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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4777342 No.4777342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of Sriracha (a.k.a. Rooster Sauce)?

>> No.4777345

Just in case this isn't a troll, half the board loves it, the other half thinks it's hipster ketchup. Arguments abound.

>> No.4777350

It's literally not a troll, never been here....

But it kinda is hipster ketchup, I love it but still

chilis > tomatoes

>> No.4777356

all the asian noodle food stands have it around here, it's also where I first tasted it.
gives a nice spicy taste to it.
saw it in an asian market once, and bought it on a whim.

it's not that hipster here, hardly anyone knows it outside of those stands.

would be like calling tabasco hipster

>> No.4777357

Ah, most of our restaurants have it here for some reason(even non-asian ones), but I only recently found it at the store and started using it for anything but saving cheap food

>> No.4777485

>it's not that hipster here, hardly anyone knows it outside of the stands

You realize you just described it in an incredibly hipster way, don't you?

>> No.4777491

Can we stop worrying about if it's hipster or not and just, you know, care about how great it tastes?

>> No.4777496

I picked some up yesterday and I like it.
I didn't think I could get it in Australia, or at least, not in the city. But I found it in the Asian section at Woolworths.

>> No.4777498

The sell it on Amazon real cheap, but I don't know how relevant that is

>> No.4777501

I like it, really simple(chilis, garlic, vinegar, salt), but that's what makes it so great

>> No.4777504

Got a generic version of this.

> delicious on ramen dishes.

>> No.4777507

Reminds me of vomit in both smell, texture and taste.
But that's just me, I can't eat any peppers in a sauce unless they are well disguised.

>> No.4777508

Unless you live in the whitest area, its all over the place

>> No.4777514

I live on the Gold Coast and I have never seen it in any supermarket, I have found different brands of srarrcha though.
I did buy the sauce in OP picture once from an Asian grocer, just out of curiosity forced on me from /ck/. it's OK I guess.

>> No.4777540

Spoiler: Sriracha is an American condiment.

>> No.4777556

no its thai you cunt

>> No.4777567

yes the product in op's picture is american and is unknown in Thailand. go back to fucking sheep, Australia.

>> No.4777604

sriracha sauce is american sauce based off a thai sauce called siracha (notice the single "r"). thai siracha is not as thick and has more of a tart kick. Huy Fong foods is a company based in california that used the idea of siracha to make their own sauce that would appeal more to the american palate since it isn't as hot, is sweeter, and has a smooth texture.

>> No.4777616
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It is good. But I also really like pic related.

>> No.4777628

Yeah I spose Queensland is pretty white.

I live in Melbourne, we have half of vietnam in the west and the Koreans and Thai's in the south east.

I personally prefer the crushed chilli and prawn XO sauce they serve, sriracha is good for mixing to make better sauces
>MFW adding this to my sticky ribs marinade

>> No.4777639
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Started using it last year. Too hot for me to eat strait like ketchup, but great on/in pretty much everything I cook. Making chicken soft tacos later, sure as fuck that is going in.

>> No.4777776


Here's a nice story about Sriracha

>> No.4777786


>> No.4777781

I have barfed way more then I should have in my life...and I have no idea how this reminds you of vomit

Nothing like it

>> No.4777782

>hipster ketchup

doesn't make it any less of God's Sauce. Seriously, it's great on absolutely everything.

>> No.4777799


hehe, my best friend and roommate is from Thailand and he brings this shit back for us along with Thai cigarettes, rum, and whisky every time he goes home. Our house is loaded with the Thai Siracha.

>> No.4777812

We're talking about Huy Fong Sriracha, which is a modified version made to suit our palettes or something(although honestly, I think it's just what the guy who made it liked)

>> No.4777822

>Thailand, where homemade chili pastes are favored, natives do not recognize Mr. Tran’s purée as their own.

