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File: 153 KB, 1280x720, marinade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4756823 No.4756823 [Reply] [Original]

This is what I use to marinade my steak, is this too much? It almost creates a blackened like effect on the steak, taste and texture wise

**btw i deleted the thread by accident last time no re post.

>> No.4756831

and no the crackers nor wheat thins are used lol

>> No.4756830

sure smells like repost up in here

>> No.4756834

deleted by accident when replying on my phone, big deal.

>> No.4756843

Way too much. Unless it was the shittiest cut of steak available you should only be using salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

>> No.4756886

its an angus porterhouse cost like 9.80$

>> No.4756906


That's pretty meaningless. Angus is simply a breed of cow, it says nothing about the quality of the steak. Likewise the price doesn't mean much either. I've bought god-tier steaks for $5/lb and seen steaks for sale for $20 or more per pound that had no marbling to speak of. Price is no indicator of quality. I'd offer my thoughts based on what it looks like but I can't see the marbling because of all the stuff on top of the steak.

>garlic powder.
Kill yourself for even owning that. Fresh garlic or nothing.

>> No.4757000
File: 334 KB, 918x1632, steakk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a pic of it cooking

>> No.4757036

nothing wrong with garlic powder

>> No.4757039

OP please tell me this is like, the first time you're cooking, or something.
First off, the way you've dumped the stuff on the steak you're not marinading it, just seasoning it. Second, did you really think you need to use that much oil, or butter or whatever? You just need a thin film of oil on the pan, not have it swimming in shit.
Also, yes, it's too many tastes, in the end it probably ended up tasting like nothing in particular and salty as fuck. Judging by how charred you got it bitter as well.

>> No.4757045

if i dont put tons of oil on it, the a1 rub makes everything stick to the pain and will burn into the pan, i lost one pan due to this

>> No.4757062

this is bait, right


>> No.4757065

no not at all. i cook it like this all the time

>> No.4757061

You're obviously doing something wrong.
Start by marinading your steak in a bowl, add whatever ungodly shit you're going to add, then cover the meat half way with olive oil, then mix with your hands, or a fork if you think it's yucky, then let it sit for a while - best case scenario is a couple of hours, but nobody has that much time to wait for a steak these days.

Also, if your shit burns on the outside, lower the flame and/or tenderize the steak with a mallet, but don't go overboard with it, it can make the meat stringy.

>> No.4757070

Forgot to say: when you marinade your steak with olive oil, or whatever you like to use you barely need any grease in the pan, just add 50-100ish millilitres.

>> No.4757077
File: 112 KB, 478x640, steak set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of the steak on the plate had to blank a phone number out next to the plate

>> No.4757080

If you have a halfway decent steak, all you need to do is apply a lot of salt at least 40 min ahead of time, then add oil to your pan after you let it heat up a bit

>> No.4757081

that's fuggin burnt yo

>> No.4757082

its the a1 rub that does that to the outside of the steak.

>> No.4757086


That looks horrendous.

Jesus A1 is disgusting. I guess it hides the flavor of shitty, burnt steak well enough though.

>> No.4757090

Wow I'm usually a lurker here but I gotta say, that shit looks absolutely revolting. Made me sick to my stomach for a second.

>> No.4757093

The breed of cow certainly has to do with the quality of the steak. Furthermore, on the subject, In the US, the label of "black angus" can be applied to any cow that is black. It doesn't even have to be marginally Angus. In contrast, in Britain, for cattle to be designated Black Angus, they must be at least 50% angus.
tl;dr if you're living in the US, black angus doesn't mean shit, and you're getting ripped off everytime you pay for the label, unless you are buying your meat directly from a producer that can prove it's cattle are Angus.
And, as far as breeds of cattle making a difference in quality, it depends on the quality you're looking for. Angus, since we're talking about that, is considered one of the best because the meat is marbled and flavorful, but it's also a fast-growth breed and bulky. Shorthorn and British Longhorn is better, IMO, because they are a slow growth breed, givng you more time for the muscle meat to develop for flavor and tenderness. Charolais can be absolutely fantastic meat, but it is extremely slow growth, which is why you don't see more Charolais specialty meat, because producers don't want to take that long to see returns. Hereford cattle are one of my favorites, good growth rate, beefy and fatty, good flavor, but they seem to be falling out of favor with a lot of ranchers, because they are more prone to diseases like cancer, and unless you are raising Polled Herfords, you have to deal with their horn problems or dehorn them, which is a huge pain in the ass. Red Brangus is is comparable to Angus in terms of growth and flavor, but they can have a lot of birthing problems. Too many calves have to be pulled because their legs are too long for the cow to push out and they get stuck.
In conclusion, don't even give a second thought to the black angus label. The beef you are buying is mixed breed, and very likely doesn't contain a smidge of Angus, or a very low percentage.
just sayin......

