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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4759684 No.4759684 [Reply] [Original]

>not making your own god-tier apple butter, apple jelly, and apple sauce from your own apple tree

I just had some of this apple butter on a slice of toast. Hoooollllyyy sheeeet. It is some of the best apple butter I've ever had. It's super thick too, like as thick as peanut butter and I have a gallon of it!

>> No.4759717

What's apple butter?

>> No.4759756

Apple butter is apple sauce that has spices and sugar in it and has been cooked until it caramelizes. It will have much less water, be rather dark as you see in the OP image, and taste pretty awesome. It is also pretty expensive when you get the good stuff.

Most people just end up making brown applesauce that has lots of cinnamon in it because they don't cook it properly.

>> No.4759763

you are in for a ride, son
made peach salsa from the bushel i picked from my white peach tree. They were small and ugly, but juicy and delicious.

also a wineberry and blackberry medley cobbler from my bushes

>> No.4759771

>peach salsa

Never heard of that before. What is the flavor profile?

I made some spiced blueberry syrup for breakfast foods from one of my blueberry bushes.

>> No.4759781

spicy, sweet.

>> No.4759789

This reminds me, I have some jalapeno syrup I made still hiding in my larder. It is a great dip.

>> No.4759805
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I just finished making some spiced vanilla pear butter (inspired by a post on here), and it came out tasting amazing.
>tfw that one chunk of stray pear in it makes me look bad

>> No.4759815
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I also made this, which I'm already sick of.

>> No.4759819
File: 949 KB, 540x960, ujelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And mountains of crabapple jelly.

>> No.4759834

I've posted pictures of my canning projects before on here but I'm not at home to post them again. Yesterday I made some dilly beans, though.

>> No.4759863

i jelly

>> No.4759877

What do crabapples taste like?

>> No.4759893

They are just babby apples, but much more tart. They have bright red skins, so they make the jam a really nice color. Tastes like a slightly more tart apple jam. It's really good.

>> No.4759912

jesus tap dancing CHRIST that flavor profile sounds god damned amazing. how do you make that?
Less concerned with canning and more with actual cooking, but i know jack shit about canning so go ahead.

>> No.4759928

Isn't it a totally different genus?

>> No.4759929


>> No.4759933

based OP I live in the shitstain of a state called NJ.
What do I do with apples/blueberries?
How do I into canning?

>> No.4759938

Well interesting, that means some apples are native to North America. Nice!

>> No.4759956
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Nigga it doesn't get any easier than this.

>> No.4759989

Muchas gracias! Eso es la puro sabor de otono.

>> No.4760123

Sauerkraut, grape juice, vinegar, and numerous jellies. Wanna make beer this year.

>> No.4760412

It really depends on what type of crab apple they are. The little ones that look like cherries are best when eaten dehydrated. They taste like a fruit roll up then. Otherwise tart as fuck. The larger ones that look like normal apples, but smaller and greener than small apples are pretty tart too. They are great for making apple pectin to make jams, jellies, and preserves.

>spiced vanilla pear butter

I'm fully intrigued.

Pepper jelly is awesome. At least it is canned and will last quite a while.

I gotta pick my crabapple tree this year. I didn't get to the past 4 years and this year it is LOADED.

>> No.4761264

Going to try to make some raspberry jam today, will report back.

>> No.4761773
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I'm in the middle of making blackberry jam today.

>> No.4761787



Have your own garden?

>> No.4761807

A few gardens and an orchard.

>> No.4761872

Oh my, I jelly

>> No.4761879

Very nice. Do you happen to have any photos of your garden? I'm always interested in home brew setups, unless you've always had sort of a mini farm which is awesome too.

Are there sources you'd recommended on the internet or your own personal methods you can share to correctly prepare and cook fruit jams and fruit butters? Would be much appreciated.

>> No.4762121

>Do you happen to have any photos of your garden?

I think /ck/, /out/, and /diy/ has seen enough of my gardens.

>Are there sources you'd recommended on the internet
