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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 312x460, american brekfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4777199 No.4777199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Go to steak house in America
>Everything is renamed after America
>"New York Strip Steak with Chicago steak seasoning"

Why do Americans like to rename everything after themselves?

ITT:American food

>> No.4777204

Well here on /ck/ we are but Americans. Not the ones who actually rename things. For the life of me I have never known this my self.

So for the New York strip steak I did a google search.
In 1837, Delmonico’s Restaurant opened in Manhattan. Self proclaimed as “America’s first fine dining restaurant,” one of its signature dishes was a cut from the short loin that was called a Delmonico steak. Due to its association with the city, it has since been referred to as a New York strip.
I guess that is why we call it that. As for seasoning, well that is regional. So I would guess that Chicago style seasoning is something from Chicago. Mind blowing I know.

>> No.4777258

Belgian waffles
Yorkshire pudding
Full English breakfast
Welsh rarebit
Cornish pasty
Bolognese sauce
Dijon mustard
Chicken Kiev
Peking duck
Most cheeses and wines
Branston pickle
Cumberland sausage
Scotch egg
Manchester tart

This is shit I know as an American off the top of my head.

>> No.4777264


>>Belgian waffles
uunggghhhh I think I need a change of pants. These are so good.

>> Peking duck
Did you know the peking duck dish that is popular today was reinvented? the original dish was not as great. I would know, I've had it.

>> No.4777268

what's the difference between old and new versions?

>> No.4777801

>"Most etymologists believe that barbecue derives from the word barabicu found in the language of the Taíno people of the Caribbean and the Timucua of Florida, and entered European languages in the form barbacoa."

>Cajuns (/ˈkeJdʒən/; French: les Cadiens or les Acadiens, [le kadjɛ̃, lez‿akadjɛ̃]) are an ethnic group mainly living in the U.S. state of Louisiana, consisting of the descendants of Acadian exiles (French-speakers from Acadia in what are now the Maritimes).
>The term "French Creoles" came to be applied to Creoles of European or white ancestry. "Creoles of color", in use in the Colonial era but popularized in the 19th century, came to refer to mixed-race people of African and European ancestry (primarily French and Spanish), who were native in the area before the Louisiana Purchase.

Premise sounds legit, OP.

>> No.4778713

>Freedom Muffins

>> No.4778728

>1000 calories

Remind me why I'm not bulking on this?

>> No.4778765

id imagine you dont want to clog your arteries

>> No.4778818

Because it will give you horrible shits and digestive pain. I used to eat the mexican dinner ones a long time ago. I felt like I was dying after each one until I put 2+2 together to realize what it was causing it.

>> No.4778832

Because it tastes like dogshit.

I wish I could cook for someone who's "bulking," so I can make a big batch of fatty delicious shit and then only eat a small portion.

>> No.4778846

If you were a girl you could be my waifu. Been bulking for 23 years now, I'm going for a permabulk.

>> No.4778849

Pics? :3c

>> No.4778855

Why are Eurofags such dicks?

>> No.4778867

At least in the US general names of food aren't legally protected. Why is Europe so obsessed with legally protecting the name of the place of origin? It's just artificial scarcity.

>> No.4778881

So they can charge more.

>> No.4778889



>> No.4778924

>Vidalia onions
>Florida Orange Juice
>Idaho potatoes
>Bourbon whiskey

>> No.4778925

is Florida orange juice really a protected name? I thought it was widely accepted the best oranges come from CA anyway.

>> No.4778933

socal cancer detected

>> No.4778935

That's funny. I'm originally from northern CA. Socal can suck a dick. It should break off and be its own state.

>> No.4778939

>the part of the state I'm from is better than the part of the state you're from

lol hilarious

>> No.4778945

its influence has corrupted you
there's no saving you

>> No.4778947

For the record I think all of CA is shit, or at least a good 95% of it. I left it last year but I still put in a lot of time there.

>> No.4778971

My favourite thing about America is the expression 'American as apple pie'. I love it because there's blatantly nothing American about it, but they've just decided that anything they like is American.

>> No.4778980

>peking duck
its named that because ducks peck stuff stupid

>> No.4778989

In the colonial days apple orchards were a big resource, so it's no surprise they got connected with the new country. Plus they're damn delicious.

Where did they originate then? England I'm guessing?

