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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4762663 No.4762663 [Reply] [Original]

Nightly Vegan Thread. I had some corn on the cob, some pan fried (olive oil), garlic-seasoned zucchini (with a little Pink Himalayan Salt), and some seasoned, pan-fried asparagus. I was still a bit hungry afterwards, so I just ate a Pink Lady apple. Which brings me to my question: What apple is best apple?

>> No.4762669

>What apple is best apple?

The one that you put in a pigs mouth while you roast it.

>> No.4762665
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>> No.4762674


edgy as fuck bro

enjoy your heart disease

>> No.4762682

For fuck's sake. The guy just asked what your favorite apple was. /ck/ is so DUDEBRO LE EPIC CHEES BACON it can't even answer a simple question.

You call this a food board?

>> No.4762690

Hey, anyone wanna talk about nasty ass fast food for the billionth time?

>> No.4762694

Enjoy your bland life. Enjoy knowing that when you die you'll realize that you've never actually lived.
Also please enjoy that you're wrong about meat eaters getting heart disease. Fat fucks with bad diets and no exercise get heart disease, especially those who already have a predisposition for it.

>> No.4762699

OP I like the braeburn apple. Also the tangy granny smith apple

>> No.4762701


wrong. watch this twenty minute video. actual research has been done, fuck face. Educate yourself. America's meat-eating habits are unhealthy. Even if you exercise.


>> No.4762702

prefaced by 'Nightly Vegan Thread". this is what he wants, if not he could have just asked what /ck/s favorite apple is.

Winesap is beast

>> No.4762703

Red: Pink lady
Green: Granny Smith

>> No.4762705

Hey OP I heard some vegans don't consider figs to be vegan. Is this a universal truth? Or is it just some of them?

>> No.4762706


Tangy granny smith is not my thing. Skin irks me. Too waxy.

>> No.4762707


Figs are fine by me.

>> No.4762710

I am good, I live in a blue zone, I have no health problems in fact I just got a physical 2 weeks ago for my new career. My heart is HEALTHY asshole explain that.
Blood work perfect. EVERYTHING IS GREAT!

>> No.4762713


There's nothing wrong with starting a vegan thread on a food board. There are plenty of Vegans. They shouldn't have to wade through pictures of dead flesh to talk about food. That's why threads like this exist. They are welcoming.

Yeah yeah, I know. Some epic le meme guys are going to sump animal food. Have at it.

>> No.4762714

because of the wasp larvae?

>> No.4762717


I'm learning shit everyday. Wasp larvae? Fuck that noise. Don't want to eat that shit.

>> No.4762725

Same anon that ask about the figs.

So fig trees produce two different fruit.
One for nesting in, that their symbiotic wasp burrows in.
The other tricks the females into entering. They cannot escape. They die and are then dissolved by the tree and then seeds form from being pollinated.
Figs that have a lot of seeds mean that they have gotten a lot of wasps.
The more you know.

>> No.4762788

But how young are you? If you were in your 60's I'd be saying "wow you must have good genes"

>> No.4762792

>Figs that have a lot of seeds mean that they have gotten a lot of wasps.

>> No.4762795 [DELETED] 

>So fig trees produce two different fruit.
No, they produce one type.

>One for nesting in, that their symbiotic wasp burrows in.
Again, they produce one fruit.

>The other tricks the females into entering. They cannot escape. They die and are then dissolved by the tree and then seeds form from being pollinated.
They don't, "trick them". The immature fruit offers protection, ideal habitat, etc. for the eggs and result larvae. Also, if the females can't escape, how does the cycle continue? I'm pretty sure the tree doesn't, "dissolve" the dead wasps either.

>Figs that have a lot of seeds mean that they have gotten a lot of wasps.
A single wasp can carry more than a single pollen grain.

>The more you know.
You literally know nothing about this topic.

>> No.4762803

>So fig trees produce two different fruit.
No, they produce one type.

>One for nesting in, that their symbiotic wasp burrows in.
Again, they produce one fruit.

>The other tricks the females into entering. They cannot escape. They die and are then dissolved by the tree and then seeds form from being pollinated.
They don't, "trick them". The immature fruit offers protection, ideal habitat, etc. for the eggs and result larvae. I'm pretty sure the tree doesn't, "dissolve" the dead wasps either.

>Figs that have a lot of seeds mean that they have gotten a lot of wasps.
A single wasp can carry more than a single pollen grain.

>The more you know.
You literally know nothing about this topic.

>> No.4762808


I don't understand people like you. Is your only pleasure in life eating? I enjoy food too, but I also enjoy being in good health and other endeavors of life.

I can kind of see your point in the way that it's good to see variety in life, but having eaten meat and dairy in dozens of incarnations already, I already have their experience, and I don't have to keep doing it over and over until it kills me. Try something once just to see what it's like, then continue on your way.

>> No.4762810
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I made some tasty-ass potato salad with red wine vinegar, dijon mustard, fresh dill, black pepper, red cabbage, and onion powder. Tasted so good I just made a second batch of it that I'll be digging into soon

>> No.4762813


Yup. These people are so fucking empty inside, the only happiness they get is from stuffing their guts with dead animals and cheese covered bacon.

