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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4789086 No.4789086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fictional foods and restaurants you want to eat at

>tfw you will never try these Wonka bars

>> No.4789121

Big Kahuna burger

>> No.4789126

you know wonka bars are real right?

>> No.4789132


I think he meant OG Wonka bars, like in the 70s movie. I'm pretty sure they only started making them because of the movie, though I could be wrong.

>> No.4789135

three of those four actually do exist

just for the record, the whole point of making the movie was to sell Wonka products when they first rolled out way back when...

just like the whole reason the transformers cartoon was created was to sell shitty action figures, same with he-man, same with pokemon

>> No.4789168

It was based on a book

>> No.4789213

But it presented an opportunity to create and market a new brand of candy.

>> No.4789216

Any of the feasts from the Redwall series.

My earliest food boner.

>> No.4789231

I don't understand what you're getting at. Do you have a problem with the movie? Because it was a good fucking movie. And Wonka candy didn't amount to shit.

>> No.4789240


He's getting at the fact that this is a fictional food thread, and yet those candy bars are very real. The movie was made entirely to promote those candy bars.

>> No.4789247

I do not. It's actually a favorite movie of mine. I would hope my preference for proper capitalization and punctuation would make it clear that I am not the author of >>4789135. I think he is wrong to say that the movie came into being solely to sell candy, but it would be impossible for Wonka brand candy to exist without the movie.

Pretty much everything eaten there is based on real medieval recipes. If you put in the effort, you could make any of it. I would one day like to open a restaurant with a menu consisting entirely of medieval recipes (adulterated as little as possible, but just enough to have modern appeal), using only Old World ingredients, served in a warm and communal feasting atmosphere. With wine and ale wenches.

>> No.4789249

Ohhhh yeah
Fucking guy made me hungry every time

>> No.4789250


But the movie was made from a book, which was written years before anyone decided to make the candy. Still applies to the thread topic.

>> No.4789257


The movie was made from a book, yes. No one's disputing that. However, the book's rights were procured by Nestle so they could make a film adaptation to sell candy.

>> No.4789259

that buffet thing in spirited away

except for the pig part

>> No.4789265

I agree with your statement.
Also, that movie is one of my favorites as well.

>> No.4789343


I'm aware of that. The candy bar was, at one time, fictional. So I think it applies to a "fictional food" thread.

Oddly enough I never actually saw a Wonka bar until I was probably 13 or so, having seen the movie when I was a small child.

>> No.4789492

A lot of the food described in the Game of Thrones books seems like it would be pretty tasty

lambas bread from Lord of the Rings

Soylent Green

the goop from both Matrix and Robocop.

the fake-chocolate cake from Firefly

>> No.4790737

maybe if he posted wonka it'd make sense. The OG scrumdiddlyumptious is a long thin bar.

Roald Dahl was obsessed with Cadbury's chocolate, he had a ball the size of a large apple made solely from the foil wrappers of cadbury bars layered in his desk drawer. He did taste-testing for cadbury. You want a Wonka bar as Roald Dahl imagines it, you get some cadbury's chocolate

>> No.4790748

the bread that aladin splits with his monkey bro always looked delicious

>> No.4790754

They sell them at supermarkets in New Zealand
I had a block last week.

>> No.4790757

That alien goo vomit stuff that comes out a dispenser in pizza planet.

>> No.4790772
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I've made just about everything from Hidamari Sketch as I saw it.

>> No.4790813
File: 51 KB, 1152x648, Glasses_of_Butterbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterbeer. I know they have it at the park in Orlando now but I haven't been and I'm not sure a real-life imitation of it would taste the way I imagined it did when I read the books. I always thought it would taste syrupy like butterscotch and refreshing like cream soda, with a texture smooth like melted butter and creamy foam. And it would be ice cold, but have a warming effect on your mouth like liquor. I doubt they'd be able to replicate that in reality.

>> No.4790822
File: 1017 KB, 500x271, tumblr_mepvn8dDqB1r6qp0to1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man should we get into all the amazing-looking food in all the Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli movies? Because there is a ton of it.

>> No.4790836

just tastes like butterscotch m8. butterbeer in the books were supposed to have some magic applied at some point in the process so we can never have it.

>> No.4791091

the sad part is, the irl Wonka Bars sucked real bad.

