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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4754972 No.4754972 [Reply] [Original]

Nightly Vegan Thread. I had some of this tonight because Trigonometry is taking all my free time. Did anyone else here eat a meal void of all animals? Please share.

By the way, this shit was good.

>> No.4754981

Yup - a spicy peanut butter tofu and mushroom dish. Mmmmmmm.

>> No.4754982

i made brown rice with chickpeas and asparagus in a lemon tahini sauce for dinner

>> No.4754987


That sounds delicious. No pics, huh?

>> No.4754989



>> No.4754994


Nope - never. I love being in the kitchen, it's a personal thing. If it's requested - then I will, but never just automatically.

>> No.4755000


Well, if you make something else like this, take a couple pics and if you feel like sharing 'em, do so. I have never even thought of putting peanut butter and tofu together. I fucking love peanut butter.

>> No.4755006


Yeah, man - do you want the recipe?

>> No.4755009


of course.

>> No.4755015

1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 block of firm tofu (drained and cut into bite-sized pieces)
1 red or sweet onion
1 package of mushrooms (or more if you like more)
Handful (or two) of spinach
1/2 cup of of peanutbutter (go with the unsalted - after all, you can always add salt to it!)
1 cup hot water
2 Tablespoons Braggs liquid aminos (or soy sauce)
Diced garlic cloves or garlic powder to taste
3 Tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons paprika
2 teaspoons curry powder
1/2 to 1 teaspoon of red pepper flakes
dash of chili powder (if you have it)

Throw the oil and the tofu in a pan. Cook until the tofu has darkened a bit. Add HALF the onions and cook until translucent, before adding the mushrooms. While the tofu, onions, and mushrooms are having a cooking party, add the remaining ingredients - BUT THE SPINACH - in a bowl (this is your sauce!). Once the mushrooms have cooked down, add the spinach and the sauce until it's bubbling and thickened. Serve as is or over rice.

>> No.4755019


Many thanks. copypasted.

>> No.4755028


Of course. This dish is addictive as fuck.

>> No.4755039

I had black beans and rice with hot sauce and garlic.

>> No.4755051


I like it. That protein.

>> No.4755055
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Mods are asleep, post gore!

>> No.4755060


>trigonometry is taking all my free time

Vegans confirmed for underaged b& or slow. Not that it needed confirmation...

>> No.4755063


so sorry to disturb you, genius. Some people need to learn shit before they can act uppity about it.

>> No.4755064
File: 59 KB, 800x600, avocado-cucumber-roll-10736893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ate at a sushi place. Cucumber avocado rolls. Still really hungry though.

>> No.4755067


> still really hungry


>> No.4755071


Kind of like veganism threads then. Doesn't feel so good when someone does the same thing back does it? Even if trig is basic high school level math. #rekt

>> No.4755073


get help soon, anon.

>> No.4755079

if i dont eat meat but use dead fish to give nutrients to growing plants am i still considered a vegitarian

>> No.4755082

I guess..But there are far better ways to grow plants,

>> No.4755094
File: 2.17 MB, 286x210, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel every time you see someone recommend chicken and eggs as "healthy foods"

>> No.4755100

does it involve using nutrients derived from chemicals hat are made by polluting the environment and killing off animals in a type of chemical warfare and or not giving animals places to live or something?

>> No.4755103


I know that feel bro. Fucking "nutrition experts" that convince themselves that animal products are by any means as healthy as their non-animal counter parts.

It disgusts me, but I don't say anything.

>> No.4755104

Yeah chemical fertilizers are the best.

>> No.4755110

Can you prove otherwise?

>> No.4755112


Sure. Just use google. Look up what most doctors prescribe for severe heart disease. It sure as shit isn't a diet that includes cheese and chicken. It's a 100% plant based diet that meets all nutritional needs... Protein included (for people who actually think protein is exclusive to animal flesh).

See Bill Clinton and a shitton of other unhealthy people.

>> No.4755121


Well some people with one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel have to eat vegan, so obviously it validates my feelings! These threads raise my blood pressure more than the delicious ribs I had for dinner.

>> No.4755136


oh lord that delusion. It's simple. When people come to doctors with severe heart disease... The doctors automatically exclude all animal products from their diet. Not only do the patients see results, they usually lose weight, their BP gets back to normal, and they prolong their lives.

Simpy cutting out the food that you praise so much makes people healthier. This isn't opinion. It's documented fact. Bill Clinton fucking LOVED hamburgers, chicken, cheese, etc. He wasn't exactly lazy either. He was president. He walked, traveled, and moved around a lot. If there was a way for him to get healthy and eat animal products, I'm sure that nigga would have done it. But Bill Clinton can afford the very best healthcare. And you know what that top-of-the-line healthcare told him?

To stop eating animal products entirely and start eating a 100% plant based diet.

Facts suck, huh?

>> No.4755142

I made chicken and broccoli stir fry and had some beef jerky. God I love being vegan.

