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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 534x401, wendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4759873 No.4759873 [Reply] [Original]

>go to Wendy's to try the pretzel bacon cheeseburger for the fifth time
>trying to improve my confidence, so I walk in the restaurant instead of drive-thru
>Within 30 seconds of looking at the menu TWO DIFFERENT staff members ask what I want
>obviously start to feel anxious, so I quietly leave fast and get into car to go to the drive-thru
>about to hand my debit card to cashier when she recognizes me and says, "weren't you just in here?"
>pay for food, cashier says, "woah that's a lot of food". I stare straight ahead without responding and go to next window without waiting for my $2 in change
>they ask me to drive ahead and wait for my food
>wait 5 minutes
>wait a few more minutes
>feel like they are probably laughing at me
>drive away and end up getting a double quarter pounder meal with Diet Coke, jr. McChicken, and 6 chicken McNuggets from the McDonald's near my house

Why can't the fast food help just shut up and do their job? I don't need this bullshit after a rough week when I just want to have a late dinner in peace.

>> No.4759880
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>> No.4759884

is this like one of those Gamestop threads from /v/ ?

>> No.4759900
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>go to Wendy's to try the pretzel bacon cheeseburger
>to try the pretzel bacon cheeseburger
>to try
>for the fifth time

>> No.4759903

You knew what you wanted but still took half a fucking minute to "decide"?

I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.4759904

So what? I've had the Wendy's burger 4 times since it came out like what, 6 weeks ago?

>> No.4759909




>> No.4759913

holy shit OP, is this real? please post more of your autistic stories so my sides can finish destroying me. Let your suffering bring joy to others. bonus points for posting a pic of you eating something greasy.

>> No.4759917

Neat copypasta op.

>> No.4759923

What is with people feeling like they have to point copypastas out? wow you guys have street cred and have seen it before... let other people enjoy it, you don't look cool for spending lots of time on 4chan and knowing the "ropes".

Wow, I wish I was you. You probably talk to people about Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird and other highschool literature and think you are so fucking intelligent and deep. You aren't. You are a faggot that has to ruin the fun for everyone else with the premise that if everyone is as unhappy as you, life has meaning and will get better.

But no one can be as unhappy as you, because you wallow in a shit and self-pity filled ditch that you dug out with your own mouth you fat fucking loser. Hey guys, I'll tell you how this movie ended... no that I actually saw it with friends in public, rather I downloaded it and saw it in my dank fucking basement with tinfoil blocking out the windows so I don't have to see the real world reflecting on my monitor as I see how much gold I can mine or something as equally time-wasting and asinine.

Yet you still think you are superior. I bet you also sage threads and feel like the god damn enforcer of the internet. Well you know what buddy, you can have your tiny, fictitious internet niche while I choose to live and enjoy the company of others.

You are what is wrong with 4chan, the internet, the world, and the existence of matter and we all see you for what you are you fucking dipshit faggot asshole. Why do you even have caller display, let alone a phone? NO ONE CALLS YOU.

>> No.4759939


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.4759949

Ok theres so much fucking bullshit in that little post I dont even know where to being, but here goes:

1. top of my class in the navy seals- I dont even think you graduated highschool.
2. Numerous secret raids on al quaeda- So what did bin ladens cock taste like?
3. 300 confirmed kills- Check my previous statement. Thats a lot of cocks.
4. Gorilla warfare? Its guerilla warfare you stupid fucking mouth breather.
5. Secret network of spies- I'll wait on my porch with a shotgun and a baseball bat for you and your boyfriends. Come at me bro.
6. The shit about the storm- yeah thats so fucking scary Im laughing. you should be a poet or something, fag.
7. I can kill you in over 700 ways. I dont care how many sex toys and buttplugs you have, Im not interested.
8. And thats just with my bare hands- If your mind is that set on getting me, you can use your mouth too.
9. Access to the arsenal of the marine corps- I thought you said you were a seal.

All in all, youre a fucking moron. Please dont besmirch the name of the Unites states armed forces by pretending to be one of them. Good day, faggot.

