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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4788141 No.4788141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

$20 beer + $20 steak + Archer = excellent TV dinner

>> No.4788153

What is with most faggots and drinking beer from goblets and 'beer glasses'?

>> No.4788159

nice sear faggot

also, is that a a pineapple? you are disgusting.

>> No.4788161

You cooked the potatoes more than the steak.

>> No.4788163

$20 steak?

>> No.4788165

/ck/ loves OC

>> No.4788172

looks dry OP.

>> No.4788174

That steak has barely any sear. Looks underdone.

>> No.4788177

>20$ beer
how does it feel getting ripped off?

>> No.4788186

Expensive things doesn't mean better food.

That steak looks pretty disgusting and the sides are pleb tier too

Enjoy your overly expensive mediocre meal

>> No.4788233

$20 is not that much for a steak.

Westvleteren XII does not go that great with beef.

You should've gotten a Three Floyds Zombie Dust or even a hearty stout.

>> No.4788234

Archer is a shit program.

>> No.4788241


pig disgusting, omg wtf OP, how could you even get so owned?

>> No.4788245

2 starches on the plate.

>> No.4788263

the 90's called etc

>> No.4788290

dang, for 20 bucks you could get like 1-2 pounds of sirloin over here

>> No.4788303

>drinking an expensive beer with a cheap steak

>> No.4788320

somebody's a pretentious fuck

>> No.4788321
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actually i quite like how it looks

>> No.4788325

>$20 steak

>$20 beer


all signs of utter douchebagerry

>> No.4788340

>$20 steak

That is severely undercooked. I surprised there's any flavor to it at all except for the occasional tape worm cyst.

>> No.4788349

That steak looks wrong, both inside and outside.

>> No.4788357


>> No.4788373

Archer sucks. Frisky Dingo was better.

>> No.4788375

Cartoons are shit. Stop being a manchild and grow up..

>> No.4788376

Nice but what the fuck does this have to do with video games?

>> No.4788381

What a shit tier steak, look at all that fat and gristle. And you can't cook for shit, I'd literally refuse to eat this shit if someone dared to serve it to me at a dinner party, what the fuck like?

And that beer looks like shit too, $20 and they can't even afford a proper label? Just brew your own you fucking hipster faggot.

>> No.4788386

This fucking thread. This entire thread.

you damn well know that isn't true. Frisky dingo was cancelled and the xtacles spin off never made it past 2 episodes for a reason.

>> No.4788399

I can smell your elitism from here

>> No.4788401

>I'd literally refuse to eat this shit if someone dared to serve it to me at a dinner party

What a contrived ass you are. I bet no one ever invites you to dinner parties anyway.

>> No.4788429

>thinking people still have dinner parties

It is all dubstep twerk parties now. The only foods are lite beer, wine coolers, and candy flavored condoms.

>> No.4788468


You must still be pretty young. When you get a little bit older those kind of parties don't appeal to you much. It's nice to get together with friends for food and drinks without getting too crazy or having teens and barely 21 year olds drinking heavily and "twerking."

>> No.4788485

I'm nearly 40.

Maybe your life is slowing down a bit too early?

>> No.4788500


I'm nearing 30, I just don't go to those parties as I prefer to be around a different group of people man. Those parties can be fun to go to, but those aren't the kind of parties I or my friends typically throw.

How the fuck are you still partying like that at 40?

>> No.4788502

>20$ Steak
>tendon inside
where I come from that's reason enough to pick a fight with the butcher who is responsible for this shit

>> No.4788499


both of you sound like you have terrible lives

thread hidden

>> No.4788503


Also, not trying to be rude, but damn. I hope I can still hang with the young bloods 10 years from now.

>> No.4788505


He obviously went to an over priced grocery store, grabbed an over priced pre-packed steak based solely on size and sticker price.

>> No.4788511

>implying yours is any better

My life isn't so bad. I have nice things, I don't want to throw ragers and have my house and my shit get destroyed by drunk assholes. That is what going out is for.

>> No.4788522

/ck/ - Shitty steaks and OP's midlife crisis

>> No.4788531

I lol'd at the shitty knick-knacks OP

>> No.4788534


>> No.4788537

>How the fuck are you still partying like that at 40?

I think the big secret is that I don't drink alcohol.

I'm highly sure OP is in his 20s, based solely on the Archer reference.

>> No.4788538

>My life isn't so bad. I have nice things

>> No.4788542

I lol'd

Also, nice book "collection" OP. I like how you put them out as trophies for visitors to know that you have actually read books before.

>> No.4788548

Nothing like a nice steamed steak, OP

>> No.4788560


I never said nice things make my life better, don't twist my word. Take notice to the punctuation.

>> No.4788565


That makes sense, haha. Do you not drink at all, or just at parties?

