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4799363 No.4799363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some vegetables that don't taste terrible or have an awful texture?

>> No.4799372


>> No.4799378

I'm curious what vegetables you say have bad taste/texture.

>> No.4799383

In my opinion:
Collard greens with garlic
Cucumber and hot sauce
Bok choy
Brussel sprouts
Spinach with lemon and garlic
Grilled eggplant
Green beans
Bell pepper

I enjoy vegetables quite a bit. However some of them are bland on their own, I like to add stuff like onions, garlic, chiles, tomato sauce to them.

>> No.4799386

you named all popular veggies

>> No.4799387

Oh you.

Off the top of my head:
Lettuce, celery, rocket, (uncooked) carrots, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, leeks, sprouts.

They're all either too mushy/wet, or the taste is too strong. If I add any salad to a sandwich, the crunchiness or overbearing taste ruins that sandwich.

But there must be vegetables out there for me. Cress is okay. Potatoes are fine (do they count?). I can't think of any others I've really eaten.

>> No.4799392

Thanks for the list. I think I just need to try more things, or retry things to see if I can get used to eating them.

How is spinach? I don't think I've ever eaten it in my life. Though I've eaten spinach pasta, which wasn't so bad.

>> No.4799395

snow peas
brussels sprouts
mushrooms (not vegetables, but close enough)
potatoes/sweet potatoes
big leafy cabbage
lotus root

my favorites, though I'll eat pretty much anything

>> No.4799402


Potatoes are a root vegetable, so they count.
What vegetables DO you like?

>> No.4799408

Depends on how it's prepared. Uncooked, it's like a leafy, less crunchy version of lettuce. It has more of an earthy taste as well. When steamed or sauteed it's almost slimy and has a more poignant earthiness to it.

>> No.4799411

Thanks. How are (bell) peppers? Can someone describe their texture/taste in their own words?

Pretty much just those two. I've had milder rocket that was okay. Broccoli isn't completely terrible.

For the record, I wasn't raised on junk food or anything, I just haven't been exposed to a lot of vegetables. Now that I'm older I think it's time to start eating a little healthier, but all these new foods with their strange tastes and weird textures are hard to get used to.

Thanks for helping, everyone!

>> No.4799433

I think you'd enjoy cauliflower, peas, and steamed carrots.

>> No.4800294

chinese radish. white radish. its awesome. cut some thin slices and put them in anything or marinate them

>> No.4800301
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you can start with the ones in the picture you posted

>> No.4800309

Who has problems like this with vegetables.

Honest to fucking god.

>> No.4800314


>bell peppers

high water content so they're crisp and juicy with a sweet/slightly acidic taste.

>> No.4800316

All of them.

>> No.4800372

That's a terrible lie

>> No.4800418

No, it's just a matter of opinion.

>> No.4800422

bell peppers.


>> No.4800429

Most are great raw, many are better cooked, but they're all good.

>> No.4800435

yeh thats the one

>> No.4800742
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Fried Okra. even if you hate vegitables, everyone I know LOVES fried okra it's a major staple of my part of the states, and to my surprise, you can't find it outside of the south.

And fyi, i've been eating so long I can't really explain the taste outside of "okra". Its good. really good.

>> No.4800746


all of them.

it's a phase. you'll outgrow it after puberty hits.


>> No.4800801

entry level vegetables:

tomatoes, onion, baby carrots, fresh spinach

it will be most palatable to you if you put them in a pan for a few seconds, maybe add some light sauce of your choice (I tend to prefer mustard)

might help you ease into it if you add sweet potatoes or chicken or something so that it's not all vegetables, considering you don't seem to have developed a taste for vegetables

>> No.4800819
File: 201 KB, 320x309, Napa Cabbage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Napa Cabbage.

This shit is great raw, in chinese style stews or as kimchi.

>> No.4800821

I feel you OP, I haven't liked veggies since I was young. 29 and I am still trying to eat more because I know they are good for me, but the texture/taste is awful for most veggies. I even bought a juicer to help me drink the veggies instead but it is such a pain in the ass to clean several times a day.

I love potatoes and tomatoes, I can tolerate onions bell peppers and romaine lettuce. I only like peas if they are fresh(like picked a couple minutes ago), carrots I don't like any way at all...cooked or raw. Also I love pickles but cant stand raw cucumbers.
I dont know if they count but I also love jalapenos, black olives, banana peppers, pepperoncini. Is my vegetable selection wide enough to ensure I am getting the proper nutrients? Or is there a vital veggie that I am missing?

>> No.4800825

Don't drink veggies, you lose out on all the delicious fibers and shit.

>> No.4800835

Immersion blender will allow you to hide vegetables in strongly flavored soups and things like spaghetti sauce. All the nutrition, none of the flavor or texture. It's a trick I've used on picky eating girls before. Stick blenders are also dishwasher safe.

>> No.4800857


Cant stand most of them, especially squash

>> No.4800886

Mince zucchini and add it to taco meat.

It's good. It acts like tiny sponges and soaks up the grease.

>> No.4800891

What the fuck. Squash is one of the best things.