>> No.4755147

yeah because its impossible to get heart desease being a vegitarian lazy fuck who eats nothing but carbs and vegitable oil all day.

>> No.4755155

cool source. also the "heart disease" which is never specified which disease it is around here is because of high consumption of red meat. chicken and fish have not been proven to lead to "heart disease" and not eating meat has nothing to do with losing weight other that cutting calories.

>> No.4755156


I'm not saying that. I am aware that there can be unhealthy vegans. I know quite a few. What I am saying is that the quickest way to optimal health is through a healthy, 100% plant based diet. This is universally understood.

>> No.4755164

>the quickest way to optimal health is through a healthy, 100% plant based diet
It's also the quickest way to a nutrition deficiency.

Let me ask you. Why do you come here, every night, to make a thread that receives mostly hostile replies? Is it autism? You don't need to have a general when nobody posts in it.

>> No.4755165

my dinner wasn't amazing, but my lunch for tomorrow will be... giiant salad of field greens, sliced cherry tomatoes, half a cucumber. The dressing is one whole grated carrot, 1inch grated ginger, two cloves raw garlic, tbsp raw coconut aminos, juice of one small orange, cayenne pepper, smoked sea salt, drizzle of white truffle oil, and some raw manuka honey. Everything but the garlic is organic, that one is local.

>> No.4755167

it's a diet designed to be safe for that defect and not to aggravate it isn't a healthy diet by default you moron.

>> No.4755168


It was fine up until


>> No.4755170

hurr durr durr i have an idea. durrr lets eat nothing but what food eats and endure all kinds of new illnesses like allergies to gluten and other sicknesses so new the government spends billions trying to figure it out. "we will just pass the savings on to the less good ethnicity" and then once we get sick we will blame what ever we hated in the first place for causing our sickness and theirfore we will be correct when we blame it for making us sick

>> No.4755172


>> No.4755175

>>raw, organic, vegan
the asylum doors are unlocked again

>> No.4755174


meat eaters, this is who is speaking for you. Anyone else wanna take his place? It's embarrassing

>> No.4755180


not speaking for him - but there is still hope for a healthy debate or recipes or good products. not everybody has to be a dick.

>> No.4755181

Sounds fucking scrumptious. Would consume.

>> No.4755183


>eating food that aggravates anything

>> No.4755185

Yeah, nah.

You are wrong, humans are omnivores and function better eating both meat and plants and excluding one isn't good for you.

The only reason vegetarian/vegan diets seem healthier is because not as many people eat bulks of the stuff compared to those eat meat and plants.

If we were meant to eat plants we would be herbivores, so stop holding back the human race by being a herbivore and embrace what makes you human, being an omnivore and being the apex predator.

>> No.4755186

you forgot local, dipshit

>> No.4755187

>not everybody has to be a dick.
Vegans are the biggest food-related dicks in the US.

>> No.4755190


>> No.4755195

It looks like a shitty video you'd find on /x/ or /pol/.
>"lol" in the title
>dat unsteady camera
>Smash your TV, go ride a bike
It's like you're trolling.

>> No.4755197

ITT: Vegans talking about non-animal food and omnivores throwing a shitfest. Or maybe it's just one loser.

Anyway, back to vegan food.

>> No.4755200


It's never fine and it's that smug air of bullshit surrounding all vegan threads that makes it not fine. I go days where I don't eat meat, up to a week even, but you don't see me climbing to the rooftops and shouting how awesome I am for not eating 'dead animals' (appeal to emotion). Take your superiority and shove it up your ass, then make a thread looking for vegan recipes without all the smug undertones.

It is around West Coast prime time so maybe you Commiefornians just can't help coming off as smug cunts, about everything; from your state, what you eat, to your weed.

>> No.4755201

horney vegan :}

>> No.4755208


I can help you with your moral dilemma bro. No it wasn't smug at all. You're projecting. Anyone who read this thread up until the first troll comment would agree with me.

>> No.4755211


Sorry, I CAN'T help you with your moral dilemma. If you feel bad about it, stop eating meat. But leave us vegans alone. We're just trying to share recipes. Just like any other foodie.

>> No.4755216

no, it probably has something to do with compost.

>> No.4755220


i've met PLENTY of assholes who follow a keto diet and plenty of assholes who follow a paleo diet.

everyone thinks they're right and everyone else is wrong in what they consume.

>> No.4755218

These threads always have massive samefagging. It's one autistic guy starting the same thread every night. Just go to bed.

>> No.4755223

I want to go vegan/veggie-but I have access to organic humanely raised meat on the reg. Any reason to take the jump?

>> No.4755233


Yes. You don't have to kill sentient mammals to maintain your health. Pretty simple.

>> No.4755241


>dead animals in OP
>kill sentient mammals

pls stahp.

>> No.4755243

I'm hungry, what should I eat?

>> No.4755244


There are a few quotes that pushed me over the edge.

