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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 102 KB, 640x480, 2013-09-10 17.23.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4789681 No.4789681 [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking tonight, /ck/?

Pic related for me.

Also, booze general.

>> No.4789695

>0:00 on microwave
OP confirmed for pleb-tier

>> No.4789698

>drinking pepsi
>mixing pepsi with anything
absolutely disgusting

>> No.4789706

Throwback Pepsi number one. I can't mix with regular Coke anymore. It's flavorless and awful

>> No.4789718

> has clearly never had Pepsi and rum
It's basically Pepsi Holiday Spice, but with alcohol. Awesome autumnal beverage.

>> No.4789720

Capitan Morgan and Coke

>> No.4789726


I thought it was suppose to be coke you mix with alcohol? Pepsi is really carbonated and bubbly. Makes sense to me, Coke has a flat pleb taste and strong alcohol has a .. strong taste.

>> No.4789736

get coke zero man

also, for spiced rum try Kraken

>> No.4789742


Yes, coke zero is awesome. Regular coke is the best, but coke zero is a good substitute if you do not want all of the extra calories.

>> No.4789746
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>All these posts about diluting drinks with coke and pepsi

>> No.4789764


I dont like people who are like "Alcohol needs to be pure, lawls."

Most liquors taste like complete shit. Mixing it combines multiple delicious flavors to a wonderful result, like cooking. Most people don't take meat and just tosses it on the grill/pan because seasoning it ruins the taste.

If I wanted to drink something that my taste buds hate then I would just drink my own piss.

>> No.4789773

Why? There are plenty of gross tasting things to drink that are much more sanitary.
And no. liquors don't necessarily taste bad. You just need to find one that you like.
Have you ever actually tried to experience the taste of a good whiskey for instance?
I don't mean pouring it down your gullet with the goal of becoming shit faced but actually tasting it.

>> No.4789784

I don't like people who are like "sugar water is good, lawls".

>> No.4789857

> hard liquor on a Tuesday at 5pm
Wtf alcoholic OP

>> No.4789863

drinking moonshine like usual

I have a 40 and nipper of root beer schnapps in the fridge but I'll save that for tomorrow

>> No.4789870


So many people try to convince me that I just haven't found the right drink and introduced me to so many different drinks. Hated all of them. To me alcohol tastes terrible. Cocktails make alcohol enjoyable.

>> No.4789880

Yeah... ofcourse ALCHOHOL tastes terrible.
It's toxic.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything though. Just suggesting that maybe you haven't tried all the booze in the world.

>> No.4789887

Wine. As usual.

>> No.4790026

gin and tonic bitches

Btw what is that rum in OP pic I haven't seen it before

>> No.4790031

Drinking Flying Monkeys Hoptical Illusion Almost Pale Ale.

Pretty good.

>> No.4790088

I reccomend sprite or sprite like soda with spiced rum, ends up tasting just like cream soda.

I have some coconut limeaid soda I'm going to try with captain morgan tonight during sons of anarchy myself.

>> No.4790103


>> No.4790109
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>> No.4790111

Gonna crack open one of the beers I picked up in a sampler pack the other day here soon, dunno which yet. I grabbed a nice assortment of different ales and porters I haven't had before.

On a side note, Rogue's nut brown ale is bretty gud.

>> No.4790117
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im pleben out today.

no, hmm. no. this is me everyday. i do it for the buzz. drink some box wine now and then too.

>> No.4790143

Stone Imperial Russian Stout.

>> No.4790148

>Pepsi Holiday Spice

Holy fuck I miss that stuff so much. I don't usually drink either Pepsi or rum but now I absolutely have to try this.

>> No.4790154
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>drinking alcohol on a weekday

>> No.4790172

When you drink it doesn't matter.
It's how you drink it, how often you drink it and in what quantities.

>> No.4790175

42 days sober today after starting over

>> No.4790186

Are you a muslim or just a kid?

>> No.4790193

>Btw what is that rum in OP pic I haven't seen it before
Sailor Jerry
it's like Captain Morgan

>> No.4790203


>not drinking every day, several times throughout

>> No.4790211
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watermelon, lime and lemonade slush I made in my blender

>> No.4790214

Are we the same person?
Pepsi and Sailor Jerry are my late night drinking staples.

