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4791966 No.4791966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/.

I was wondering how you guys felt about IPA beers. They seem to be a big polarizer in the beer drinking community. They are very popular right now and somewhat over-represented by microbreweries, but they sell and there is demand so of course breweries will make them. Some people love them, can't get enough of those hops. And I've met others who loathe them, making claims such as "muh hops", "169 IBU's is all?! I thought this was an IPA", and "trendy beer is trendy. and shitty".

I absolutely love them. I went about a year where the only beer I ever bought was some sort of IPA, because they just taste so good and refreshing. Recently somebody pointed out that I'm missing out on a bunch of great beers by limiting myself to the style so I've been making a conscious effort to start buying other beers instead. And I've had some great ones. But I fell off the wagon and bought pic related earlier, holy shit. I'm sitting here huffing the hop fumes out of my glass like I want to get high on gasoline. I want to drown in a lake of this beer. And I'm sad I don't have another one, the rest of my stash is porter, red ale, pilsner, and amber ale. All are good, but its not what I crave.

Do you like IPA. Why or why not. Thoughts on its popularity.

>> No.4792016
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IPA's are great in my opinion. Probably my favorite style. I enjoy several of the Sierra Nevada IPA varieties, as well as the DogfishHead 90 minute variation. The Stone Brewing Co. makes fantastic stuff too.. IPA's definitely seem to be sweeping the beer culture. Perhaps they are a bit over-made and filling up half of beer shelves.. And a lot of them are just clones and average-tier stuff.. Gotta find the gems..

>> No.4792022

Yea, Dogfish 90 minute may very well be the best tasting beer I've had. Huge on beautiful hop flavor but balanced as hell, its alot maltier and sweeter than most IPA's. Haven't tried the 60 minute or 120 minute yet, I'm not even sure I need to. 90 minute is pretty much perfect.

>> No.4792034
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60 minute is pretty bad, 120 minute is like drinking a hoppy whiskey that tastes worse as it gets warmer

imo IPAs are great and they're my favorite style of beer but it's really fucking annoying that i can only find like three pilsners without hops when i want something that isn't hoppy

>> No.4792037
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I love IPA, this is my current favorite. Most people can't handle the taste I guess.

>> No.4792039

Thats what I figured. I'd imagine 60 minute is a cheaper lamer version of the 90 minute. And more isn't always better, 120 min has too much alcohol to possibly taste better than 90 min.

When I want something that isn't hoppy I'll usually go with an Oktoberfest (second favorite beer style) or some sort of ale. Amber ale, brown ale, etc. Not a big fan of pilsners unless I'm out on the lake or beach and need something very light and crisp.

>> No.4792044
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It's yet another fad for hipsters to try and feel superior about. Prior to the IPA influx, no one and their mother knew what the fuck an IPA was and whats worse is that so called beer snobs now think that IPA's represent the entirety of the craft brew arena. GOD FUCKING FORBID someone prefer a porter or a stout, and you get exactly what what you quoted in your post, "but muh hops???"

I know for a fucking fact that nobody who drinks IPAs actually likes the taste. None of these beers can compete with the 1000's of years of technical mastery that comes from Belgium or Bavarian breweries. These micro brews think that they can hop the fuck out of the beer and get a masterpiece, but all you're left with is a bitter shitty beer.

>> No.4792048

See, I don't understand this. They taste good, like to me there is nothing offensive or hardcore about the taste. I've had some hard liquors, imperial stouts, etc that make me cringe and were difficult to drink. Most IPA's taste all juicy and fruity and flowery. Maybe some of us have less bitter taste buds and some of us are sensitive to bitter?

>> No.4792050

Not a fan of IPA beers. Too strong of a taste, too bitter. For a while I had some friends trying to one up each other on who had the hoppiest beer. I am willing to keep an open mind but have yet to enjoy a single one.

That being said I enjoy brown ales and light wheat beers. I personally think beer should be crisp and refreshing. Anything in the IPA world fit that description?

>> No.4792053


Didn't lol, but cracked a nice smile.

>> No.4792057

>crisp and refreshing

IPA is crisp and refreshing. It tastes bright, fruity, flowery, citrusey, juicy, etc etc etc.

