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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4780701 No.4780701 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so my girlfriend wanted to do a meal with sausage, just because we happen to currently have access to a fucking shitton of sausage.

So I chopped up 3 granny smith apples, threw them in a pan with some cashews, cooked for a bit

Then threw in a big pile of chopped up sausage, continued cooking

Added Bean Sprouts, cooked, and then cooked the liquid out

Then mixed in a bunch of maple syrup.

What do you guys think? Suggestions/additions/subtractions?

>> No.4780706

pics OP, lets see your creation

>> No.4780740
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, deliciousfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry it took a while, had camera problems.

>> No.4780753
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That made me physically ill. Get the fuck off /ck/.

>> No.4780754

Looks good. I haven't had bean sprouts before but would definitely try in your dish/10

>> No.4780757

>cooked the liquid out
then what's with all the liquid bro

>> No.4780755
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>> No.4780758
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>> No.4780761
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>> No.4780762
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>> No.4780764

Go back in time and feed this to your grandfather, make sure he doesn't chew. Or you know just stop yourself from adding maple syrup some other way. And while you're at it, learn how the fuck a stir fry works.

>> No.4780765
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>> No.4780771
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>> No.4780770

The liquid was a tiny bit of remaining Apple juice and the syrup. I cooked it with the syrup in for a few minutes. Figured once I pulled it off the heat it would thicken more than it did but.

>> No.4780767
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>> No.4780772
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>> No.4780773
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>> No.4780776
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>> No.4780777
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>> No.4780779
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>> No.4780781
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>> No.4780782
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>> No.4780785
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>> No.4780786
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>> No.4780789
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>> No.4780791

The message I'm getting here is that someone doesn't approve of experimentation

>> No.4780807

There's very little experimentation left to be done, is the problem. The spectrum of edible combinations of food and various cooking methods is small compared to the number of chef-hours invested in testing them for tastiness. Pretty much any mistake made has been made before, so there's very rarely an excuse. It's far better to get up to speed on the present state of cuisine, and learn the generally good methods of improvisation available, than to try and reinvent the wheel by making the same shitty food someone else threw out and never told anyone about.

>> No.4780887

Well I started with maple sausage is good. Apple sausage is good. Apple and maple is common enough. cashews seemed to make sense. The bean sprouts were just something to sort of bulk it up with that wouldn't get in the way. I didn't just throw random shit in a pan. I thought it out first.