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File: 38 KB, 430x428, etsy-teapot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4754971 No.4754971 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, I would like to make better tea.
I see many places selling ceramic or clay teapots. I have an electric stovetop, is it safe to heat the teapot on that stove? Or am I supposed to heat the water before putting it in the teapot? Teach me, please.

>> No.4754973

Your pour the hot water into the teapot with the tea. It's stupid and wasteful and why can't they just make a teapot you can put on the stove but IT IS WHAT IT IS.

>> No.4755020

holy shit you ass burger just put a pot of water on the stove or fucking microwave it for three minutes

>> No.4755027


You do realize it's called a fucking tea kettle and they're designed for being put on the stove, right?

>> No.4755076


Tea kettles are for boiling the water you put into a tea pot.

>> No.4755099

This. You heat the water in a stove top kettle, then brew the tea in a tea pot.

Luckily today we have electric kettles and teabags so we need not act like such savages.

>> No.4755119



>> No.4755122


You must be a tremendous faggot if you think you can't steep tea in a kettle

No actually go out and buy yourself a teapot, then load up on feminine pads

>> No.4755131

Because different teas take different temperatures and it's sort of difficult to keep your stove within a set temperature range unless you know exactly how much heat is put out when you set the stove to high medium or low.

>> No.4755132
File: 401 KB, 1840x2768, buy-darjeeling-tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone STFU

The water is heated on the stove in a metal thing called a TEA KETTLE

Once the water has reached the desired temperature it is poured into a TEAPOT

which contains the TEA.

After a few minutes, depending on what kind of tea you're making, you decant the liquor and enjoy.

It would be fucktarded to put a teapot containing tea on the stove. Tea is to be steeped for a specific amount of time at a specific water temperature. It is not meant to be slowly brought up to a boil. If you're doing that then you need to stop because you suck at tea.

>> No.4755144


You can steep tea in any container you want. The important thing is to heat water to the right temperature and then pour it over the tea leaves and allow it to steep for however long the specific kind of tea should be steeped for.

I have a teapot. I use it to make tea for more than one person. When I make tea by myself I steep it in a 16 oz pyrex measuring cup.

>> No.4755145 [DELETED] 


>>I'm from Murka. If I don't know about something then it doesn't exist.


>> No.4755151

If you're this ignorant on matters concerning tea then I can only assume you're using tea bags. If that's the case then stick to using the microwave. You're clearly too young to be operating a gas range.

>> No.4755158

Boil a small amount of water and pour that into the empty teapot first, so that it gets hot.

Then bring fresh water up to whatever temperature you need in the kettle, empty your hot teapot, add the tea, pour the water in, cover and steep.

That way the water doesn't cool down too much while it's steeping.

>> No.4755194


What kind of teapot are you using that you're actually going through the trouble of pre-heating it?

Also, 100 C water doesn't cool down very much after it's been mingling with a few TSPs of black tea for five minutes.

I thought that pre-heating the pot was necessary only for teapots made of more delicate materials.

>> No.4755199

that pathetically saucer... smh

>> No.4755217

>black tea
>five minutes
Enjoy your bitter, tanninlicious swill.

>> No.4755254

>Steeping tea in boiling water
>For five minutes
You may as well just use tea bags.

>> No.4755257


I fucking dare you to find a reputable seller of tea that doesn't recommend 3-5 minutes at 100 C for black tea as a general rule of thumb.

Fuck it. Let's just skip directly to polling the entire populations of india, sri lanka, and china.

there to five fucking minutes. as a general rule of thumb. adjust according to taste.

fuck you.

>> No.4755271

>I fucking dare you to find a reputable seller of tea that doesn't recommend 3-5 minutes at 100 C for black tea as a general rule of thumb.
Why don't you post a reputable source that says this. Black tea should be steeped at less-than-boiling water (like around 90 C) for two to three minutes (it should be steeped for even less than that, but I've never heard of anyone recommending more than three minutes). I don't know where you're pulling this shit from.

>> No.4755283

3 minute master race here.

>> No.4755296

There's a fair number of places that recommend 3-5 minutes. Just googling "Tea steep time" will bring some places that recommend 3-5. I personally steep mine for 4 minutes and have yet to have a bitter brew.

>> No.4755309

What temperature do you usually steep it in? I boil the water, let it cool for a minute or so and then steep tea with it. With Assam, I've noticed that it gets bitter if it's steeped for longer than a minute and a half.

>> No.4755315

Right off the boil, no pause. I've never gotten a bitter cup before.

>> No.4755317

Your posts make me cringe, I can only imagine your palate.

>> No.4755321

That sounds quite odd to me. Do you by chance live at a high altitude?

>> No.4755326

>electric kettle
>mesh strainers designed to fit single tea cups

Why are you plebs not using the best method?

>> No.4755327

According to wiki my elevation is is 260m, so not really.
Again, a lot of places suggest using water straight off the boil for black tea. It's not like I just came up with a random set of things to do to get tea juice into my mouth.

>> No.4755331

>Not using a tea pot
And you dare call others plebs?

>> No.4755337

>using an unnecessary and antiquated method because it's romantic

Hipster, pls go

>> No.4755343

>what is loose leaf

>> No.4755345

>cramping your tea with an infuser

you make shitty tea and we cannot be friends.

>> No.4755353

>what is not having a fucking clue what you're taking about

>cramping your tea with an infuser

It's the perfect way to make single cups and doesn't "cramp" the tea in any way. I'm sorry that your elderly method of making tea takes so much more energy and time but if you have the delusion that your rituals make it taste better, then who am I to question that?

>> No.4755355
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, teamaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this for my tea.

>> No.4755356

teapots are for steeping. You need a tea kettle to heat the water. Every kind of tea (green, white, etc) has a different ideal temperature.

>> No.4755362

Neither of those anons but how much tea do you make at a time? I use two tea spoons per twelve ounces and there's no way the tea could bloom all the way in a tea infuser.

>> No.4755365


yunnan black needle

steep time 4-5 min
water temp 212 F

eat shit

>> No.4755378
File: 11 KB, 300x251, loose-leaf-tea-bags-300x251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if for some reason i want to make only a single cup then i use a large enough bag for the leaves to unfurl comfortably.

infusers are for ignorant chumps.

>> No.4755392

I use 1.5/2 tea spoons per cup (8-12 oz, depending on the caffeine content and how much I want) at a time.

I make one cup at a time and use the same tea for 2-3 servings. I drink tea in the morning like other people drink coffee. It's my pick me up.

Either you're a troll or a retard. Bags, even if they can be as osmotic as infusers, are disposable. Thus costing more than, and being more wasteful than an infuser. And they obviously don't let the tea soak as freely.

>> No.4755406
File: 56 KB, 800x600, gaiwan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reusable bags exist and they obviously let the tea soak freely as they do not confine it anywhere near as much

i know you feel all proud of yourself for figuring out that you can steep tea in the same vessel you drink it in, but an infuser is simply not the way to go for that.

>> No.4755425
File: 91 KB, 500x375, bitches love bagels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what bagfags actually believe

>> No.4755544

That's not plastic, is it?

>> No.4755628


they're food grade plastic.

the nice thing about them is that they allow you to make loose tea just about anywhere. theyre even microwave safe.

the shitty thing about them is theyre fucking plastic. i never felt comfortable pouring boiling water in the one i had. i used it at work for a while before i switched to a stainless infuser.

theyre also pleb as fuck