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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4771186 No.4771186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>no groceries
>no money
>spaghetti, ranch dressing, parmesan cheese
>one bowl
>went better than expected

ITT: desperation meals

>> No.4771224
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>plan ahead
>buy rice and beans
>if you have money left, buy oil, salt, ham hocks, brown rice, and some green leafy vegetables
>you just spent the same as you would have spent on your sketti with fake "parmesan" and ranch dressing
>live like a human being instead of a filthy nigger

was that so hard, now?

>> No.4771241

hahaha im rich !

>> No.4771251

How does one get so poor they can't afford to buy food? This is literally impossible in a a first world country and yet on 4chan it seems pretty common.

>> No.4771250

Ran out of those things and don't get paid till friday. Sometimes you have to make do with what you have. Tomorrow I plan on making white gravy with bacon grease and spooning it over dehydrated beef and my last two pieces of bread.

Stay mad.

>> No.4771258

America isn't a first world country when you're poor.

>> No.4771265

If you live in the blue states it's always 1st world.

>> No.4771268
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its an unhealthy mix of capitalism and stupidity

>> No.4771270

Still wrong.

>> No.4771276


I eat ranch noodles all the time... lol

>> No.4771280

Hungry, nothing thawed. Had to settle for reheated steak (ugh, wish I had known they weren't going to eat that steak yesterday, would have kept it to cook fresh!), baked potato and salad. Was delicious lol.

>This is literally impossible in a a first world country and yet on 4chan it seems pretty common.

I always assume they're actually just too lazy to get off their ass, leave their house, and buy groceries.

>> No.4771288

pure stupidity.

there's no fucking reason you should possibly be literally starving if you have a computer and internet access.

>> No.4771289

Are you fucking kidding? It takes MONTHS to get on government assistance in the US. Some food pantries won't even serve you unless you have a SNAP/EBT card ALREADY. It's very possible to starve in the US.

>> No.4771301
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This. Last time I was this low on funds I just drank Les Hauts de Smith instead of Haut Lafitte for a month and when I asked my accountant how much I saved, I was honestly rather shocked.

Keeping up with the Joneses (or the Rothschilds in my case) is overrated. You can live well on less, as my experience shows.

>> No.4771310

>It takes MONTHS to get on government assistance in the US

It took exactly 2 weeks for me.

>> No.4771400


ever thought of them using a laptop computer at their friends, or at a library? it's just like this thread is about, in a first world country internet is more accessible then food is.

>> No.4771427

>This is literally impossible in a a first world country and yet on 4chan it seems pretty common.
Because first worlders (particularly those of middle-class background) love to boast about how poor they are. They aren't really too poor to afford food, they're just too lazy to get food and extend their e-peen by bragging about how they've been poor that one time.

>> No.4771433
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Hey buddy, I'm poor. Buy me a sandwich.

>> No.4771436

>Because first worlders (particularly those of middle-class background) love to boast about how poor they are. They aren't really too poor to afford food, they're just too lazy to get food and extend their e-peen by bragging about how they've been poor that one time.
lol this

>> No.4771453

This 100%.

I guaren-fucking-tee you if we go to any of the places these shit stains who post on here "help me poor fag food threads", you'll find the latest call of duty game, a monthly subscription to WoW (on their top-o-the-line gaming rig), and a large food tab from eating out at fast food all the time.

>> No.4771458

>in a first world country internet is more accessible then food is

bro quit it, i'm gonna pee my pants.

>> No.4771460

>Has bacon

The cheapest bacon is like 4$. For that price you can buy 2 seasoned chicken halves. You then cut them in 2 so you have 4 parts of chicken. You then get rice or potatoes or bruised vegetables from your local market and you are good for 4 meals that will cost you less than 2$ each.

You will never be rich if you can't manage your money.

>> No.4771840

I didn't say I had bacon. I have bacon grease. Big difference. Saved it from when I did have bacon for cooking.

And its perfectly possible to find yourself in this position. Work paycheck to paycheck in a job that won't give you enough hours and then have an unexpected expense like car repairs come up and viola empty bank account. I need the car to get to work and keep my shit job, but I can live off the odds and ends in my pantry for a week till I get paid.

