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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4772111 No.4772111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I really want some breakfast food

>> No.4772134

Can't top a good full English/Irish breakfast.

>> No.4772160
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OC, was pretty decent

>> No.4772206
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>> No.4772234

1am here, just had a breakfast sandwich after getting home from work. Ham, egg whites, and a bit of cheddar. It was a fucking fantastic choice. Egg whites in carton are a goddamn miracle.

>> No.4772236

I usually make bacon chutney. I use American style bacon, because lets face it. This is one of the few things you yanks do right.
I spread this over some potato cakes, four poached eggs, black pudding (blood sausage for you yanks), grilled tomatoes and toast.

>> No.4772238

Holy hell, are you running a marathon right now?

If not, why are you carbo-loading?

>> No.4772244


1/2 of that is a huge breakfast in itself

>> No.4772262

my ideal breakfast is a couple eggs sunny side up, hash browns with hot sauce, sausage AND bacon. and buttered toast.

>> No.4772265

Better be sourdough.

>> No.4772775

Nah, was a hangover breakfast

>> No.4772928
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anyone know any veggie-heavy breakfasts? I usually hate breakfast because I always eat eggs or pancakes

>> No.4772937


How are you with fruits? make a breakfast parfait with layers of fruit, plain muesli and yoghurt

>> No.4772940

Saute a bunch of your favorite vegetables together with a little bit of chicken breast or some other manner of protein.

>> No.4772952


you could make a modified bruschetta-type breakfast, tomatoes, basil, onion, garlic on toasted bread, serve with some lightly fried mushrooms.

or make a layered vegetable pie, which can be eaten chilled.

>> No.4772958
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thank you guys very much

>> No.4772961


I usually go w/ muesli, yogurt, and fruit for actual breakfast, but veggie packed Spanish tortillas/frittatas are awesome and easy. Mix eggs with sauteed or previously cooked veggies (peppers, potatoes, greens, onions, tomatoes), add some herbs like basil or chives, maybe some cheese or leftover meat if you so desire (you could even go Persian and add walnuts and top w/ greek yogurt) wait for the bottom to set, then slide it onto a plate and flip the uncooked side into the pan.

>> No.4772974
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>half a fucking tomato, deep fried

>> No.4772981

Deep? Maybe you should look at what that word means. Nothing wrong with fried tomatoes to cut through what is otherwise a very greasy dish.

>> No.4773007
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>nothing wrong with something fried to cut through a very greasy dish

>> No.4773008

You gonna pick up a fried tomato and tell me it's greasy? I suspect you just don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.4773028

Do me a favor, take the breading off the tomato, wrap it up in a paper towel, and squeeze. Tell me what comes out.

>> No.4773031
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He's going to tell you it's water, anon. Everybody knows fried food doesn't actually have grease in it!

>> No.4773032

>breaded tomato
>english breakfeast
Nigga wat

>> No.4773033

You're fucking retarded
Do you think we bread the bacon too?

>> No.4773050

Wait, so let me get this straight: You niggers fry a plain tomato and eat it? Why not just eat it straight then?

God damn english food is terrible.
>muh beans
>muh bangers
>muh blood pudding

It's like satan took a culinary shit on your plate.

>> No.4773051

Because it tastes better. You dumb son?

>> No.4773052

After seeing your munchie boxes, wouldn't surprise me.

There might be a bit of miscommunication though because fried green tomatoes are a popular 'murikan dish in the south.

>> No.4773071

You should only bread and fry green tomatoes.

>> No.4773086

Plum tomatoes or just chopped tomatoes are great as well. Good with omlettes too

>> No.4773103


Ok, ok. You guys clearly don't enjoy the great flavour contrast of eggs and tomatoes and sometimes potatoes. But let me tell you, it's fucking delicious and adds a fresh acidic taste that does slightly cut the grease. Even fried green tomatoes and fried eggs are rich yet slightly acidic which tastes better than i can explain in this post. Not british either, tomatoes and home made salsa in breakfast dishes is god tier.

>> No.4773105

don't even get me started on scrambled eggs and sliced raw tomatoes w olive oil/pepper and salt. so good

>> No.4773106

I eat tomatoes with breakfast all the time, either in omelettes or as a side. I just don't fry them.

>> No.4773114

frying them with peppers is so good though, not even frying. just sauteeing. But if you dip them in garlic powder and flour and deep fry with some sunny side up eggs it can be great hangover food. Southern english breakfast i call it

>> No.4773144


other than space, entertainment, being the number one superpower on earth, best military, best universities... oh wait you're a filthy troll. haha good one great bait mate

>> No.4773148

>implying I don't put diced tomatoes in my scrambled eggs every morning

>> No.4773151

i live in los angeles. the only acid i need with my bacon, eggs, and potatoes are the oranges and tangerines i can pick in my backyard.

i've been to london 3 times in the 90s but now it looks like kuwait

>> No.4773172

>A thread about breakfast turns into a UK vs US shitposting fest almost immediately

Never change, /ck/

....oh no wait, please change because this is getting fucking pathetic

>> No.4773185

britbong detected

>> No.4773192
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>caring this much

>> No.4773364

What are the wrinkly things?

>> No.4773366
File: 466 KB, 1024x681, Breakfast butty - black pudding, bacon, fried egg, sausages and topped with HP sauce .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4773421

Looks like bacon

>> No.4774545

the croissants or bacon

>> No.4774566




>> No.4774569
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check my migas, OP, with your sexy trips

>> No.4774570

Really, really undercooked bacon

>> No.4776773
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I grew up with mexican breakfasts, there are so many recepies.

chille quellias is good, chorizo omlettes are wonderful, and the american breakfast burrito.


>> No.4776811

>prepare your angus

>> No.4776832
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>baked beans

how about no

>> No.4776859

do you guys break up your biscuits and pour gravy on top of them?

>> No.4776901

u r 1 fkn chky cnt m8 i swr i m gng 2 rk u i swr on me mms lif an i no u r scrd lil bch gtn ur m8s 2 snd me msgs sayin don mt up coz u r sm big bstrd w msls lol fkn sad m8 rly sad jst shws wot a scrd ltl gy by u r nd wts all ths crp ur m8s sndn me bt sm bdy bldn wbst tht 1 of ur fvrt plcs 2 lk at mn u lttl fkn gy by fne me if u gt da blls chky prk c if u cn stp up lttl qr

>> No.4776932

did you steal my bowl

>> No.4777380

Drank all morning yesterday, went to bed at 3PM and woke up at 3:30AM.. hungry as fuck but don't know what to eat. Doesn't feel like breakfast. Started with a granola bar and a can of coke.. omlette sounds good, but given I missed like 6 meals I'd probably devour it and still be hungry. fuck

>> No.4777386

and fuck it I don't have anything to fill the omlette with. Just cheese. Oh well that'll do.

Oh I know, I'll put ramen in it. U That's acceptable right?

>> No.4777403

I usually eat greek yogurt with oats, nuts and honey together with some green or black tea

>> No.4779949
File: 248 KB, 2560x1440, I'm over this shit,any further arguments from you are hereby declared invalid,null and void,worthless,now shut the flying fuck up!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