“A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.”
― Leo Tolstoy

I will just share what caused my mom to become first a vegetarian and later on a vegan (with us kids in tow, for which I'm very grateful), a friend lent her a health book and in that book there was a simple statement that caught her eye: "Don't Eat Corpses!" The rest is history. ~ Delicioso, Another Name for Delicious

>> No.4755240

No, humanely raised animals are good enough. There's no reason not to eat organic, humane meat.

>> No.4755253


If you have bananas and peanut butter, eat that. This is how I eat:

>spoon crunchy PB from the jar
>unwrap banana
>scrape PB from spoon onto bare banana


>> No.4755259

Why don't you unwrap the banana first? That's an odd sequence of events.

>> No.4755264


That too. My bad

>> No.4755267

hmm, it is one am here, but i shall have another banana. I just had some banana chia puddin i should make some moar :D

>> No.4755273


bananas are my go-to. 100 cals a pop. Quick, tasty energy. Healthy too.

>> No.4755274

"The vegan is a weak minded individuals who can't tell the difference between a human life an a chicken."


>> No.4755295

Not here to troll you or anything. I normally just scroll past these thread because I am not vegan or vegetarian.
What I would like to say is that not everyone is unhealthy from eating meat. I don't mean meat as a meal or at every meal. To assume that you need a diet for someone that is nearly on their deathbed seems foolish.

>> No.4755298

I had some more of the white chili that I made yesterday. Made a double batch so I have a ridiculous amount of it. Brought some over to my neighbor who mowed my lawn yesterday.


Good shit, but not at all vegetarian.

>> No.4755302

>beans in chili
>turkey in chili
fuck yeah

>> No.4755303

Not vegan, but your post pains me. Why?
>The vegan is a weak minded individuals
Singular to plural? Please. Not to mention it's weak-minded.
>an a chicken
That's a poorly structured sentence.

>> No.4755304

have you seen that 30 bananas a day stuff? I watched some stuff earlier how this chick would only eat one type of fruit for a week or more. I think i would get bored of that though

>> No.4755312

>>is a weak minded individuals
>>dude check it... you're the weak minded writer. maybe you should reconsider how well meat is improving your cognitive functions...

>> No.4755320

If you want to play that game, you greentexted something that shouldn't have been, plus you forgot how to use your shift key.

>> No.4755324


this is the face of autism

>> No.4755330

>Criticize someone's grammar
>Someone else criticizes yours in turn
>H-ha, you have a-autism
This is the face of hypocrisy.

>> No.4755332

>on the internet
>thinks there are rules

>> No.4755335
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>Trigonometry is taking all my free time

>> No.4755341

OP here. All flamewars aside, if you really want to delve into nutrition and what type of diet will make you live the longest, watch See the excellent the TED talk by Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+

It's not rocket science. Eat very few (if any) animal products and a shitload of raw fruits and veg... And live longer. Very simple. Very easy to do. And objectively true. If you're not willing to accept these facts, I'm sorry. You must be someone who consumes meat everyday and isn't willing to cut your consumption.

>> No.4755348




>> No.4755371

Health has more to do with nutrition and not eating so many preservatives and artificial foods. You're literally just making shit up to justify your moral choice.


>> No.4755376


watch the video. then talk to me. actual research has been done.

>> No.4755379

I had the same thing

>> No.4755383


>chicken and fish have not been proven to lead to "heart disease"

Saturated fat and cholesterol, regardless of source, hurts your heart. People just focus on red meat because it's the most commonly eaten in the US

>> No.4755386

>TED Talks
The same network that had Anita on? And the flawed masturbation study? No thanks.

>> No.4755388

>not knowing the difference between TED and TEDx

>> No.4755394
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>> No.4755395
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>apex predator

Take a look at this animal. This is a rhino. Nothing in the wild fucks with a rhino, but a rhino is an herbivore. There's another creature like that called a gorilla. The gift humans have is the ability to defend against any threat. It doesn't mean you should strive to kill and eat everything you see, especially when it obviously harms our health. If we're omnivores, we're the shittiest omnivores on the planet, because the meat half of our diet seems to cause a lot of problems in us

>> No.4755397
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>> No.4755400
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>> No.4755402
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ding ding ding. this is what people will not accept. meat is not good for us. for fuck's sake, we couldn't eat animal raw if we tried. nothing about it is natural. cheetahs can eat their kill right where it lies. Why can't we? OH I know! Maybe because we're not supposed to!

pic related

>> No.4755403
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>> No.4755404
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>> No.4755407
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>> No.4755409


B-but we invented tools so that our bodies didn't HAVE to evolve to eat meat. We found a way to force it into ourselves and told our body to just deal with it. That's why it's GOOD for us. Humans are SUPPOSED to die of heart attacks and cancer, that's what omnivores DO

>> No.4755410
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looks good

>> No.4755412

Holy shit, way to completely misunderstand evolution and basic biology. Herbivores often have good natural defenses specifically to defend against predators. It makes sense that the most dangerous animals would be lower on the food chain, since they're the ones being threatened. Why do you think animal poisons exist? Compare that to humans. We aren't predators because of natural defenses, but because of our intelligence. Another thing in our favor is extreme stamina, which we've been using to chase down faster animals since primitive times.

