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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4804756 No.4804756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4804760

>receive welfare
>go to the supermarket
>spend it on food

>> No.4804768
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Nearly /thread for much of /ck/ I'm sure. The remaining probably get money and/or food from their legal guardians.

>> No.4804770

How cooked should freshwater fish be? I live near a lake and want to start fishing, but I heard they're more dangerous undercooked than ocean fish.

>> No.4804772

enjoy your carencies.

>> No.4804778

Cook until the flesh turns white and is tender. If you batter dip then until golden brown usually. The main problem is pollution; mercury, PCBs, etc. A lot of the USA for instance has advisories on how much of what kind of fish you can eat. Insect-eating species like bluegill and trout will have the least amount of pollution while high predator species like catfish and bass will have the most. Of course the location these fish are caught from plays the largest role. A small farm pond like in the OP out in the middle of B.F.E. will have far less pollution than the Mississippi, Ohio, or Hudson rivers.



>> No.4804926

i like the pic op. i eat fish in this manner all the time. i hope i dont get carencies.

all i got from google was something about magnesium carency in row crops. he is not an english speaker and is trying to say something about mercury poisoning or some stupid shit.

>> No.4804935
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>all that effort and preparation for about 3 fish sticks worth of actual food

>> No.4804957

>not spending 45 hours labor a week on 3 meals

>> No.4804988
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I thought that blade looked familiar. Are you the guy from /diy/ that made this? Saved it to remember to try it one day, I have everything for it except the blade.

>> No.4805053

Prep time was like 5 mintues including cutting the potatoes. Actually, the potatoes took longer to cut up than the fish. I don't scale them, I just cut through the top of the head through the spine, reach my fingers in and rip the head down towards the stomach. It rips all the innards out at the same time. I sometimes don't cut the tail off. Once baked, the skin with the scales just peals away easily and all the meat is scooped out free of bones.

You'd probably starve the way I eat. My lunch is one small, baked, decorative squash, and handful of air-popped popcorn, and an apple. I grew all of it myself and the air-popper I made too.

More like 45 hours per year of farming labor and meal prep time divided by the 1,000 or so meals worth of food I get from that. So, on average about 2.7 minutes per meal. I do a lot of baking and raw food eating which takes little to no time at all to prep.

Yup. I still haven't decided on what type of handle I want to make. I've been thinking about a laminated epoxy one made from old blue jeans ("Micarta"),


Or I may rewrap it with the twine and epoxy that since I like the feel of it.

>> No.4805113
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I like your style anon. I live similarly.
Im going fishing today, ill be sure to show my catch, from hook to plate.

just rigged this up to clamp to the dock ill be fishing at today from parts i had laying arund the property.

>> No.4805149
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Remember Milk Jar guy?

good times /ck/

>> No.4805158

I used to be a big fishermen, but now I just catch a couple here and there. Just enough for one meal. That way I don't have a freezer full of fish all the time.

>not having a commemorative MJG salt shaker

>> No.4805183

I can't really tell the size of the lake, but what's the sustainable amount of fish you can eat every year?

>> No.4805293

I'm not really sure of its size. But, I could safely pull out 2 bluegill a week without even denting the population. That's without feeding them. If I fed them then I could take out a whole lot more.

So, only about 100-150 a year I'd suspect, without feeding and over 1,000 a year with feeding (2.7 fish per day). Keep in mind that is only bluegill. There's catfish and small mouth bass in there too. I don't eat that many fish and I don't plan on feeding them, unless something changes.

>> No.4805303
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1: get viable eggs.
2: hatch and raise ducks and chickens
3: harvest eggs they lay
4: make an omelet with them and the veggies you've grown in the garden and the apple butter/jelly you've made from your trees

I really wish more people were into this stuff on /ck/.

>> No.4805315

Wish I could. Live in an apartment complex, and while there is room for chickens and such in our yard/garden, there won't be enough food for everyone, and I bet they would all want a piece of the cake.

>> No.4805325

Chickens are a bit noisy for close quarters like that. All you need is one person complaining to ruin everything. Then again some people's dogs are noisier.

Some people lease a small plot of land to grow food and raise animals. You might want to look into that.

>> No.4805332

Damnit OP, why don't you clean the fish first?
The way you ate it is possibly the stupidest way to eat a fish.

