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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 149 KB, 1024x790, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4804573 No.4804573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's for breakfast, /ck/?

>> No.4804579

steak and shake is 24/7 and i have coupons sooooo

>> No.4804578

I had a big ass bowl of shredded wheat.

>> No.4804585

bacon and friend egg sandwich

>> No.4804588

Prolly porridge and some sugar and buttered toast. Haven't decided for sure yet tho. I have eggs and bacon too, and stuff for pancakes. Choices...

>> No.4804595

But anon.. the egg was your friend..
You bastard.

>> No.4804596

double quarter pounder and a chocolate shaek

>> No.4804598


I think he meant that it was his friend's egg...

You assuming bastard.

>> No.4804603

No, no. He ate his friend with the egg.

>> No.4804614

A fried egg over a cup of white rice.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm a poor uni student.

>> No.4804811

a 'smoothie' made with ground flax seed, 1 T of almond butter, 1 T of unsweetened cocoa powder, and unsweetened almond milk

>> No.4804820

2 fried eggs an 3 slices of bacon, crusty bread and oj. A cup of coffee afterwards.

>> No.4804826


So can you not afford bread or what?

Or is fried egg and rice a thing (no, not egg fried rice)

>> No.4804844


I'm going back to bed soon.

>> No.4804891

its a thing
when I was in college, lots of asians would be at breakfast as soon as it opened and order that from the egg station.

>> No.4804903

I had a chicken pie.

Fuck your artificial human meal-constructs

>> No.4804912

>Or is fried egg and rice a thing


>> No.4807289


>> No.4807295

plain yoghurt,müsli & banana/berries
shit's so cash

>> No.4807339

I had eggs easy over with melted danish havarti and thin slices of re-fried pot roast , on toasted homemade potato bread, and a dash of cocksauce.

>> No.4807357

Black coffee and a smoke
2 /fa/ 4 u

>> No.4807363

Black coffee, natural yogurt, local honey, and homemade granola. DELISH.

>> No.4807365

Toasted Italian bread, butter, sea salt, honey
Spinach omelette
Iced tazo green tea latte

>> No.4807372

Churrasco and bubble tea for lunch so I need room.
Shall be cash.

>> No.4807378
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well technically second dinner, 7:30 AM here watching some recorded football games. Whipped up this beauty of a tony's supreme pizza

>> No.4807405

oh god
you're one of those guys who refuse to cut through a topping

>> No.4807406

Al fresco sweet apple chicken sausage
Two scrambled eggs
Honey on toast

>> No.4807467

two cups of coffee
half of a garlic bagel w/cream cheese
two Advil

>> No.4807468

oatmeal, greek yogurt, coffee

>> No.4807471
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>> No.4807473

Two hard boiled eggs and two slices of multi grain toast with butter.

>> No.4807489

you know you love it too

>> No.4807497

So does your dad. Especially when it gets on his chin.

>> No.4807501

A whole fresh and self made baguette with gooseberry marmelade. 2 Tomatoes out of our garden and 2 Eggs sunny side up.

>> No.4807518

dont care what my dad likes bro

>> No.4807532
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>> No.4807537

you're the one into cocksauce so you are most likely into the cock too.

>> No.4807542
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>goddamn fruit touching my eggs
I'll rape your motherfucking mother

>> No.4807544

You're the one that ate cocksauce this morning, you fucking faggot. As much cock as your dad sucks and takes in the ass, I'm amazed that you were even conceived in the first place.

>> No.4807547

just apple cinnamon spiced tea

>> No.4807550

Don't you know about Arroz a la Cabana? It's fucking tasty, man!

>> No.4807553

that's not breakfast, that's something you drink.

>> No.4807559

fried rice,fried egg and tomato sauce?
i never think of tomato being a fruit even though i guess it technically is

>> No.4807576

Four slices of french roast with maple syrup and chedder cheese along a glass of black tea with added milk ...

>> No.4807597

Rice, Fried Egg, Ground Beef/Pork and Bananas.

>> No.4807610

Malted Irish oatmeal, with real peanut butter.

>> No.4807616

Just some black coffee. Maybe I'll have some cereal as well. Don't feel like making anything today.

>> No.4807672

Scrambled eggs, pork sasuage, english muffin, and turkey bacon.

>> No.4807676

Nothing exciting. Two eggs, spiced fried diced potatoes, and boiled spinach.

>> No.4807679

Microwaved quick oats made with water served bare and eaten with a plastic spoon. Such is life.

>> No.4807680

Nah man, just let the spinach wilt in the pan before you serve up those potatoes, you're just flushing all the goodness otherwise.

>> No.4807692

Coffee with some milk

>live in dorms
>dont feel like eating breakfast
>have nothing to eat in the mornings, just some coffee for a week
>oh lord all this energy I am learning at the speed of light oh shit its 6 pm and I havent eaten all day i should eat
>start having some oats with my coffee or some bread in the morning
>holy fuck im so tired shit its only 11 and im hungry again fuck

i guess breakfast isnt for me. Im gonna try IF for a bit

>> No.4807709


I eat my oats the exact same way, and have a favourite plastic spoon which I use. :3 Are you my soulmate?

>> No.4807710

No, fuck off weirdo.

>> No.4807711


You know buying oats is probably cheaper, and tastes better.

>> No.4807714


Oh c'mon you cutie patootie.

>> No.4807771

No, fuck off. I can't even convey cutesy shit irl not to mention Internet forums.


>> No.4808020

Hamburger Patty, American Fries, 2 Eggs Over Easy, 2 pieces white toast.