>> No.4777829

>“After I came to America, after I came to Los Angeles, I remember seeing Heinz 57 ketchup and thinking: ‘The 1984 Olympics are coming. How about I come up with a Tran 84, something I can sell to everyone?’ ”

>What Mr. Tran developed in Los Angeles in the early 1980s was his own take on a traditional Asian chili sauce. In Sriracha, a town in Chonburi Province, Thailand, where homemade chili pastes are favored, natives do not recognize Mr. Tran’s purée as their own.

>Multicultural appeal was engineered into the product: the ingredient list on the back of the bottle is written in Vietnamese, Chinese, English, French and Spanish. And serving suggestions include pizzas, hot dogs, hamburgers and, for French speakers, pâtés.

>“I know it’s not a Thai sriracha,” Mr. Tran said. “It’s my sriracha.”

That being said, it's delicious

>> No.4777845


His mom came to visit and cooked us all homemade Thai food. Fuck it was good. I'm going back with him next summer to visit and I can't fucking wait to try all of the food and spices I can.

>> No.4777848

It sounds great, but expect much much stronger harsher flavors when he has access to local ingredients

>> No.4777856

>That being said, it's delicious

Exactly! That is the entire point of the stuff. It's just damn good even if it isn't a traditional Thai chili sauce.

>> No.4777860


Absolutely! I'm looking forward to it. There isn't a food I wont try twice.

>> No.4777870

>implying you'll be thinking about food anymore once you reach Thailand

>> No.4777884


I will be! Although the weather, markets, beaches and women will all be a huge plus too.

>> No.4777895

Yea, I know I was just joking about it being the prostitute central of the world.
I'm sure your friend has already warned you but be careful of scam artists that run rampant there. They love to prey on anyone that stands out and seems like they aren't familiar with the area.

>> No.4777896

Everyone I've ever met just calls it 'cock sauce' it's fucking delicious, could be spicier but then none of us white folk would buy it

>> No.4777906

I don't know why anyone would need anything hotter unless they wanted to destroy any chance of you being able to taste your meal.

>> No.4777911

It's mild as fuck? I dont know about anyone else, but spice adds to the flavor IMO

>> No.4777912

Yeah, I have heard about all of the scam artists, pick pockets, and post op traps to be careful of. Still aside from all of that I am looking forward to it. The only expensive part about the trip will be the plane ticket as I have heard everything there is dirt cheap. It also doesn't hurt that their family is loaded and has offered me a place to stay and to take care of my meals while I'm there. But he and I will go out and do some travelling on our own. It should be a good time and at least I'll have a translator who has my back.

>> No.4777916


You are a pussy, it's not that hot.

>> No.4777918

Of course it's not but there's no reason to make it any hotter.

>> No.4777927

Not him but....yer a pussy

>> No.4777928

Yea, I'm sure it'll be a damn good time once you figure out who to avoid.

>> No.4777932

There's absolutely no reason to use a hot sauce hot enough to completely cover up the flavor of your meal other than trying to look cool in a very stupid way.

>> No.4777934


Maybe I'll bring home some Thai sauces and spices and hold some sort of contest on /ck/ for them when I get back if anyone would be interested.

>> No.4777936

>rooster sauce
it's called cock sauce, m8

>> No.4777937


I would agree to an extent. It's fun every now and then. But some of us can tolerate much higher levels of heat while still having a receptive palate to the rest of the food and it's flavors. It's not a knock against you.

>> No.4777941

what >>4777937 said

We're calling you a pussy and all, but in reality we completely understand

>> No.4777943

>people use hot sauce to look cool
What grade are you in?

>> No.4777945

the best shit in the world is this habenero + ghost pepper bbq sauce I get from my local farmers market
that back of the throught burn
it's so sneaky n smooth ^_^

>> No.4777949

Alright, I see.
>implying this shit doesn't happen in college with idiots who try anything to look cool

>> No.4777950

How the heck do they get ghost chilis on the cheap? They grow them? Where do you live?

