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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4760888 No.4760888 [Reply] [Original]

Show the board some images of food you've made recently. I baked some bread this morning.

>> No.4760925


>> No.4760929
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I made these nachos last year. My very first attempt at nachos! I thought they turned out okay.

>> No.4760947
File: 374 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a pot roast last week.

>> No.4760977

damn those look good

>> No.4761009

>made recently
>nachos were made last year

Would eat so I forgive you.

>> No.4761035

Is it cheaper to bake your own bread instead of buying it

>> No.4761042


It depends. Icky grocery store bread is shockingly cheap and probably competitive with homemade bread. Really good bread in my area runs about $4-6 per loaf. On the other hand gas or electricity to run the oven, and the value of personal time have to be factored in. On the other hand, it's fun.

If you work for a living it's a tossup. If you're a poor student, it's probably cheaper to make it yourself.

>> No.4761056
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Even shitty homemade bread is usually better than storebought. I would guess it costs me something like a dollar/load.

>pic related, my first loaf that I thought was way better than any name brand I'd ever had

>> No.4761058


Should have been "dollar/loaf", lel.

>> No.4761062

>gives example
>on the other hand
>on the other hand
>three hands

Pass that ol' janx spirit, Zaphod, you've had enough.

>> No.4761070

He could just be juggling.

>> No.4761110

you used two "other hands". do you have 3 hands?

>> No.4761130
File: 107 KB, 960x720, bread this morn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Japan where ovens are luxuries. Had to make this in my toaster oven. Its so touchy with the bread so close to the heating elements.

>> No.4761137

That looks very dense.

>> No.4761138

how do you make your bread so "fluffy"/airy?

>> No.4761143

high hydration

>> No.4761142


The wild yeast in Japan are more kawaii ^_^

>> No.4761147

what does that exactly mean? like make the dough more moist or what?
regards Non-englishfag

>> No.4761148

Shut up. Also, if you like bread, Japan is not the place to go. The bread here only comes in soft, dry, artificially sweet, wonderbread loaves (sometimes shaped as a baguette or croissant, but still wonderbread).

>> No.4761152

Means you add more water so the dough becomes something that resembles a sticky mass of diarrhea.

>> No.4761158
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>The bread here only comes in soft, dry, artificially sweet, wonderbread loaves

That's an exaggeration, but to the extent that it is true, it's because Japanese, being more evolved humans than the drooling sweaty hairy Europeans, produce less drool from their delicate mouths. This means less enzymes to break down the starch into sugar while chewing, so the bread needs to have more sugar to produce the same sensory experience.

Also, Maison Kayser opened in Japan well before it opened in America, and they use the same fermento-levain all over the world, even in Angola. This proves that Japan is a more sophisticated and discerning market when it comes to bakery as well as patisserie.

I wish people who had never been to Japan would stop trying to be experts in it.

>> No.4761173


>> No.4761175
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I stopped cooking when she left.

>> No.4761180

Japan is shit m8, I'm sorry.

>> No.4761187
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>> No.4761197

If that's not pasta I feel pity for your parents.

>> No.4761202


It is pretty dense.

>> No.4761276 [DELETED] 

made a few jars of salsa last week.
Could have used an extra habanero or two, to kick up the heat a bit.

>> No.4761278
File: 196 KB, 1000x750, salsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a few jars of salsa last week.
Could have used an extra habanero or two, to kick up the heat a bit.

>> No.4761328

Maison Kayser is European

>> No.4761335


Thanks for that helpful tip. We would have thought it was Iraqi or something.

>> No.4761362

Point being that he described Japanese as more discerning than Europeans because they got a European bakery before Americans.

>> No.4761383 [DELETED] 


Is that a no-knead abomination you just dumped on a sheet pan and baked?

>> No.4761399
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First time making macarons, most of them cracked at the top, how can I fix that for next time, /ck/? But overall, pleased.

>> No.4761933
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Shitty quality camera but I just made this

Sautéed onion, mushroom, carrot, beetroot and broccoli (Pink due to the beetroot) stuffed potato jackets with a tiny bit of cheese, garlic, cream and basil

Turned out pretty good

>> No.4761953


those look tasty

>> No.4761965

To stop cracking, leave them in the air for ~5 minutes, so they form a hard skin. Also, make sure you hit the tray on a surface, to get the bigger bubbles out. Also, I found that a lower temperature gets a sturdier meriingue that doesn't crack as you take it off the paper.
They look lovely, by the way. You can use gel food colouring to get a brighter colour.

>> No.4761985

pic related, mine. I had different flavoured meringue, and 3 different filings. The neon pink ones are ginger and lemon. They were the shit.

>> No.4761992

Forgot your picture, yo

>> No.4762000
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>> No.4762011

It's like a progression. I was making batches of 30 biscuits and learning from my mistakes. That's the only excuse I have for those purple ones.

>> No.4762012

Baby, I want you in my mouth.

>> No.4762014

All is forgiven

>> No.4762019
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>> No.4762020
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>tfw I've never had these, nor never seen them around here.

>> No.4762021
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related, chocolate birthday monstrosity for a double birthday

>> No.4762029

they're very sweet, the meringue is chewy, and the filling is creamy (I chose buttercream with lemon curd, white chocolate, dark chocolate or coffee)
They basically disappeared as soon as I put them on the table.
If you're confident with meringue and piping, they're easy as shit.

>> No.4762041

3 egg whites
1/4 cup white sugar
1 2/3 cups confectioners' sugar
1 cup finely ground almonds

Line a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat.
Beat egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment until whites are foamy; beat in white sugar and continue beating until egg whites are glossy, fluffy, and hold soft peaks. Sift confectioners' sugar and ground almonds in a separate bowl and quickly fold the almond mixture into the egg whites, about 30 strokes.
Spoon a small amount of batter into a plastic bag with a small corner cut off and pipe a test disk of batter, about 1 1/2 inches in diameter, onto prepared baking sheet. If the disk of batter holds a peak instead of flattening immediately, gently fold the batter a few more times and retest.
When batter is mixed enough to flatten immediately into an even disk, spoon into a pastry bag fitted with a plain round tip. Pipe the batter onto the baking sheet in rounds, leaving space between the disks. Let the piped cookies stand out at room temperature until they form a hard skin on top, about 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 285 degrees F (140 degrees C).
Bake cookies until set but not browned, about 10 minutes; let cookies cool completely before filling.

>> No.4762047

Never made meringue. But since paying thousands of $ on my teeth I've been scared to touch sugar since.
They look beautiful though.

>> No.4762054

Thanks :)

>> No.4762061

Is that like, a caramel brownie? God damn

Is this your JOB or are you just gifted? I want that.

>> No.4762072

I'd use 2 times the egg white, and keep beating until you've got stiff peaks. Make sure you use caster sugar for the meringue. And don't worry about folding, just keep mixing until its mixed. You can add flavour and colour as you add the egg white.

Not my job, but I started icing the cakes I was baking this summer, and making more difficult stuff instead of plain old fruitcake and banana bread every week. Living with a family of 8, I get a lot of practice.

>> No.4762087

Keep up the good work, it's amazing

>> No.4762209


based post

>> No.4762217
File: 509 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my first crack at a pan pizza:

>> No.4762227

That looks pretty awesome actually. I don't like my basil cooked though, I chop it fresh and sprinkle on top of the cooked pizza. Looks and works alot better.

>> No.4762228


>> No.4762232

>tfw allergic to almonds and can't try macarons

>> No.4762236

lol I thought it was spinach

>> No.4762457


It is spinach, lol