>> No.4791100

i've been there and had it. it's not that bad, really. not worth the 6,95 or whatever it was, though. all in all that park was disappointing

>> No.4791110


I have no idea why, but your post made me laugh so fucking hard

>> No.4791142
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>tfw bacon will never be that thick

>> No.4791151

The fire is played by Billy Crystal.

Who comes up with shit?

>> No.4791156


I actually remember thinking this when I was a kid.

>> No.4791158


Butterbeer was an actual thing in medieval England, it was hot beer with butter, egg yolks and spices in it.

I think the drink in the books was either cold or didn't actually have booze in it, but that's what the traditional version was.

>> No.4791159

Why not? Just slice it thicker.

>> No.4791160


I went but the butterbeer line was retardedly long, so I just went inside the tavern-thing ad got one of their actual beers brewed specifically for the park. It was called Hogshead, I think, and it tasted exactly like Amber Bock, which I consider to be the most average beer of all time.

>> No.4791197
File: 266 KB, 801x460, tomato toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't buy whole tomatoes anymore because if I do, I'll end up making like 6 pieces of tomato toast in the middle of the night and eating them all. It's just tomatoes and mayo on toast, BLT without the BL.

Fucking Sunred.

>> No.4791206


put some fresh ground pepper on that and you'll have my favourite thing to make with tomatoes, apart from just eating them like apples.

>> No.4791207

Way ahead of you. I like mine with a little salt on them as well.

>> No.4791281

But nerds and the candy were baller as fuck.
I remember as a kid Roahl Dahl books were legit my favourite and he had another one besides the Wonka books that had delicious sounding candies.
It had like a team of window cleaning animals i think

>> No.4791311
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>tfw we will never be able to taste the godly deliciousness that is the Krabby Patty.

>> No.4791331 [DELETED] 

In all it's glory


>> No.4791343
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>> No.4791345

Who in their right mind will let their kid do that, take a video of it, and then post it on YouTube to be subjected to the non-existent mercy of the internet????

>> No.4791346


Here you go son.

>> No.4791348

Why'd you delete your previous post?

>> No.4791351

Whoops. That was for you, anon. >>4791346

>> No.4791352

I thought I made a spelling error but then I realised I didn't.

>> No.4791353


Are you a wizard?

How the fuck...

>> No.4791354

and >>4791346 isn't my post.

>> No.4791368

And you just know the fictional Wonka bars taste like the best chocolate you'll ever eat

Just the way they look in the movie and everything. Their texture, the wrapping? I cant put my finger on exactly why, but damn they look good and make me want to eat chocolate. I eat chocolate about 4 times a year if that.

>> No.4791373

also from firefly, that nutrient bar that we think are gold blocks, until that old bitch unwraps one and takes a bite.

i imagine it tastes like those astronaut food sticks and chewable flintstones vitamins

>> No.4791377

you know that comes from a worm's behind...

>> No.4791378


they look big and solid, they have a great aesthetic to them.

>> No.4791383

sausage casings are pig / cow guts. Bird nest soup is literally bird spit.

>> No.4791386


>> No.4791416
File: 11 KB, 253x190, Ribwich_Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never get to eat a Ribwich

>> No.4791493
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This guy has 5 gas burners

>> No.4791497
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2013-09-09-11h53m10s251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every dingy little place from a Korean movie.

>> No.4791647
File: 1.23 MB, 990x740, tumblr_lwdvxpTm9t1qfxf0lo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every morning I wake up disappointed that these aren't in my bowl.

>> No.4791667
File: 39 KB, 682x395, Goodsoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.4791666

The pumpkin, "reekfish" and goat cheese soup of Zelda twilight princess

I have found the recipe online of people who have tried to replicate it, but i've been a pussy and never tried it...

>> No.4791675


>> No.4791680

Fuck yeah

>> No.4791708


Would it be possible to make such a soup taste good? I'm curious since I've never had a fish soup.

>> No.4791731
File: 1.04 MB, 1630x1134, Dragon's Crown Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanillaware food is the Ghibli food of video games

>> No.4791741


fish and goat's cheese might be a difficult one, but yeah sure.

>> No.4791749

Yeah, but IRL Wonka bars are shitty overpriced Nestle chocolate.

>> No.4791751

When I played odin's sphere I got so hungry.