>> No.4777951

>hot covers up flavor
Nigger I bet you don't even like Thai food

>> No.4777953

Too hot*

>> No.4777955


I always love anything with ghost peppers. There is a guy at work who grows them and brings them in for us. I made some damn spicy chili with them and had a little bit left over for some homemade salsa. I can't wait for him to bring in more to try out some new recipes

>> No.4777956

I'm currently living in Boise for school
I don't know how cheap they grow the peppers for but they're so hot that you don't need to put much of them into a sauce to taste em

>> No.4777963

Try sriracha aioli. Great and sandwiches and everything

>> No.4777964


haha, you have a point there. College kids are fucking idiots and just do it as a challenge to make themselves appear tough with their friends and in front of girls.

The jokes on them when run away from the table with their head on fire.

>> No.4777960

>implying this shit doesn't happen in college with idiots who try anything to look cool
Some kids smoke cigarettes to be cool, I guess that means everyone who smokes is doing likewise.

>> No.4777961

Do it. It'll add something a bit different to /ck/ other than fast food threads.

>> No.4777962

too hot just means you're a bitch

>> No.4777967

I mean...I guess they'd be cheap if they grew them themselves, but they don't grow easy

>> No.4777972


It's a deal then!

>> No.4777973


nom nom nom nom

>> No.4777980
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I like this one better.

>> No.4777988

absolutely nothing wrong with this condiment

although one of my old housemates kept a heavy stock of this stuff but then did clueless shit like stir fry veggies in five spice (ughhhh)

>> No.4777987

Will give that a try

>> No.4777990


>> No.4777991
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Boise dweller here
this is the shit I'm talking about
that extra hot can go with fucking anything

>> No.4778002

My first memories of sri racha were eating Vietnamese food with my father 15-20 years ago. I always remembered the bottle on every table.

People got butthurt about it because some people get butthurt about any newly popular thing.

>> No.4778007

Looks like I found that exact college student

>> No.4778009

I put that stuff and some chives and chicken in my ramen, absolutely delicious

>> No.4778016

No, it sounds like you are a shut-in that uses Hollywood movies, 4chan, and the internet as his primary sources of socialization.

>> No.4778018


>> No.4778053

Lol That projection is amazing.

>> No.4778057

Ah, the first year undergrad equivalent of "I know you are but what am I".

>> No.4778064

Speaking the truth is all of a sudden a kiddy insult now?
I guess my projection assumption is proving to be right.

>> No.4778067


>> No.4778069

"I know you are but what am I" isn't an insult, it is a poor attempt to divert an observation back to the observer.

If you want to be truthful, my primary sources of socialization are my girlfriend, my co-workers, and my friends, in that order.

>> No.4778086
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Mastersauce reporting in.

>> No.4778089

Sriracha isn't exactly just hot sauce

>> No.4778099

As much as I love Cholula, especially in Micheladas. It doesn't come close to Sriracha. Cholula has a more limited use of application. You can put Sriracha on just about any god damn thing you can think of.

>> No.4778100

>Sriracha is a type of hot sauce, named after the coastal city of Si Racha.

>> No.4778103

Okay? That doesn't mean I'm gonna use Choulula/Tobasco/whatever in the same places I'd use Sriracha, you're on a cooking board, I assume you have basic cooking skills and the sense to use things correctly despite wikipedia's objections?

>> No.4778106

Well if that guy who edited the Wikipedia page says so...

>> No.4778107

I've started to use both sauces interchangeably and I have had pretty good results. I'd argue you can put both on everything.

>> No.4778108
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>Sriracha isn't exactly just hot sauce
>Ok it is but you're wrong

>> No.4778112

What the fuck, I would NOT use Siracha the same way I would use most hot sauces, this has not changed

Again, I assume you have basic cooking skills

>> No.4778111


Eh, I guess you could. I think more thought and planning would have to go into the Cholula, though. Sriracha can be used in a well thought out recipe but can also just be added to almost everything and still be good.

I love putting Sriracha on burgers. If I was to do that with Cholula I would probably start out with putting it directly in the ground beef before cooking.

