck at this point
>Say no, he ignores this and starts checking through the long list on screen to make sure I scanned everything
>Shoots me a weird look when he sees the list of stuff I buy, don't know why because it's just food
>Finally done and tells me how to pay when I know how to already, I use self-checkout plenty of times at the same store
>After he leaves, shoot glare at boyfriend

>> No.4807801

>your 4-year-oldesque "he started it" defense is barely acceptable

I don't know what country you live in, but in real life, the difference between assaulting someone and getting assaulted depends solely on who started it. If you hit back, it's self-defense, tard or not. I don't think a punch may count as lethal force, either.

>> No.4807805

This is the reason why I want to carry a copy of my degree around with me wherever I go.

>> No.4807806

Wtf? Females can be autistic too?

>> No.4807810

She was talking about her boyfriend not all male.

>> No.4807813

Did you really backhanded her?

>> No.4807814


I fucking hate situations like that. People see their fucking kids/tards doing shit that is completely unacceptable and hurts other people but act like it's fine because 'muh special needs' or 'muh beautiful child', but the moment anyone does anything about it, even shows an angry reaction to being punched/chased/whatever, they get lambasted by the parent/wrangler, as well as the general public half the time.

I had an experience somewhat like these in a grocery store as well, where a tard apparently decided I was being 'mean' by taking two bags of flour (one was for me and the other one I was picking up for someone else), and, in full sight of their mother (or wrangler? not sure) and several other customers, kicked me in the fucking shins as hard as their tard strength would allow, and then started trying to punch me. I didn't do anything other than try to move away for about five punches because I hoped he'd stop but when it became clear that wouldn't happen I grabbed his hand and loudly told him to stop- at which point the tard just broke out crying, and both the mother/wrangler and the other customers there started yelling at me. In the end the store manager threatened to ban me from the store if I didn't leave right away. There's literally no right move you can make in a situation like that. I wasn't about to fucking run away, besides which I had the distinct impression the tard would have chased me; but any actual response was automatically horrible.

>> No.4807815

>be in England for internship
>want to use self-checkout because it's technomagic
>put everything I have on that one area
>"Now what do we have here?"
>start reading the instructions on the screen to get everything right
>take first item to scan it
>"Here, let me help you"
>assistant is already by my side
>scans everything in
>"Cash or card?"
>she takes my money
>puts it in the machine
>goes away

I just wanted to read the instructions...

>> No.4807820

No but gay guys can.

>> No.4807831

>did shopping straight after work, still very hungry
>after I'm finished I eat some of my food in the car because I couldn't wait any longer
>car starts moving to side, WHAT THE FUCK
>someone is trying to get their huge fuck off SUV out of the parking spot
>whilst scraping along the side of my car and pushing me into another car on my left they keep on driving
>finally scratch and scrape their way through me and drive off as fast as they can.

I always park right at the back now.

>> No.4807835
File: 13 KB, 250x274, 1371687278722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who put their filthy toddler on the till where food goes

Fucking filth.

>> No.4807834

Assault is assault. Don't sue the retard but his legal guardian. If you're going to be socially fucked for rightfully defending yourself then it's more than okay to legally fuck that retard's guardian. Keep your animals in check, people.

>> No.4807838
File: 81 KB, 620x400, official-wedding-2_1884415b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and I live in Canada so I can't even imagine what an American Wal-Mart looks like.

>Be upper-middle class
>Go to Wal-Mart with gf
>My casual, going to wal-mart clothes suddenly look like a king's garments
>Only person in the store with a credit score above 1
>My 1994 Lexus suddenly looks like Maybach
>tfw I look like that to the plebs in that store.

>> No.4807840

And you didn't open fire on this SUV?

>inb4 you don't own a gun


>> No.4807843

no it means sand nigger do you even tamriel

>> No.4807844

>this is a customer announcement, could the owner of the car with the registration...
Good GOD.

>> No.4807848

>I don't know what country you live in, but in real life, the difference between assaulting someone and getting assaulted depends solely on who started it. If you hit back, it's self-defense, tard or not.
I live in the US. Self-defense in our country means taking reasonable action to defend yourself. There aren't hard and fast rules that exempt actions as self-defense; what's reasonable takes into account a lot of different factors. In this case, it sounds like the initiator was doing a very slow-paced, annoying assault, and reasonable defensive actions would have been to move away, block a hit, or push the initiator away. Punching him in the face hard enough to break both his jaw and the puncher's hand, unless I'm misinterpreting what happened (and I certainly may be) would probably be viewed by most juries as excessive and unnecessary.