>> No.4757095

the inside was a tad bit over medium

>> No.4757102

You fucking moron. I wish I could reach through my computer and slap your goddamn face off.
You should NEVER salt your steak that far ahead of time. You salt it DIRECTLY BEFORE putting it on the grill. Not only that, if you've heated your pan or grill to the correct temperature, you don't need to use any oil at all.

>> No.4757121


Salting it ahead of time draws out moisture from the surface, which lets you get a really nice sear, as opposed to a grayish/brownish mess that looks like you boiled it instead of properly cooked it

>> No.4757123

OP , you need to rub that sauce around a little for even distribution

>> No.4757126

>believing old wives tales bat steak
>getting uppity and superior about it when you are talking out of your ass

>> No.4757127

*about steak

>> No.4757132

You're a right fucking TARD, you know that? What kind of shitting low temperature do you cook at steak at that you can't get a good sear on it without completely ruining your meat first? You fucking fuck fuck. Yeah, I mad. I sure as hell hope you don't cook for a living, you fucking cow dick. You need to get schooled.

>> No.4757133

....the fuck are you doing

>> No.4757139

>old wives tale
>technique of the most successful steak restaurants in the world
>world renown chefs
>but some piece of dog shit on 4chan knows more

Yep, this is 4chan all right.

>> No.4757141


i bet you only flip your steak once


>> No.4757144

What an odd appeal to authority.

>> No.4757145

Well you would be WRONG then, wouldn't you? Now go eat your shit pie, you've lost.

>> No.4757146

I just joined the discussion champ


>not knowing about osmosis

>> No.4757147

what an odd comment to make.

>> No.4757148

Actually, I have my steak on a pan over a stove in the middle of my backyard. I use a pulley system and ladder to gently lower the steak on the pan to avoid any injuries. I then use a robot I made with Lego Mindstorms to remotely flip the steak once.

>> No.4757150
File: 1.96 MB, 615x413, plsstop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4757152

It doesn't matter whether you just joined the discussion. You're still wrong. But it's cute that you're trying to use your 6th grade science term paper to reason out your mistake.

>> No.4757153

Alton, pls go.

>> No.4757167

>my way is the only way

de edge of a 16 year old

>> No.4757168

It's the right way. Not my way, the right way. Fuck off.

>> No.4757172

>only one way is right

>> No.4757175

Yep. There is a superior method for everything. Including cooking steak.

>> No.4757198


This is bait right? Salting 40min before is better due to science. Here let me explain: salt draws out moisture from the steak. You put that salt on right before you fry, you get the moisture coming out of the steak which just evaporates in your pan, not staying in your steak making it juicy. You salt 30min-1hr before grilling/pan searing the moisture is drawn out by the salt, but then due to osmosis re-enters the steak. This method will make your steak "saltier" throughout, so it's important not to over salt. Or you can be an autistic retard that flies off the handle about shit he doesn't know about.

>> No.4757202

shouldn't have bothered

let him enjoy his delusion

>> No.4757241

>implying "saltier" steak is a good thing

Goddamn you people are fucking stupid. And apparently have no tastebuds, either. Equalizing your solute on either side of the membranes doesn't help your steak. Steak doesn't (or shouldn't, at least) cook long enough for that to matter. If you were using a thin, lean cut of beef, then it would make sense. You're just ruining a good cut of beef, you stupid ass. Not to mention, if you have to worry about how much juice is coming out of your steak, you are cooking it at WAY too low of a temperature, fucknut. Now, please try to pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.4757272

it tastes good though

>> No.4757279

a nice salty tasting steak and sauce is amazing

>> No.4757288

Chef reporting.
I know you chucklefucks are going to keep arguing about this shit all day and all night, but whatever. I'll still tell you anyway.
When to salt depends on what kind of meat it is. In general, talking about the major cuts, beef steaks and roasts, and pork roasts, racks, and thick cut chops, and game such as elk, venison, and bison should be salted right before searing and cooking. Poultry, lamb, goat, game birds should be salted at least several hours ahead of time. It's about the meat, not just the damn salt. Meat fibers are not created equal.