>> No.4759950


I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.4759957

This whole thread is a fucking joke right? This is OP just bumping himself right?

>> No.4759960


well, well, well, what have we here? another faggot neckbeard (most likely yuro) shitting up the place with his /b/ faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the /ck/ mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report and sage the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the 4chan irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen shotting *the entire thread for additional proof* and e-mailing moot about the matter personally. i'm tired of you stupid fucking dick sniffers pressing out whatever lolrandom faggot shit you want on the fucking cooking board. it's time for you assholes to get a reality check, because this shit won't fly for much longer. prepare your anus, you 500 pound piles of shit. your days are *fucking numbered*.

>> No.4759962

To everyone in this fucking thread: So I've never had physical contact with a woman, who fucking cares? That doesn't mean you have to parade around your sexual escapades like some fucking strumpet. I come on /ck/ to socialize and look at food porn, not be forced to face my socially-dictated "inadequacies" by some stupid cumdumpster-obsessed fags like you.
Wow, I haven't had a gf yet I lead a fairly productive live. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. I may not be happy 50% of the time and I may be on anti-depressants, but I'm doing pretty fucking good considering the situation. I was born into a family rife with mental illness, my father divorced and left us for his perfect little family while my mother and 2 brothers had to sell the family house (oh and did I mention we all have at least one mental health illness???), I weigh 320 lbs mostly due to my meds and a lack of motivation to exercise or eat properly, I couldn't finish college and dropped out after one semester, I haven't had a car since highschool because I got in an accident and couldn't afford the tickets and points, and I don't have many friends.

So what. I manage to force myself out of bed most mornings, work, and have my own condo. It may seem like a pittance to selfish cunts like you but it takes twice the amount of energy to maintain what I have than it would take the average person. Not everyone can be rich and famous and have hundreds of "lovers" (or cock-pockets as I'm sure you call them).

Some of us were dealt a shit hand but we are still trying to be in the game and keep it going. I've thought of suicide at least 1,000 times in the past 12 months but I'm still trying and it is hard but at least I'm giving life my best and not rubbing my luck or misfortune in others faces like you ignorant fucks.

Was my post too real for you guys? Well good, because you assholes have no clue, NO FUCKING IDEA what is behind each post and the story of each anon but you still think you have the knowledge to judge me.

>> No.4759969
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>> No.4759978
File: 117 KB, 926x547, Nope its all too real anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to four dong.

>> No.4759982

I know what you mean OP.

I just got back from McDonald's and feel like a piece of shit.

There is a McD's right by my apartment that I go to often. I went there earlier today and got a Quarter Pounder & Cheese, a bacon chicken snackwrap, and a McChicken jr. After work I was craving it all over again and ended up stopping by the drive-thru again.

I was pretty worried the same girl at the first window would still be on shift so I put on a winter hat and put the collar of my jacket up. When I drove up with my exact same order as earlier she was there to take my money.

She said, "you're here AGAIN?" as I was handing her the money while trying to avoid eye contact and I just lost it. I have social anxiety and I ended up retracting my arm so fast I spilled the change all over her side and started stuttering something about "my wife" and then I started to hyperventilate and felt an anxiety attack coming on.

I just floored it and I am so glad there was no one in front of me because I peeled out of there. I can still see her face.

I'll have to start going to a new McDonald's even though the closest one is like 10 minutes away. Maybe I'll switch to Wendy's I don't know.

Anyway, aside for just sharing one of the worst and most embarassing moments of 2013 so far I was wondering how you would have reacted and responded to the cashier's remark.

>> No.4759984

well this is better than squinky sauce at least

>> No.4759986

Doubles advocate? You mean devils advocate, right?

>> No.4760001

i performed three tours of duty in afganistan united states air force piloting f-69 "choads" before i joined the cyber police spotting turrists replying to copypasta

>> No.4760017

Wow, I get it you've never made a mistake in your whole life. Know why? Because you are a cowardly pussy who is afraid to "put himself out there" and actually take a real risk.

Yeah, if I sat in my basement all day too insecure and meek to even show emotion on an image-based food and cooking internet message board I could probably delude myself into thinking I am vastly superior to everyone else because I've never made a mistake.