>I don't think a punch may count as lethal force, either.
Lots of people serving prison terms have thought the same thing. One punch to the face, knocks 'em out, they hit their head on the ground and suffer a fatal brain hemorrhage, and you're on the hook for manslaughter. "He started it" does work in some cases, generally if you seemed to be in grave danger (details depend on the jurisdiction). But if it's something like you smiled at a woman in a bar, her boyfriend shoved you and called you an asshole and started walking away, then you punched them in the head and he died, your self defense claim is on very shaky ground, even though he started it. Like I said, no hard and fast rules on these things.

>> No.4807853

Why so many Walmart stories?

I avoid that place like the plague.

>> No.4807860

Same. My parents always say "Anon stop being snob" and "muh deals". I won't support the shadiest store chain and cope with the filthiest persons to save 50 cent. I can afford not going there and I'm perfectly content with paying more elsewhere for the same item in a better atmosphere.

>> No.4807864


>> No.4807875


>start putting things on the conveyor belt, hoping that mum comes back soon
>everything gets scanned through
>mum still isn't back, have to awkwardly wait with a huge line up behind

>> No.4807877

If he were my son, I would chastise him in front of you to try to make you feel better. Then when we got out to the car, I'd say "Good work son, although next time, take this (a cheapo camera) and take a few pics instead, for daddy."

>> No.4807878

It's even worse when your stuff is already on the conveyor belt, because you can't exactly have others go in front of you at that point.

>> No.4807889

Most Walmart employees are on welfare. Walmart intentionally pays them so little that they need food stamps, so it's cheaper for the company.

>> No.4807893

Who benefits off the money saved?

Would it be so catastrophic to pay them enough to feed themselves?

>> No.4807896

Ok I admit English is not my first language and what is this "lubbs me sum M&Ms" means?

I'm thinking it's sound kind of dirty and something to do with sex.

>> No.4807897

It's a ghetto reference for sex.

"open the bag" means unzip his pants and you can probably already guess what "give her some" means.

>> No.4807903

that wouldn't have been said on /r9k/ because it would have been said a LOOOONG time ago and banned by the originality filter. otherwise it would be in every thread

>> No.4807905

Wal-Mart employs well over two million people. Even giving the lot a ten cent raise is $200,000 per *hour*. Costs get pretty astronomical for big businesses. You can see why Wal-Mart & Co. are extremely opposed to plans to increase minimum wage across the board - especially plans in some areas (notably D.C.) to raise the minimum wage by 50% only for business that employ over 1 million people.

>> No.4807906


She looooves herself some M&Ms. They just taste great.
Man, M&Ms are dynamite

>> No.4807908
File: 5 KB, 276x183, excuse you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are autistic people allowed on the internet

>> No.4807909


>> No.4807911

>You need to hit tards pretty hard though, they are a lot stronger than normal people.

.300 RUM ought to do the job.

>> No.4807913

Just because a person is blind, doesn't mean they deserve to have a tard inflicted on them. Blind people are people too.

>> No.4807919


.300 what of rum? ml? Ounces?

>> No.4807922

assistant was probably a /ck/ autist who didn't realize that maybe, just maybe, not everybody in the world has had a chance to learn the self checkouts in the off hours or something.

>> No.4807923

I wonder what blind people see.
It must be different than closing your eyes because then you see black, you're still seeing something.

But if you're blind you wont even see that, you wont have any conception of sight and you wont be able to describe it to anyone since you have no idea what it is.

I wonder what it's like to genuinely see nothing at all.

>> No.4807924

because it was wall mart. out of the 5thousand cash registeres only onr was open. and the line extended past 35 people. I was just listrning to pass the time

>> No.4807929


Khajiit are the sand niggers.

>> No.4807930


.300 RUM = 0.300 inch caliber Remington Ultra Magnum. It's a rifle cartridge, not a beverage.

>> No.4807931


Those three little girls look horrifically tarded. Fucking inbreds.

>> No.4807928

You are probably racist/autist. Probably both.

>> No.4807938

its the dialect that all blacks throughout the entire country speak in. lubbs = loves.

>> No.4807942

Yes, actually. I didn't leave home to go talk to some random fucking person. Mind your own business and leave me out of your unsolicited socializing.