>If we're omnivores, we're the shittiest omnivores on the planet, because the meat half of our diet seems to cause a lot of problems in us
Only if you eat a lot. You seem to think every meat eater on the planet scarfs down nothing but red meat all the time. The fact is chicken and fish are pretty healthy, especially fish.

>> No.4755413
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Chicken hearts are delicious.

>> No.4755415


We eat too much meat is the issue. Meat is supposed to be a feast/famine food with us. We were meant to eat it and eat as much as we can when we had it, and eat nuts and fruits and whatnot when we didn't. We crave meat because we SHOULD have it, but we have too easy access to it now, much like salt and sugar which we also crave instinctively because we need it, and were also not 'always' foods.

My simplest wish is that people who argue about where human caloric intake comes from learn some basic anthropology first. It'd help tremendously towards making you not look like an uninformed douche. That goes for soapboxing Vegans as well as Carniphiles alike.

>> No.4755417
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>> No.4755418

You do realize most of our natural defenses have disappeared over time due to our heavy reliance on tools, right? There's no need for claws when you have spears.

>> No.4755421

I hope this thread has red-pilled some meat eaters. I ate meat for twenty five years. We're not pulling your chain. Meat is not good for you. AT ALL.

>> No.4755423
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>> No.4755428

Actually, when I was in High school trig wasn't basic high school math. 24 here.

>> No.4755429

>this delusion
Enjoy your vitamin deficiency. Guess what, primitives didn't have supplements from a bottle.

>> No.4755430
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lol you faggots

>> No.4755432
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>> No.4755436


>We aren't predators because of natural defenses, but because of our intelligence

So we became intelligent as a species, but our bodies didn't evolve to handle meat like an omnivore's does. Sounds like humans just doing dumb shit because they're smart enough to know how to do it. Hunting is just a human game to test their intelligence against another creature, nutrition should come from plants

>Only if you eat a lot.

"It's good for you, just don't eat more than 3 ounces a week or you'll get cancerAIDS"

Real convincing. If you go with that, everything is healthy

>chicken and fish are healthy

Says the chicken and fish industry. It's got the same shit in it that red meat does, just different kinds of cancer-causing phytotoxins

>> No.4755437

Go back to school

>> No.4755439
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>vitamin deficiency
>on a diet of fruits and vegetables

This guy doesn't even have phytonutrients

>> No.4755442
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If I ever get terminal cancer, I'm taking all you fucking faggot vegans with me.

>> No.4755446

Worst thread topics on /ck/
1. Veganism
2. Black coffee
3. Soylent
4. Anti-dairy
5. American cuisine vs. European cusine
6. Raw foods
7. Berries with magical medicinal properties (Goji)
8. Fad diets

>> No.4755450

>Saturated fat and cholesterol, regardless of source, hurts your heart.

No it doesn't in moderation. Take your pseudo science elsewhere.

>> No.4755452
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"no chicken noodle"

this soup is more than low fat, its low soup.

low soup soup. "contains nothing!"

>> No.4755453

Trig is tough. and to be honest, it takes a very good teacher to relate it to the common herd ( me). I failed trig in high, twice first sat was 440. dismal . but I was lucky enough to have a chem and physics teacher who did not quit. 570 the next time. verbal skills were easy for me 770 of 800. . it's the hard things that are worth a da.. um worth doing. and I am about to have a chesse sammich . want one?

>> No.4755455


>in moderation

"Just take a little heroin in moderation, it's fine"

Quit being a meat apologist. You say moderation because you know it isn't good for you. If it was good for you, you could eat it regularly with no problem

>> No.4755456

i now realize that it meant no chicken....


i might be considered vegetarian and i didn't get this.


>> No.4755458


Veganism, unless you take supplements or get foods from different continents (not local or natural habitat) from will lead to deficiencies and or Auschwitz-mode physique. It's almost like nature is telling you veganism is unhealthy.

>> No.4755464

Learn to pharmacology/biochemistry. Although organic chemistry might be too tough for you if you couldn't even pass high school trig.

>> No.4755466

Oh god, c'mon you can't be that stupid,

>> No.4755469

I do too. I love those primal strips. Best jerky ever.

>> No.4755470

25 here, it was. What are you, American?

>> No.4755475

Yeah that's probably why. Haha. We were doing geometry and stuff.

>> No.4755478


I don't think you understand how food works. I think you think there's a small number of fruits, veggies, etc that exist in the world, and they're all available in every grocery store, and those are all that exist. What actually happens is humans take foods that we like and grow a lot of it. This doesn't mean the plants we don't mass produce don't exist, they just aren't what we've decided to stock our grocery stores with. Beyond that, we don't live in the natural habitat of humans. Humans started in Africa and then moved all over the world, finding new foods to eat, and discovering many plants from many different areas provide great benefits to us. This same process happened with meat too. Cows, chicken, fish, and pigs aren't the only animals in the world.