Fuck off. I don't want to say you are the cancer that has reduced /ck/ to the current shit state, because it is a cliche, but there you have it. You really don't have to try so hard.

And typing out a stutter? Wow, you even type like an insecure beta who is afraid to state what he feels in a concrete manner.

Fuck it.

>> No.4760018


please read the whole post before posting anon.

>> No.4760028

.. N-neat.. c-c-copy p-puh-p-asta..

>> No.4760030

>obviously start to feel anxious
well obviously

>> No.4760034

Are you me OP?

Today was the first time in years that I went into a McDonald's instead of going through the drive-thru window. The drive-thru was closed, it was lunch time, and I didn't have time to drive to an alternative McDonald's location.

I waited in line for a few minutes before I realized I was waiting behind people who were waiting for their order. Waiting in line was felt really uncomfortable and I wasn't used to seeing the menu in that format, so there was about 90-120 seconds of awkward silence when I was still searching the menu while the cashier kept asking me what I wanted.

I felt anxious and almost guilty for ordering an extra sandwich on the side. I said I wanted a Diet Coke and the cashier just gave me an insulting look and said, "uhhh okay". I didn't realize until they handed me the empty cup that we had to fill our own drinks in the back.

I thought they would have packets of ketchup by the drinks, straws, etc. but they only had it in the pumps. I couldn't work up the nerve or patience to wait through the line just to ask for ketchup in packets.

It was a relief to get back to my car and eat in peace. I don't know why *anyone* would choose to order in the restaurant if they have a vehicle. It was just an unpleasant experience.

>> No.4760036


or just stop posting and move on

>> No.4760039


>> No.4760049

Fuck the wendy's by me can never give the correct coin change.

I expect 14 cents back and he gives me a dime or nothing. I look at the guy and until I ask for it. The machine even tells him how much I am owed.

>> No.4760056

which one of you guys listens to Stephen King audio book while in the drive-thru??

>> No.4760094

These stupid goyim who think they deserve 15 dollars an hour for flipping burgers should be put out of business.

STOP buying fast food. BOYCOTT these stupid companies and let these idiots all get fired.

You can buy the raw ingredients yourself and cook double or triple the amount of food for the same price.

Beef, bread, lettuce, tomatoe, cheese, whatever, all together it will cost like 5 or 10 dollars total. Then you can make like 4 or 5 burgers out of the raw ingredients.

So you've saved yourself a lot of money AND you didn't have to put up with the shitty attitudes of these stupid scum who work in the fast food places.

>> No.4760115

no offense dude but you sound like a pretty paranoid guy. eating in a fucking fast food restaunrant makes you this uncomfortable? has America really degraded to that point, where people are afraid to be in public anymore? Thank god I don't live in America anymore. Asia is a far nicer place, the people are nicer, there's no social paranoia or anxiety, and life in generally is pretty awesome here.

>> No.4760121


I have neither the desire, energy, nor time to buy ingredients and cook food. My time is precious and I'm not going to fucking waste it cooking when I can buy stuff ready to go.

>> No.4760147

well enjoy getting cancer and a heart attack. processed food and fast food is EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY and full of hundreds of poisonous chemicals, GMOs, etc.

You don't have the time to take care of yourself? Fine, enjoy dying young.

>> No.4760152

I fucking will. I enjoy eating, and enjoy being large. I'm a happy jolly laughing big guy. I don't want to be fucking 70-80 years old, I'm aiming for 10-20 more years tops. Besides my life insurance drops off after 50 anyway so the wife will be happy

>> No.4760155

i just went to the grocery store yesterday and my fridge is packed...
but i really want to try the pretzel burger from Wendy's. should i drive out the ~10 miles to get one?

>> No.4760159

not him but really don't think it's that bad.

There are those people that have ate big macs and other fast food shit every day of their life and they seem just fine and not fat at all


>> No.4760184

enjoy your pink slime burgers, you mudslime.

>> No.4760193

that guys looks like a freak and a pedophile.