>> No.4805336

The head and guts are removed. If you are baking there's no need to fillet, scale, or anything else.

>> No.4805342

being so lazy you don't even scale the fish you beheadded and gutted

>not using the bones to make stock


>> No.4805346

Yeah its only doable if you own your own home. I rent a house with enough room on the property, but my landlord is a dick head so its out of the question. I'd really like to raise pigeons for food.

>> No.4805351

He never said anything about the bones and there's nothing wrong with scales.

>> No.4805377

op avoided a lot of unnecessary work. Have you ever even eaten panfish? as op said when they're cooked the bones pull out easily by the spine and the meat falls off the skin.

>> No.4805609

I think fish like that tastes better when you cook the fish almost whole...

>> No.4805637

I hate fillet knives so much too dam flexible a sharp knife can do a better job at filleting

>> No.4805641

No, they need to be cleaned or you have that mud taste

>> No.4805692

You've not done very much filleting with a wide range of fish and in large quantities.

>mud taste

Something is wrong there. You don't get a mud taste from fish skin when you bake them with the skin on unless you are eating the skin maybe. Although, I've never had a fish taste like mud.

>> No.4805699

>wide range of fish and in large quantities.

I did that is why I do not like these knives at all they are too dam flexible for the job required. Not only that but ht weight of the blade can easily push through the fish without any problems.

They do unless you slather the fish with spices to cover the bitter taste

>> No.4805708

>get NEETbux
>spend at Lidl and local Asian cash & carry shops

>> No.4805713

I want to start doing this. How long does it take the chickens to grow up to be able to lay eggs?

>> No.4805731


>> No.4805736
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You know OP, I have these friends who are environmentalist lefties and shit, they go on and on about how they support sustainable living and want the help the planet.

Do any of them grow their own food? Do they fuck. One lot are squatting in some abandoned bowling green house and they've got a shit-ton of land. All covered with weeds. It's fucking depressing. At the end of the day I have to wonder if "socialist" is just a buzzword for "socially stunted", bunch of fucking soap dodgers.

>mfw one of them lives off mostly tinned vegetables

>> No.4805741

Earn my pay working in a kitchen
I dont cook at home much because its rare that the wife & I have the same days off
But today we do so I wanted to make something kinda special so im making chicken & sausage with escarole, squash, onions & peppers
Then I made a wild mushroom & sage risotto which I cooled on a sheet pan.
Then cut out small circles from the risotto to make them into small cakes.
I browned the risotto cakes in a pan & will reheat them for dinner.
They're pretty friggin good imo. You get the crunch when you 1st bite into it & then the creamy risotto texture on the inside

>> No.4805739

Maybe you are using the fillet knife incorrectly? Its flexibility is why the are used. It is easier and faster to fillet with them than other types of knives that are not special purpose.

>bitter taste

I'm just not following you I think. I've never had bitter fish nor mud tasting fish. The only thing I've had that I didn't like was fish that tasted "too fishy" and that was some cat fish that had some yellow meat at the top of the back of the fish right near the head.

16-28 weeks depending on the breed. Select a breed you like and google to find out more specific info.

>> No.4805767

op you must be getting trolled. but i doubt it and there are some dumb ass fuckers around here. taste like mud. what the fuck?!
i believe most of these people are urbanites that have no idea about the real world except what they see on tv. fucking depressed bastards.

glorious socialist twats.

>> No.4805775

You seem angry, friend. Tell us more.

>> No.4805779

That sounds terrible. If you dislike their actions so much, perhaps you should hang around more like-minded as you?

Finally, something else besides "I grow my own" and "SNAP/EBT".

That sounds pretty good actually.

>> No.4805790

Like those people that complain that venison tastes too "wild" for them...

>> No.4805803

I figured I was just gonna do some gardening for them and show them up. Pisses me off because I live in a poky flat and have never had a garden, then you get jackasses that waste the land they're given. Also there's a severe lack of allotment spaces around me in London.

I ought to just fuck off to the countryside or something.

>> No.4805816

Well, if you don't go to the countryside and you want to show them up, just work out a lease deal with your friend that has the land and plant your own crops on it. You may see a huge change in them. A lot of times all a person needs is someone else to work with or see how easy things can be.