I'm not really sure what you're implying either, since eating just meat is going to leave you horribly deficient in many things, so you'd have to supplement your meals with plants, which likely came from many continents and regions

>> No.4755480
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Yeah all those Giraffes and other herbivores have no muscles. God, they're just skin and bones.

>> No.4755482

>so you'd have to supplement your meals with plants
No fucking shit, you mouthbreathing faggot. No one, literally no one was arguing that we were carnivore, simply omnivores. You need plants and meat to meet your vitamin, mineral and protein requirements.

>> No.4755484


But the thing is, you'll be in shit health if you eat nothing but meat, while people who eat nothing but plants end up extremely healthy. You don't need meat for anything. It's like saying "you need cake in your diet, or else you won't get enough sugar"

>> No.4755485

I'm not sure if you're aware, but humans and most herbivores have different physiologies. Yep, two different mammals can have a different biochemistry and genetics, despite being close on the evolutionary ladder!

>> No.4755488


but here's the thing. you don't... You can live on a 100% plant based diet. You can get b12 through a supplement and skip the animal product/sat fat

>> No.4755490

haha what a bunch of fucking losers. Vegans are such fags

>> No.4755492

>while people who eat nothing but plants end up extremely healthy.
You keep saying that, but it's factually untrue. Lean meats are necearry for a balanced diet. Meat isn't "optional" for the cast majority of geographies and cultures. There is zero evidence to imply humans should be vegans, it;s strictly a moral choice.

>> No.4755493
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Yeah you're right, we can't possibly build muscle on a plant based diet. Just look at this weakling.

>> No.4755494

>You can get b12 through a supplement
So natural. Did the cavemen use these supplements?

>> No.4755495

steroids aren't vegan bro

>> No.4755496


>Lean meats are necearry for a balanced diet

Explain to me how. They're not "lean" either, they're just less fatty than beef and pork

>> No.4755498

You take it too, industrial farming animals are given that supplement.
Also it's not really a supplement, it's a fermented bacteria in the shape of a pill

>> No.4755499

I didn't say it was impossible, just that it's "unnatural." (Not that that means anything, it's you fucking vegans that care about natural vs. unnatural) This is a first world, modern way of life. A muscular vegan is a product of modern technology, nature or evolution had nothing to do with it.

>> No.4755502

I don't think you know what the word supplement means

>> No.4755503


>> No.4755504
File: 85 KB, 745x839, Vitamin B12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you live in an unnatural environment, you have to make unnatural fixes to the problems it causes. Cavemen didn't wash their vegetables before eating them. In modern times, the healthiest, safest way to get B12 is to take a supplement for it, which is recommended even for people who eat meat as many people have absorption issues. There's no reason to get all the medical baggage that comes with meat-eating just to get B12

>> No.4755500

He's not on steroids...


>> No.4755505

I'm not the one who cares about natural vs. technology, you are. If a primitive human couldn't survive solely on a plant-based diet, then your point is wrong. The existence of supplements proves that veganism is a modern invention and is not based on evolution.

>> No.4755506

some great proof you have there.

>> No.4755507


read more about b12. it's not exclusive to animals, technically. it can be acquired through other means

Vitamin B12, vitamin B12 or vitamin B-12, also called cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin with a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood. It is one of the eight B vitamins. It is normally involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body, especially affecting DNA synthesis and regulation, but also fatty acid synthesis and energy production. Neither fungi, plants, nor animals are capable of producing vitamin B12. Only bacteria and archaea have the enzymes required for its synthesis, although many foods are a natural source of B12 because of bacterial symbiosis. The vitamin is the largest and most structurally complicated vitamin and can be produced industrially only through bacterial fermentation-synthesis.

Pay attention to the bottom (where it says it can be created without animals).

>> No.4755508


>> No.4755509

why do you assume he's on roids? what proof do you have?

>> No.4755511


Because he's a VEGAN. And obviously NO bodybuilder who eats meat has EVER taken steroids, because they don't NEED to, because the second you take a bite out of some chicken, you instantly gain 100 pounds of muscle

>> No.4755513

I'm an omnivore but I like vegan cuisine and not all my meals have meat in them, some days I go without meat, I just eat whatever I feel like at the time.

These threads would be better if the vege fags didn't reply to all the meat fags and start 300 reply troll threads full of the same recycled shit we get here every night.

Vege fags should post some pics and recipes of their creations and just stop feeding the trolls trying to argue with them.

>> No.4755516

Fucking this. Just ignore the shitposting

>> No.4755519

in case you were unaware, in the world of body building the default assumption is you take steroids. Even "natural" body builders are on things

>> No.4755518

that wasn't me but your argument is kind of dumb. mostly because in the olden days most people couldn't afford meat, so they mostly ate vegetarian. this is an actual fact that you can find anywhere. meat was rare and expensive, only the rich could afford such things. the diet you're spouting is a modern, meat filled diet, that actually isn't anything that we used to eat.