>> No.4760200

hah was looking at that and googled to see if he was dead yet. Answer is no, but found this

>His cholesterol is healthy, his weight is healthy and to keep his wife from getting on him about a diet lacking of vitamins, he has agreed to eat a McDonald’s parfait once a day.

>His McDonald's habit has changed over the years and he now only frequents the restaurant twice a week to stock up on fresh sandwiches and parfaits.

>“I go on Monday’s and I buy 6 Big Macs which covers 3 days and then on Thursday’s I buy 8 Big Macs which covers me for the next 4 days. So I go there twice a week for my 14 Big Macs and what I do is microwave them,” explained Gorske.

>Now eating just two per day, Gorske says he ate a total of 722 Big Mac’s last year. He said he was 10 short of an even 732 or the year (Gorske pointed out that it was a Leap Year), because he only likes to eat one per day while traveling.

Sounds fucking awesome. More people should do shit they enjoy doing and not what they are told they should be doing. Good for him

>> No.4760204
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Holy shit is this Fatty McAutism? Welcome back dude, please tell us more stories :3

>> No.4760208
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Good plan

>> No.4760209

well it's his choice. he is free to do whatever he wants. but i should not have to pay taxes to support the stupid goyim's bad eating habits in the form of socialized medicine.

>> No.4760222


>Gorske eats, on average, two Big Macs a day, and doctors say his good health is primarily a result of his genetics.
>good health is primarily a result of his genetics.

excuses validated

>> No.4760224
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>> No.4760235

correct me if I'm wrong and I may be (about 10 years ago I got about 100,000 in debt and 95,000 was in credit card debt. Don't ask, it was 5 different cards, at 7 -10% interest and here is a tip, you miss a payment it jumps to about 22% FortunatelyI had some land I had bought 20 years earlier. sold it for 120,000. after legal and title deed stuff and taxes, lots of taxes, I paid off the credit card companies( and it was my fault , not theirs) and had enough left over to but a new lawnmower. and the hel of it was it didn't stop there. next year I got a letter from state and federal tax people telling me I owed taxes on the amount I had negotiated down with credit card companies. all i am saying is credit card or debit card debt( and yes, if overdraft about 30 bucks per charge, per charge, per whatever all of a sudden you owe120 bucks for a dollar overdraft) . all I'm saying is don't use a card to eat at a fast food place, many charge a service fee of up to two bucks. so your "value" meal just jumped from 5 to 7 and if not careful about your balance 40.00 pretty steep for a fast food meal. but wht not just go to the bank and get some money or even an atm. fast food places love you for that card. they make money and extra buck or two. the bank makes a buck or two and all of a sudden your 5 buck value meal is 9 bucks. Unless really wealthy, it's a bad idea to pay for fast food with a card. and most wealthy people are wealthy because the are not dumb enough to pay with a card. or make a habit of it.

>> No.4760246

What are you even doing on the food and cooking board if you refuse to food and cooking?

>> No.4760254

Explain how that doctor knows it is a result of his genetics.

>> No.4760255

using a debit card for small purchases isnt a big deal, just watch your overdraft and use arms without service fees. I only use a credit card for large shit to build mah credit and for the consumer protection it provides (dispute purchase, mofo)

>> No.4760263

debit = credit card

>> No.4760265


>> No.4760267

wakka wakka

>> No.4760279

that is very true. If buying large ticket item like a washer or tv, you get it home and it doesn't work, you can dispute the charge and most times get if reversed.

>> No.4760292

op what do you do for a living?

>> No.4761054

I don't think that is relevant and I am a private person, so I'll refrain from answering.

>> No.4761072
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YES! The return of fat autistic fastfood guy with a garbage filled car!

>> No.4761080
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There was the time he was listening to his Stephen King audiobook, and zoned out after he ordered a Double QP with extra cheese, mayo, and ketchup, and two mcdoubles, then waited at the first window for 5 minutes before pulling up to the second when nobody came, and the manager asked "What took so long?", and he sperged out and yelled "YOU DONT HAVE TO BE A BITCH ABOUT IT" and sped away, crying and sweating as he went.