Slather toast in blackberry jam, place 2 over easy eggs on top, eat as sandwich. The sweetness of the jam combined with the savory of the bread, butter, and of course the runny yolk. So delicious.

Ate the Hamburger Patty and American Fries with a TON of salt and a TON of ketchup, because fuck yes, I love both of those things.

>> No.4808174

Scrambled eggs with cheddar, and a nice healthy glass of mountain dew.

>> No.4808199

Vitamin Rich Glass of Ale-8-One.
5 Rashers of streaky bacon.
1 Jumbo egg scrambled with smoked gouda.

Wasn't bad...

>> No.4808223

cup of white rice

two over easy eggs

a serving or so of sliced up rib eye from last night

soy sauce and sriracha

>> No.4808227
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>> No.4808233

Bagel and onion.

>> No.4808253

I'm british, and I always assumed scrapple was some amalgamation of pork scraps and hashed apple, which sounds delicious.

I was disappointed.

>> No.4808274

you obviously haven't had scrapple

>> No.4809297

god I got to get to my local diner soon

>> No.4809535
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For breakfast today, my roommate mixed eggs with leftover short-grain brown rice and chopped apples and attempted to fry patties of it in a cast-iron pan.

I wish I had pictures of it to share with you, /ck/.

>> No.4809543
File: 914 KB, 1920x1440, fish and chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's dinner time in Australain

Fish and Chips

>> No.4809545
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Honestly this is my breakfast like 75% of the time

Even before I was a poor uni student, it's just awesome. Arroz a la cubana made Filipino style is off the hook. A lot of times if I have leftover Chinese food I'll reheat by stir frying with a bit of garlic, soy, fish sauce, etc. etc. then serving over hot rice with a fried egg or two on top and sri sri.

Most of the time though it'll be just rice, egg, and fried plantains though, since I'm in college and rarely get meat to cook. Plantains are cheap though and make all the Trini and Nigerian bitches go wild with lust, it's pretty awesome.

I'm glad I go to a school that's half Chinese and Korean and half African/Caribbean. All dat food

>> No.4809553

Today I made hashed browns with green onions, and just regular eggs with some melted chee on top. Nothing special.

>> No.4809560

>eating fat-heavy protiens for breakfast that take forever to digest and trigger that digest-and-rest grogginess
>not enjoying carbs and fruit sugars to quick-start your day

Had a bowl of hot cereal, a crumpet with jam, and a banana to start my day, washed down with mango juice. Of course, that was the biggest meal I ate all day, but still.

>> No.4809568

Crusty bread & butter
Blackcurrant juice

Captcha: orifice ovarysw

>> No.4809583

This girl posted a picture of breakfast. Almond spread on rice cakes, slices of avocado, and egg whites. Pretty basic.

I challenged her to a cook-off. What can I make that will blow her out of the water? Something simple but extremely appealing to the eyes.

>> No.4809613



>> No.4809616

2 ryvita with cream cheese
handful of hazelnuts.

Not exactly inspired eats.

>> No.4809631

>2 ryvita with cream cheese

Dark rye Ryvita with cream cheese & German salami. So good.

>> No.4809646

an electrolyte cocktail to recover from last night and some toast with the last of the potato chips I had.

>> No.4809652

Yeah, dark rye here too brother.

>> No.4809670

cream cheese?
oh the faggotry, i thought it was only douches in nyc who ate cream cheese on bread.

>> No.4809675

You're pretty oblivious then. It's not exactly unusual.

>> No.4809677

well, i have never heard anyone eating it on bread until i went to NYC. also im not a murrican, been to tons of countries, none has had creamcheese in the hotel breakfast except NYC.

>> No.4809682

Are you over 300 pounds?

>> No.4809685

Ryvita is a crispbread/knckebrd if you didn't know

>> No.4809686

yes, i know what it is, i googled it. still, never heard of anyone in any country i've visited except usa to put creamcheese on any kind of bread. i've been to roughly 15-20 countries so far. knäckebröd is delicious though, or at least can be.

>> No.4809688

Where you from if you don't mind me asking?
Is cream cheese only used for cheesecakes/pasta sauces/cooking in general there then?

>> No.4809689

finland. i dont actually know what people use creamcheese. i use it very rarely myself, i used to use it more. for sauces, usually for mashed potatoes, sometimes for pasta sauces. can't actually remember when i used it the last time, prolly been a year or two. it is however used for cheesecakes at least.i don't even remember seeing anyone buying it in stores

>> No.4809691

oh wait, now that i think a bit more, i actually do remember people using it on bread, but not plain cream cheese, just those flavored ones

>> No.4809704

Pretty much the same here then.. mash, pasta sauces, cheesecakes etc. Yeah, plain cream cheese on bread is pretty bland. That's why I add salami.
Incidentally, I was in Helsinki a few years ago and had a reindeer kebab from a market hall by the harbour. Was pretty awesome.

>> No.4809758

reindeer is pretty awesome, you should have tried the "poronkäristys", don't really know what it could be in english, but it's a traditional finnish dish, reindeer sauce with mashed potatoes and mashed cowberries. sort of looks like kebab in sauce with those sides

>> No.4809777

Cappucino with a bit of cinnamon w/ bread and butter/toast
When you wake sleepy coffee instead of cappucino.

>> No.4809788


Are you guys retarded? he obviously meant that he ate one of his girl friends eggs. Straight from the ovary

>> No.4809850

That sounds like my kind-of food. Hearty & delicious. I don't remember what else I ate whilst I was there, it was pretty alcohol-fueled. Kebab aside, I remember trying out Hesburger and the food at our hostel - we stayed in the old Olympic stadium.

>> No.4809855