These days I just prefer quality over quantity when it comes to alcohol. I'll spend more on beer, liquor and wine and just not drink as much. It's much more enjoyable for me these days.

>> No.4788570

>deriding someone for having books
yeah, the world needs more of that

>> No.4788573


You are chastising someone for reading, do you realize how fucking stupid you sound? Believe it or not, some of us were raised on books and remain literate to this day.

>> No.4788584

No guns

>> No.4788587


this ain't /k/, buddy

>> No.4788590

I'm laughing at his/your pathetic book collection and how it is in his "entertainment center" for all to see.

I have 6 bookshelves full of books and journals and have to buy another one of these days.

>> No.4788593

for "readers" you sure have limited comprehension. He isn't dissing OP for reading, he is dissing him for being a faggot. From the OP pic I would assume he has a fixie, and such shit. Shittily cooked steak, terrible sides, some weird fuckin beer. The only good thing is Archer, and even that has already gone off the rails, I hope he is watchinf a repeat

>> No.4788598

>I hope he is watchinf a repeat

Yup, has to be. Last season has already ended.

>> No.4788599

6 shelves of books, and not one friend to share them with.

>> No.4788603


Who fucking cares where he leaves his books? Maybe he doesn't have any place else to put them. Perhaps his other book shelves are full. Who the fuck cares about the books when we can rip on OP for cooking and over priced shitty meal.

>> No.4788609

I trade books back and forth with only a couple friends that are big readers. I am always discussing papers with co-workers and friends in my field though.

Currently working on 3 manuscripts, each one a collaboration with different people, and had one accepted last Thursday.

>> No.4788636

>trying this hard to impress anonymous retards
u sad, bro

>> No.4788648

No, just replying to his statement that I have no friends an the previous anon's post that I do not read.

>> No.4788667


What do you write about?

>> No.4788678


>> No.4788683

>trying so damn hard to come off as an intellectual
>writes/reads manga

Oh dear god, please leave.

>> No.4788687

>I have six shelves of japanese comics


>> No.4788692
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what the fuck is that measly shit? OP you need to learn how to cook real food.

>> No.4788702


hahahaha, biggest internet fail I have seen all morning. Dude is a judgmental try hard.

>> No.4788734


You forgot to call him a weeaboo, now that would've been an epic burn

>> No.4788751


Great beer, OP. Though, if you're looking for a similar quality with a more managable price, try the Sint Bernardus beer selection.

>> No.4788755

I'll taste test a glass of wine or mead I've made, but that's maybe once every 3-4 months max. I don't drink otherwise. It isn't fun to feel like my senses are depressed even at buzz-level.

>> No.4788775

>It isn't fun to feel like my senses are depressed even at buzz-level.

Hey, no judgement for me. I decided to do a detox month not too long ago. No alcohol, no caffeine, no smoking. I actually enjoyed myself at parties without any of that. It was pretty nice, to be honest. It didn't hurt that I woke up feeling great and didn't have to worry about hangovers.

>> No.4788824

>woke up feeling great and didn't have to worry about hangovers.

you don't have to quit drinking to avoid hangovers, you simply need to stay properly hydrated while you're boozing.

>> No.4788832


True, but that's not always the case when you get older.

>> No.4788843

that steak is still alive OP

>> No.4788847


Nope, it was clearly boiled to death and had the juices drained along with any remaining flavor.

>> No.4788848


Good but insanely overpriced

>> No.4788860

i generally drink at least 3 litres of water a day and about a bottle of wine.

i have hangovers only when i have had more than 2 litres of wine an evening. which doesn´t happen THAT often.

>> No.4789248


You are a liar.

>> No.4789260

I have a library of about 10,000 books (I used to do book sales all the time and collect the ones I liked).

I keep a few books here and there, in similar fashion as the OP. I wouldn't think those were his only books, just because I have 10k books. That's be foolish.

>> No.4789266

and one 12 dollar table from Ikea.

>> No.4789272

Since when is eating raw meat considered cool?

>> No.4789324


No, he may not be. I just failed to state in that post that they were 6 shelves of Japanese comics that he later admitted to. He is nothing but a pompous little weaboo.

>> No.4789326


It's not raw dude, it's boiled. Also, if you have never tried steak tartare, I would highly recommend trying it at least once.

>> No.4789331
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>> No.4789361


Wait what? Where did you even get a cut that expensive? Also the coloring of the meat is too pink even on the outside

I think we all have been trolled

>> No.4789376
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> 2013
> trying to get a good sear with an electric stove
> mfw

Curse you, relative lack of affluence!

>> No.4789384
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Well it's easy to make a tiny stove for a while

>> No.4789407

>no green anything on the plate
>plate is full of depressing colors

0/10 OP

>> No.4789410


Those holes are perfectly spaced.