>> No.4790261

Get a real glass first. Second, get something not overloaded with sugar like your rum. Third, no lime?

Having a beer tonight. Gonna stop at one. It's completely forgettable

>> No.4790272

>overloaded with sugar like your rum
Why so ignorant anon?

>> No.4790315

Last time I had captain Morgan it was quite sweet. Let me do some research.

>> No.4790326

OP here. Where you from, anon? Let's meet up and become close friends.

>> No.4790335

This! it's potent yet hangover free because it is a Miller product! followed by a small homeade sub with chicken, swiss cheese, romain lettuce, cucumbers and sprouts, i am a unique breed....my GOOD beer? IPA's lol

>> No.4790338
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my bad, forgot pic

>> No.4790342


Been meaning to try this. How does it compare to Captain Morgan?

>> No.4790348

Except, the rum in OP's picture is Sailor Jerry's rum, you faggot lord.

Honestly, I thought summer was over.

>> No.4790356

Captain is for fags and underages, Sailor's for men.

>> No.4790361

I like it a lot. Definitely worth a try.

>> No.4790363
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They're both for children.

This is rum for men.

>> No.4790366

I admit myself defeated.

>> No.4790371

Why, because the label looks slick?

lol nice try bro

>> No.4790375

> no lime?
OP here. Just added lime to this concoction. Holy shit -- new favorite drink.

Thanks for the tip, friend!

>> No.4790378


I doff my hat to such humility. Real rum is a man's drink, meant to be enjoyed with a cigar and a novel. It's some burly shit: it tastes like chest hair and goes down half as smooth. But, if you can master its heady musk, you'll find a rich new avenue to explore. Rum has been given a bad name by Bacardi and the pina colada. Most people associate rum with fruity drinks and cola cocktails, but the good stuff is stronger than whiskey and (strangely enough) less sweet.

>> No.4790380

>Navy Strength

>> No.4790383

>not sure if serious

>> No.4790384

pbr.....it was from over the weekend and cheap

>> No.4790386

Something tells me it's not to be.

>> No.4790389

They had to consider weight and volume, so 60% is a good concentration.

>> No.4790391
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Victory Hop Devil
Pic is from last night but it's the same stuff
It's a bit old, little hole-in-the-wall in a tiny town that wouldn't exist if it weren't for my college doesn't move much craft beer, but eh.

>> No.4790392

Rum is mild as fuck, brobi wan kenobi.

>> No.4790395

I can drink it with an ice cube and it's smooth and tasteless compared to most whiskey.

>> No.4790397


Let me know when you guys try some good rum.

>> No.4790398

lol you taste luike shit

>> No.4790401

I think you're right; I'm in Texas.

Well, cheers anyway!

Now go put another shrimp on the barbie before Tony "That's-Not-a-Knife" Abbott eats a dingo's baby.

>> No.4790407

Could you recommend some?
I've only tried the standard spiced rums, Bacardi and Bundaberg.

>> No.4790409
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>Now go put another shrimp on the barbie before Tony "That's-Not-a-Knife" Abbott eats a dingo's baby.

>> No.4790421


Smith and Crook
St. Nicholas Abbey

Pyrat is easy to find and a good gateway to better rum.

>> No.4790420


Not the guy you're quoting, but Mount Gay is solid as fuck and it's relatively inexpensive.

>> No.4790424


Rum snob here, seconding Mount Gay. It's easy to find as well.

>> No.4790485

Looks like there's a place nearby that stocks it, will try.

>> No.4790503

>Traditional Jamaican Rum
Pick one.

>> No.4790514


Jamaica was a British colony for 300 years. Their national anthem is God Save The Queen. Their monarch? QE2.

I pick two. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4790523

Well I guess that means the English in London know how to make good rum.

>> No.4790555

Glenmorangie Nectar D'or in Sauternes Casks

>> No.4792529

Gosling Black Seal, best with ginger beer and lime.

>> No.4792547
File: 163 KB, 720x531, nectar from the gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goodness

>> No.4792931
File: 980 KB, 1416x2128, Ardbeg-photo-shoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ardbeg in any variation is good, but the Alligator really stands out.

Fantastic stuff.