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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4777625 No.4777625[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you control your drinking /ck/?

>> No.4777632

Running out of booze.

>> No.4777630

I just stopped doing it. In the end, it was the hangovers that convinced me.

>> No.4777635 [DELETED] 
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I don't.

>> No.4777636

my stomach hurts far too much before i can even get a good buzz going. Why would anyone drink more than say 2 glasses of wine i dont know

>> No.4777640

I've never drunk alcohol beyond an unappreciated sip of wine.

I have in my fridge a bottle of cider.

What do

>> No.4777648

> cider
don't bother. Also, don't get drunk alone.

>> No.4777650

I don't, I drink way too much. I'm actually gonna quit drinking beer for a while. I think I gained like 10 pounds just by going out twice a week..

>> No.4777652

There is no conceivable instance that would involve me getting drunk with company

>> No.4777654


>> No.4777655

I never have more than one of anything, except glasses of wine, and I no longer go to college parties.
What kind of cider? Woodchuck or something? You'll probably like it. It's like apple juice with a bit of bitterness and carbonation.

>> No.4777657

Don't drink alone. That's all there is to it.

>> No.4777660
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It's funny because i only really started drinking too much (at lunch, at restaurants, buying in bulk, 6 pack a day) when my relationship became shit. We both continued to drink our unhappyness away i guess. I quit smoking in january this year, and sure as shit, got worse.

>> No.4777662

what do you usurp boredom?

>> No.4777666
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I use this epic life hack.

>> No.4777668
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I know that feel bro.

I would suggest pot when you're home alone (it saves on money and calories, and at least for me makes me more productive around the house cleaning shit), and keep yourself limited while out with others to how much they are drinking.

>> No.4777677

I remember that every beer is 300 calories, every shot is 80, and that I want visible abs.

So I just don't drink.

>> No.4777681

God damn you are a fucking fag. Trying to give sceak a run for his money, sally?

>> No.4777682

Yeah, self control and discipline sure is gay anon. I should just indulge and be a flabby wreck like everybody else.

>> No.4777689

nah, you're fabulous just the way you are

>> No.4777688

Social drinking in moderation is not incompatible with being fit, guy.

>> No.4777692

It is when you're still trying to drop weight. Once I reach my goal, sure, I'll drink every once in a while. But until then it's off limits.

>> No.4777694

>I remember that every beer is 300 calories

If you're drinking a 24-ounce beer, maybe.

Most 12-oz beers range from 90's to 150's depending on the brew.

>> No.4777699


>> No.4777740

wut is this magic?

>> No.4777759

I stop when I run out of money.

>> No.4777777

Sevens control my drinking

>> No.4777785

don't be upset

>> No.4777783
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>> No.4777779

then you will never drink again apparently

>> No.4777780

Fuck you, I had my post typed out for the past 15 minutes ready to get 7777777, fuck you.

>> No.4777791


>> No.4777793
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You son of a bitch.

>> No.4777794

alright just making sure

>> No.4777796
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>> No.4777797

>It is when you're still trying to drop weight

No it isn't. That would just require to to work out longer and harder if you do want to indulge.

>> No.4777802
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Do a shot for every 7.

>> No.4777809

FUCK YOU I HAD 4777778

>> No.4777834

I'm kind of the same as dude. I just don't indulge because it is a hell of a lot easier than doing extra stuff. I actually don't like doing stuff.

>> No.4777836

That's not even worth it. Another 2 hours of exercise just to get mildly buzzed? No thanks.

>> No.4777841


Whether or not it's "worth it" is completely subjective. If you don't think so, that's great. It's your personal choice.

But it is completely possible to still enjoy alcohol while losing weight and getting fit.

>> No.4777851

ITT: arguing tripfag retards and 7's

>> No.4777876
File: 4 KB, 213x160, indeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TT: arguing tripfag retards

ITP he thinks people simply discussing things and having varying viewpoints equates to "arguing" and that calling others retards on an imageboard makes him cool.


>> No.4777887

>tripfags being retarded is an new concept
lurk moar, newfag

>> No.4777893
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>actually has no rebuttal
>resorts to insult without validation

>> No.4777904


>> No.4777908

I can validate that

>> No.4777939

Muh feelings.

>> No.4777971

>Whether or not it's "worth it" is completely subjective.

>> No.4777979

Last time I blacked out I ended up getting 4 staples in my head
the only reason I actually ended up in the hospital is because I was in some residential area so someone saw me on the ground with blood on my face
I have to control it before I accidentally kill myself

>> No.4778020

With poverty.

>> No.4778174


>Implying I have to control it.

>> No.4778176

i dont

>> No.4778181


Only if you're drinking shitty macro brews.

>> No.4778183

As others have said,
>I don't

>> No.4778251


>> No.4778267


>> No.4778272

The main source of calories in beer comes from the alcohol content. It doesn't matter if its micro or macro, unless you're drinking a 13% beer its not going to be 300 calories.

>> No.4778304
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Not liking to drink alone with the combination of being socially retarded worked quite well so far.