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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4787131 No.4787131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason why a cup of starbucks coffee costs $6 and people still fucking line up outside their doors?

Does this shit not bother anybody else?

>> No.4787145

I'll never understand why people devote themselves to Starbucks. I understand the popularity when the chain was new, but now? Fuck that. Their coffee is terrible, overroasted, grimey shite. There's only one decent roast they carry, and it's their blonde roast, and even that is mediocre. The few times when I have to order something from Starbucks (with co-workers, friends who love it, or office orders) I get an unsweetened green tea latte. Or a blonde roast, BLACK. Those are the only acceptable things. Most of their drinks are basically desserts, anyway.

>> No.4787143

Why would other people spending their money bother me in any way?

Grow up kid. Don't you have homework to do?

>> No.4787175

Their largest iced coffee is 3 bucks. They have consistent quality. I enjoy getting a decent iced coffee every time.

>> No.4787179

>They have consistent poor quality. I enjoy getting a shitty iced coffee every time.


>> No.4787197

The last time I got an iced coffee from Starbucks it tasted like a cup full of burnt coffee grounds. I've literally had better iced coffee from gas stations and mcdonalds.

>> No.4787203

>stop liking what I don't like

The coffee is fine and caters to people who like their coffee that way. Whether most of their drinks should be labeled as desserts does not matter; they taste really good and there aren't too many places where you can get a quality dessert drink like that in the U.S.

What I don't understand are the people who go their religiously and pay so much money for those drinks. Many people spend almost $10 on what is basically a coffee milk shake with 1500 calories every single day. They are good treats, but many seem to be addicted or something.

>> No.4787205

I know that I used the wrong "there." l

>> No.4787213

>people enjoy high calorie sugar drinks
>how can this be?!!?

>> No.4787214


What's it like being in high school?

>> No.4787219

I respect your taste in music, anon. Stay noided.

>> No.4787225

>Never been to Starbucks
>Don't even like coffee
Is it actually good?

>> No.4787255

the regular coffee is shit but their frappachinos or whatever they're called are good

>> No.4787259

Fatty with child tastebuds detarctered

>> No.4787269

I only like their frozen coffee with that cream on top and I had it twice . Last time I had it was a year and a half ago.

>> No.4787780

Coffe + milk + syrup + cups + lids + espresso machine + employees + building + taking into account waste and supply and demand = $5 cup of coffee

>> No.4787790

Starbucks coffee tastes like burnt.

>> No.4787795

I love the way starbuck bathrooms always smell like coffee piss.

>> No.4787801
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>coffee piss

I could have lived my whole life and never known about this...

>> No.4787831
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I think their stuff is okay but not worth $5. If I have to get a drink from SB, I'd get the green tea, since every single coffee drink I buy in any popular chain seems to give me diarrhea.

McDonald's sweet tea also.

>> No.4788124

starbucks is a massive scammy load of feces.

>go to starbucks
>go home
>make my own coffee
>*****ing StarBuckstop!

>> No.4788155

Worse than asparagus or weed piss.

>> No.4788157

starbucks isn't really a thing here in austria.
but we do have 2-3 in vienna.
of course I never go there, because I want coffee not a 1,5kcal bomb, and as you said OP, the fucking price.
what I don't get is the fucking fascination some, mostly younger, people have with it here.

>meet a girl
>she's "a bit" younger than I am (ok, it was 10 years, fuck you)
>fuck it, I'm pretty desperate at that point
>date for a while
>her and her friends' standard meeting place is the fucking starbucks
>everytime we meet up in the city, she wants to go to starbucks
>going to the cinema? let's go to the starbucks first
>let's have breakfast somewhere else? fucking starbucks for coffee
>what should we do this weekend? maybe go for a hike? pick-nick in the park? NOPE, STARBUCKS FOR 3 HOURS
>hey how about we look for an authentic old Viennese coffee house, vienna melange and all that? WHERE'S MY VANILLA SHOT FRAPPUCINO.

sorry for the rant /ck/
it still jimmies my rustles

>> No.4788162

Young idiots are turning American.

>> No.4788175

Where I'm from it's either Starbucks or Tim Hortons (sometimes an occasional second cup) and honestly, between all three, Starbucks is god tier while Tim hortons is backwater shit tier swill.

Also, If you drink your coffee with lukewarm milk and sugar you no longer have an opinion on what tastes better (Even shit coffee tastes good with cream and sugar)

>> No.4788208

>1.5 kcal
You're retarded aren't you
Did you mean 1.5 mkal or what

>> No.4788210


>> No.4788244

I feel your pain
many chicks I know have even created/joined facebook groups called "WE WANT A STARBUCKS IN <middlesizedcity>".
And I'm talking girls well into their 20s.

>> No.4788257
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A cup of starbucks coffee costs 1.20 and you can get free refills.

But thanks for trying.

