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4778717 No.4778717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do black people really not like cheese?

>> No.4778726

Who told you they didn't

>> No.4778724

They said white people love cheese, not black people don't like it.

>> No.4778729

You're fucking retarded, I bet you have to have movies explained to you too.

>> No.4778748

How do you keep cheese away from a black guy?
Hide it under his work boots

>> No.4778779

A lot of Africans love cheese and cream both.

As for "blacks"... let's not even get into a culture that takes pride in being criminals, rapists, and drug abusers.

>> No.4778790

Kraft mac and cheese is like ambrosia to those savages.

>> No.4778795


These posts reek with "I work at McDonalds and have done nothing with my life."

>> No.4778800

jesse jackson, plz go

>> No.4778801

75% of black people are lactose intolerant, so I imagine they don't get along well with cheese.

>> No.4778803

Thank God for the sickle cell

>> No.4778806

I'm black and I fucking love cheese. I also don't understand why people think we hate mayo. Think about pretty much all of the salads we make involve mayo in some way. Personally I think no deli sandwich would be complete without mayo.

>> No.4778809

They'd be fine with very mature hard cheeses, I believe real Parmesan is one which contains almost no lactose.

>> No.4778840

You don't type like a black person, I'd probably like you. Kidding aside I have noticed that more black people on average don't care for cheese or mayo, not even close to the majority of them though. I've also met a handful of blacks who were lactose intolerant, and only a couple of whites.

>> No.4778853

i'm black too and my favourite cheeses include beaufort, fourme d'ambert, morbier and pont l'évêque

next question please

>> No.4778857

why are you a nigger?

>> No.4778866

White guy who dated a nubian princess for over 6 years here.

My ex's entire family loved mayonnaise. They ate goddamned fruit with mayonnaise and every sandwich had to have a generous dollop of the stuff on it.
Now, here's the weird part: being European dating an American my ex's family thought I was strange for dipping fried chicken, fried fish and chips/fries into mayonnaise.
"You put it on fried chicken sandwiches and fried fish sandwiches, right? So what's the difference?"
They still thought it bizarre.
Outside of American cheese, American cheddar, "swiss" and cream cheese, they didn't eat anywhere near as great a variety as I did, but my ex and co. all did stuff themselves to the brim with the few cheeses they knew and enjoyed (I want to use a word from my language to describe their vulgar, excessive overindulgence, but it doesn't translate directly). No milk, though. Ever.
Just enough to wet a bowl of cereal, eat the stuff, then pour the remaining milk away.

I've noticed other black Americans have similar eating patterns around mayonnaise and dairy.

>> No.4780266

How did you go about dating a nubian princess?

>> No.4780277

woo her with watermelon and fried chicken. driving a cadillac doesn't hurt either

>> No.4780291

Do white people really think that all other races are single groups who all think and act the same?

>> No.4780341


My ex is a self-hating nigra. To this day still has not a single black friend, American or otherwise and only dates white guys. The closest the cunt got to dating a person of colour was a north Indian in college before we started dating.
My ex is basically the cumdumpster version of Tom DuBois from Boondocks.

Nubian princesses who date only white guys have become something of a fetish of mine, because dat ASS.
Also, my ex's entire family on both sides (and my ex as well) speaks well because, you know, they're edumuhcated and shit. Their favourite pastimes are bitching about uneducated black people and hating BET.

To meet one: I guess... go to an Ivy or little Ivy, where negative stereotype behaviours are far less likely to be exibited by those students who are black.

>> No.4780348

My ex hates watermelon and Cadillacs and will not eat fried chicken in public nor be seen buying it. This was actually a point of contention for us. Fried chicken is good and it's a pity that some people allow their own discomfort with their race, ethnicity of skin colour dictate what they will or will not eat.

>> No.4780356

>Do white people really think that all other races are single groups who all think and act the same?

Can dumbasses not realize when people mean generally and not as an absolute?

Go find a black person who likes to swim and doesn't consume chicken, watermelon, and grape soda more than you. In other words get the fuck off this board because you'll never make it back.

>> No.4780359

You've never been more than acquaintances, if that with a black person.

>> No.4780365

>black person
That's my second favourite oxymoron. I think jumbo shrimp is a better one.

>> No.4780451
File: 241 KB, 863x718, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please go...

>> No.4780462


I'm laughing so hard that I'm in fucking pain

I'm black

>> No.4780518
File: 516 KB, 900x1200, KidInABucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You dont have to be black to think that shit is delicious

>> No.4780599

Wonder if that's a "buy-your-own-black-baby bucket" that white celebrities like. All you need to start assuaging white guilt!

>> No.4780734

That could have been obama's son :(

>> No.4782486

what's the difference between a wheel of swiss cheese and trayvon martin? Swiss cheese has less holes in it.

>> No.4782493

>you are now aware that blacks can be hydroponically grown in buckets

>> No.4782509

The joke is that affluent people (white in this case) treat cheese like they treat wine. Chapelle made the same joke. "This is some good ass cheese, why didn't you tell me the cheese was so good?" :punches the guy:
I know this is shit posting, but still.

>> No.4782517


>> No.4784259

I'm white and i don't like mayo, so you tell me

>> No.4784288

trayvon was only shot once

>> No.4784365
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>> No.4784401

Water melon is probably my favorite fruit to eat straight.

Just cut that bit in half, gimme a spoon, and I'll use the rind as a cocktail bowl.

>> No.4784419

I worked in a deli in a "culturally enriched" neighborhood. Black people will buy american cheese, but only yellow american, never ever white. I worked there for 2 years and it never happened even once.

>> No.4784481


introduce yourself

that's it

black women are the biggest whores on the planet

>> No.4784510

How do you hide cheese from a feminist?
Put it under the soap.

>> No.4784531

>black women are the biggest whores on the planet
Says the virgin.

>> No.4784533

sir topem lel

go hang out with some blacks you racist prick

>> No.4784640

You're an african immigrant living in France ?

>> No.4785170

I'm not black and watermelon and fried chicken are some of my favorite foods. "Soul food" is delicious and goes to show how little taste white slaveowners had. Infact, going to start a soul food thread now...

>> No.4785179

of course they do especially government cheese

>> No.4785182

Lots of Africans in France. Did you not know this?

>> No.4785265

I'm black and I love the shit out of cheese.

When I was a kid I used to eat slices of cheese by themselves all the time. Cheddar cheese on crackers is one of the best snacks ever.

>> No.4785268

At the elite level black people tend to be better runners
At the elite level white people are better swimmers

Only two true facts about race in this thread.

>> No.4785273

>Cheddar cheese on crackers is one of the best snacks ever.
I'm drinking beer right now and wish I had some fucking crackers. hnnnng