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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 768x1024, Valentina-Hot-Saucea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4791990 No.4791990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I crown thee king of hot sauces

>> No.4791996
File: 45 KB, 500x441, 1212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dethrone you with the first post

>> No.4791999
File: 502 KB, 564x1924, 7507610021CF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beep beep
true king coming through

>> No.4792001

cholula motherfucker

>> No.4792017
File: 1.02 MB, 1239x3953, habanero5ozusretail4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't look like mango habanero

>> No.4792028
File: 585 KB, 508x1687, 2ozRed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside peasants. The real deal is here.

>> No.4792033



>> No.4792042

I actually wasn't trolling. Tabasco is a quality sauce.

>> No.4792047

more like botanero sauces, right.
That's for chips and fruits

>> No.4792055
File: 134 KB, 1280x1280, Sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my hot sauces to not taste like expired vinegar, thanks.

>> No.4792059

And I prefer my hot sauces not to taste like sugar and dick, thanks.

>> No.4792060

>expired vinegar
So you don't know how food works, do you?

>> No.4792065

I prefer hot sauce over hipster ketchup.

>> No.4792064

No, I'm just a cook. Looks like you didn't realize that it was a joke.

>> No.4792063
File: 86 KB, 320x400, California-Habanero-Hot-Sauce-Twist-&-Shout_lg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except there's this.

>> No.4792067


>sugar and dick

the new man food of 2013

>> No.4792075


Sugared dick?

>> No.4792076
File: 7 KB, 194x259, cholula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you posted the wrong pic dude

>> No.4792080


Are you trying to tell everyone that when your man friend told you he had something sweet to show you in his pants, you were expecting something else?

>> No.4792081
File: 138 KB, 1440x982, 1372290278916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I put spicy carrot juice on everything!
Top pleb.

>> No.4792086
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 3203-organic-harvest-P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have terrible taste in hot sauce.

Now this here is some good shit.

>> No.4792088

I like every hot sauce posted in this thread. I rotate through them once i get sick of one. I'm on cholula now, next bottle is tobasco.

Sriracha is good and all, but it isn't the most complex flavor in the world. It mixes well with everything because its basically ketchup with chilies instead of tomatoes.

>> No.4792091

Would you like a side of chilis to accompany your garlic sauce sir?

>> No.4792097
File: 42 KB, 300x400, getbombed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very tasty

>> No.4792098

real men make their own hot sauce

>> No.4792100


Pick one.

>> No.4792101


It's just marketing, dude.

>> No.4792102
File: 2.00 MB, 341x321, 1367981858573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4792103

Was joking anyway. I buy a few organic things occasionally.

>> No.4792106
File: 23 KB, 270x270, 41ehFOZkfUL._SS270_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find anything I like more.

I have some of this, but it tastes like a slightly broader version of the average walmart tier hot sauce.

>> No.4792109


>> No.4792110

if I constantly made threads about dumping tons of Italian seasoning or curry powder or soy sauce or ranch dressing all over anything and everything I ate, /ck/ would rightly rip me a new asshole and call me out for being a disgusting swine with horrible taste and likely no cooking skills.

why does hot sauce get a free pass? is it because of all the "manly" posturing that surrounds the juvenile culture of hot sauce heads? is that supposed to make up for the fact that people can't season their food correctly before it hits the plate?

>> No.4792122

>dumping tons of

Well there's your problem.

Hot sauces are used in small quantities to supplement food flavors. You don't just douse everything in an entire bottle of it and call it a good meal.

>> No.4792137

dribbling a little ranch then. the quantity per serving isn't so much the issue as the fact that a vulgar flavor that belongs on the table of your local greasy spoon is seen as something to regularly and indiscriminately add to your daily meals.

>> No.4792139
File: 1.98 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside

>> No.4792145

Muh chemically extracted heat.

>> No.4792147

>vulgar flavor that belongs on the table of your local greasy spoon

Stop using shit hot sauces.

>> No.4792151

Oh shit, you're fucking stupid. Git wreckt m8.

>> No.4792156
File: 24 KB, 202x254, deathbysalsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaguely related, but this showed up in the mail today and I don't really remember ordering it.

>> No.4792172

>no true hot sauce fallacy

you probably don't know that different chili varieties, different degrees of ripeness, different (or lack of) preservation methods, and different preparation styles can give such an amazing spectrum of flavors, heart levels, and aromas that basically all hot sauce tastes relatively the same. but this is for the same reason you were drawn to genetic bottled hot sauce to begin with. your exposure to world did culture stops with Boston market and you turned to arguing over hair splitting differences between garbage because you weren't resourceful enough to look for more effective ways of producing good tasting food.

you probably post a lot of fast food threads and get defensive over your five guys vs in n out preferences. just because one brand of shit is distinguishable from another brand of shit doesn't mean that they're not both still shit.