>> No.4807946

at least you wouldn't have to witness the visual spectacle that goes along with "gibba gubba jibba muh dik boozie skreeemps cracka"

>> No.4807955

I heard if you give a blind man a cube and a sphere to feel he will not be able to tell the difference between the two if he looks at them.
I wonder how they depict humans. Would they depict humans if they have no conception of sight? Probably not.

>> No.4807958
File: 176 KB, 441x421, 1362744219516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow op that sounds ridiculously hot

Tell me what dress did you have on?

I find this to be quite erotic for my mind.

I have this fascination of retards raping woman it's quite erotic

>> No.4807972

that anon totally wasn't being sarcastic

>> No.4807977

>blind man
>if he looks at them he won't tell the difference
>looks at them

>> No.4807982 [DELETED] 


>> No.4807985

It was supposed to mean look at them if he somehow gains sight.

Did that really need explaining?

>> No.4807988

Not a grocery store but:

>Eating my kebab in takeaway
>Guy cutting the kebab meat in the shop suddenly collapses
>The other guys who worked there had shitty english
>Had to phone 999 and direct the ambulance to the kebab shop whilst checking this dude wasn't dead

I had already ate my kebab so I didn't get it for free ;_; Oh and he lived.

>> No.4807989

i dont deny that, but dont redguard come from the dunes and desert region. Khajiit i thought are from the jungle/ desert. Like south america or colombia because moon sugar, refined skooma

>> No.4808000
File: 117 KB, 480x538, 1316311533547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at Walmart and occasionally will have to man the self-checkout lines. Every single one of these is true. Although we have a screen sitting right next to the register where we can manually override any errors by just pressing one button. So now I don't have to walk anywhere, and since the place tends to die down a bit I'm free to bring flashcards with me and study when I'm there.

What I always loathe is working the tabacco register. The number of fucking assholes I get that want some obscure brand of cigarettes I don't know about then shit their pants when I have trouble finding it in our library of brands is unbelievable.

>> No.4808004

have you ever seen someone who regularly browses /q/?

its terrible.

>> No.4808006


Exits are North and West

>> No.4808007

>wonder off
Looks like we have a mentally handicapped person right here,

>> No.4808016

Wonder is the European way of spelling whander.

>> No.4808019

What country spells "wander" like that?

>> No.4808025


No it's not.

>> No.4808033

A lot
What a retard.

>> No.4808038


Hammerfell and Elsweyr both have big deserts in them. in Hammerfell has mountains and rocky coast, with desert in the centre, Elsweyr has desert in the north and jungle in the south.

So they could both really be called sand niggers.

>> No.4808040

>I was wearing a dress
Oh you're female. I had a boner there for a second there.

>> No.4808055
File: 23 KB, 377x345, obama-sweat1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4808059

No, Khajiit are gypsies, they're good with stealth and stealing and travel around all the time.

>> No.4808075

Where were you? in 1842?

>> No.4808081

Well...most of a person anyway.

>> No.4808086

I take it you have never visited the south?

>> No.4808090

Yeah, I thought about that right after I posted

>> No.4808126
File: 8 KB, 251x251, 357-eddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be at WalMart that opened recently. It's actually a really nice Supercenter with full grocery.
>Just grabbing milk and some deli meats, Go to Self-Checkout.
>Easily ring everything up, bagging my items, suddenly feel something prodding my shoulders.
>Turn to see this fat amoebic elderly black woman with a cane.
>"You can work the checkout?" she says.
>"Uh yeah.."
>"Do it for me! I can't figure it out!"
>"Uh. no. I need to get going."
>She gets annoyed, yells."WHY DO YOU HATE OLD FOLKS?"
>As I walk away I say "Ma'am, just ask an employee."
>Turn my head, suddenly WHAM right to the back of the head.
>Look at the floor to see what hit me. This old bag threw her goddamn cane at me.
>"Lady, what the fuck!?"
>Oh jesus fuck. Her son is with her and he's built like Anderson Silva.
>Get's right in my face, screaming as I try to ask him to calm down.
>Before the two security guards can split us up he's thrown my bags at a nearby wall, smashed the milk which is now a massive puddle.
>Get taken upstairs to separate offices, At least 6 cops show up because this WalMart is near a shit neighborhood.
>Explain the situation, they go to check security footage. Return an hour later to let me go about my business.
>Turns out the old bag's son had a warrant out on him and was fighting his way out of the security office while his mother wailed "MAH BABY MAH BABY"

>> No.4808131

not that guy, but this is one of the many reasons i love being born and raised in louisiana. not only can i understand this jibber jabber, but i find it entertaining.