Suddenly, when people actually prefer to not do those things, that means they're living a "sad, pathetic" life.

The opposite is true 100% of the time.

>> No.4762826

>Enjoy your bland life. Enjoy knowing that when you die you'll realize that you've never actually lived.
I'm sure all the diabetics lingering with 2 appendages, opportunistic mycoses, poor vision, terrible circulation, gangrene, sores that don't heal, heart disease, and hypertension don't regret a thing.

I mean family, friendship, a partner, business, work, research, pets, being outside, having hobbies, exercising, living a long, and more importantly, healthy life, etc. means nothing if you can't eat like a fat pig.

>> No.4762835

>ass potato

>> No.4762854
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As far as fruit goes in general, I'm not much of a sweet tooth. I like tart over sweet.

As such. I like a good granny smith. When I was young, I always like "gween appols." I still eat one every day.

>> No.4762864


god. That is a beautiful pic. Craving some apples now.

>> No.4762875
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I had a sudden craving for broccoli today.
...I don't know why.
I don't usually eat very many vegetables, but I walked by some while I was shopping and my hand just reached out and snagged it.
Normally i'd be curling my nose in disgust.. but this shit is smelling soooooo good right now.

Is my body trying to tell me something?
What the fuck is this shit
fucking delicious broccoli

>> No.4762879


Yeah, it is. Eat some real food. Broccoli is a god-tier nutritional superfood. Eat as much of it as you can, because your body absolutely loves it.

>> No.4762899
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I prefer golden cameos, but I have a lot of trouble getting them. I have 7 saplings I grew this year from particularly tasty apples, but I'm having a terrible time keeping that white powder fungus off of them, so I fear for their little lives.

Also I don't get vegans. Do you know how many deer I kill and grind into fertilizer to keep my garden unmolested?

>> No.4762901

Its done. I was going to take a picture, but.. i've already ate it all.
I steamed it till it was juuuust getting tender, but still had some firmness to it.
Holy fuck i've never been so hungry for a vegetable in my life.
I inhaled this shit like it was crack

Well, i'll certainly be buying a fuck ton more of it tomarrow.
I wonder.. would a garlic-butter sort of dipping thing go good with it?
I've got a shitload of garlic I can use somehow with this.

>> No.4762909

>Do you know how many deer I kill and grind into fertilizer to keep my garden unmolested?
Hopefully none. Why not just build a fence?

>> No.4762908


leave the butter off of it. Don't ruin a good thing.

>> No.4762912


hummus. use hummus.

>> No.4762913


because he's an edgy retard that needs to shoot


>> No.4762919

fences get hopped, bro. also, chances are deer are probably at unhealthy population levels in your area if you are in the US

>> No.4762921

Fences cost money. I have bullets already for other things.
>Killing garden pests is edgy.
Sure thing man.
My fucking neighbors feed the damn things in the winter. I mean, like several barrels of feed corn. I've asked them to stop, explaining that I don't have the thousands of dollars they have spent on fences for their gardens, but it hasn't deterred them.

>> No.4762931


Well man the fuck up and ear more money. They're obviously better than you because they have enough resources to build a basic fence. And they get the benefit of not being a complete savage. They get to have deer eat out of their hands.

Sounds like you're the shitbird of the neighborhood. I can just imagine them talking about you

>is he perched on his porch again with his gun?
>god, why doesn't he grow the fuck up?

>> No.4762937

>explaining that I don't have the thousands of dollars they have spent on fences for their gardens, but it hasn't deterred them.
You are poor and want THEM to change their lifestyle to suit yours?

>> No.4762939

I don't think feeding pests is really a lifestyle choice, and it never hurts to ask. I'm actually on pretty good terms with my neighbors, in fact one of them came over and gave me an old box of rifle scopes and some squash this morning.

>> No.4762942


build a fence, fucktard.

>> No.4762946

Feeding wildlife is not mature. honestly, Eating venison is way better for the environment than eating beef or chicken or just agricultural vegetables

>> No.4762945

Suck my dick hippy.

Also it pains me that everyone want to focus on one off aside at the bottom of my post and no one wants to talk about glorious cameo apples.

>> No.4762949

>feeding pests
Well, dumb farmers like you killed all the wolves and planted the land with deer food.

>> No.4762951

>Suck my dick hippy.
flyover state detected. Call me when you actually travel outside of your state, let alone the country.

>> No.4762952

>having a garden makes you a farmer

>> No.4762955

So you can't afford to fence a garden? Please tell me we are at least talking 10 acres.

>> No.4762957

you really need a 'quite high' electric fence to protect against deer. really not worth the effort if you only have a small garden

>> No.4762959

WV here. I"ve driven the width and breadth of the US and I've worked in half of the continental states. I'm contract work. Systems repair and data securities. I make decent money working 10% of the year and spend the rest of my time trying to be as self officiant as possible.

>> No.4762961

or maybe from a state that actually has hippys, AKA states that matter

>> No.4762964

>AKA states that matter
Matter for what?