>> No.4757292

>gets #rekt
>y-you're stupid

>> No.4757289

Short order cook?

>> No.4757296

Are you fucking illiterate? Or do you just recognize the word stupid because your mom calls you that 50 times a day? Try reading it again, faggot.

>> No.4757307
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1345159005137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being this wrong and this mad

>> No.4757626

he very mad

>> No.4757744

doesnt look awful

>> No.4757943

id eat it wont even lie.

>> No.4757952

same here i mean i wouldnt have it as a first choice or second but ehhh

>> No.4758199
File: 166 KB, 863x575, Therese_Neumann_von_Konnersreuth3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heres a pic of it cooking

>> No.4758294

I bet it tastes good.

Faggots in this thread are too obsessed with the "right way" of doing things, and miss the myriad of opportunities possible sometimes by intentionally going over the top with seasoning or cooking at a different temperature than recommended.

>> No.4758335

It seems like too much to me, but without tasting it I couldn't say for sure. You've got a ton of different flavors going on there though, so they're probably just going to mask each other and you won't be able to taste much of anything.

I think steak does best when there are just a few bold flavors to accompany the meat.

Just salt and pepper is good. Sometimes I'll go a little beyond that and do a light rub with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, dry mustard, and cayenne pepper.

>> No.4758351


>I bet it tastes good.

How much you want to bet bro, a million, a billion?

Never made such an easy bet in my life.

>> No.4758537

The reason steaks and such are salted just before cooking in restaurants is speed, ya dingus

>> No.4758573

>The breed of cow certainly has to do with the quality of the steak

Sure, but it's no guarantee of a good steak. Just because the steak came from an Angus cow doesn't mean it's tender or well marbled at all. It simply means that the breed of cow is known for producing tasty meat. But, like any other meat or produce or poultry or fish, the product varies from piece to piece.

It makes much more sense to choose your steak based on its appearance (color, marbling) than it does to ignore all that and simply pay attention to the breed. The breed alone says nothing about the age of the cow at slaughter, it's marbling, how it was aged after slaughter, etc.

>> No.4758579
File: 1.52 MB, 836x844, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>eating angus garbage and not piemontese god tier

Just because a chain steakhouse says it's good doesn't mean it's good. In fact you should probably conclude the opposite.

>> No.4758592

god this thread
you people are such faggots

>> No.4758643

That just seems like overkill to me. Adobo already has onion and garlic powder in it, plus MSG. Dunno about that a1 dry rub but I'd bet its more of the same.

Personally I like steak with just salt and pepper and half the time I don't even add that. My sister used to add butter which was good but unnecessary.

>> No.4758809

wtf op. do u even know how to meat.

whenever i make steak, i use apple cider vinegar, lil bit worschtersire sauce, salt, pepper and a little red wine.


>> No.4758875

the rub coats it and makes like a blackened almost crust

>> No.4759185

I do actually

>> No.4759192

Wow, too much. I literally just use a bit of barbeque sauce, chopped garlic, a bit of pepper and a couple shots of rum or whiskey, let it sit for at least an hour and its perfect.

>> No.4759227

u do not know what u r doing what-so-ever...

>> No.4759337

No, it's because it's correct practice. What in that post did you not understand?

>> No.4759344

When did I ever say you should choose a steak based just on breed? I was simply giving information on why breeds matter. Goddamn, why do people have to argue just for the fucking sake of arguing, for the love of fuck.

>> No.4759372

This has been proven wrong many times, but go ahead and stick to your appeal to authority

>> No.4759379

No, it's never been proven wrong, you idiot fucktard.
But keep on believing everything you read on seriouseats, you hack.

>> No.4760186

how not? it tasted good

>> No.4760198

>Fresh garlic or nothing.
>my nigga for life