Then he came on here asking for advice about how to go back to that McDonald's without having to interact with that manager, and he was asking if it's a good idea to do a stake out, find out what car she drives, what shift she works, and then only go when she isn't working.

He also has a shitty car that's full of fast food wrappers, bags, as well as uneaten bun remnants, Little Caesars pizza crusts, dried and caked on ketchup and mayo, and he's said he's too anxious to clean it out because people will be looking at him.

>> No.4761085

IHe's still a human being.

>> No.4761090

No he isn't

>> No.4761092

Let's go over the errors in this statement.
wholeheartedly, no need for a hyphen.
devil's advocate (as mentioned by a previous poster).
kitchen sink
field day
sixth sense
blind eye
goes around
brass tacks
rocket scientists
kill two birds with one stone
wears the pants
>I feel better now

>> No.4761094


That's awesome. I remember him in Super Size me, but I didn't know he lived in Wisconsin. I live there too, hence why I like him more now.

>> No.4761095

>pick an outlier
>that's proof enough for me!

There is a reason these people stick out so much, to the point where they make the news.

>> No.4761096
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>stuttering something about "my wife"

>> No.4761098
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>"weren't you just in here?"
>"woah that's a lot of food"
This was funny the first couple times but it's getting old now.

>> No.4761115
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>Don Gorske
>calling him stupid

Get the fuck out and never return. That guy is personable as hell. He gives off an aura that you can't help but like. I want to shake this man's hand.

He just looks genuinely happy and content.


>> No.4761128

No one realises the bullshit?
>pay with debit card
>wait for $2 change
How is that even possible?

>> No.4761144

Shit, why does the audience have an orgasm every fucking time the guy says ANYTHING?

>> No.4761166

Holy shit, what an awful haircut.


>> No.4761214
File: 15 KB, 223x140, wtf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently came back from visiting some relatives in Minnesota. I didn't want to intrude, so I lived in a motel nearby. The last day I stayed at their house though, because it was closer to the airport.

When it was dinner time, the wife of the family busted out this deep plate that looked like a trough or something used for cooking an over-sized gratin.

After the family had gathered by the table to say grace, I sat around waiting for plates or any form of cutlery but was straight urged to "dig in". I looked around confused and then noticed the spoons hanging from the sides of the dish. Everyone was expected to eat straight from this container.

Watching father, mother, two sons and a daughter stirring their spoons in it and shovel it straight into their mouths, I felt super awkward.

Weirdest culinary experience of my life. I mean, what the hell?

Just how common is this in America? Back home people could barely believe this when I told them.

pic related, it looked like this

>> No.4761219

I don't know about you, but I've never noticed any cashback option or been asked about cashback at any eatery, fast food, sit-in restaurant nor takeaway. Have you seen anything like that?

This is a clear contradiction!

>> No.4761222

families share with one another. i wouldnt have waited to grab a handy utensil and dig in

>> No.4761229

I don't eat fast food, so I wouldn't know. 7/11 does it though.

>> No.4761281


... I have never, ever, ever heard of this before.

>> No.4761288
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>> No.4761290
File: 5 KB, 231x135, mid or i feed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family feeding trough

Oh boy, I've always joked about getting one for my family and we would all have a giggle and go back to shoveling our plates down. But for real? kek

>> No.4761609

This isn't Fatty Mc Autism. This is a cheap imposter. Fuck off OP, you suck at this.

>> No.4761613

Don't worry, it's copypasta.

>> No.4761630

>about to hand my debit card to cashier when she recognizes me
>go to next window without waiting for my $2 in change


>> No.4761663

FUCK I am tearing up from laughing.
I have seen some weird ghetto ass shit in my life and nothing has ever been on the same level as your story.
what was in the trough?

>> No.4761670

But that's a store. Stores do it all the time. Restaurants, however, do not.