>> No.4778114

Yeah I've noticed that it does better in things. I've put Cholula in beaten eggs before I've made an omelette and it came out better than just dumping it on top. It sort of changes the flavor just subtly. I have noticed the same thing with Sraracha too.

>> No.4778122

>I've put Cholula in beaten eggs before I've made an omelette

Fuck! How have I not thought of this? Thank you anon, I'm gonna try that tomorrow with breakfast. I got some organic free range eggs and some organic free range ham steaks to cook up tomorrow morning. Shit is going to be bangin'.

>> No.4778125

Beware: it makes them look red as fuck.

>> No.4778145


Hahaha, thanks for the heads up. That may actually be kind of cool, although it could freak others out.

>> No.4778353

I put that shit on everything

>> No.4778445
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>My first memories of sri racha were eating Vietnamese food with my father 15-20 years ago. I always remembered the bottle on every table.
>People got butthurt about it because some people get butthurt about any newly popular thing.

Sometimes the butthurt is because you've seen the same thing or been using the same thing for 20 years, and the people who it's newly popular with think they're hip because they discovered it or were were the cutting edge of trendsetting. When you live long enough to see 20 year cycles of shit like this, (skinny jeans / bellbottoms/ skinny jeans / bellbottoms / skinny jeans...fat ties thin ties fat ties thin ties...tiny sunglasses huge sunglasses...fedoras & scarves / trucker hats & flannel / fedoras & scarves / trucker hats & flannel) well eventually all the old shit that hipsters think is cutting edge and cool seems stupid. Now sriracha hasn't been on a boom/bust cycle like that in America (yet), but it's been around and well known since before most hipsters were born. So have avacados, and thrift stores, and smug indifference. I'd keep typing but I managed to get some of these cool new wipes (pic related), supposed to take away the butthurt!

>> No.4778451

what? I'm never going to think I'm hip because of what I'm eating.
I just discovered this stuff, and it's delicious, I have no idea if it's popular and I somehow just missed it all this time or not, it's just great

>> No.4778465

>that would appeal more to the american palate

lol, no. It was meant for Asian places (mostly pho restaurants). They don't advertise in the beginning at all and still don't. So people who ate at pho restaurants were the first to see it then it spread to Chinese restaurants, and now Wal-Mart.

>> No.4778466

LOL, I loved your post. So true in every way. I've been called a hipster by several people, both online and IRL, and it always makes me laugh, because I'm the farthest thing from hipster, it's just that everything I've liked for years is suddenly "hipster". Ignorance (or should I say youth) is bliss.

>> No.4778471


Read it please

>> No.4778477

Maybe you should read it yourself

> “I made this sauce for the Asian community,” Mr. Tran said one recent afternoon, seated at headquarters, near a rooster-shaped crystal sculpture.

>“I knew, after the Vietnamese resettled here, that they would want their hot sauce for their pho,”

>> No.4778481

Please read it all

>> No.4778486
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Frank's Master Race reporting in

>> No.4778487

Is this even a chili sauce?

>> No.4778488


>He figured that immigrants of Vietnamese ancestry would stock his sriracha at pho shops. He hoped that the occasional American consumer might squirt it on hot dogs and hamburgers.

It was mainly for Asians. While he hoped an occasional non-Asian person might try it, it was not meant for them.

>> No.4778490

There's a chili on the front of the bottle, isn't there?

>> No.4778491

>“After I came to America, after I came to Los Angeles, I remember seeing Heinz 57 ketchup and thinking: ‘The 1984 Olympics are coming. How about I come up with a Tran 84, something I can sell to everyone?’ ”

Why do you make me do these things

>> No.4778494

Is baby food made of babies because there is a baby on the bottle?

>> No.4778495


Pho is Vietnamese. Sriracha is based off of a Thai pepper sauce. Get your shit together.

