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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4764405 No.4764405 [Reply] [Original]

Whats for food today /ck/?

I made a massive plate of fried rice I ate for lunch and im saving the leftovers for dinner. I love my wok, it makes being a college student much easier.

>> No.4764416

Hooray, my phone is doing the picture thing again. If you click on the image it is the right way up but the thumbnail is rotated 90 degrees.

>> No.4764422

Stop using Chrome.

>> No.4764428

I had some shrimp yaki soba from a local Japanese place, was pretty damn good.

>> No.4764425

Jesus Christ that looks delicious.

>> No.4764431

No, I like having everything the same on my desktop and phone. Seeing as I already own GOOG stock and have been using gmail since it came out google already knows everything about me including my net worth.

>> No.4764434

Why thank you, it is day old rice, veg medley from the frozen section, some chicken from friday, sambal oelek, and some "stir fry sauce" I had in the fridge (that shit keeps forever).

>> No.4764452

Breakfast (0530): müesli with milk.
Second breakfast (1000): egg with roti.
Lunch (1345): steak with red wine reduction, sides of mash, tomato-stewed bitter peppers and oven-roasted cauliflower drizzled with melted butter and dusted with chickpea flour and spices.
Tea (?): ?
Dinner (?): ?, but likely something quite lite as I'm likely to still be stuffed after such a large lunch.

>> No.4764461
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spaghetti with chili and kraft singles

>> No.4764463
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and pizza

>> No.4764467

Are you a college student?

>> No.4764478

Probably nothing, drank way too much beer yesterday and had fast food for dinner. I might eat something really healthy later, today is a recovery day though.

>> No.4764479


>> No.4764488
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I made chilaquiles with white corn and fried corn tortillas rather than chips. It was random, unplanned, and amazing. Pic wasn't what I cooked, but it's the gist.

>> No.4764511

I haven't cooked anything, yet. But in a while, I going to be grinding meat for chili, making chile con queso (with real cheese, thanks), guacamole, and tacos al pastor. Today is texmex day, tommorrow is glorious burger day. Hopefully there will be chili leftover for that.

>> No.4764520

What kind of beans are you using in your chili? And what kind of chili peppers?

>> No.4764523

whats the best way to make rice without a rice cooker?

>> No.4764529

I boiled some potatoes to sautee then cover with eggs and cheese and chives should be gud

>> No.4764537

Parboiled rice.

>> No.4764554

an apple and a pouch of instant mashed potatoes.

>> No.4764555

Not OP, but I think the Sicilian method best.
Boil 2 cups of water per cup of long grain rice.
Add rice to boiling water.
Boil 4-8 minutes, checking the grains every now and again for doneness; when grains are /almost/ but not quite done, strain the rice through a sieve.
Wash the rice under running water until cold and water runs clear, then allow to drip dry briefly.
>stop here if you intend to use the rice as part of another dish such as jollof, pilau/pilaf, biryani, jambalaya etc.
Heat the pot back up.
Add the still-wet (but not dripping) par-cooked rice back to the pot and cover with a lid; lower the heat to medium-low/low and cook, allowing the rice to steam to finish.
Lift the lid and allow the excess moisture to evaporate.
Eat rice.

>> No.4764718

You sure eat like one.

>> No.4764769

preparing to cook a 2 inch thick rib steak. Topped with sauteed onion and mushrooms. The chianti is breathing, and the steakl is coming to room temp as we speak. Brussel sprouts on the side, and crab dip as an appetizer.

>> No.4764777

sorry, accidental quote of >>4764718. I just wanted the quick reply box. On another note, I am still choosing how to cook the steak-cast iron is a heavy favorite, with broiler as a distant second. taking suggestion though...

>> No.4764790

Industrial salamander.

>> No.4764795

>tfw I will never own one
sorry, no dice-but great choice.

>> No.4764797

I have been looking on craigslist for the past 2 years for one and found one that I bought. Now I just need to find a place for it. Currently it is sitting in my parents garage because my apartment doesnt have the room for it.

>> No.4764799

ya lucky bastid! Nice, but be careful anon, they do throw some heat.

>> No.4764824

They really do, I am honestly thinking of leaving in their garage and using it there because college isnt ending anytime soon.

>> No.4764840

It's just 2k mate. You can save up that much.

>> No.4764852

>tfw looking for a job

>> No.4764856

doesn't have to be any time soon, but another reason to redouble your efforts.

Hell, consider packing up and moving to some place where there is work.

>> No.4764939

Ever since i was little, my mom would always make rice in a way i've never seen anyone else make it.
>Whatever ratio of rice/water works for your rice
> add rice to a pan
>add enough oil *we always used vegi* to the rice to coat it all, but not enough to leave much on the pan.
>fry it until most of the rice has a slight brownish tinge.
>while doing this, boil 2 tomatoes, and a garlic with a predetermined amount of water for like 2/3 minutes. Cut half of an onion.
>add 2 boiled tomatoes and garlic with half of onion to blender. Add a chicken bullion cube to it. Blend until no more chunks and homogeneous.
>now once the rice is lightly browned, pour in the tomato sauce into the pan.
>not sure how long to leave it in there, just like a minute or two would be fine.
>now add the correct proportion of water.
>wait till the pan comes back to a boil- then turn heat down really low.
>top the pot and just check it in 10-15 minutes.

Sorry if i sound like an idiot typing this, English is my second language. This shit tastes delicious, and is great for any mexican food/ and especially thrown into some soup.

>> No.4764947

whoops; wrong person

>> No.4765263
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pics of the finished dish

>> No.4765266
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>> No.4765270
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>> No.4765277
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Whole roasted branzino w/ shaved fennel, charred lemon & fresh herbs

>> No.4765282


>> No.4765288

What is steak? I mean I assume you are insulting me, but how exactly? Or is this a typo?

>> No.4765291

looks nice! I love me some fennel!

>> No.4765297
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I thought you were Sceak and actually managed to cook edible food. Those plates man. Sorry for such a heinous insult, I didn't know.

>> No.4765349

lol. wtf is that a picture of?

>> No.4765358

Had a double whopper on the way back from the store, threw in a couple hot pockets to top it off. That was a couple hours ago, thinking about zapping a stouffers entre or something

>> No.4765367

'avin a ruse m9?

>> No.4765373

I eat several meals a day to keep metabolism up

>> No.4765381

ok. sorry. careful of your sodium. ( am am eating butter and salt now, but still)

>> No.4765578

Tamalies and chilli, but not in the traditional way.

We buy a can of tamalies, and in a oven cassarole dish or some such we unwrap them and line them on the bottom. Then we pour a can of chilli and some chopped onions over them.

Then we make and pour a box of cornbread mix over the top to give it a bready top.

Cook for awhile, when it's done put some cheese on top.

>> No.4765658
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>> No.4765689

came home and my parents made ribs with home made mac and cheese so I scarfed that down in a second while watching the Office. very happy

>> No.4765696

hnnnnngggg want that right now

>> No.4765734
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Shitty photo, but here's the chicken I cooked to go with alfredo. Don't have a picture of it together, but it was bretty gud. Getting used to a new set of pans I bought recently, moved up from my shitty teflon ones.

>> No.4766511

>Went out for tea.
>waited an hour for my meal
>wrong order
>got refund
>still haven't eaten...

>> No.4768365

I would have laughed at my server and walked out.