>> No.4761673

> jr. McChicken

>> No.4761675

>hands debit card
>drives away without getting change
topkek, 1/13 made me respond

>> No.4761682

What made you so mad at people? What makes you think you're so much better than them? They're people just like all of us. They're only trying to make a living. Fast food work isn't the easiest in the world and it doesn't help that you sometimes get treated like shit. I'm working at a cafe to pay for college. I had to save up for two years to be able to afford everything without going into massive debt. Dealing with people all day can be stressful and management is full of sociopathic dick heads who give no fucks about your personal feelings or anxieties.

Sounds like you never leave the house or socialize yet you still think you're better than those "idiots". It amazes me that you don't think people should have livable wages for full time work.

>> No.4761696

LOL! Its a trough!

Seriously though that sounds like complete bullshit.

Don't feed the trolls

>> No.4761754
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>> No.4761795

Shut up you fat faggot

>> No.4761831

I was about to hand her my debit card when I realized I had left it at home and ended up paying with cash.

Make fun of me some more, it's not like I am a person with feelings or any intrinsic value.

>> No.4762378
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>> No.4762398

>EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY [...] poisonous chemicals, GMOs, etc.

Liberal detected

>> No.4762546

>Liberal detected
Oh look, this guy.

>> No.4762553

>Asia is a far nicer place, the people are nicer, there's no social paranoia or anxiety
>no social paranoia or anxiety in Asia

Not sure if series.

>> No.4762558
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1266256194273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to head to jack in the box
>take my bike there
>on the way there i'm rehearsing saying my order
>repeat it maybe 100 times in my head
>finally get there and park my bike
>pull a water bottle out of my fanny pack to clear my throat
>walk inside
>there's something new
>a kiosk where you can place your order
thank you jesus

>> No.4762562

There was a place in my hometown where you would just go to a touchscreen and enter your order, then you would get a number. The only human interaction necessary was when they called out your number and handed you your food, and when you handed your receipt to the cashier and paid. I wish this would become standard, I really don't want to have to talk to people in order to get my food.

>> No.4762573

Are you me?

>> No.4762577

where are you?
this is standard in most upper-to-middle teir gas stations in the mid atlantic-

>> No.4762581

>in most upper-to-middle teir gas stations
You buy food at gas stations?

Also, there are tiers of gas stations?

>> No.4762584

get out much?

>> No.4762587

Yes, I just haven't noticed much difference in quality at the gas stations I go to.

And I've never bought food at a gas station.

>> No.4762593

It was in an upper-tier gas station that had better food than most fast-food places. This was in a suburb near Cleveland.

>> No.4762604

Lies. There's nothing good near Cleveland.

>> No.4762606

well la-ti-da.
ones around here are huge, clean, and have what usually amounts to a decent coffee and subshop inside, sometimes with seating

>> No.4762608

Why do you think I moved to the other side of the country? Fuck Clevleland. Fuck Cleveland so hard. But this was indeed there. I think the place was called Sheetz.

>> No.4762612

sheetz are niiice, got them on the east coast too

>> No.4762616

I remember it being the go-to place for all the kids in my old high school to hang out, because that's all there was to do other than the mall. I remember it having surprisingly good espresso.

>> No.4762620

I worked in the kitchen of a caseys gas station. that food wasn't too bad, although all but the pizza came frozen. Doughnuts were the bomb though. no wonder I put on 50lbs.. go in at 4am (was supposed to be 5 but would be rushed so went in off the books) make some doughnuts.. snack.. switch over to pizza/burgers at noon, snack, go home at 2pm with a box of pizza

>> No.4762626

I drove away from a taco bell without my food the other day and was way too embarrassed to go back

>> No.4764120
File: 12 KB, 246x300, 1358974814132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story. (not eventful but shame)

>go to wendy's drive through with my gf and her mom (she drives)
>we both take 30 seconds to decide (this was a spur of the moment thing and i haven't been to wendy's in a year). No one was behind us but her mom had to say we need more time and you could tell she was getting really irritated.
>when we pull up her mom asks them if we could have a menu to take home so we can decide faster next time.
>they say they don't but she Insists on it.
>They have to go in and ask around and then come back a minute later saying they don' t have one.

I think her mom think's i'm retarded.

>> No.4764926

I've driven away without food (after paying for it) once. The car behind me beeped when I was looking at the menu even though I was only looking at it for like 3-4 minutes tops.

