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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4791121 No.4791121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you eat when you're stoned and have the munchies?

>> No.4791123


>> No.4791125

The good people at /ck/ never get high?

>> No.4791129

i generally eat the same shit i'd eat while not high.

i learned years ago that dedicated munchies (junk food, essentially) make me feel like shit when i eat an entire container and then pass out.

now i just make delicious meals.

but yeah, the topic is kinda vague and you'll probably get assholes like the first poster as a result.

>> No.4791130

No, we don't.

I did weed during my depression years.
I would not really eat anything as I felt too bad for that.

>> No.4791128

it's food related
and at least he is not asking for spacecake recipes and stuff like that.

>> No.4791131

>No, we don't.
speak for yourself

spacecake recipes would fall under the jurisdiction of /ck/ on this fine website.

polite sage because i already posted once and this one isn't really food related.

>> No.4791136

I never get stoned

>> No.4791137

I like to cook when I'm high, but I don't mind settling for greasy chinese takeout.

>> No.4791140

With all of the shitty fast food and greasy food threads I would be surprised if everyone on here wasn't stoned all of the time.

>> No.4791143

Ham & cheese toasted sandwiches with ketchup
Copious amounts of Lilt

>> No.4791144

first time i whiteyed i had a refrigerated cox apple and a bowl of special k with cold milk, it was glorious.

i don't really do that shit anymore but i guess hob nobs. used to have a ritual with a plain hob nob, a square of dairy milk and a glass of milk.

>> No.4791146

nah, /ck/ generally likes to drink. i think that helps out with those threads quite a bit.

>> No.4791147


>> No.4791148
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This post is so British is shits the queen.

>> No.4791161

Tortilla chips and mild salsa
Pizza, with banana peppers, salami and extra cheese
Fishsticks that I let in the oven too long with ketchup
And when I'm not at home I visit McDonalds, Order Cheeseburgers and put sweet&sour sauce and Mayonaise on them.
It was like heaven everytime, haven't smoked weed for over a year now though

>> No.4791234

Usually leftovers from whatever I made the night before. Hits the spot.

>> No.4791252

my negro

>> No.4791255

School glue.

>> No.4791256

>mild salsa

what are you a homo or something?

>> No.4791263
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>> No.4791269

canned peach

>> No.4791275

I love you

>> No.4791536

I try not to eat after smoking because I just can't stop. Plantain chips are pretty good, but I usually eat before I smoke.

>smoke while outside
>do cardio
>come back home and eat
>smoke again
>watch bullshit on my computer

>> No.4791542

Oh also, try to fight the urge to eat nasty ass crazy nonsense. For instance, cold fruit is really enjoyable when you're baked.

>> No.4791557
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>> No.4791579

no, just prefered that premade mild salsa with the green cap when high
A good salsa needs spice
I think the reason why I needed mild stuff when high was that this tickling in my mouth made me freak out

>> No.4791598

Trashiest cheap shit. Like dollar general brand purple flavored 2liter and frozen chimichangas. And those shitty Dutch cookies that are like 2$ for a 20 pack

>> No.4791607
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>smoking weed

>> No.4791610
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>eating food

>> No.4791612
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Better Maid zesty party mix is better than anything Chex Mix has, hands down.

>> No.4791617

Stop right there criminal scum. I'm print screened this thread, and have sent it to the FBI. They should be at your door in 10 minutes.

>> No.4791646

i smoke around dinner time and eat whatever my personal che- i mean boyfriend has planned

>> No.4791652

Biscuits, pizza or frying loads of meat and shit together.

>> No.4791670

i actually smoke to make sure i eat, because of ED bullshit from my teens that hasnt left

so, uh
my entire diet

chopped veggies, pitta, salad and a tzatziki or houmous is a good spread that will keep you nibbling for a while but without the proper junk food feel to it

im also mad into muesli when i'm stoned, especially really weird varieties with pistachio and lots of dried fruit

every kind of food is made better by being high, so do try to branch out from chip'n'dip

>> No.4791673

>smoking the jewish plant

>> No.4791681

capsaicin fucks you much, MUCH harder when you're stoned.

>> No.4791714

Fruit smoothies are the shit when high.