>> No.4808138

>born in louisiana
>family moved to Los Angeles the next day, been there ever since

I'm a Southerner! Like, Yeehaw, and stuff?

>> No.4808141

This is pretty much a daily occurrence in the south.

>> No.4808145

Nice. I lived in Nola for a long time. I worked in a kitchen, so I speak dat ya heard. Shit, even white folk talk like that down there. I miss it.

>> No.4808152
File: 24 KB, 274x320, woman-eats-cucumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to grocery store
>fill up cart with items I need
>proceed to check out
>cashier grabs a bag of produce
>Cashier asks "What are these?"

They were cucumbers

>> No.4808154

Prove me wrong, that's the British and world English definition.

>> No.4808159

But really, I haven't been inside a Walmart in over 10 years. NOPE. NEVER AGAIN.

>> No.4808163

That's nothing.

>Be at doctor
>Been having bloody stool for a while now, need it checked out
>Haven't seen doctor before
>She comes in
>She's gorgeous, 9/10 easy
>Asks me some stuff
>Says she needs to check it out
>Puts on gloves
>Gets lubrication
>Sticks her finger up my butt

I don't know whether I would have preferred an ugly woman or not.

>> No.4808166

you didnt even get a chance to eat the food :(
i was born in plaquemine, lived in gross tete till i was about 10, been in baton rouge ever since. it's less 'south' and more ghetto ass 'yahurd me mang, nawmsayin cuz?' around BR. but you still run into the old folks who still speak cajun french. I love going visit family in Houma and barely understanding shit they say. Makes me want an accent again.

>> No.4808173

That's because BR isn't a part of cajun country.

>> No.4808181

hence the reason i said it's less south and more ghetto. not everyone knows Louisiana isn't all 'scrimps n potots'.
north LA is like a different state entirely, for example.

>> No.4808187
File: 68 KB, 974x390, the_lord's_prayer_in_gullah-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It happened in South Carolina last week. Down here in the Lowcountry there's a specific accent, not to mention language, called Gullah. The history is pretty interesting, and they make some damn good food.


>> No.4808185

with an ugly woman you can brush it off as "ha, I wouldn't have touched that anyway". well, you can do that with a 9/10 too, buts more sad with a 9/10 ;(

>> No.4808188

I was directing my comment at you, sir.

>> No.4808189


Oh shit, when we went on vacation to Louisiana, Houma was my favorite place we stopped. I could have listened to the people talk for hours and hours. I love places like that where you can literally feel and breathe the heritage.

>> No.4808195

LA has something like four major accents/cultural variations, right?

>> No.4808198

I don't even know why you would think that.
>Hey this guy doesn't like to shop in the worst store he's certainly and autist KKK member.

>> No.4808208

there is nothing in Houma. It is a swamp full of redneck racist hillbillies. Don't go there. Go to Nawwwlins instead. The culture is crawling on the walls there.

>> No.4808216

Cajun and creole, among others.

>> No.4808218

the worst stores, at least in my area, aren't even cheaper on anything except for the ghetto parts of the popular animals.

>> No.4808221

the most predominant accent in LA is the following:


Its referred to as "Cajun"

>> No.4808231

I did go to "Nawwwlins". It was filthy, and full of hookers and pickpockets. Yeah, things sure do crawl on the walls there. NOLA is great during the day, but at night, I'd rather be somewhere else. That said, it does have some amazing places. I enjoyed Houma and Lafayette much more. Oh, and Avery Island, naturally, ;)

>> No.4808249

muh dick

>> No.4808258

no, you and all the other faggots, stay the fuck away from the decent places in LA, we don't need more NAWLINS down there; fuck you.

if you have family down there, that's absolutely fine, go ahead and visit, but if friends ask where you went, tell them NAWLINS.

>> No.4808335

Why the fuck wouldn't she just get her son to do it?

>> No.4808346


O deah lawd, this kid sounds awesome. 7/10 would hang out with.

>> No.4808362


Adult Swim, but produce? I likes...

>> No.4808448

I lived in Memphis most of my life and I can barely understand that shit.