>> No.4791762
File: 83 KB, 600x795, e9aa_soylent_green_crackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4791778

Ive always wanted to eat the imagination food from the dinner scene in Hook.

>> No.4791788

You never know 'till you see it
That there's another soul out of billions of people
Who think the same as you
I don't know why i found it so appealing, probably because everyone seemed to enjoy it so much when in reality it was probably mashed potato with food colouring

>> No.4791806


I've lost my marbles!

Also, I'll third that.

>> No.4791808
File: 25 KB, 500x248, muramasa udon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of that food is real or fantasy-refluffed versions of real food

for real though the cooking minigame in Muramasa gets me hankering

>> No.4792299
File: 930 KB, 3264x1952, 100MEDIA_IMAG0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I have chopsticks just like those

>> No.4792830

All of that food Bilbo has in his house in the movie the Hobbit, makes me want to own a house inorder to load it up with food.

>> No.4792834


>> No.4792911

All the crazy dishes from the Dillon's Rolling Western games. Most would undoubtedly be disgusting and/or poisonous in real life, but they sound so damn good.

>> No.4792986

Good Burger with Ed's sauce and a genetically altered Mondo Burger.

>> No.4792996
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The restaurant at the end of the universe/thread

>> No.4793000
File: 231 KB, 570x472, flying-cauldron-butterscotch-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a brand of butterscotch soda clearly meant to emulate it. I tried it and it was a bit obnoxiously sweet, but worth a try if you're looking for butterbeer.

>> No.4793034

I love you.

>> No.4793041

I bought some of that last fall. Really tastey, actually. Not too bad, but it's sweet. I couldn't drink more than one a day.

>> No.4793047

soylent green is actually produced, but not people of course

>> No.4793048


>> No.4793051

go lurk here:

>> No.4793057


>> No.4793084
File: 737 KB, 902x611, 20120612174046!Mammoth_Cheese_Bowl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone ever wanna down a whole bowl of mammoth cheese while playing Skyrim?

>> No.4793089
File: 167 KB, 444x222, TESV_Boiled_Creme_Treat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, what's the closest real-world equivalent of a boiled creme treat?

>> No.4793102

>Playing skyrim
Fucking casual, I bet you like Portal too

>> No.4793104

Looks like a donut with dulce de leche.

>> No.4793124

My god, man.

You are on every damn thread on /ck/ currently. I know /ck/ is a slow board but how long have you been at this?

It just seems like the threads are OP and... You. Doing your thing.

>> No.4793138
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>> No.4793141

>Not throwing the train down to dick with the fish feast eaters.

>> No.4793153


>spending 200g on a train that you'll use twice and leave in your bank to collect dust

>> No.4793209

I psychotically read dozens of webcomics, but can't remember which one had CHOCOLATE CHIPOTLE GUMDROPS. I'd love to try one.

>> No.4793217

The Big Bang Burger Bar serves a better meal.

>> No.4793222
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>> No.4793225

"boiled cream" is a literal description of custard.
it's basically a boston cream doughnut.

>> No.4793228

>Tfw shitty electric stove
Can't wait to move

>> No.4793257
File: 56 KB, 164x155, 1375879234602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this kid deserves 5 gas burners?
I don't.

They should belong to me.
All of them.
I will get them.
They are mine.

>> No.4793263
File: 25 KB, 467x276, it_tastes_better_stolen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally always wanted that melon.

>> No.4793266
File: 494 KB, 860x468, SO_TASTY_STOLEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, don't even get me revved...

>> No.4793304

Ash Yam from morrowind

>> No.4793379
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>> No.4793553
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This strange meat look delicious...

>> No.4793702


Got any pictures?

Also, that goddamned chocolate cake from Matilda was almost ruined by the curly haired fucker eating it so sloppily


>> No.4793717


what movie?

>> No.4793746

Senzu Beans, unless they just taste like the Senzu Bean candy, which was chalky as fuck.

>> No.4793749

>My best friend Patrick ... he died

>> No.4793752


But cookie put her blood and sweat into making that cake

>> No.4793867

Maybe anon meant "from every Korean movie"?