>> No.4792068
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And have you ever had gumballhead? Thats a good wheat beer

>> No.4792073
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porters and stouts are the next "in" thing in craft brewing

calm down and just enjoy good brews for being good brews

>> No.4792090
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Stouts are my favorites.
Just finished two bottles of this.
Was okay, did not compare to others I've had.
The Harviestoun 12 year Old Dubh was literally the best beverage I have ever had the privilege of drinking.
>privilege checked

>> No.4792094

Lemonade is crisp and refreshing. Drinking an IPA is like biting into a whole lemon.
I honestly think they are stifling. They overpower everything else in the meal.

>> No.4792135

IPAs just seem like a new foodie fad. Among beer drinkers they seem to drink it BECAUSE it's awful, not because it's genuinely good, they just seem to like saying "haha I can 'enjoy' this hyper bitter drink while you drink your pussy ass other beer!"

Having said that, I do believe there are people who genuinely enjoy them, I just think they're in the minority and the fad is the accommodate the people I described above.

What I want is microbreweries to stop shitting out IPAs and start trying braggots (almost unheard in the US)

>> No.4792142

This. I wish the Hophead dad would hurry up and die. It's like people who say they like food so spicy you can't even taste anything.

>> No.4792152

>It's like people who say they like food so spicy you can't even taste anything.

Spiciness is relative, anon, it's different for each person. After eating a lot of spicy food you build up a resistance to it, generally people who love hot food have A) build up said resistance, and B) crave the endorphin rush you get from the heat.

>> No.4792150

but......I like biting into a whole lemon. I agree that the whole "lets out-hop everybody" pissing contest has gotten a little out of hand with some though. I love hop flavor and aroma but I'm not going to drink a shit tasting beer to show off for somebody. I like my IPA's to be balanced and delicious. I favor maltier IPA's.

Yea, I think in a way they are a sort of fad. And this is coming from a big IPA drinker. Pretty much any bottle that boasts on the label about how many hops are in it, I don't like seeing this. The style is legit though, but yea there are some IPA's that are literally trendy retard swill.

I do think more than a few people genuinly enjoy the style though. I think a hell of a lot of people actually like drinking IPA. There is a reason its so popular, and that reason isn't only people drinking something to be trendy or show off.

>> No.4792161

I like most IPAs, as OP says they can be refreshing as fuck, but some of them are just hops everywhere for the sake of hops everywhere, because it will sell to the kind of people who only drink IPA's because of the bandwagon.

Prefer dark beer though.

>> No.4792190

I like IPA's depending on hop choice not quantity.

There are some shitty fucking hops out there and just because they are different doesn't mean they taste good


Max lel

>> No.4792339

beer drinker here. I don't give two flying fucks what's 'trendy' or 'hip' to drink right now... all I know is I enjoy damn near every beer out there... with the exception of shit tier beers like natural and meister brau, etc.

Yes, sometimes on a really hot day an ice cold can of coors or bud is more refreshing than a porter or stout.

In the winter time, porters, stouts, barleywines, other big beers are perfect. IPAs are good year round as far as I'm concerned.

My point being every beer has its place. When you've drank enough of them, you learn to respect and understand this.

>> No.4792406

Bitter things taste objectively bad. Humans evolved to detect bitter things as bitter because many toxins are bitter. Bitter = nature's way of saying "don't eat this, it will kill you."

IPAs are the beer version of ultra-hot pepper extract sauces. Jagoffs bandy about IBU measurements as if they're scoville ratings and if you say you don't like IPAs, they'll reply, "what, are you some kind of pussy?"

tl;dr: IPAs are objectively shitty tasting beers for macho faggots to measure their dicks by pretending to enjoy.

>> No.4792413

i like them. that said, im not interested in alcohol at all, i just like drinking it. couldn't care less about where/how its made and difference in ingredients and stuff like that. if i like it thats all i need to know.

>> No.4792419

I generally like stouts and porters and other such dark, malty beers. Nothing to do with bucking the trend, it's just what I like.

>> No.4792461

I've been drinking craft beers for a few years now and IPAs are still my favorites. Nothing beats a good dry hopped DIPA. You really do need to drink them fresh though (my personal preference is within 3 months of bottling/kegging).

>> No.4792493
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I don't really like IPAs all that much, but I'll drink them. If someone brings a 6-pack over I'll have one, but two is too much for me. My aversion may have to do with the fact that my first IPA was pic related, which isn't bad but it is very very hoppy.

As far as the fad goes, it is kind of annoying but whatever. I do a sort of similar thing trying to find darker and darker stouts/ales, but I legitimately like stuff like Old Rasputin (which I can't seem to find around here, feels bad man). I think my favorite beer I've ever had was an oatmeal stout, which is also rare around these parts.