>> No.4755520

The pinnacle of vegan debate skills, gentlemen.

>> No.4755521


That's bullshit, I watched The Flintstones every day when I was a kid, and they ALWAYS ate meat. Checkmate, vegans

>> No.4755525

The whole entire vegan argument is based on the "fact" that humans are herbivores, not omnivores. Veganism is literally one giant appeal to nature. If you could prove that every primitive society ate some kind of meat , then veganism would be dead from a scientific and evolutionary standpoint. It's idiots trying to justify their moral stance with pseudoscientific evidence.

>> No.4755526

that really isn't true. Depends where in the world you are, the middle east has always been full of meat eating

try to live off the land and not eat meat the way people did through most of history. You will have difficulty

>> No.4755530

this is true, but i'm talking about areas with actual plants around, and wheat for bread making. i'm not saying humans didn't eat meat, but they ate it rarely

>> No.4755532

Time for science


>top 15 causes of death in the US
>every one of them directly related to meat and dairy consumption
>>"b-b-but moderation!"

>> No.4755533

There's a reason most human settlements in early history have been based near rivers. Fish has been a staple of the human diet forever.

>> No.4755535
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>There's a reason most human settlements in early history have been based near rivers

Yeah, unfortunately humans haven't evolved to not need water

>> No.4755538

I am still going to have to disagree based on a look at tradition.
Across nearly all cultures when you look at traditional recipes they will include meat of some kind, if what you say is true then especially in impoverished areas the traditional recipes would be dominated by plant foods but they aren't.
Meat is more expensive now than it has ever been because of all the work put into it, back hundreds of years ago when people raised their own livestock they would let their goat eat the grass trimmings and then eat the goat, it cost nothing to raise.

>> No.4755542

this is one of those painful times when someone doesn't understand causal links

>smoking causes cancer
>therefore all people with cancer are smokers
that is basically what he does there.

It's the sugar and vegetable oil causing obesity and obesity related illnesses.

>> No.4755543

But moderation is literally the answer to that problem, Of course eating too much of something is bad for you. Meat tastes good because it was rarer than vegetables. Same with salt and sugar. Jesus Christ, why are people so ignorant of chemistry and biochemistry. Just because a lot of something will kill you, doesn't mean a little is bad for you too.

Did you guys know that you can overdose on Vitamins A, D, E and K? I guess vitamins are bad for you.

>> No.4755547

>The whole entire vegan argument is based on the "fact" that humans are herbivores

I don't know where you heard that, but i'm a vegan and i would never say something like that. We're omnivores therefore we can choose to follow a diet that implies suffering of other beings or one that doesn't.

>> No.4755548

thats why I always chop the head right off, no suffering at all

>> No.4755549

That's not what the majority of vegans ITT have been arguing. Most have been arguing that eating meat is unnatural and we've evolved to be herbivores.

>> No.4755555

which is silly when you look at how we are evolving it is very clear we are moving away from such a diet.
look at our appendix for example, we actually had an organ designated for assisting with digestion of plant matter and we have lost it

>> No.4755557


>Did you guys know that you can overdose on Vitamins A, D, E and K? I guess vitamins are bad for you.

You can only overdose on the retinol form of vitamin A, which is only found in animal products, not the carotenoids like beta-carotene found in carrots. You'd also have to eat a lot of vitamin-D laden animal products or take pills to overdose on it, as sun exposure won't give you that high level of vitamin D in any scenario. The amount of vitamin E required to overdose can't be obtained through food. And vitamin K is only toxic in high amounts in its synthetic form, not the natural plant form.

That example just made you look horrible.

>> No.4755563

I know, i hate those kind of people. I don't call myself a vegan, even thought i don't use animal products because people always asociate vegans with that kind of mentality and i fucking hate it

>> No.4755565


The way I see it, meat-eating is what you do in an emergency if you have no other food source. It'll keep you from starving to death, but it isn't something to eat under normal circumstances.

>> No.4755566

it's fine if YOU see it that way, but I bet you shame people who don't agree with your wrong view point

>> No.4755567

How do you even breathe? I was making an simple example to show you those that things that can be dangerous in high amounts aren't necessarily bad. That retarded professor is clearly incapable of understanding such a radical concept of "amount." Also, he doesn't understand correlation/causation very well either.

>> No.4755570


The difference is eating enough meat to be a normal part of the diet is shown to be bad, and to make something healthy look bad you have to take concentrated pills at 20,000 times the dosage that would be possible by eating food normally. So you see, your example was a really bad example that just ruined your point even more

>> No.4755575

cool sources

>> No.4755578


You'd rather just deny the sources and say "dey don't know what dey's talkin' about!"