>> No.4793986
File: 295 KB, 608x456, Vlcsnap-2009-11-01-07h52m55s143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so lima beans

one of the reasons I loved lima beans as a child

>> No.4793999


my mum used to make me the recipe for that from the roald dahl cookbook. it was designed to sink in the middle so you'd soak the core in this warm thin ganache and it would be gooey and messy as fuck. i went bananas for it.

god that cookbook was the best

>> No.4794006
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>> No.4794023

Sorry, didn't see this. The pic is from Peppermint Candy.

>> No.4794071

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me

>> No.4794076
File: 993 KB, 245x245, tumblr_mhmyftkzdZ1qeeuo4o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much anything from any animated Don Bluth movie. He was the master at making the most mundane things (like grass and cereal) look tasty as fuck.

>> No.4794764

I imagine them tasting more like those crunchy dried peas or edamame.

>> No.4794829
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>> No.4794828
File: 117 KB, 728x1056, cst_toriko_07.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toriko has a ton of this kind of thing. The whole manga pretty much centers on a guy finding a perfect 8 course meal.

>> No.4794831
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>> No.4794833
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>> No.4794834
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>> No.4794836
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This was determined to be his ideal desert for his menu.

>> No.4794849


>> No.4794854

Too bad with the manga right now, Ichiryuu is getting his ass kicked.

>> No.4794857
File: 30 KB, 574x516, Krabby Patty 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a day goes by that I don't want one of these

>> No.4794872

I actually never read past like chapter 20 or so. It seemed like it was getting a bit ridiculous, however i may pick it up again sometime.

>> No.4794890

>I think the drink in the books was either cold or didn't actually have booze in it

I think it was supposed to have a tiny amount, like 1%. No human ever got drunk off of butterbeer, but one of the house-elves did.

>> No.4794897


The Big Kahuna used to be a real place. They had 3 restaurants in Sacramento. Been out of business for years though.

>> No.4794898
File: 2 KB, 256x256, cake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This damn cake in Minecraft.

>> No.4794986

>medieval recipes
Having had those a few times (think SCA) you should bear in mind that while some of those recipes are very nice, others are strange or stuff you won't want to bother with. And the spicing level is much lower than what you're probably used to: spices were *very* expensive back then. The search for how to make them cheaper was one of the major driving forces behind the whole Renaissance. (Also: no potatoes, tomatoes, capsicums or maize unless you're going for an Aztec or Inca meal.)

Possets and syllabubs are pretty close to modern tastes when served as desserts. Nice too.

>> No.4795028


was it before or after the movie?


the cake at the end of portal looks delicious as fuck.

>> No.4795036

godecookery.com has a wide range of recipes from early medieval to late renaissance. The 17th century ones are best because it's unchanged text from recipe books of the period.

>> No.4795076
File: 189 KB, 1396x785, Pepsi_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always wanted to know the taste of Pepsi Perfect. Real cane sugar with vitamins...... hmmmm.

Also, Café 80's

>> No.4795091

Wonka bars are apprently going to start being made again and in England to. Can't wait till they hit the shelves.


>> No.4795112

You can eat the cake at the end of Portal, it's real and it's super good.

>> No.4795116


I'm almost drunk enough to believe you

>> No.4795226
File: 228 KB, 661x376, Yeto's_Soup[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This always looked good. There's a recipe for it too which I really want to try.


>> No.4795236


did you read the thread?

>> No.4795256
File: 25 KB, 474x346, thepot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason, the soup in this stupid fucking video


>> No.4795390


(land before time)

>> No.4795407
File: 25 KB, 357x219, i imagined oreo's o's.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This freakin' cereal.

>> No.4795457
File: 10 KB, 275x184, images-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem with that recipe is that the fish is obviously chinook salmon and not halibut at all.

>> No.4795459
File: 956 KB, 420x315, sailormoonmanju.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna order a dozen of these one day.

>> No.4795643


because the animal they made them from is now extinct!

>> No.4795655

I just get some Gypsy bacon cut extra thick, and cook it on cast iron.

>> No.4795662

The pizza from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles always looked so damn good.

>> No.4795672
File: 130 KB, 960x720, Gypsy bacon cooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.4795692
File: 58 KB, 300x320, dagwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Dagwood sandwich

>> No.4795699


yeah it exists, for some reason they call it "thick-cut bacon" though so I don't blame you for having trouble identifying it

>> No.4795702
File: 50 KB, 449x599, Dagwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4795726

It's just a black forest cake.