>> No.4808454


Retard kicks you in the shins? Go down, hard. Don't get up. Folks will notice there's a retard kicking a downed shopper. Best case, you sue the wrangler for moneys. Worst case, the shoppers scold the wrangler, who is kicked out / banned from the store, and folks talk about the manbeast as "that retarded kid who hits people."

>> No.4808470


>Being known as the guy who got beat up by a retard

Great plan

>> No.4808477

Everyone knows they have retard strength, so it's not THAT shameful. And the odds of anyone you know being there to see it are microscopic.

>> No.4808486

Or you'll get made fun of.

I'd rather punch them in the face. I'm not going to treat mentally disabled folks any different. You want to be treated the same like everyone else? Great, I'll punch you really hard like I'd punch a normal person if they started to kick me in the shins.

Fucking people.

>> No.4808487

Lol Just because they're a retard doesn't mean they have super powers.
It just means you're a vag who hasn't worked out in years.

>> No.4808603

Shit most of New Orleans don't want more NAWLINS.

>> No.4808606

>I'm not going to treat mentally disabled folks any different.

Fair enough, I'll take the hit then sue the shit out of them.

>> No.4808617
File: 242 KB, 583x1508, Joe Kerr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Intermediate School, can't remember if it 5th or 6th grade
>Watching one of the staff trying to pull on of the special kids somewhere
>Hear her off-handedly mention that he's 15 and that he's too old to be acting like that
>mfw they were letting a 15/16 year old retard hang around 10-12 year olds

As for something /ck/ related
>Dragged to the local Albertsons by my mom
>Suddenly see Precious and her mother run out the store with a basket full of groceries
>A minute later I see two white employees running full-speed towards the exit trying to catch up to them

>> No.4808635

because niggers.

Do you even /pol/?

>> No.4808679
File: 64 KB, 464x700, jimmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a guy dry humped me for a few seconds
>For a whole month, I felt violated over it

Seriously, what the fuck is the matter with women? Are they just programmed to mentally break down at the slightest inconvenience, or does society just brainwash them into thinking this is how they need to behave, and they honestly believe that being dry humped for a few seconds by a fully clothed retard is a life-altering traumatic experience?

I've sat next to dirty bums that smelled like piss on the subway, I've had dogs hump my leg, I've had ugly leather faced cougars rub their tits on me and try to shove their tongue down my throat at a bar, I get checked out and hit on by dudes all the time because I live in a pretty gay city, I had my crotch grabbed and rubbed by a drunk dude apparently with sexual intent (it was hard to tell), all of which are more intense sensory and/or sexual experiences than that, and not once did it affect me to the point where I was still preoccupied with it the next day, let alone the next month. At most it was a funny story to tell my friends on IM, assuming it was even noteworthy enough to mention.

Either women's liberation never happened, or maybe they really should be swaddled in black tents and kept locked up for their own protection, like they do in Saudi Arabia.

>> No.4808695

bitches be cray

>> No.4808718

Jesus, shut the fuck up. This thread was never supposed to be about how much you loathe women.
Go jack off or fuck a guy instead of posting your journal on a board about food and cooking.

>> No.4808732

you asked for it

>> No.4808727

>posting your journal on a board about food and cooking.

Tell that to the individual* who had to make a whole greentext thread about how she was traumatized for life as a result of a few seconds of painless physical contact with a stranger through several layers of clothing.

*I said "person" at first but then I realized it contains the word "son" and this board doesn't permit trigger warnings

>> No.4808734 [DELETED] 
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Shut up, you limp wristed piece of shit. I couldn't give two fucks about what you like or dislike.

>> No.4808743

Samefagging asshurt male detected

Since when is a month equal to your whole life time?

Also, I'm done replying to you so I don't derail the thread. Anyone that responds is just you samefagging at this point.

>> No.4808761

oh no a male! better take some xanax and call your wmyn's support group to validate your herstory.

>> No.4808765

Not samefag. And you're a fucking idiot.

>Also, I'm done replying to you so I don't derail the thread.
Go be someone's little special snowflake somewhere else, you fucking puke.

>> No.4808770
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>> No.4808780

> Harris Teeter (comparable to Whole Foods)
No it's not.

>> No.4808790

they both have avocados and sriracha.

>> No.4808791

seriously, it's pretty much just the food section of walmart as a store by itself. Also food lion.