>> No.4791719

I'm not 14 so I don't get stoned.

>> No.4791730

>I did weed
>doing marijuana

>> No.4791732

Pretty much this.

>> No.4791734

Tell that to Snoop Dogg

>> No.4791737

ur mom

>> No.4791740

>I did weed during my depression years.

Them damn stonemen, I tell ya

>> No.4791742

Apparently he recently got the munchies for a chocolate pretzel and matzo ball soup.

>> No.4791747

I don't partake in anything anymore, even caffeine but when I smoked I'll be damned if it didn't make ice cream taste orgasmically good.

>> No.4791755
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Anything and everything. I need to quit smoking for the rest of they year if I ever hope to lose weight. I get an insatiable appetite when I'm coming down that is both disheartening and gluttonous.

Yesterday at 11:30pm I bought and ate:
1 XL Mr. Goodbar
Half a quart of skim milk
6 mini doughnuts
Two small hamburger patties I cooked earlier on a bun wtih ketchup and ranch dressing.

Slice open my belly and feed the poor.

>> No.4791758

>smoking weed
hows puberty treating you, m8?

>> No.4791771

Lender's bagels with cream cheese (philadelphia brand), maple syrup and kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper. and some sun-dried tomato wheat thins and an ice cold can of diet coke. yes!

>> No.4791775

Tell that to Snoop Dogg

>> No.4791807

Snoop is a professional snitch. Not that I have anything against doing the right thing, but he stays out of prison despite repeated arrests by whoring himself out to the feds.

Then he goes out and does it again.

>> No.4791813

inb4 Tupac comes out of hiding and kills Snoop Dogg

>> No.4791815

Fruit, usually lots of frozen grapes.

>> No.4791854


It's only the right thing when you have nothing to gain from it. If you sell people out to duck prison or arrests, then its not really the right thing.

>> No.4792307

for a while i kept a bunch of gingerbread dough in the fridge from TAFE (i work as a baker) and every time me and my girlfriend smoked i would put on gingerbead with slices of apple and brown sugar on top sprinkled with cinnamon

mostly fresh fruit tho

>> No.4792365

I have only had one super munchies overeating incident and I am compelled to share it. Aside from that I eat my usual shit foods in slightly larger quantities.

>almost a decade ago
>February, almost valentine's day
>have box of chocolates for gf
>get high after a day of multiple exams
>devour entire box in what was most likely a few minutes
>sometime later friends knock on door
>offer a free little caesar's pizza to apologize for prior shit
>take it
>eat it with as little mercy as I had shown to the chocolates
>bought new chocolates for her the next day
>relationship lasts another month or two

>> No.4792374

I'm a big fan of High Hoagies. Super easy to make and very filling and fast. Mac and cheese is also a good option, and I've cooked burgers and breakfast stuffs high before, all great successes.

Basically just cook delicious shit and it tastes even better.

>> No.4794878

Like some anons in here I usually cannot stop eating while partaking. In one situation I was offered some of my friends chicken and I ate a shit ton of it. He clearly didn't give a shit, but I still felt pretty bad.

But I usually like to eat some kind of fast food to fill me with comfort and nostalgia. Mainly Mcnuggets or a shit ton of burritos from taco bell. I've cut down on the T-bell but a few years ago I would usually get...

>2-3 beefy crunch burritos (if they had them)
>3-4 5 layer burritos
>2 1/2 pound cheesy potato burritos
>a chilli cheese burrito
>a large sierra mist or dr pepper

I was an athlete so I still wouldn't gain a pound. to bad it doesn't last forever

>> No.4794894

I make sammiches with waffles for bread

>> No.4794904

White pizza with extra garlic
French onion soup

>> No.4794943
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>> No.4794948

The fuck is she doing?

>> No.4795846

Oh no! The Cyber Police!? Consequences will never be the same!

On the topic though... Is it weird to enjoy eating plain bread and rice when stoned?

>> No.4795868

If I am high I rarely eat unless offerered food, usually by my dealer who cons me into hanging out and eating frozen pizza while I smoke off him. If I smoke at home its usually before bed and I just watch music and movies and chill. If its before going out I drink. I feel like munchies doesnt effect me right. Also I lose weight when I smoke regular for some reason.