>> No.4778496

Doesn't mean it's a chili sauce though, I've got a lot of hot sauces with chilis I wouldn't call a chili sauce(of course I completely stupid amount of hot sauces)

>> No.4778498


you are stupid

>> No.4778512

>“But we still sell 80 percent of our product to Asian companies, for distribution through Asian channels. That’s the market we know. That’s the market we want to serve.”

>> No.4778518

> “I know it’s not a Thai sriracha,” Mr. Tran said. “It’s my sriracha.”

>> No.4778523

That's right. That's his version of the sauce made for Asians.

>> No.4778529

No, no it wasn't, it was shifted so that it would suit the American palette and the Asian palette, what about this don't you understand?

>> No.4778533

>“But we still sell 80 percent of our product to Asian companies, for distribution through Asian channels. That’s the market we know. That’s the market we want to serve.”

What part of his exact words don't you understand?

>> No.4778538

You're an idiot, I'm not going quote the artical again, you can read it yourself, it was made to suit both pallets, this is said several times in the article, I don't know why this is hard

>> No.4778542

> “I made this sauce for the Asian community,” Mr. Tran said one recent afternoon, seated at headquarters, near a rooster-shaped crystal sculpture.

Yeah, I don't know why you can't read either.

>> No.4778543

>The truth is that sriracha, as manufactured by Huy Fong Foods, may be best understood as an American sauce, a polyglot purée with roots in different places and peoples.

I mean it's right off the fucking bat, how can people be this stupid? It's like the first real paragraph of the article

>> No.4778549

>“But we still sell 80 percent of our product to Asian companies, for distribution through Asian channels. That’s the market we know. That’s the market we want to serve.”

He's Asian-American. DUHHHHHHH. So this is the market he's trying to serve. Why can't you read his ACTUAL words instead?

>> No.4778551

>Multicultural appeal was engineered into the product
>Multicultural appeal was engineered into the product
>Multicultural appeal was engineered into the product
>Multicultural appeal was engineered into the product

>> No.4778550


>The truth is that sriracha, as manufactured by Huy Fong Foods, may be best understood as an American sauce, a polyglot purée with roots in different places and peoples.

>Sriracha is a key ingredient in street food: The two Kogi trucks that travel the streets of Los Angeles

>“I knew, after the Vietnamese resettled here, that they would want their hot sauce for their pho,” a beef broth and noodle soup that is a de facto national dish of Vietnam. “But I wanted something that I could sell to more than just the Vietnamese,” he continued.

>“After I came to America, after I came to Los Angeles, I remember seeing Heinz 57 ketchup and thinking: ‘The 1984 Olympics are coming. How about I come up with a Tran 84, something I can sell to everyone?’ ”

>Multicultural appeal was engineered into the product: the ingredient list on the back of the bottle is written in Vietnamese, Chinese, English, French and Spanish. And serving suggestions include pizzas, hot dogs, hamburgers and, for French speakers, pâtés.

I did, I read all of them, I don't think you did

>> No.4778557

Stop, he has the reading comprehension of a first grader, this isn't going to go anywhere

>> No.4778558
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>mfw pretentious idiots use the word engineer in tandem with mindless bullshit

its fucking hot sauce.

>> No.4778560

Somebody sure has a reading comprehension problem.

> “I made this sauce for the Asian community,” Mr. Tran said one recent afternoon, seated at headquarters, near a rooster-shaped crystal sculpture.
>He figured that immigrants of Vietnamese ancestry would stock his sriracha at pho shops. He hoped that the occasional American consumer might squirt it on hot dogs and hamburgers.
>The Tran family has taken it all in stride. “We’re happy to see these chefs use our sriracha,” said Huy Fong’s president, William Tran, the 33-year-old son of its founder. “But we still sell 80 percent of our product to Asian companies, for distribution through Asian channels. That’s the market we know. That’s the market we want to serve.”