>> No.4808793

forgot to add

>tfw no publix anywhere nearby

>> No.4808812
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>> No.4808840
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>go to store at midnight to avoid crowd
>there's still a crowd
>get everything I need, go to self checkout
>a whole family of them
>kids running around screaming, bumping into shelves
>parents yelling on their phones in Spanish
>the token Creepy Mexican Uncle is staring me down
>takes me 15 minutes to get to self checkout lane
>just to ring up 4 items

>> No.4808870


Whole foods is shit, I hope you don't think otherwise.

>> No.4808882


Yeah, nah, I would have just walked out with my shit and gone back to pay the next day. Fuck that noise.

>> No.4808885

then why would they be here?

>> No.4808919

this is like the 4chan post punchline of a "y-you too" comic

>> No.4808946

Having worked with the mentally disabled, it's not "retard strength", some lack the control/empathy/mindset to use reasonable force especially when agitated. Female staff were by rule never EVER to be alone with certain patients under any circumstances. A decade ago, a female staff member was over powered and raped by a patient who had the intelligence of an 8 year-old boy.

>> No.4808955

do you work at the one in Charleston SC? because that's how most of the black folks around here talk.

>> No.4808967


I don't work there I was shopping but yes. Never really buy meat there though.

>> No.4809025

what? im waiting in line to buy shit, ill listen to whatever i want or talk to whoever the fuck i desire.

>> No.4809040

Holy shit this one new found level or spergdom. You forgot to add a smug pony image and to tip your fedora at the end, and link a song to evanescence.

>> No.4809056

what the fuck

>> No.4809084
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I kinda imagine you like this now.

>> No.4809087

>getting prescriptions at walgreens
it's like you enjoy paying more for an inferior product!

>> No.4809088


>> No.4809109 [DELETED] 

Grow the fuck up

>> No.4809118

you need mental help, or if you can't leave your basement gb to /r9k/

>> No.4809134

>Bakery Associate at Walmart.
>Have to deal with people stealing our food, cakes, donuts, and the deli shit all day long.
>Fat black lady comes in with crotchfruit everywhere. Wants to order what essentially amounts to wedding cake for daughter's 14th birthday.
>"About how many people are you expecting?" "Oh,, 20, 30 maybe?"
>MFFW, god damn 120 serving cake... for 20-30 people.
>Look over, her son, who is literally nothing but a ball of fat and snot, sitting on the King's Hawaiian Display.
>Have to go and throw away 20 packs that the fucker sat on, crushed flat.
>Can't say shit, fuck this job.

Another time;
>9pm, guy's trying to get Deli stuff. They're closed, have been for an hour. Starts raging, smashing on the glass, pushing on shit.
>Fuck, call management, hope they come quick.
>Dude goes over to donut case, grabs one, bites it, spits it out, throws it on the floor.
>Repeat for 3 minutes. Floor is covered in Donuts while random shirtless homeless man is raging about not being able to get deli meat.
>Is finally escorted out.

So is life working in the ghetto. Fucking so glad I got out of that shitty job though.

>> No.4809144

Dunno where you were at, thank god I don't have to deal with that shit.

>> No.4809141

>when walmart employees dont wash theyre hands before levaing the fucking bathroom

its not a horror story but its disgusting. especially irks me that they would do it infront of the fucking customer (me)

>> No.4809155

>in line at walmart
>bought a 10lb bag of potatoes for 5$ deal
>checkout lady notices
>"that's a lot of potatoes, you gonna eat all those potatoes?"
>"i'm buying them aren't i?"
>awkwardly scans the rest of my shit
>walk out feeling self conscious about potatoes

>> No.4809160
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>> No.4809161


you bought them all for yourself? i dont know the logistics man but seems like 10 lbs is alot of potatoes to go through before they go bad

>> No.4809167

>being self conscious about potatoes
Stop that. Potatoes are nature's miracle. And It's not like you were walking out with 10 pounds of some kind of junk food.

>> No.4809170

>never ate all the potatoes

>> No.4809185

if only my employers and customers knew that I wipe with my hand.

>I'm a cook


>> No.4809191

>If only they knew I wiped and masturbate with that hand. And no TP.

>> No.4809197


are you fucking serious?

>> No.4809204

I hope someone gets a disease and they trace back to you.
Just for reference, it has happened plenty of times before.

>> No.4809229

>in booze store
>buying Sailor Jerry's
>izzat sailor jerrys?
>some 40year old trying to strike up.conversation
>o oh yeah,first time trying it
>ya ever had other rum? this stuff is a bit stronger. be careful dont wanna catch you stumblin around later ;)
>nigga what the fuck
>laugh, pay as fast as possible and fuck off
>later see him climb into.white car with several antennae

Must have been a cop. Scared the fuck out of me. The rum was good at least.

