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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4792850 No.4792850 [Reply] [Original]

>move to much more rural area than i'm used to
>figure if anything i'll still have access to a decent meat selection
>cannot find tripe/heart/hooves any goddamn place

i thought working class white people were into that shit, this sucks mang.

>> No.4792854
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>move to central city for school
>food costs at least 3x as much

>> No.4792874
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>move to a rural village of, like, 600 people
>neighbours are farmers
>everyone is farmers
>everyone just piles up their fresh goods near the road next to a money jar
>free eggs because holy shit chickens make a lot of eggs

>> No.4792897

For one, people in rural areas are fucking retarded. You should fit right in seeing as you are looking for a bunch of shit ingredients. That said, go talk to someone with livestock about buying pieces when they slaughter shit. You can meet these people through local markets and stores where local meat items are sold.

>> No.4792956
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>eating stomachs, hearts, and hooves

>> No.4792973


I guarantee eating a couple bbq chicken hearts will change your mind

>> No.4792976

Heart isn't much different than any other muscle meat. The rest put me off. Chicken hearts are pretty good.

>> No.4792978


why the fuck would anyone want to eat the garbage parts of the animals

>> No.4792981

tastes good

>> No.4792985


nope, try again

>> No.4793009

no, i'm pretty sure that's the primary reason people eat anything.

>> No.4793017

don't bother, just stick to your deboned chicken breasts, pork chops and gound beef.

>> No.4793020


I guess disguising the disgusting chicken hearts with delicious BBQ sauce would work, but it doesn't mean the chicken hearts aren't still disgusting

>> No.4793037


nope. tell that to the haitians eating mud cookies.


>> No.4793054

>garbage parts
Have you ever tried them? If not, you're just discussing the idea of eating those. And rather poorly.

>> No.4793060


and you think entertaining the idea of eating intestines and brains is better? tell you what, once i'm done with this snack i'll let you lick my microwave clean since you love the shittiest bits

>> No.4793072

Sure, slaughtered animal parts == the shit in your garbage.

Sight... There's no possible discussion around this topic with first world urban citizens unrooted from the country and disconnected with food farming.

>> No.4793086
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>trying to sound sophisticated and cultured for eating scavenger food

>> No.4793092

>comparing the extreme poverty and desperation of one slum in one poor country stemming from global price hikes and crop damage in 2007-08 to eating offal

like seriously dude what is even your deal

>> No.4793097
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>> No.4793751

how can people be so afraid of offal?
It's like they would run away from a potato "skin"

>> No.4793793

jesus christ people.

its not our fault that your mothers/grandmothers tried to feed you overcooked liver.

this thread population OP and a 45 year old virgin neckbeard pretending he is 12 sameposting. that constant slamming sound is everyone else entering what at first glance looks like an interesting thread followed by everyone running for the door.


>> No.4793794
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OP, in my experience, rural areas typically have a single small grocer serving an area, and the food they carry isn't locally produced, they just buy from a couple food distributors. I'm sure exceptions exist but it's a normal consequence of lower sales volume.

As someone else pointed out, untended tables with some local produce and eggs are one of the benefits.

For internal organs, I'd think you're better off looking for some hunters in the area. Even people raising quite a few livestock will often just sell them to a distant slaughterhouse. Hunters usually clean their own meat though. Just watch for people wearing camouflage at local businesses, and strike up a conversation and ask if you could get the organs next time they're cleaning an animal. "Green tripe" from deer (see pic) is different from cow tripe, since they've only got one stomach chamber, and like a lot of wild animals its quality depends a lot on what the animal had been eating lately, but if they've been eating mostly plants you it's easy to work with. If they've been eating acorns, cleaning out all the little pieces is a pain in the ass.

>> No.4795923

I want to live somewhere like that if my job permits it.

Fresh everytime and cheap as well.

>> No.4795929

>less access to offal/hooves

>> No.4796501
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I feel for ya Op.
I recently moved from rural Kentucky to the suburbs of Steamboat Springs Colorado. I didn't have a chance to garden this year and that really has me down. And I hate being so close to all these people. Even tho Steamboat is a small city, I thought I could still get a few staples. I can't find ham hocks anywhere in this town! How do people here make soup without them!? I can't find decent buttermilk either, so I guess I'll have to make it myself. And chicken thighs are hard to get! Every place carries boneless skinless breast or whole chickens. Now I'm no stranger to taking a chicken apart, but we eat mostly thighs. It's still too hot here to roast a whole chicken in the oven (we have no air conditioning).

>> No.4796506

Do they have a Mexican market? You can find ham hocks there.

>> No.4796523

Sadly no. There is a disturbing lack of brown people in Steamboat. I had to drive over two hours to a Costco to get decent pinto beans. Good thing they sell them in 25lb bags.

>> No.4796525

Walk up to store butcher.
Ask for what you want.

>> No.4796527

>There is a disturbing lack of brown people in Steamboat.

Then go to Mexico, faget

>> No.4796530

That's a bit of a drive. Well, there's always Amazon for food.

>> No.4796534

How do you feel about yellow people? They eat ham hocks too.

>> No.4796540

They're useless too

>> No.4796544

A lot of stores don't actually do any butchering anymore, and just ship in pre-packaged meat from an off-site processing plant.

The butcher's counter is often just for show to make the shoppers think the meat is fresher than it is.

>> No.4796547

The county I was born in has only 7 stop lights. When I was a kid it had only 3. That's the entire county. When I was 23 I moved away for a few years to a proper city. They had no butcher. I started looking hard for one. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

They also had no place to buy doughnuts other then supermarkets. No real bakery either. I did find a bakery with doughnuts about 30 miles away, but I can make my own before I drive 30 miles. I mean the only real benefit of living in a city is not having to spend money on gas and automotive upkeep.

After a year of looking, constantly increasing the range of my search I found the closest butcher. It was 128 miles back in my home town. So I just started visiting my parents once and month and putting meat in a cooler to take out a freeze.

>> No.4796551

I don't really know any Asians. In my little Ky town there are lots of Mexicans. They are some of the nicest, hard working people I have met.
>nb4 hurr lazy drunk mexy-cans

>> No.4796553

Only the parents' generation are nice. Their kids end up being lazy school dropouts and become increasing annoying as they turn into cholos.

>> No.4796558

only at walmart dude

>> No.4796566

I actually went to the local butcher.it was one of the first places I looked. I asked about chicken thighs and ham hocks. They don't carry them. I asked if they could get a special order of them for me. They couldn't/wouldn't do that for me either. So I'm looking at a butcher about two hours away.
> visiting my parents once and month and putting meat in a cooler to take out a freeze.
That's what we are going to have to do as soon as we find someone carrying the meat we want. It a necessity anyway, because as soon as the snow comes (a few weeks from now) we won't be leaving Steamboat for anything.

>> No.4796569

I've seen a few fake butchers myself. It's not just at big chain stores.

>> No.4796571

Try harder. You need to hit up an actual butcher shop instead of the local supermarket.

>> No.4796586


Define rural?

I used to live in a <500 people town, farmers everywhere. You could get an entire cow butchered for cheap, you just need a giant freezer and sharp knives to cut it down to serving size.

>> No.4796600

Same here. Only a few people will gather together and pitch in money to buy and butcher a cow or pig. We divide up what we want. That way we can get local grass fed food that doesn't take up an entire freezer.

>> No.4796628

Any farmer's markets around? The one near my town has all of that and more, and cheap at that.

>> No.4796630

>I've seen a few fake butchers myself. It's not just at big chain stores.
Oh c'mon. Get over your autism. Talk to them.