>> No.4755579
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>> No.4755583

your "sources" talk almost exclusively of excessive saturated fat consumption and the health risks of obesity. That actually has nothing to do with meat.
It is akin to saying cyanide is poisonous so therefore you should never eat plants since cyanide come from some plants.

you say saturated fat is bad for you to eat a lot of and therefore you should eat no meat because some meat has a lot of saturated fat

fat which can be easily trimmed or rendered out mind you

>> No.4755586
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>> No.4755592


I implore you to keep watching instead of trying to run away from stuff you don't want to hear. Saturated fat is a major source of medical problems (and is present abundantly even in "lean meat"), but aside from it, dietary cholesterol, animal proteins, chronic inflammation, and toxins and bacteria within the meat also present problems

>> No.4755598

I am a dietitian for a living (specializing in weight loss and athletic training), there is nothing you could possibly educate me on about when it comes to food.

>dietary cholesterol, animal proteins, chronic inflammation, and toxins and bacteria within the meat also present problems
all nonsense

If what you think is true about meat is actually true don't you think most if not all people in my filed would be vegetarian?
Something to think about.

>> No.4755599

>tfw I don't tip

>> No.4755604


>If what you think is true about meat is actually true don't you think most if not all people in my filed would be vegetarian?

Considering you just repeat whatever you learned in school, which is amazingly corrupt and plays to industry interests rather than health, not at all


>> No.4755605


>> No.4755608

>Considering you just repeat whatever you learned in school
>the education of people I agree with is more valid than the education of the people I disagree with

so your basis on meat being unhealthy now falls into the realm of a conspiracy theory. I forgot the american meat and dairy industry was influencing the the education of all people around the world.
You are pretty sad man.

>> No.4755616


You just had the whole story laid out for you with facts and quotes. It's quite blatantly a case of corruption, and you can see how much more heavily the american dietary guidelines recommend meat and dairy, while other countries who DON'T suffer the mountains of diet-related medical problems we do, don't encourage these foods

>> No.4755623

take a look at your demographics buddy, poverty is the leading cause of obesity, not meat consumption.
It's because poor people eat lots of food heavy in sugar and deep fried in vegetable oils.

youtube videos are not going to shake the months, not hour but months when you add all the time together that I have spent studying food sciences and nutrition.

food isn't even the primary source of obesity, yes americans eat shit very often but the real problem is the lifestyle in this country. people are simply not physically active. They go sit at a desk job, come home and watch tv, then go to bed. In the US 400 meters is considered driving distance. Really think about that.

>> No.4755630


>poverty is the leading cause of obesity, not meat consumption.

Poor people in asia live on rice and vegetables, skinny as fuck regardless of fitness levels. Rich people in asia buy meat, they get fat and sick. Poor people in the US eat a huge amount of meat, be it from McDonalds or 69-cents-a-pound chicken pieces. You ought to find a better school, your education is outmatched by a simple independent researcher

>> No.4755641

>comparing poverty in different countries
>thinking thin = healthy
>thinking asians don't eat a lot of meat

did you actually even read the china study? because in its own sources it talks about vegetable protein elevating risk for cancer and heart disease more than animal protein, fish protein actually lowers the risk for both those issues.

>> No.4755648

>Poor people in asia live on rice and vegetables
Confirmed for never going to Asia. Poor Asian people eat tonnes of meat. Vegetables are a commodity. You know not every poor person in Asia is a farmer on a rice paddy right or a monk right? Racist fuck.

>> No.4755663



That's what I love about nutritionfacts

>> No.4755677

cancer risk by percent as it relates to animal protein
Lymphoma: -18
Penis cancer: -16
Rectal cancer: -12
Bladder cancer: -9
Colorectal cancer: -8
Leukemia: -5
Nasopharyngeal: -4
Cervix cancer: -4
Colon cancer: -3
Liver cancer: -3
Oesophageal cancer: +2
Brain cancer: +5
Breast cancer: +12
cancer risk by percent as it relates to plant protein
Nasopharyngeal cancer: -40
Brain cancer: -15
Liver cancer: -14
Penis cancer: -4
Lymphoma: -4
Bladder cancer: -3
Breast cancer: +1
Stomach cancer: +10
Rectal cancer: +12
Cervix cancer: +12
Colon cancer: +13
Leukemia: +15
Oesophageal cancer +18
Colorectal cancer: +19

>> No.4755681

ha, you think all cancer is the same. Cute.
You can see how steve jobs being vegan really tore up his cancer cells.

>> No.4755685


Fortunately plants have thousands of phytonutrients to more than outweigh this, while meat instead has toxins and cause changes in IGF-1 that contribute to cancer growth. If soy is a major contributor, which I would imagine it is, I also have to say I don't condone eating soy. Nobody says every plant food is healthy just because it's a plant, but a diet of plant foods is the healthiest diet

>> No.4755686


Steve Jobs had cancer for years before becoming a vegan. He waited way too long and the cancer was at an advanced stage already


>> No.4755688

You love moving the goal posts don't you?
It isn't the healthiest, I guarantee I am healthier than you are.
When you have a sizable population of vegans living into their hundreds with no health problems, when the vegan life span begins to eclipse the normal one by a decade, when all top tier professional athletes from around the world are vegan and meat eaters can not compete with them on an even footing I will listen to what ever you have to say. but you don't have that and you never will.