>> No.4809247

i don't think theres any person out there that wipes with their hand. the smell one them would be unbearable.

>> No.4809251

what is soap

and yes people do, I do as well. hand and soap gets much cleaner than a dry napkin.

>> No.4809255
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sometimes i scoop the shit out with paper, then rub down with my hand and soap and water, when my bumholes feeling sensitive to teh paper

>> No.4809256

I did this to my gf too. I fucking hate self checkout and am terrible at it

>> No.4809260

well then.. you're just terrible immoral people

>> No.4809273

so their ridiculous profit margins drop slightly abloo bloo bloo

>> No.4809278

you live in a shithole then

>2 strikes to the trunk justifies lethal force
>implying unprovoked assault isn't worthy of tortuous death

>> No.4809284

I do the same thing. Got used to it when I spent some time overseas.. flipped my shit at first when I looked for the TP and all I saw was a bucket of water, a ladle, and a bar of soap.

Figured it out fast enough, and never looked back. now do the same stateside

>> No.4809286

>not using the 3 sea shells

>> No.4809293

>Work at a store
>Estranged Father ends up in my line
>Haven't seen him in 15 years
>I ring him through
>Only thing he says to me is at the end

"Thanks Anon"

I had to leave for a while after that. Enjoy one from the other side of the desk.

>> No.4809294 [DELETED] 

niggers are too stupid to do it, or she was trying to 'beez stickin it to da wyte cracka debbils'

blacks are the most racist group in america

>> No.4809301


>I say it's not a big deal, when it actually was.

why are all women compulsive liars?

>> No.4809304

>only know realizing there are differences between the 2 genders

>> No.4809305

Shit man I can't imagine that

>> No.4809306

>sticking it to the white cracker by asking for help on a machine even a monkey** could operate

**A real monkey, ie from the jungle or wild (Not a nigger)

>> No.4809308

>kekekeke dat wyte boy dun dooz wut ah sade kekekekeke wyte debbil bix nood muhfugga

>> No.4809313

op's story sounds like an accepted way of picking up people in the grocery store. and noticing how at no point in the story op never once mentioned saying no i would dry hump op at the grocery store as well

>> No.4809314
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>> No.4809322

our store started linking it into an ipad we can carry around. They went full cutbacks though and started giving it to a cashier so they don't even have to pay someone to watch the self checkouts anymore.

>> No.4809331

>step mom is a couponer

I feel so sorry for whoever is line behind her. On one occasion I went with her and my dad to help out. Never again. Felt so sorry for the cashier

>> No.4809376

>that tall asian next to Jimmy.

is that a tranny?

>> No.4809385

This made me really mad.

>> No.4809393

Looks like it - little to no hormone therapy, I'd say, hence bangs to hide manface and a bob to soften manjaw.

>> No.4809419

Ah, shit. I'm a couponer and I feel bad for the people behind me.

I've finally realized going to the regular lane at Walmart when i still have <20 is better for everyone. Walmart has one of the worst coupon readers and employees to read them.

>> No.4809438

That's hot, tell us more about the rapetard.

Also, I lie going to the deli at my grocery store and getting like chicken fingers and coleslaw and/or fries. Might stop by the condiments/sauce area and crack open a buffalo sauce bottle and throw in a cold soda to wash it down. I just eat it and leave the shit all over the store as I go. Try to be cool though, like putting it all in containers so the employees don't have to touch my dirty ass food leftovers. I also will do this with beer where's pick up a 22 along with my actual beer, and pour that shit into a Starbucks cup. I finish that shit while shopping and throw it away or stash it in the store.

>> No.4809440

You are just the worst kind of person.

>> No.4809443

What were you doing out of the kitchen?

>> No.4809459

We sell 10kg bags of potatoes where I work.

>> No.4809472


Why was the dress comment necessary? Now you've angered the betafags that have been scored by women.

muh sekret club

>> No.4809475

I don't give a fuck. When I am buy shit like, say limes I say I have 1 when I have 3 " quantity needed". I choose good onions and ring them up as the shit tier. I take the sticker off of hamburger (often the plastic too) and buy good steaks with it affixed to it. I put good beer in cheap 6 pack shells.