>> No.4788271

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.4788283

I meant 1500 kcal
or 1,5k kcal or, of course, 1,5mcal.
sorry for that typo

>> No.4788294

Are these lyrics from the two guys in the pic or from something else?

>> No.4788301

I think a lot of the hate is just people being contrarian, which is par for the course on 4chan. Though, if you know how to make good coffee at home (which most people don't), then Starbuck's seems like a waste.

I used to work nights on a University campus and was good friends with most of the Starbuck's employees. The (free) coffee they made me was always good. I see people complain on here that SB coffee is "burnt" or overly bitter, but I think it's just a result of the coffee being overbrewed because someone left it going too long during a rush of customers or whatever. The coffee I always got was breddy gud because I was around during slow periods.

>> No.4788323

I'm 99% sure they don't cost that much.

>> No.4788365

That's what you get for fucking kids.

>> No.4788390

You're paying for somewhere to sit down. It's a cafe. It's nice in Starbucks. Sure I'd rather go to a cozy indie cafe but I live in fucking Birmingham

>> No.4788419

I think it's stupid
the coffee isn't even that good
also it's driven up the prices in other, normal coffee shops
also it's corrupting the palates of my countrymen with sugary syrups

>> No.4788489

>a lot of the hate
Definitely. I don't hate SB, but nor am I a fan. I find it rather gross, actually. I don't know about regular American coffee (as I generally drink espresso only), but their espresso is truly repulsive.
It's like French people: thin, bitter and weak.

>> No.4788494
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Their coffee is literally as terrible in terms of quality as coffee can get. This is not subjective opinion, this is a fact. They buy the cheapest, shittiest, most vile tasting coffee, roast it until its more coal than coffee and sell it to ignorant masses of fuck-tards. Starbucks and all of their customers is proof that the consumers of the world will by fucking ANYTHING with the right amount of marketing and fat and sugar.

>> No.4788506

I feel especially bad because there's some legit coffee-culture down in Vienna.

>> No.4788574


You needed proof that people will spend money on fatty, sweet things?

>> No.4788614

That's why I still don't get it and why I still seem so upset. Of course if you grow up or live somewhere that just can't make a good coffee, of course, go to Starbucks for all I care.
But fucking Vienna? You can almost go in every little shithole of a coffee house and get a good cup of joe.
All the Turkish immigrants made it even better.

>> No.4788647

Yeah the turks. All that fucking Döner and turkish coffee. I can't even be mad.

>> No.4788651

$2.25, last I checked. Stop buying candy creme bullshit, faggot.

>> No.4788827

I'm sort of surprised this isn't more well known.

Starbucks Coffee has a frankly ridiculous amount of caffeine in it, more so than most brand coffee.


Plain Starbucks Coffee holds nearly two times as much caffeine than the volume equivalent of, say, Dunkin Donuts, Panera, McDonalds, etc.

Caffeine is also an addictive substance.

All of this falls into a neat little marketing fishing trip. The allure of the store itself and the image that it presents brings people in for that first cup of coffee. Sure, the price is ridiculous, but hey, you're treating yourself or something. When you go back to whatever brand it is you drink, not only does it not have that same favorable image, but it also doesn't produce the same chemical kick as the Starbucks coffee did due to the difference in caffeine content.

Starbucks basically sells you a drug that no one else can reasonably fulfill.

>> No.4788863
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average starbucks employee

>> No.4788897

I can get marvelous Cafe au lait from bio fairtrade arabica, bio milk and unrefined sugar for $0.48. Why even bother having coffee in Starbucks?

(I have $40 french press and $35 ceramic manual grinder)

>> No.4789004

None of the hate has to do with their underhanded business practice at all.

>> No.4789023
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It's pumpkin spiced latte time.

>> No.4789024

Has anyone made the Nutella Coffee yet?

>> No.4789025

because its fast
tastes great
and has a drive through
and has a rewards card.

Every day, to and from work. Mmmm Mmm!

>> No.4789036
File: 234 KB, 475x536, laham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like a cock tease typing this up without the original article, but anyway.

some years ago, in a really silly University class, i had to read a big industry report from a global coffee industry conference in maybe 1990. This conference of course included every part of the coffee world. growers, brokers, commercial and retail brands, analysts, ect. The conclusion they came to was more or less unanimous. Coffee was headed for a cliff. some of they actually were projecting drops like %80 in total coffee market by 2020ish (or something like that, i dont remember the hard numbers). basically coffee drinkers were older people, and younger people were drinking things other than coffee. never starting up the life long coffee habit that previous generations had. makes sense, you know, with the rise of soft drinks and all.