>> No.4778562

You keep repeating the small quotes while ignoring almost all of the article, I'm literally copying 90% of the article

>> No.4778564

Like seriously, I had to stop myself from copying several paragraphs, because it was almost all of the article, which you should have read

>> No.4778565

I'm literally copying HIS words not the writer's bullshit words.

>> No.4778568

It fucking garlic, you don't use garlic in thai food, that's a no

>> No.4778572

>only the parts of the article I choose are real

Oh my god

>> No.4778573

>you don't use garlic in thai food


>> No.4778575

Bought one bottle of op's cock sauce at walmart years ago. Too damn sugary tasting. Tastes like ketchup mixed with a little vinegar.

>> No.4778576

Traditionally, no

>> No.4778578

Yeah, the words straight from the owner's mouth. How real can you be?

>> No.4778582

It's a pretty big place. Which part of Thailand doesn't use garlic?

>> No.4778586

Well it doesn't exactly grow well there, so uh, traditionally, all the poor parts?

>> No.4778589

They seem to be able to sell it from there.


>> No.4778596

Argirculture has advanced in the last few hundred years you know, we kinda grow whatever we want wherever we want(those plants that need regional soil to taste right nonwithstanding)

>> No.4778602

Well, traditionally people in that region didn't eat beef either but it doesn't stop people from doing it now. So if there are any dishes with beef, it's not considered Thai anymore?

>> No.4778603


Used to hate the smell so much as a kid. Now I think it tastes too sweet. Go figure. There are better sauces if you have access to a halfway decent Asian grocer, but it's good to have for a quick hot fix, kind of like Louisiana.

>> No.4778604

I'm sure some purists would say it's not traditional thai, but they did have red meats, yes?

>> No.4778623

I think the coastal areas would of course eat seafood. Don't know about further in. Probably any animal they could catch. Deer and what not.

>> No.4778626

Saying something like that is hilarious. Especially in regards to Thailand.

A lot of South-East Asia was influenced by France, Portugal, and the US. If I ever want french baking and patisserie, guess which market I go to? Hint: It's not a french market. Those crazy little asian ladies make an excellent baguette. And if you want a sandwich, they'll smear it with pork liver, fresh vegetables, and whatever meat you choose.

>> No.4779099

Worst hot sauce ever, absolutely hated that smell of old rancid garlic, gah. Only reason I tried it was you guys praising it, I want my money back /ck/

>> No.4779104
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hipster ketchup thread number XXXX in progress

>> No.4779142

Why would I care what hipsters eat? I sriracha before hipsters and I'll like it after hipsters.

>> No.4779157
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there's been a sriracha thread on the board of /ck/ every day since /ck/ was first made. years before the whole "hipster" slang thing started on 4chan. lol

>> No.4779174

This sauce is 2hot4me.

I did find another cheaper variant of sriracha that wasn't this brand that actually tasted better, I didn't like the taste of this one.

>> No.4779177

Exactly. Calling it hipster just mean you're a dumb newfag.

>> No.4779214

I think its ketchup tier. I'd never use it on actual good food, not too shabby on frozen eggrolls or leftover fried rice though. OK on fries, too.

>> No.4779304

>Mfw if it came from Asia Europoors would cream over it
>but it comes from Asians in America

"Hipster ketchup fat fuck democratic bullshit fakers! Warbrlrlrlrgargle! Melting pot is inferior to pure Scandinavian inbreeding!"

>> No.4779316

Clearly poster is cracker tier. Asian girls get wet on that 'Racha

>> No.4779518

i like sriracha but im not one of those crazy people who go through a bottle a week and put a dollop of the shit on their toothbrush along with their toothpaste.

also sometimes i find its too hot for my tastes. also i prefer several other hot sauces because they capitalize on flavor to a further extent. heats nice and all but i need there to be more flavor than heat. also i think too much flavor is lost in a dish when its too hot.

if youre sweating while eating and seriously considering getting life alert because youre afraid the shit you have after this particular meal might kill you, then the foods too hot and youre probably not tasting things you would totally taste if it wasnt so goddamn uselessly hot.

also cholula >

>> No.4779528


This brand is way too garlicy. I despise it

>> No.4779532


Actually they do not.