I make my own fucking coupons, get a free meal, and get drunk. It's not personal and I don't think anyone who works at a grocery store should give a fuck - m not stealing your commissions and you know you get discounts and free shit all the time too dawg!

>> No.4809484

As soon as someone touches you, you can do anything to them in self defense.

Just because they have health problems doesn't give them free reign to ignore societal norms. If they're that bad they should be committed.

>> No.4809488

George Zimmerman spoke and they listened, and it was good.

>> No.4809530

>Some chimped out teenager almost kills a middle aged man by smashing his head into the pavement repeatedly
>The man shoots the chimped out teenager
>Apparently the man is the evil one here

>> No.4809555

>middle-aged gun nut calls 911 over "suspicious" teenager
>told not to follow him
>follows him anyway
>causes confrontation and kills teenager
>claims self-defense over an incident he started
>fellow gun nuts donate for court costs
>hasn't paid his attorney
>cheated on his wife
>has threated his father-in-law with a gun over divorce

Even if he killed black hitler, you have no excuse for defending this guy.

>> No.4809556

how did the tard learn how to sex?

>> No.4809566

haha ha i'm glad I live and work in an affluent area.
Lots of fine females doing their shopping after working out
absolutely no niggers

>> No.4809607
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I'm not sure if this is grocery related but it certainly is horror related.

I bring you... Strawberry jelly dangos.

>> No.4809617


Because humans are liars.

>> No.4809619


He followed Treyvon because he suspected him of being up to no good, which turned out to be true, and then Treyvon attacked him and Zimmerman had to defend himself

Open and shut case

>> No.4809627

Unless it's the only store in your region, why the fuck would you ever shop there again? Tell the manager he's just lost a customer, and he can take the food in your cart back to the shelves to restock it himself.

>> No.4809638

It's usually not even cheaper. They just market the shit out of that false impression, and charge ridiculous amounts for a lot of their stuff.

I used to drive about five miles to a small independent grocery store, and could buy a much bigger variety of higher quality produce for less than Wal-Mart charged. Ten limes for a dollar vs. 33 cents each at Wal-Mart, for one thing, and the Wal-Mart limes were rock hard and had just about as much juice in them as a rock, too.

Or, in other words, "retard strength". o_O

>> No.4809790
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Adachi pls go

>> No.4809962
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>Have social anxiety
>The dreaded check-out
>The fucking most pepped up guy I've ever seen as a cashier
>'Oh, um, g-good. How a-are y -- '
>"Buying Joe Joe's and mochi? Would you recommend them? School's coming up, isn't it?"
>Too old to be in school
>Turned into a fucking tomato, can't help but look down
>'Oh... They're pretty good'
>Bolt the fuck out of there

>> No.4809977
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Oh man, this and a nice chunk of this thread had me in tears.

>> No.4810021

Maybe (just maybe) you can have a normal life and still like hanging out with retarded people with absolutely no social skills. I know I do.

>> No.4810026

Why the fuck do they make the cashiers talk to you? Unless there's some relevant question or statement they need to make related to my groceries, I don't want to hear a word out of them.

>> No.4810081

Not a horror story:

>Be getting off work at neat midnight, walking around Kroger for some pudding with my dad because tonsilectomy in eight hours
>Walking down an aisle talking to my dad about "What the hell is Bill Cosby doing these days?"
>Guy in his twenties standing staring at food mutters under his breath "Pissing off black people"
>I turn to him up to my arms in pudding and say in my mediocre Bill Cosby laugh:
>"White boys say the darnest things ayukayukayuk"
>He turns around, notes in I'm a tacky ass sweater holding a fuckload of pudding
>We're all laughing our asses off in the middle of a Kroger at near midnight

>> No.4810107

>I lived in Memphis most of my life
Anon I am so sorry.

I thought just about everyone in North Nashville was hardly understandable as it is until I moved to Oak Ridge.

>> No.4810112

>Food Lion
Does that seriously exist still? The last one I saw was torn down in 2002.

>> No.4810625

still kicking in central nc. I'd shop there more, but I live closer to a harris teeter

>> No.4810770

Oh, I thought you were being serious.

>> No.4811004

none of that happened.

>> No.4811141

I don't watch those networks, I don't even have cable.

>> No.4811292
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> Wal-Mart employs well over two million people. Even giving the lot a ten cent raise is $200,000 per *hour*. Costs get pretty astronomical for big businesses.