>> No.4779004

I think germany is more likely

>> No.4779005

It's fruit in a pie, I don't think you can really give it an origin.

The modern version (with cinnamon) is first attested in Dutch recipe books from the 16th century. Older English recipes did call for 'good spices' but fuck knows what they even meant by that.

>> No.4779014

Depends what you consider apple pie and whether recipes or simply reference count as evidence.

The oldest known recipe for anything resembling apple pie came from an Oscan source from southern Italy around 2000 years ago. It was surprisingly similar to McDo's deep-fried apple pie: sheets of lasagne-like pasta were used to encase sliced apples which had been stewed with honey and spices. These little hand pies were then deep-fried briefly to seal the seams and crisp the pasta before being removed and drizzled with additional honey.
The oldest reference of a proper baked apple pie comes from a 13th century French picture book showing an open pie (or a tart) of sliced apples. No recipe was given.
The oldest recipe proper for a baked apple pie comes from a late 14th century English text.
That's not to say that there may not have been an even older form. The oldest known biscuit/cookie, for example, is very similar to fig newtons: a combination of flour, butter and honey to make a something akin to shortbread which was used to encase dried fig paste in long logs which were baked before a hearth. Who's to say that an apple variant of this pie-like biscuit didn't also exist?

>> No.4779022
File: 319 KB, 800x600, 173031-family-guy-family-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why r we the only 1s with enough balls 2 stop syria from putting Chemicals on kids?

>> No.4779026


You murikans copyrighted fucking orange juice?

Holy shit you are making talibans and hassidic jews sound like nice friendly people

>> No.4779032

>artifical surplus

no, it's so some huge corporation doesn't make some knock off filled with preservatives and create an artifical surplus.

>> No.4779079

Are you like a pie historian? Because that's some pretty neat information. Thanks for sharing it. Especially that lasagne like one. That sounds delicious. /r/ing modern recipe of it if one exists.

>> No.4779082

>says the people that copyright their precious cheeses

>> No.4779084

shhhh, this isnt helping op's anti american bait

i mean srsly, everyone does this.
not even just foods, kashmir sweater, afghan rugs, french tickler, alcapulca gold

>> No.4779086

>floridian company trademarks the phrase "florida orange juice"
>taliban shoots young girl in head for trying to go to school

yeah i see the correlation

>> No.4779096

Nope, but I'm dating an anthropologist. We were discussing biscuit and pie origins a few months ago. The Oscan one was flavoured with tar resin and african cardamom/african pepper.
I know nothing more about the actual method of preparation beyond what I've said already. I don't even know if it's fried in oil, butter or lard and if oil is the used cooking fat, what sort (I'd assume olive).

>> No.4779111

Go fuck yourself Oranges taste better the freer you are.

Your commiefornian oranges taste like tyranny and depression

>> No.4779115

>Salisbury Steak

>> No.4779123

Why are ausländers so butthurt and inferieror to Americans?

>> No.4779148

America > not America
This is objective fact

>> No.4779152

honestly the taliban thing is better

>> No.4779160

Just google worst breakfast ever. It was an article I read when I was in college. Might still be there.
>not op

>> No.4779207

We don't even have original names in the first place. "New York" is named after "York". Before that it was "New Amsterdam"....named after, " Amsterdam". Oh and they named the state "New York" too.

Ever watch American sci-fi future cities are named "New Chicago" or "New Philidelphia".

Don't forget New Jersey and all those places and states named after slaughtered Native American names and places.

Everyone just names shit after everything else. so, why not name the food with the same shit names already in use?

>> No.4779253

Americans are just English people in denial. They have to grasp at anything to be proud of, so they take the melange of African, Acadian, French, etc. foods and claim them as their own.

>> No.4779265

>Oh and they named the state "New York" too.

And by "they" you mean the European immigrants who came to live there. It's all the Euro's fault.

>> No.4779268

Please share your superior food with us then. So that me partake and then butcher it.

>> No.4779270

>So that me partake and then butcher it.
American grammar?

American grammar.

>> No.4779275

only da beastest eva

>> No.4779273

Post some food then faggot

>> No.4779276

Peking is an archaic romanization of Beijing

>> No.4779282

Thanks Wikipedia.

>> No.4779284

>Can't actually see the humor in it.
Reread it then think about it.

>> No.4779291
File: 67 KB, 530x353, fried oreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We in USA have lots of food to be proud of.