>> No.4789412

>overlooks apparently boiled steak
>der no vegetables hurrrr durrrr

>> No.4789415

This is bullshit. Gas gives much better control over your heat then electric, but for the purpose of searing your steak the type of pan you're using is much more important than your heat source (assuming your source isn't so shit that you can't even get the pan hot enough).

>> No.4789419

If you're incapable of searing a steak correctly on an electric stove, you're incapable of searing a steak correctly period. Don't blame an appliance for your shortcomings.

>> No.4789425
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It's all in the pan and the temp. Cast iron + 500 degree oven and you can make it work.

>> No.4789433

>i don't understand that there exists shitty regulators

>> No.4789441

Still waiting for that archer to hit you in the neck.

>> No.4789444

I really don't understand what you're trying to say. All electric cooktops are incapable of providing the correct amount of heat to sear a steak because shitty regulators exist?

>> No.4789504


Yeah, the problem is more that I have to use an electric kettle to boil water because the stove can't get the job done.

>> No.4789919

It means that some gas stove's regulators (knob to adjust gas flow) doesn't have a very good range. Some stoves don't go very low while others don't go very high. There's usually a radical difference between stoves and manufacturers.

>> No.4789922 [DELETED] 

I'll post a pic of my chili cheese sausage when its time to sit down watch a movie and eat all the awsome dinner I made.

>> No.4789968

Well you can do the same thing

Look at that messy shit It's not supposed to look like that

>> No.4789973

steak is nice and pink but looks dryer than a nun's pouch m8

>> No.4789974

looks oilier than an italian blokes forehead

>> No.4790039
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I bet that forehead cut is delicious.
If it tasted good and made OP feel good too, than thats great.

>> No.4790076
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True. My roomate always go to this ridiculously and unnecessarily expensive grocery store, buy some big frozen shrimps and filet mignon, put everything on George Foreman Grill and think he is having a great dinner.


>> No.4790141
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Everything on that plate looks cold.

>> No.4790207
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>> No.4790364


I eat fillet mignon cold, well its already been cooked to medium rare, but ill refrigerate it and it in the morning with cold (not ice cold( coffee and a cigg

>> No.4790451 [DELETED] 


>> No.4790455

What is with most faggots and drinking wine from flutes and 'wine glasses'?

>> No.4790481

ignorant fool

>> No.4790491

Wine is different though, drinking form a good glass helps aerate it and contain the aroma.
beer is carbonated, flavoured water, you don't need some fancy glass for it to taste any better.

>> No.4790493

Truth here. Plus adequate sleep. I can get drunk at night, as long as I load up on water and get at least six hours of good sleep I won't have a hangover. Sometimes I do get hangovers though, that is when I'm drinking hard shit straight, not drinking water, and keep drinking hours after I should've gone to bed. And caffeine, having that while I drink makes the next day much worse.

>> No.4790505
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looks delicious OP
love rare cow
dat taste\
bi the way
/ck/ is gay

>> No.4790515

all you've proven is that you have no knowledge of good beer
You're talking about shit like Bud/Miller/Coors/etc., macro shit brewed for the masses to be chugged at frat parties and football games
I'm talking about real beer, which has just as much history and variety as wine, if not more.

>> No.4790621

Beer = carbonated, flavored water.


>> No.4790625

You obviously have no clue what you're talking about. Different aromas from hops are very important for the beer to taste right, and those aromas can depend on many many factors including temperature and aeration.

>> No.4790636


>> No.4790668

>I'm talking about real beer, which has just as much history and variety as wine, if not more.
>masses to be chugged at frat parties and football games

Those go hand-in-hand in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic
Even football, and by that I don't mean the handegg game.

>> No.4790685
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Now find something decent to watch.

>> No.4791753

i know, but i'm a murricunt so i'm addressing the stereotype that all our beer is the same as the shitty swill rednecks and college guys guzzle

>> No.4791904

That looks disgusting! Im so glad Im not you!

>> No.4791910

>$20 beer
>With that shitty table and that shitty bookshelf thing made out of plastic coated particle board instead of actual wood

Americans don't know how to spend money. They just blow it all on instant gratification.

>> No.4791934

Mean the hipster brands of beer?

>> No.4791949
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so is ur mums

>> No.4791951
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>tfw beer costs 1$ in your country

>> No.4791959
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I have a couple friends that went to Denver and they said they got drunk super quick. Why is that?

>> No.4791969
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>hurr durr wine is just fermented grape juice

>> No.4791995

Altitude sickness.

>> No.4792018

Yeah, you know many bars in America still offer things like penny/nickle/dime/quarter pitcher night, right?

>> No.4792029
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>> No.4792036

And how does that change the fact that every Tuesday night, I can go a block from my house and buy enough beer to get alcohol poisoning for a quarter?

>> No.4792087
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>$10.89 USD

>> No.4792095

cook that steak more faggot

>> No.4792112

because it's not true?