If you have good enough imaginations to come up with all my unnecessary expenditures you should have been able to think of something like that.

>> No.4771862

It took me three months.
I was jobless and living on a friends couch.

>> No.4771876

You can dumpster dive at pretty much any grocery store for perfectly good produce. Or at a Dunkin' Donuts. Or any convenience store that sells food.

You can also (don't quote me on this) trap squirrels or rabbits, or birds (unless you live in a filthy city).

You see dandelions growing on some people's grass? You can eat those. Onion grass? You can eat that too.

>> No.4771879

opportunity costs. dumb motherfucker has 40 dollars until friday, fine. that's a livable amount by anyone who isn't a moron. But then he saw a steam sale, and yesterday he wanted Chipotle after work or something, and now his account is at zero.
there are other options available, but they have varying degrees of difficulty.

>> No.4771885

OK so I have a couple of friends who live in their moms house for no rent. They both get foodstamps, about 300 a month. White males under 25.

The one is the pickiest fucking eater I've ever seen. He gets those little vacuum packed salmon things that are marinated and smoked. Then he'll put like 3 on a plate, microwave them and eat them. 2 hours later he is complaining he's hungry.

That's about 14 dollars, just in salmon alone. And he'll want to eat more within hours. He'll only eat name brand dairy stuff. Cheese, cottage cheese, milk, ice cream, shit like that. He refuses to buy uncooked whole chickens or anything like that.

Its easy to be hungry if you're a complete idiot I suppose.

>> No.4771977

I would have had
>spaghetti cooked a perfect al dente
>dressed with oil, black pepper, parmesan

>And its perfectly possible to find yourself in this position. Work paycheck to paycheck in a job that won't give you enough hours and then have an unexpected expense like car repairs come up and viola empty bank account. I need the car to get to work and keep my shit job, but I can live off the odds and ends in my pantry for a week till I get paid.
I feel your pain dude, been plenty broke few times in my life.

But to be fair to this anon's >>4771460 point, I think you can do better for sheer poverty-level food. Sudden unexpected bills are a pure bitch, but you can stock up on cheap cupboard staples to avoid this level of desperation cooking again.

>> No.4771995

Careful, you'll upset the Americans. Can't criticize capitalism where they're present. It's a religious tenet to them, behead all who insult capitalism.

I'll still note that you have to be doing something wrong if you allow your pantry to run that low. Off the computer and out you go, scouring for welfare services and humanitarian causes, along with any and all available jobs or self-feeding through dumpster-diving for food, scavenging, et cetera.

>> No.4772046

buy yourself half a kilo of old tortillas, ask the grocer to give you an old, overripe ready to thow away tomato, an onion in the same quality and 2 jalapeño peppers, bite in to them with a little salt, you should have some left, or get some salt from a neighbor, and munch on the tortillas, one full tortilla, one bite of fucked up tomato, one full tortilla one bite of fucked up chile, one tortilla one bite of onion, don't get greedy and make it salsa or you'll eat them all before you finish your tortillas.
Wash them down with tap water or water from a public fountain.

That's desperation food.
Going to the dumpster or eating leftover scraps is for people who haven't had it bad.

If you make a sad face you can probably get the old tortillas for free and maybe an egg, if you get an egg cook the tortillas with it, do not, do not eat it by itself.

>> No.4772905
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>>spaghetti cooked a perfect al dente
>>dressed with oil, black pepper, parmesan

That's what I usually would have done. ran out of olive oil as well lol. A local turkish market has really good olive oil for cheap, but you have to buy in those big restaurant sized containers. I'll pick some up on payday.

I don't really get all the hate for eating the weird stuff left in your pantry if you've run out of money for a few days. No cause for govt assistance, begging, or dumpster diving.

Got a packet of yeast, flour, sugar, and salt. Gonna make some simple bread and smear it with tomato paste and herbs for dinner tonight.