>> No.4762965


Yeah, it's much more sustainable to kill every deer that gets in your garden, drag its body somewhere, and attract more animals with a rotting deer corpse.

And that's if you do it the illegal way. If you dispose of the deer corpse properly, it's even more gas and time.

Build a fence, you fucking retard.

>> No.4762988



>> No.4762995

>rotting deer corpse
uh, no. you butcher it or donate it, homeless shelters love venison, you fucking retard. And yes, it is very sustainable to hunt deer. they are over populated to the point of disease. Whats not sustainable is conventional meat production.

>> No.4762996

economic, political, and cultural influence. WV isnt one of those though.

>> No.4763002


>it is very sustainable to hunt deer, unlike conventional meat production

Depends on what you're talking about. If everyone stops buying conventional meat and starts eating deer, it instantly becomes the least sustainable thing ever. Species go extinct when you hunt the shit out of them

>> No.4763012

obviously that wont happen. do you also oppose organic farming? white tails were rare in the 30's until regulations and reintroduction programs were established. Im not advocating illegal exploitation, only healthy liscensed culling- good for my garden, good for local ecology, good for my dinner, good for the health of the deer population. Win win win win

>> No.4763027
File: 127 KB, 469x171, look at that booming discussion all the vegans are having.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are plenty of Vegans
tell that to the thread you tried to start last night

>> No.4763434

What I got that info from wikipedia a few months back.

>> No.4763437

>Not knowing wolves eat more small field mice than deer.

>> No.4763524

Try sauteeing or grilling it, emphasizes the great nutty flavor in my opinion.

>> No.4763533
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What really irritates me is that the fucker just put it out there that they are vegan in an irrelevant topic.

Hey guys I'm sooooo vegan! So what's your favorite apple?

Why the fuck did we need to know you we're a vegan?

>> No.4763535 [DELETED] 
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seriously guys, lets get real here and talk for a minute about health

>> No.4763546

That's terrible satire. You should probably point out how many supplements they have to take.

>> No.4763579

nah it serves its purpose. pretty common vegan belief is that its simply impossible to have a healthy diet that includes meat.
they like to ignore that diabetes, obesity, and heart disease come primarily from consumption of plant products like sugars, oils, and bread. not meat

>> No.4763598
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Well I flew right over that one didn't I?

>> No.4763597

This is awesome.

>> No.4764175
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>only healthy things on the left side are the plants
>donuts and cupcakes on the right side obviously are made with butter and eggs

>> No.4764193


> pretty common vegan belief is that its simply impossible to have a healthy diet that includes meat.

You can have a "healthy diet" that includes ice cream too, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a healthier diet WITHOUT it. If you're not eating a ton of plants, you're not going to be healthy. The meat aspect is just an unecessary risk that could potentially undermine all the plant-eating

>> No.4764195

>vegan image made by meat eaters to show how stupid vegans are


Personally, I don't think vegans exist outside of anti-vegan forums.

>> No.4764201

>>donuts and cupcakes on the right side obviously are made with butter and eggs
What? I make cupcakes without eggs all the time, though I've never made donuts, I'm sure there are vegan recipes for them.

>> No.4764206

without butter and eggs*

>> No.4764213

Same here.

>> No.4764220


enjoy your murdered flesh. so glad I decided to stop that shit a year ago. fucking savages. you know the reason Joaquin Phoenix, Natalie Portman, Bill Clinton and hundreds of other sophisticated, rich, high-class people don't eat murdered animals? It's because they're better than you. Not trolling either. Once you realize that eating meat is the equivalent of our great ancestors performing ritualistic, human sacrifice... You'll fully understand. It will click. You have no excuse if you're a parent. You have no excuse if you're a dog owner or cat owner. Because with your kid and your pets, you've already admitted to me that you understand the value of mammalian life. What separates a dog from a cow? Surely it isn't intelligence? What separates a pig from a cat? Is it cool to eat a cow's baby? Or a pig's baby? Would it be alright if I eat your kid? Do you not think that animals love their offspring?
Fucking murderer. Would not hang with you. I would moo for the entirety of dinner if I had to eat at the same table as you.
Moooooooooooooooo. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You're eating a walking animal you fuck.

>> No.4764256 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4764260

>enjoy your murdered flesh
Killed, yes. Murdered, no.

>> No.4764288


thanks doge

>> No.4764321

thanks obama

>> No.4764335
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thanks doge

>> No.4764340

Saved for future trolling purposes

>being this mad

>> No.4764344
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>Is it cool to eat a cow's baby?
Veal is fucking delicious.

>> No.4764379

pink lady

>> No.4764435
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10 years in MS Paint

>> No.4764973
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my breakfast:
pecan bread with peanut butter and banana slices dusted with dried coconut
a few cantaloupe slices and berries
tasted good, man

>> No.4764984

>You're eating a walking animal you fuck

Its hardly going to be fucking walking if I'm eating it, you dumb fuck.

>> No.4765004

>Its hardly going to be fucking walking if I'm eating it, you dumb fuck


you're one of 'those' guys