>> No.4755690

inb4 cherry picking about how Athlete A is a vegan and has been blah blah blah sucking dick blah blah

These arguments are too predictable nowadays. I'm starting to believe these entire threads are all just one person arguing with himself.

>> No.4755691

its fine, he can give one good vegan athlete and I can give thousands who aren't

>> No.4755694


No it isn't! I bet you only think like that because you have brain cancer from eating meat!

>> No.4755695

It doesn't matter because like all arguments, the one case of "evidence" automatically disproves the thousands of things that contradict it and usually they have a youtube video or website with a tacky green geocities-tier layout to affirm their position.

I wish this board had any fucking moderation at all.

>> No.4755698

For every animal a vegan doesn't eat I am going to eat two. You've been warned fuckers.

>> No.4755707


>I'm going to make myself sick for no reason. That'll show them!

>> No.4755714

how about I just kill them for no reason?

>> No.4755719



Not entirely vegan, but goes to show that the less meat you eat, the better off you are

>> No.4755723

10/10 never heard that one before

Anytime someone claims to be Vegan for a number of reasons (each less believable than the next) they are interested in veganism as a lifestyle choice, and being seen as a "vegan" vs. an omnivore.

A vegan diet isn't necessarily healthier than an omnivore diet, and vice versa. It depends on what the fuck you are eating.

And yes, chicken (and especially eggs), can be good for you, in appropriate amounts.

Also, I'm vegan, so shut the fuck up.

>> No.4755725

there goes that correlation causation thing again, vegans really seem to have trouble with that concept.

okinawans themselves believe their longevity is thanks to eating so much bitter melon

you also seem to have little understanding of genetics since predisposition to cancer and heart disease is congenital and has little to do with diet.

>> No.4755726


Actually, even a single egg a day can cause major health problems.

>> No.4755728

>Posting wikipedia as factual source.

>> No.4755730

Actually, it can't
>incoming vegan website or youtube video

>> No.4755731
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>every piece of evidence given

>> No.4755732

Good idea. For every animal a vegan doesn't eat I am going to kill two eat one and throw the other one away.

>> No.4755733

>what are citations

>> No.4755735

>What is a citation worth when anyone can change it.
>Go reread your link.

>> No.4755736

wikipedia saying okinawans love pork is not evidence of a vegan diet being responsible for their long lives. Sorry.
How about the french? the heavy drinking and smoking culture, probably the highest fat diet in all the world and a love affair with butter and red meat that boarders the erotic?

your world view = shattered

>> No.4755734



>> No.4755739

>Dietary cholesterol and egg yolks: not for patients at risk of vascular disease
>Egg yolks: not for patients at risk of vascular disease
>Patients at risk of vascular disease

>> No.4755741


Everybody who isn't already dead is at risk for vascular disease

>> No.4755742

Did you even read that?
it said there is no risk for healthy people

>> No.4755743

see what happened there is he quickly googled something along the lines of "why eggs are bad for you" and gave a link after skimming it without actually reading it

>> No.4755744

>anyone can change the content of the articles cited as sources
Cool story, bro.

>> No.4755746


>this outcome may have been due to lack of power to detect clinically relevant increases in a low-risk population

>> No.4755748

>Hi I am not an astute reader.
Fucking reread that asshole.

>> No.4755749

Most people will find something other than wikipedia and youtube more credible.

>> No.4755750

which translates to
>we actually have no idea why our hypothesis did not match up with the results but we don't want to admit we might have been wrong

>> No.4755752

>Bad research is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.4755772


What part of "not for patients at risk of vascular disease" sounds healthy to you? If you eat eggs regularly, you'll be at risk for vascular disease. Ironically, the only way to make eating an egg or some meat neglectful is to become a vegan. If your diet is plant-based 99% of the year and then one day you eat a steak, it won't do shit. If you eat steak and eggs all the time, welcome to cardiac arrest.

>> No.4755774

>Wikipedia doesn't cite its sources
Cool story bro.

>> No.4755794

You honestly can't be this stupid.

>> No.4755797

if you were a troll you would have gotten bored by now, you really have about as much understanding of science as a fundie.

it clearly said eggs are fine if you have no risk for cardiovascular problems, it doesn't say that eggs cause said problems.

>> No.4756018

I'm not vegan but my family often has vegetarian/vegan meals

grilled eggplant* & zuccini*
white rice
green beans*

* = home grown

But seriously guis, grilled eggplant with a little brush of garlic and olive oil is so fucking good

>> No.4756255

A question for you vegans- Recently the first in vitro burger (meat from a petri dish) was cooked and eaten. Would you eat this? On the one hand there are no ethical concerns, right? On the other hand...yuck. So is this a dream answer to the meat conundrum or another problem. I personally would not eat it.