>> No.4780843


>> No.4780846

>2,000 scoville units
>sweatingly hot

I have bad news for you

>> No.4780849

Trying my first bottle of sriracha, but I think it's too sweetish for my taste

>> No.4780850

Probably the same people who say jalapenos are hot. *shrugs*

>> No.4781530

I call it "cock sauce".

>> No.4782182

My campus has a 'chinese food' thing in the cafeteria. The food is usually decent, but i dump fucking sriracha on it. It's always really hot and i'm sweating in my next class.

>> No.4782225

Double this. Great sauce can't get enough of it. Especially with eggs.

>> No.4782229


if you somehow missed that i was referring to my disdain for overly hot dishes in general, then i have bad news for you.

also fuck you spicy food queens. why dont you just start mashing pepper seeds into a pulp and using it to masturbate? WHAT, IS IT TOO HOT FOR YAH?!?!!!???!!

>> No.4782240

its overrated and tasted like plastic and preservatives. not worth the money

>> No.4782300

It's a solid all-round hot sauce, but there are better ones you can get from asian grocery stores.

>> No.4782323
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>> No.4782341

You must have some tasty vomit

>> No.4782353

How to pronounce?

>> No.4782361

Sir rah cha

>> No.4782413

But Asians can't say 'R'.
Why would they name it that?

>> No.4782432

siw wah cha

>> No.4782529

I can't stand it but my fiancee LOVES it so its in my kitchen.

>> No.4782584

>>47825please refrain from mentioning your sex and or gender on ck.

>> No.4782593

shut up everybody else. ethnic thai here. its "si-la-sa"

>> No.4782636

>arr speek same
Well aren't you precious.

>> No.4783142 [DELETED] 
File: 401 KB, 774x1037, extra_hot_heinz_abc_chilli_sauce_food_ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try this one. I think its one of the best chilli sauces you can get, and ive tried a fuckload of different types.

It's got a good sweetness to it, great heat and the chilli and garlic don't over power the rest of the sauce.

>> No.4783153 [DELETED] 

Cholula, Franks Hot Sauce and Tobasco are hot sauces. They're vinegar based and specifically used to enhance the flavour of something else.

Sriracha, ABC, etc are not spice enhancers. They are table sauces. They are a chilli sauce.

>> No.4783158

Why did they romanized it with the "R"s if it's not even pronounced?

>> No.4783161

It's okay. I ran out about 2-3 months ago and haven't had the urge to go buy more.

>> No.4783162

>long list hot sauces made with chilies but they're not chilli sauces
>another long list of chilli sauces but they're not hot sauces


>> No.4783166

I work with a Jappo who calls himself Roger. It's fucking hilarious to hear him say his own name.

Ummm one more time
Are you even speaking American?

I call him "Law Jaw" to his face. It's fucking hilarious but some people don't like it. Whatevers.

>> No.4783172

I put this to my omelettes and that's about it.
It's pretty good but holy fuck it's overrated.

>> No.4783175

Cool story, bro.

>> No.4783187

it's a good sauce, I don't use it for every day though.

it's just my go-to saviour if I fuck up a recipe and it's a bit bland

>> No.4783192 [DELETED] 

Come to Chinatown, we find a knife in your lung hirarius too

>> No.4785790

Finally found some in Australia. Don't know what to think - there is pretty well almost no heat to it, but the flavour is quite nice. I use it where either Sriracha or Tabasco would be acceptable, since the flavour seems to sit somewhere between them.

>> No.4785798

Speak for yourself, it's easy to find in Australia.

>> No.4785805

Apparently now - saw it first in woolies.
But then again, I live in Queensland, so not exactly the capital of culinary diversity.
I mean, shit - they don't even label whole chillies in supermarkets outside of "red" and "green". Maybe specifically identifying jalapeños if you're lucky.