>> No.4792539

I'm the opposite. I've fallen in love with IPA ever since my first sip of a Rouge. Before I even knew what it was. I've recently been trying to acquire a taste for stouts and porters, I used to hate them. I've had enough decent ones where I can appreciate the style now but they are still at close to the bottom of my list as a beer style. I'm still trying to find some good ones to try though instead of outright avoiding the style. Old Rasputin did not sit well at all with me when I bought it, I know where you IPA haters are coming from because what you feel is probably exactly what I felt when I was drinking that stuff. That was awhile back and I've had a few stouts since, I think I might give it another go and see if I might better appreciate it.

>> No.4792545

Also, that looks fucking delicious. I've never seen it.

>> No.4792565

I dont like IPAs myself. I am not a big fan of the bitterness of hops, and I much prefer a dark roasted malt. Just a matter of taste I know. But the IPA craze in the market is driving me a little nuts right now. One of my all time favorite beers was just removed from the market so that the company could replace it with a 5th different IPA.

Its a bit aggravating. But I can still find fantastic porters and stouts, so I don't complain too much...except when something like my favorite beer disappears, so it can be replaced by another IPA, or when I go to a bar that has 50 taps, and 35 of them are IPAs. (And another half dozen are InBev crap).

>> No.4792571

Where about are you from that you have trouble finding Old Rasputin and Oatmeal Stouts? (Also, if you can find it, I recommend Ninkasi Oatis as far as Oatmeal Stouts go...they also have a Vanilla Oatis that is interesting).

>> No.4792711


Athens, GA. I've only been here for a month or so and haven't hit many liquor stores yet.

>> No.4792781

Cant help you there. The south is a bitch for getting good alcohol.

>> No.4792805

IPA is the only beer style I don't like. I don't like the strong bitter hop after taste.

I prefer stouts and wheat beers

>> No.4792896
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I enjoy IPAs. They may not be in my top 3 of styles (that's reserved for sours, barrel-aged stouts, and Quads) but they can be incredibly delicious. My favorite kinds are not so much bitter, but more grassy, florally, especially with a juicy grapefruit/mango flavors. (See Nelson)

Pic related is my favorite brewery for IPA's.

>> No.4792925

I loved IPAs until I nearly drank myself to death and ended up in the hospital with pancreatitis for 2 months.

I was at a bar the other night with a buddy drinking a soda and I realized that I've almost forgotten what beer tastes like

>> No.4792941

I'm an old beer advocate. I love beer and I've had 1000's of varieties in my quest for a favorite beer. IPAs have their place, but it is not worthy of the current freak out about them. The best IPAs are balanced with malt sweetness. If they are just a bitter explosion they aren't a good IPA. If you want an amazing hop experience go for an old ale or barley wine that is dry hopped. You will find yourself in a deluge of sweet dark fruits, bitter hops and burning alcohol. I don't mind IPAs, but the character of a beer comes from the barley malt, not from idiots trying to make it as bitter as possible.

>> No.4792998

I don't really like IPAs at all, I have to have a buzz before I can drink one and somehwhat enjoy one.

I just hate beer with hoppy or citrusy flavors, and consider people like jamming IPAs with as much hoppy bitterness as possible there is no reason for me to buy them. I'll still drink them but I don't seek them.

>> No.4793002

Any recommendations? Preferably stuff that focuses on just the hops.

I tend to dislike IPAs (>>4792998 here) but am still unsure if it's the hops, or all the stuff smaller breweries insist on putting in this brews. I'm wondering if this may just be a situation similar to cilantro. Some people love it, and others think it just tastes like soap (like me)

>> No.4793071

I like lagers and they are almost extinct. My woman loves Ranger IPA but I can't take the hops so what I do is have 4 glasses of beer made up of 1 can of ranger and 3 cans of Milwaukee's best. Still a little too hoppy but knocks the nasty out of the Milwaukee;s best.

>> No.4793080

I liked them for years. Delicious to me. I live in the Pacfic NW where they have been around for a while. I do like other kinds but I'll always see what IPA is on tap first.

>> No.4793088

I live in so-cal and used to work in Temecula/Escondido. Some of the best IPAs i've had come from the craft breweries down there. Also been to Maui and had Maui brewing co's Big Swell IPA which I find delicious. But nothing in the entire world beats the taste of Pliney the Elder. Best IPA and beer hands down. Blind Pig is also delicious.