Then he beeped at me when I was looking for exact change at the window. I handed the money to the girl at the window and acted tough and gave him the finger.

He yelled WHAT THE FUCK and I saw the door open and booked it.

Total beta move but whatever I got over it after a few months.

>> No.4764954

putting up with customers like you is why they deserve $15/hour

>> No.4765047

your gfs mom sounds like an autistic whore

>> No.4765055

I am not a sperglord but I hate shit like that too

>5 minutes
deserves the death penalty imo

>> No.4765071

too bad. that would have been a good time to shoot someone.

>> No.4765086

>even though I was only looking at it for like 3-4 minutes tops.

That's not a small amount of time.

>> No.4765158
File: 263 KB, 527x491, soylent-rob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mah nigga?

>> No.4765261

Each car at our drive through has a three minute limit from when they pull up to the order box.
Any car that goes over that limit is counted against whoever was working the drive through at that time and the shift manager, managers continued employment as managers and workers hours are based on how many cars they fail, if you consistently get under 80% cars out on time you are not going to last long.
It's called fast food for a reason you fucking cock sucker.

>> No.4765320

You're not "large". You're fat.

>> No.4765372


>> No.4765487

Good, I hope someone got fired because of me.

>> No.4765660

I swear, everyone says I'm the most paranoid guy they've ever met, and yet I'd actually rather order inside the place than go through the Drive-Thru.
It's not THAT bad.

>> No.4765671

>implying the afflicted here actually know and meet other people

You're just normal compared to some of these faggots.

>> No.4765676

>I'd actually rather order inside the place than go through the Drive-Thru.
My gf always wants to order inside, even though we are taking the food to go.

I am strictly a drive thru guy. It is faster, more efficient, and less interaction with people. I don't know why, but I don't like being inside a fast food place.

>> No.4765740

>>about to hand my debit card to cashier when she recognizes me and says, "weren't you just in here?"
>>pay for food, cashier says, "woah that's a lot of food". I stare straight ahead without responding and go to next window without waiting for my $2 in change

You paid with a debit card yet were getting change?


>> No.4768002


>> No.4768133

>Why can't the fast food help just shut up and do their job?

i tend to agree with this

>> No.4768155

>In North Carolina, visiting parents
>Walk into Wendy's, APC, Rag & Bone, usually what Im dressed in.
>Hungry as shit, only had 2 eggs, toast, coffee, and seltzer water that day
>Everyone in there was Freshman when I was a Senior
>I order 24 spicy chicken nuggers, no sauce, no drink.
>Cashier hollers back the order and says,"Nigga you da man."
>I walk back to my booth, texting and I here all of them yell,"AWWW SHIT!"
>Get the nuggers, eat them in 4 minutes, leave

>> No.4768182

I have no idea what your post meant... are you happy you have Wendy's street cred or something?

>> No.4768847

Oh look, a Fatty McAutism thread.
Anyone have the one about his disgusting car?

>> No.4768849

I wish they were archived.

There was one last year, I'm sure it was him, where a girl from work wanted a ride home and saw his filthy car. Apparently he sobbed in front of her and called in sick and asked /ck/ how to deal with it.

lol fuck why didn't I save these

>> No.4769378
File: 1.14 MB, 260x146, I'm fuckin out of here.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, use this one

>> No.4769742

>Anyone have the one about his disgusting car?

>> No.4769775


>> No.4769810

This thought struck me as well just right now. I think the main difference is that on /v/ it's Gamestop's fault.

>> No.4769818

I thoroughly enjoyed this story

>> No.4769830

There was one of those at a Little Caesar's in the casino. I was so confused till the woman told me I had to order back there at the machine. What's the point of having workers there? All she did was hand me my food. She didn't make it, she didn't even handle my money. She mostly stood around looking bored.

>> No.4769849

Meh. This has lost its charm now that it's a "thing." Those first few aspietard freak out threads the guy did, though, were fucking golden.

I wonder if he ever managed to clean out his car.

>> No.4769913

He really isn't though.