>> No.4779297
File: 197 KB, 1024x768, 1024px-Jimmy_Wales_01635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome
Used to acknowledge thanks; you are welcome; ritual reply to “thank you”.

>> No.4779295


No different than any other country. Every country's cuisine is influenced by that of foreign invaders, colonial possessions, and trade. For example: tomatoes in Italian cooking (fuck, they're not even native to Italy). Japanese curry, noodles in China/Europe, vindaloo in India (Portuguese influence) and supposedly "Chicken Tikka Masala" is the most popular dish in England now, and that's about as authentic "Indian" as "General Tso's Chicken" is "Chinese". Damn, even Cassoulet--considered on of the most traditional of old-school French dishes--calls for Haricot beans, which come from.....America!

>> No.4779299
File: 34 KB, 550x412, fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have our fare share of fried fish

>> No.4779301
File: 24 KB, 400x267, glory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of our glory

>> No.4779308

Jimmy Wales makes $500,000/year from Wikipedia.

And yet he asks us for donations.

Fuck him.

>> No.4779310

>Haricot beans
Bean beans are American?

>> No.4779311


>> No.4779325

Yeah, fuck him.

>> No.4779335

>not donating to a for-profit organization
If everyone donated $3 to Wal-Mart they would make more money.

>> No.4779340

mexican food

>> No.4779357


Indeed. I did a paper on this for my cooking school last year; source is Savoring the Past: The French Kitchen and Table from 1300 to 1789. Haricot beans were unknown in Europe until Columbus brought some back.

>> No.4779366

>Haricot beans
Bean beans?

>> No.4779372

That looks like an alien just exploded.

>> No.4779389


I have no idea, I don't speak French. They're those white beans, commonly called "Navy Beans" in the US. Every English-language recipe I've seen for cassoulet calls them "haricot beans". Perhaps to distiniguish them from other kinds of beans like pinto or black or green beans? It sounds like it might be yet another example of poor naming between two different languages.

Anyway, here they are on French Wikipedia; note the diagram showing their origin:


>> No.4779391

How dare you. That is the finest eel pie one could ever hope to have.

>> No.4779782

fucccccck, that was that website...i used to love this site when i was in highschool. Fuck, thanks for that

>> No.4779786

>hating on fried Oreos
They are so fucking good. There's a food truck that comes by my office once in a while where they use the trader joe's stuff with real cream. Melts in your mouth.

>> No.4779799

That ancient apple pie sounds fuckin' delicious.

>> No.4779800
File: 288 KB, 1600x1200, American-Patriot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frenchie waffles
Beans n' toast
fancy bread
spaghetti sauce
ruskie chicken
chinese duck
cheese and wine
eggs n' meat

>> No.4779878

Problem is that a lot of those names are simply wrong.

>> No.4779920

Chicken tikka masala isn't even the most popular curry in the UK. Jalfrezi took over a while back.

>> No.4779923

thanks falcon

>> No.4779926

>branston pickle

>> No.4779928

> indian poo

>> No.4779986

That's not an eel pie, it's a meat pie with eel juice poured over it

>> No.4779987

Welsh rarebit has nothing to do with rabbits bro.

>> No.4780034

You forgot Swedish Meatballs

>> No.4780045

maybe because that's their place of origin?

whereas "strip steak" did not originate in new york nor "steak seasoning" from chicago

>> No.4780430

they named it new amsterdam first

>> No.4780552

we don't. we are just motley crew( no reference to the band although they were pretty good) If the world thinks 'murica is great. so be it. We like influnces from other Cul;yureultres, well never mind. explain to ne wy I can speak , ok cprehend severallanguages. it is an amalgaum of everyone. that is a bad thing, yet a good thing. In my short life, and it gopes quick) I've noticed pure breed tend to go extinct. They have a lot of problems genetic enginerring. here is a thought most of my family got here (US) a hop skip and a jump a head of the local sherif or were out for spices or wealth. . I love many of. and a few I would consider maring, if they would have me. But it is not a good thing. I am pretty dumb but you don't keep inbreeding for generations. or you get some strange results. Of course in my family you get that any way. and some don't reproduce. so'kay . alot of USA food is whatever you all gave or tought us. and that is not bad. We would be nothing with out you.

>> No.4780597


Hey, So Cal here. I love you.