>> No.4794625

IPAs are great, but they are definitely overdone. Still, it makes it all the more great when you've tried so many average IPAs and finally find that amazing one. I've even started being able to to tell what hop varieties they're made from, and which varieties are my favorites.

>> No.4794630

lagers aren't anywhere near extinct
it's just because there aren't as many lager styles as ale styles, and the ale styles are usually the more popular craft styles. But there are plenty of craft lagers out there, although I'll admit they're a bit harder to find

>> No.4794651

I love IPAs. Sculpin is one of my favorites but Islander IPA is cheap from the source 5 blocks from my house.

>> No.4794697

Spoiled Coronado kid detected.

So jelly. I literally put beer ahead of food in my poverty-stricken lifestyle.

>> No.4794710

I know that feel. You'll regularly see me drinking a $10 bomber with my hot pockets and spaghetti.

>> No.4794776
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>I personally think beer should be crisp and refreshing.

I'm with this gentleman. I've had some good IPAs, but in general I feel like it's a race to produce the bitterest beer that doesn't taste like beer. I've no doubt the pendulum will swing the other way at some point, though.

I like wheat beers quite a bit, though I'm late to the craft beer scene and am still working my way around the terminology. I like the Allagash beers a lot, especially the Curieux.

My roommate's gotten me really interested in sour beers as well. It's a flavor profile that I've never tasted before. Here's a local one.

>> No.4794800

'tis the life we've chosen to lead...

Berliner Weisse beers are quite delicious. If you liked that one I'd recommend Bear Republic Tartarte (though it's a bit more sour), and Craftsman Angelino Weisse.

Also, the Bruery is god-tier. I recently had Tart of Darkness and Oude Tart with Cherries. They're to die for.

>> No.4794810

IPA in England

>> No.4794815

>made with american hops
dropped like a phat beat.

>> No.4794837

I actually laughed quite a bit reading this 8/10

>> No.4794843
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>he doesn't like citra, cascade, simcoe, and chinook

Problem, euroshitter?

>> No.4794914
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Dish liquid?

>> No.4794950
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Yes, cause there's only one type of cascade.

>> No.4794961

When talking about the hops, yes there is only one type of Cascade.

>> No.4795330

I have yet to find a beer I haven't enjoyed. I haven't tried thousands of varieties like some experts but I've definitely had my fair share of both shitty and craft beers. Anything from fucking Natty light to Dogfish or whatever, I'll drink it. Currently drinking some cheap honey brown lager, refreshing and tastes gooood

>> No.4795367
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IPAs are only enjoyed by people who have dulled senses

or those have who genetically inferior tasting abilities

>> No.4795375

As a delawarean, I'm practically obligated to get dogfish

>> No.4795574

dumbshit troll

>> No.4795592

oh shit son, does it have a picture on a bear on it?

>> No.4795645

I like IPAs a lot, but I don't understand some people's obsession with extreme hoppiness. The best beers have a balance of flavors.

>> No.4795649

IPAs are popular with craft brewers because the extra hops help hide defects in the beer.

>> No.4795703

Getting too used to spices can make other food taste 'bland' by making you lose the ability to differentiate fine degrees of taste.

>> No.4795720

>I like IPAs a lot, but I don't understand some people's obsession with extreme hoppiness. The best beers have a balance of flavors.


A good IPA should be dominated but not completely overpowered by its hops. If you can't get some idea of the nature of the malt or the brewers water by taste then the hops are too strong.

>> No.4795723

I guess it' a matter of personal taste. IPA. too " hoppy" for me. But then, I when I set out on a long trip, with no water( which I've seldom done). they added estra hops to make it more palatable. on long voyges. And I have no problem. with that. good ta kwow. espesially if you run out of water. ever heard that old rhyme water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink? no shit sherlock we take every thing for granted. I the US , mant small fights have occured, and in the west. is still ongoing. its about water. in the Talmud, New Testament, Koran, and other holey texts, ewhich I am unfamilarr with, Water = life. despite our differences, we would be wise to conserve it. cause if you drink enough, you are gonna want some clean water next day. I personally don't like IPA, be case It reminds me of bad times. I guess not so bad, just overy hoppy. and some in my extendend family don't want any alcohol. or meat. I understand. join the real world. I would not offend. and I better shut up. tommy lee jones is staring at me over the top of his glasses. in and adverttisement. it gets rough, the older you get. but clean water is everything. make no mistsake.