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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4761476 No.4761476 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best low-calorie, while still tasty, meat / protein source?
My vote goes to eggs, if they count, but I want to hear your opinion.
Tired of eating the same old thing.

>> No.4761478

skinless chicken breast
and tilapia

>> No.4761479

Fish! yummy.

>> No.4761481

Hard to beat eggs I'd say. Lentils are probably up there, too.

>> No.4761483
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>skinless chicken breast
Aw yeah. I always hated the skin anyway.

Fish used to be cheap a couple decades ago, now they have become much more expensive for some reason.

They aren't filling the stomach, though.

>> No.4761487


>lentils aren't filling

Really? I think they're really goddamn filling. Try making some lentil curry.

>> No.4761493

Anyone else's 2 cents?

>> No.4761494

Soy protein isolate or defatted soy flour or bodybuilding formulas.
Caloric sources are peanut butter, cheeses, meats.

>> No.4761516

Never tried soy before.
Might get to it.

>> No.4761541

It's probably because overfishing is becoming more and more of a thing.

>> No.4761647

Cottage cheese. But it's not to everyone's taste.

>> No.4761684

A meat substitute, like Quorn for instance?

>> No.4761681

I love lentils, but since trying to eat paleo, they're too carb-laden to eat on the regular. On a side note make some dahl, god-tier indian food

>> No.4762282

Edamame (boiled green soybeans)
Tofu / Freeze dried tofu

I prefer these to chicken/pork/beef

>> No.4762319
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>> No.4762630

Pork. But dem poor pigs ...

>> No.4762680

Turkey. Isn't it better than chicken breast?

>> No.4762686

Google it.

>> No.4762723


It's not meat. Meat is high cal/low nutrient. Plants are high nutrient/low cal. And there are plant based foods that do a much better job of supplying the human body with protein

Meat obsession is a disease.

>> No.4762740
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It's like everyone on this board thinks meat = SO MUCH PROTEIN.

Read a nutrition book, or a goddamn study or something, /ck/. For fuck's sake. The only objective reason you eat meat is for the taste. It sure as shit isn't because of the superior nutritional benefits. Plants trump meat every fucking time.

pic related. actual fucking research data

>> No.4762744

I have a question for you.
I am a weight lifter. I don't mind eating vegetarian meals at all. What I would like to know is how much plant protein would I have to consume.
To keep my body in its current shape I need to consume about 230 grams of protein per day. Meat is a very easy source of that. Same with whey protein.
I don't know off the top of my head how much soy or black beans I would need to eat. I would honesty like to know.

>> No.4762747

meat portions are denser than plants though.

>> No.4762751

Look how much more of each you need to eat.
What if they chose to go by the weight of the food instead of the calorie count.

>> No.4762755

Look into game meat and such. We have plenty of kangaroo meat here in Australia, its up there with chicken breast in terms of protein/calorie ratio but it tastes like a red meat. Cant check the specifics as I am on my phone.

>> No.4762758

I wish we had that here in California.

>> No.4763389



>> No.4763403


>> No.4763407

Briefly hijacking this thread to ask for good non-meat sources of iron.

Don't say spinach. Spinach inhibits iron absorption.

>> No.4763446

Try looking outside the typical supermarket meats (beef, pork, chicken, turkey, etc.). Venison is lean and tasty. Rabbit is good, too. Same with lamb.

If all you're looking for is the highest protein/calorie ratio, you're going to be looking at vegetables/legumes, though.

>> No.4763450

low fat cottage cheese has by far the best price to protein content to calorie ration, exceeded only perhaps by cheap whey concentrate bought in bulk with discount codes.

>> No.4763461


>> No.4764961


>> No.4764990

Seitan is better for you, isn't it?

>> No.4765424

better how?

>> No.4766363

Cottage Cheese. More protein than Tofu, less fat then Tofu, more taste than Tofu. Add paprika and salt and you have a dip.

>> No.4766822


small amount of honey and eat eat it that way as a a substitute for bad shit if you feel like something sweet. Also, I wanna emphasize SMALL (isn't that funny?), like 2 tsp or so nahm sayn?

>> No.4766923

Whey protein powder. Srsly. Real foods: chicken, quark, eggs, salmon, tuna.

>> No.4766931

>>skinless chicken breast
>Aw yeah. I always hated the skin anyway.
Buy skin-on and bone-in for cooking however.

>not filling
Huh? I think you need to figure out how to eat from fiber to portions to food groups.

>> No.4766945

>pic related. actual fucking research data
No. 100 cal is not a portion of lettuce nor steak, and that is an "article" biased to make a point about density of food, not research about protein. You may be well-meaning, but this is not helpful. And food from a variety of sources will always be correct, because protein is a category of nutrition, not a single thing found everywhere equally. You do want other nutrients will your protein.

>> No.4767170


That actual fucking research data is going by calorie intake, which is silly because it bears no resemblance to actual serving sizes - it's comparing less than half a small steak to an entire fucking bucket of vegetables. A cup of shredded romaine lettuce contains around 8 calories- you would need to eat nearly twelve cups to get 100 calories and 7g protein. For kale and broccoli, you would need to eat at least three cups of each to reach 100 calories. While dark green leafy vegetables are excellent for you in sensible portion sizes due to their fibre content and micronutrients, if you try to eat enough to also get significant protein intake, you will be consuming stupid amounts of fibre and oxalic acid and constantly shitting yourself as a result.

..And I actually don't disagree that you can get sufficient protein from vegetarian sources on a balanced diet. It's just that's a stupid misleading image that has no relationship to what people actually eat. Now if it spoke about beans, nuts, dairy, eggs and other decent sources of protein, it could make a reasonable case that the average person can get enough protein, but anyone who tries to rely on lettuce is going to end up pretty sick.