>> No.4792187

>Wasting money

>> No.4792205

Serious reply:

Valentina is a nice old-fashioned Mexican hot sauce. I think it balances smoke, pepper, citrus, and vinegar very nicely. I actually like it better than Cholula and I can get a big honkin bottle of it for dirt cheap. I put it on pizza, burritos, burgers, sandwiches, eggs, pretty much anything. It's awesome.

I wonder why hot sauces often come in glass bottles unlike many other condiments.

>> No.4792214

For some things, there isn't even a non-organic option in the only store I shop at.

>> No.4792217

>better than cholula

It tastes like burnt hair and ass.

>> No.4792226

take your shitty sugar-chili pepper sauce elsewhere faggot

>> No.4792222


Cholula has this sort of weird creamy richness that just seems to overtake most things that I put it on. It gets in the way. Valentina cooperates.

>> No.4792232

>squiggly over the 'n' in habanero

looks like the manufacturer don't know shit bout habaneros

>> No.4792229

He can stay. YOU leave.

>> No.4792234


>> No.4792242

your taste in hot sauce sucks

>> No.4792247


Well, coming from a world champion sucker, that really means a lot to me.

>> No.4792263



>> No.4792278


>> No.4792281


cholula is some of the most overhyped shit there is

I've never had valentina but I want to try it based on this alone

>> No.4792293
File: 299 KB, 1261x1600, Crystal hot sauce 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody has mentioned Crystal's yet? It tastes better than Tabasco and is dirt cheap.

>> No.4792300


Why do people insist on comparing everything to Tabasco? It's clearly a different kind of hot sauce than Crystal or Cholula. You might as well compare Hellmann's Dijonnaise to Gulden's Spicy Brown mustard.

>> No.4792305
File: 45 KB, 480x642, john's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best sauce in the world, you've probably never heard of it.

>> No.4792306


How is it a different kind of sauce than Tobasco?

>> No.4792313
File: 44 KB, 200x267, sauce_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite

>> No.4792316

sriracha and franks are the GOAT

>> No.4792317


You might as well ask how orange juice is different from Sunny D. It's self-evident and does not require explanation. If you *do* require explanation I suggest you become less retarded instead of expecting us to make up for your deficiencies

>> No.4792322

Pureed carrots with a tingle on the tongue.

>> No.4792323

I steal a bottle of the garlic version every two weeks from local burrito joints, sometimes more often if I take 'them half full.

>> No.4792333


i love my orange plant dick

>> No.4792335

Affording to eat out at burrito joints
Not affording a $1.50 bottle of sauce.

You sir are a taint and a shitstain.

>> No.4792342


Are you autistic? They are both cayenne/vinegar hot sauces. They could not be more siomilar. I understand how you might get this butthurt if I was comparing Sriracha or Tapatio to Tobasco, but Crystal is quite literally the exact same ingredients as Tobasco just in different quantities.

>> No.4792348


Turns out Tabasco is a different pepper. I stand corrected. They are still very similar though.

>> No.4792352
File: 4 KB, 152x160, 1370024252472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4792366


Eat my ass out with some hot sauce you fat autistic cunt.

>> No.4792376



>> No.4792395

You know hotsauce in your butthole will make you even more butthurt right?

>> No.4792420

>implying he could be more butthurt than he already is

>> No.4792438

All I know about Tabasco sauce is that it's only good on eggs, and that if you eat so much as one drop, it makes your coffee taste horrible for a good twenty minutes, so you don't want eat it when you're having eggs.

>> No.4792445

Hahah that stuff is awesome.

If you're suicidal.

Keep a lot of water and some pillows nearby. Make sure you can promptly lay down on the couch.

Still, you will likely get a pain high.

>> No.4792453

What the fuck? It's not any kind of challenge to make "the hottest salsa".

Salsa's not supposed to be very hot, anyway.

>> No.4792469

It feels good.

So long as you're not dumb enough to rub your eyes.

>> No.4792497

Rub your eyes? Without washing your hands after administering a rectal salsa?

>> No.4792594

There is a good amount of folks who think heat = better. It becomes a dick measuring contest between people who dont understand that hot sauces are for flavor, not being more manly than the next guy

>> No.4792635
File: 110 KB, 350x377, 1337721178688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I expected anything else from /ck/.

>> No.4792641


But ranch dressing is "just for flavor too" yet it's not cool to collect 20 different brands of ranch dressing bottles and sperg out over the differences in taste.

It's really just a big dick measuring contest and people who pretend otherwise are just trying to be too cool for school.

>> No.4792646
File: 8 KB, 251x249, 1370187799221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


huh. never thought of it that way.

>> No.4792665
File: 203 KB, 708x847, mugi-mah-nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4792696
File: 938 KB, 1552x2592, cunt_destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it because of all the "manly" posturing that surrounds the juvenile culture of hot sauce heads?
>What the fuck? It's not any kind of challenge to make "the hottest salsa".
>It becomes a dick measuring contest between people who dont understand that hot sauces are for flavor
>It's really just a big dick measuring contest

It's not a dick measuring contest. It's a 'biggest thing I can fit in my ass' contest.