>> No.4772920
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I'm on this new diet it's called being broke as fuck

>Frozen peas microwaved and mixed with butter, salt & pepper
>1 can crushed tomatoes + 1 can of beans (whatever is in the pantry) cooked with olive oil, salt & pepper
>Can of tuna
>Lettuce from neighbour's vegetable garden (accidentally ate a weed last night)

>> No.4772923

thats almost as bad as being unable to work because the only place that would hire you would pay 2 dollars above minimum wage and theirfore being on food stamps so you can have that nice 200 dollar dinner once a month

>> No.4772933 [DELETED] 

lol at the poor dweeb who cant has no onion or even a slice of ham or bacon to turn peas into split pea soup

>> No.4772935

I had a friend that would mix ranch dressing in her spaghetti and sauce. Tried it once, horrid. Felt like crap all day.

>> No.4772942

>woke up late
>maid is cleaning guest house
>mother has gone to run errands
>look in fridge
>everything is a few days old I have eaten all the items once that week
>have my credit card
>call thai food place and get them to deliver
>was delicious

>> No.4772943

One time when I was a dumb unemployed musician I was still a few days from pay day and only had spaghetti and parsley left in the cupboard. Calling it "Pasta Parsley" didn't make it taste any better.

My roommate was worse though, me and another roommate would leave potato peelings on top of the washing machine sometimes (it was in the kitchen - we were young and total slobs). The peelings would get washing powder on them from being on that machine, but the gross roommate would deep fry the (old, dried) peelings and eat them with salt and vinegar. He called them "Scollops" or "Scallions" I think. Maybe short for "Rapscallions" as I heard him use that word around the house once or twice.

I had to go a while without electricity and as a result, ate raw curry sauce between two slices of bread. It had chunks of hard things in.

>> No.4772953

wal-marts hiring i guarantee it

>> No.4772959

you can literally got to mcdonalds and have a feast with the dollar menu and rack up a bunch of calories to sustain you till the week is over.

>> No.4772968

My laptop is only good for music, word, and web browsing. Haven't played video games since high school.

>> No.4773027

>implying you couldn't get far more food with the same amount of money if you weren't stupid.

>> No.4773026


If you live in any sizable (50k+) town they'll usually all lock their dumpsters.

>> No.4773063

Yeah what looks like a lot amounts to a surprisingly small amount in your stomach. A cup of beans and rice is way more filling.

>> No.4773889

hahha behead I think you misspelled "bring freedom" to those who insult capitalism

>> No.4773905

This wins the dumbest post of the day award.

>> No.4774692

>remember all the failed job applications and romancing attempts
>lump in throat, knot in stomach
>not hungry anymore

>> No.4774712

>ask the grocer to give you an old, overripe ready to thow away tomato

This would never ever fucking happen. Not even at the co-op.

>> No.4774715


>ranch dressing
Are you fucking high?

>> No.4774723

I just got my paycheck, literally about an hour ago. Yesterday for dinner I found some cans of garbanzos and made a huge batch of bare bones hummus and ate it with some bread the market tossed on Sunday, which I like to freeze then toast and make into garlic bread.

Yeah, if you guys don't mind eatin' bread make sure your markets aren't throwing away their shmancy loaves or whatever as soon as they hit the bag date. I always appreciate having some around in the freezer if I need it.

>> No.4774736

>this guy probably lives in cali, wash, or ore.

I remember when I was poor,jobless and starving in PA. they gave me an application to fill out. I turned it in. two months later they say Im not eligable becuase I have a penis and no children.
move to PDX, food stamps by tuesday.

>> No.4774739

>instant rice
>canned tuna
>campbells cream of mushroom
>frozen spinach
>one bowl
>not bad

>> No.4774743
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how much do grocerie stores care about stealing food
esp. 24hr shits.

>dumster diving

>> No.4774753

flour, salt, yeast, sugar


>> No.4775279
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Dumpster diving can be pretty fun.
Found a whole lot of pastry like pic related. There were little brownies, a couple of Swiss rolls and all sorts of other goodies as well. Tasted fucking great.

I'd never even consider buying something like that, or even baking something of my own, but I sure ate some that day, and what I didn't eat I shared with my friends