>> No.4805825

Not the fillet knife is counter productive because of it's flimsy and curvature design. It was made for people who had no clue on to handle a knife or even sharpening it

If you know anything about fish they all have these flavors to them that is why they need to be thoroughly cleaning before cutting

>real world

If i was in survival mode I will eat the fish plain

>> No.4805842
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Please, stop posting.

>> No.4805845

>not understanding fish

>> No.4805848

>lease deal with squatters

You know, I'm gonna have fun detailing that to them. This was something I was trying to set up although it has been largely one-sided so far and a lot of us have been quite busy. Plus the one whom I'm actually friends with (went to school together) seems to have a disdain for ever answering his phone.

And yeah, as you say, I figure they just need someone to actually broach the idea with them and show it's something genuinely worthwhile.

I figure I just came in here to moan about the goddamn hippies.

>> No.4805850

When I was camping, I caught a bluegill, put a stick in it, and cooked it over the fire just like that. It cooked about 20 minutes on each side. The scales peeled right off and the meat was fucking delicious.

>> No.4805860


I missed that part. lol

>I figure I just came in here to moan about the goddamn hippies.

Do that someplace else, like /b/.

That is what I do when out fishing or camping near a water source.

>> No.4805904

I'm buying my first home in a few months, so I'll probably do this myself.

ducks and chickens are pretty easy to care for, right? Just give them some feed and replace the water daily, otherwise let them roam and clip the duck's wings.

>> No.4806034

>ducks and chickens are pretty easy to care for, right?


>Just give them some feed and replace the water daily, otherwise let them roam and clip the duck's wings.

You don't need to clip the duck's wings if they are Pekin like in the photo you replied to. Ducks like mallards need clipped wings if you want them to stay, but if you do that you need a license to raise migratory birds. You don't need the license if you don't clip the mallard's wings.

The main thing is to keep them fully protected from predators; mostly at night.

>> No.4806304

>i believe most of these people are urbanites that have no idea about the real world
City life is the real world. Most of the world's population lives in cities. It's reality for most of the human race. If anything, your tiresome 19th century 'muh authentic country life' romantic pipedream is more detached from reality.

>> No.4806311
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But I don't need all this technology! When the shit hits the fan I'll literally be the last man on earth and then the ladies will have no excuse to turn me down anymore!

>> No.4806534

Don't start retarded shit.

Where do the two of you get your food?

>> No.4806547


> implying this somehow invalidates urban life and excludes it from the definition of 'real'

Get off your tractor, Tex. We're all connected. Noone's saying your way of life is better or worse.

>> No.4806550

I was saying stop trolling each other and just stay on topic,

How do you feed yourself?

>> No.4806552

I will. Urbanites are usually fucking dumbfucks so disconnected from the human experience. Then again, so are materialistic suburbanites.

>> No.4806553

>fully protected from predators
I find that a nice dense/low growing tree does this better than most man made shelter.

>> No.4806569

It depends on where you live and the type of predators. Where I live there are great horned owls and raccoons that eat chickens. They will pluck them right from the trees. The owls only take one per owl per night, but the raccoons will kill several in one night. The raccoons a lot of times kill several in a row and just decapitate them without eating them and only eat one chicken leaving your flock decimated.

I keep my coop padlocked.

>> No.4806623

Again, urban life defines the 'human experience' since most humans on earth live an urban life. A rural life isn't more 'real' than an urban life.

>> No.4806628


Says the guy who thinks yogurt is a "fad"

>> No.4807371

Not all anonymous are the same person, anon.

>> No.4807383

My apologies. You the one who thought avocados were a trend, in that case?

>> No.4807712

I'm not even the person you were replying to.

>> No.4807724

I'm not the person you are replying to now.

>> No.4807807

>Go grocery shopping in asian and latino stores
>Grow some vegetables and herbs
>Go dumpster diving when I feel like it

I'm a hippie.

>> No.4808412
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Mm sashimi

>> No.4808442
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Or I'll take the fillets and wrap them around the meat from these guys I netted at the docks along with other stuffing ingredients.

>> No.4808455

Crustaceans are so delicious. the insides are always the best part.

>> No.4808683

I could never stomach salt water crustacean stank.