So anyway, some of their industry people had some suggestions for how to get coffee back on track. really a standard marketing question these days, "how do we appeal to a new younger market"

here are some of their suggestions:
> support development of stylish"coffee bars" and try to replicate NY/Seattle like coffee house culture nationwide

> Use sponsorships in TV and film to show off this cool coffee house culture and to make coffee like sophisticated, rather than just reminding you of grandma

>new focus on "value added" coffee drinks that combine their cheap commodity with more expensive and profitable preparations

>get in bed with colleges to include coffee house service on campuses

>hybrid coffee drinks available for retail purchase at gas stations and the like

There were others, but these stuck in my head because, looking back, they did a hell of a job executing.

not sure why i typed this out, i guess it really just provides some context for the 6$ cup of coffee. It is due to a very well researched and well executed marketing campaign that played out for over 10 years.

Im still looking for the original article.

>> No.4789069

>I'm pretty desperate
learn from your mistakes.

>> No.4789077

it's the same dude (MC Ride)
the lyrics are from a song called hunger games

>> No.4789082

It is.

Starbucks' baristas are all taught to burn the coffee so it tastes the same everywhere.

>> No.4789091

That's insane. It makes me wonder what other mind control-tier marketing techniques are in use.

>> No.4789112

yeah tell me about it.

when i was exposed to this article it was maybe 2004 or 2005, so after this bit of strategic marketing had come to fruition. i am not completely naive about the power of marketing, but the coffee conference was really startling

>> No.4789124

Yeah it's amazing the power that marketing/media have and how blatantly it's manipulated.

There's actually a pretty amazing book on the subject (more about media than marketing but they're somewhat related) called 'trust me, I'm lying'

>> No.4789154

Interesting, well played I guess.. .

>> No.4789157 [DELETED] 


This one has been done to death, find a more creative subject, OP.

>> No.4789166

Is it wrong that all I ever order from Starbucks is the mocha frappacino?

>> No.4789172


I would switch it up a little, maybe add a pump of hazelnut, but, yeah. I can't really see a reason to go to starbucks BESIDES their specialty fraps. Their espresso drinks are pretty lousy.

>> No.4789173 [DELETED] 

Do you usually seek approval from others before you think for yourself? Mom isn't always going to be there to think for you, it's in your best interest to at least develop the simplest of life skills while you still have a roof over your head.

>> No.4789174

i live in vancouver canada. It's either starbucks, or timmies, however since i'm in a chinese community my friends can plant their ass in a bubble tea place for like 4 hours.

Also anyone find it strange how these crappy commercial coffee shops become studying grounds for students?

>> No.4789177


Aww yiss, muh gentleman. Only thing I will bother to go to a Starbucks for.

>> No.4789203

it's not that I don't believe you
but does someone have a source?
sounds interesting

>> No.4789569

> Also anyone find it strange how these crappy commercial coffee shops become studying grounds for students?

wifi + caffeine + comfy places to sit + social activity

strange? no I find it inevitable

>> No.4790100

when does the pumpkin spice come back? Only time I start going back there, and the xmas flavors.

>> No.4790169

I am trying to find it but it is of course pre-internet media so im having some trouble. I was given the document in a copy shop made reader.

I am trying to narrow down groups that could have been involved. ICA, NCA, or the annual National Coffee Drinking Trends study. these are my google crumbs at least. if i find it i will post for all to enjoy

>> No.4790212

Only actual coffee drink I get there is the pumpkin. That shit is really good, tastes like autumn. All their other coffee is pretty bad, their sugary-ass milkshakes or whatever are good but a bit overpriced. I can see why people like it, and I guess the devotion comes from it being cool to be "addicted" to coffee/starbucks.

>> No.4790216

why the h*ck would that bother me?

>> No.4790221

Who fr*cking cares? I mean really. Oh no, someone likes coffee I don't like, wow, bit deal.

You need to get a d*rn life.

>> No.4790223

where is that picture from oh my god

>> No.4790253

I'd much rather see Starbucks be huge than see people drinking garbage like Folger's or even worse, Nescafe.

>> No.4790526



>> No.4790531

Is that an /out/ thing? I didn't know that. What's the story behind it?

>> No.4790591

A cup of Starbucks coffee costs like 1.87 as a Venti or something.

Oh you mean a Venti Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha with Two Shots of Espresso?

Yeah no that's not "a cup of coffee."

>> No.4790599

probably from /mu/ that death grips

>> No.4790602

>Yeah no

Pick one. Yeah, or no.

>> No.4791278

I think he's just saying "get out".

>> No.4791394

lebron jame pet supply
or my name's not lebron jame

koby bryan pet supply sucks

>> No.4791412
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And soon after, glorious Eggnog Latte

>> No.4791440

I go there pretty often because it's legitimately convenient, and not decorated with liberal propaganda or packed with loud students like the two nearest local places.

Still don't understand the cult, though. When I was in college, I'd always see grills who lived on campus with dat cup even though the nearest Starbucks was like five miles across town out by the mall. There were almost a dozen local or on-campus options, and these people would still go out of their way for their green-and-white fashion accessory.

>> No.4793492

>people still fucking line up outside their doors
ppl are stupid.
damm sheeps.