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4754105 No.4754105 [Reply] [Original]

Do you drink enough water, anon?

I refill my 1L bottle probably 6+ times a day.

>> No.4754116


dude...you're going to ware out your junk drinking that much water.

>> No.4754128


Or he'll be far more healthy than 90% of the planet because he's actually well-hydrated.

>> No.4754133

I generally drink 5 or 6 litres a day, more if im really busy at work.

>> No.4754142

>I generally drink 5 or 6 litres a day

>> No.4754147

I drink as much water as I can but to be honest its a huge pain having to run to the bathroom every hour throughout the day. anyone else have this problem?

>> No.4754179

I finish one or two 2 liters of mountain dew each day. i know it has sugar in it but mostly water so about 4 liters each day.

>> No.4754181
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>> No.4754185

lol you gonna die with 1/4 appendages bro

>> No.4754192

I fill my nalgene up usually 4 to 6 times a day, sometimes a bit more in the summer, and that's just at the office. At home, I'll usually drink one over the course of the night, complimented with black tea or a red wine.

>> No.4754197

I drink a 12 pack of beer every night. gotta stay hydrated

>> No.4754198

I usually drink somewhere between 46-64 ounces of water a day, but today I've done a crappy job hydrating myself.

I try to limit myself to 12 ounces or less of other beverages (tea, lemonade, soda, etc.), unless I decide to drink, in which case all bets are off.

>> No.4754207

I drink maybe 1-2 l of water a day, 0.5 l of coffee, and a couple beers a day.

Depends on my activity level. If I work out or whatever add a couple more litres of water.

>> No.4754208

Probably 2 liters a day.

>> No.4754241

water water but not a drop do drink. I don't want to turn this into a pissing match for industry vs eco or many religions, atheist or agnostic. But water. In my family ther are roman catholic babtist. jewish. and muslim, sunni and shite muslim.( sharp uptake of breath) and I have some friends that are hindi. I don't necessarily agree. in fact I hate some of it. but water. in the jewish and christian bible, an d the koran, those that help others are described as giving a drink of water. I live in the eastern usa, but have lived in the west. and people get VERY particular about water rights. I try to drink about 64 oz per day ( i, am prone to kidney stones and gout) in addition to any beer, wine or distilled any thing. You think people fight over oil? you ain't seen nothing yet. and the bible or other texts reference a cup of water to a stranger. not a fan of religion?, that's ok. but it is necessary. for life. be careful. just because you seem to have an abundance, the well can dry up quick.

>> No.4754264

>I drink as much water as I can but to be honest its a huge pain having to run to the bathroom every hour throughout the day. anyone else have this problem?

Yes. I always like to drink something while at the computer so I either drink water, coffee or tea. I started going to the bathroom quite often (once or twice an hour, sometimes more) and I felt like I had a problem (I have to say I'm a bit of a hypochondriac) so I went to my GP thinking it was a UTI causing me to urinate this often (this was last year). We did the urine test - all came back negative. After a couple of month I went back telling him that the problem persisted - another urine test - still negative. All this time though I was searching the web for possible problems. I came to the conclusion I might have a prostate problem. I insisted for a urology exam - the doctor there told me it was all fine and that I should schedule for a kidney ultrasound just in case. I almost didn't want to do it because at this point what the hell, kidney diseases are for old people and I was only 24 at the time. So I said fine and went for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed a 6 cm mass on my left kidney. What are the fucking odds eh? After 2 week waiting to take a CT scan thinking the possible worse it came as a 7.5 cm benign tumor.

>> No.4754293

Somedays I don't drink enough, somedays I do.

>> No.4754302

probably a couple of litres a day

i'm definitely more energised if i drink upwards of that

>> No.4754307

just make sure the water your drinking doesn't have fluoride in it.

>> No.4754350

You either have diabetes or live in the desert. There is absolutely no reason to drink that much, otherwise.

>> No.4754351

I drink enough i think because my pee is not yellow at all

>> No.4754359

well, there ya go. and if you think thing
s a are going to be perfect, they are not. ( i beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden uh oh done told my age. and I would not mislead you I served 9 years active and reserve, mostly inactive reserve ( unassigned available officer) and believe you me, you don't want that. today I went shopping in a local grocery store. there are aot of latin gangs. and it really pisses a lot of people off, me included.. but i said hey. and he waved. and i said hola, and he smiled. and he really did not care if i spoke english, french, german, spannish, I can actually speak a few words of japanese but thaT DOES NOT KAKE ME A TRANSLATOR. Do the best you can. errors can be made. in the heat of battle, don't forget what you are fighting for.

>> No.4754362

Sometimes being on the computer so much I forget to drink, and end up drinking probably 1L a day.
Normal days I would drink maybe 2~3L a day. When I am biking 0.75L per hour.

>> No.4754366

I had a 24 oz code red mountain dew. That's like water with vitamin c

>> No.4754399


>> No.4754405


I don't do it because I need to, I do it to stay hydrated and to stave off hunger while trying to lose weight.

>> No.4754409

>I refill my 1L bottle probably 6+ times a day.
Do you drink it or do you just continually refill it then empty it, 6 times daily?

>> No.4754413

Sometimes I consieder switching my water intake entirely to Perrier.

>> No.4754425

Enjoy your scurvy and jaundice.

>> No.4755010

I guess some. too much. but not mean. from time to time I have to be shut away . by friends and family. because too generous. and next day back too the hard ass. and that's good. I'd rather be that than a mean spirited hostile person. I have been in the military, a supervisor in cive jobs. and worked in restaurants. In fact my first paid job. it went like this - what are you gonna do this summer ( my Dad) I donno. ( me) well you are not gonna hang around here and do nothing( Dad). shit(me) next day was washing dishes. and did it enough ( line and prep and front line cook at different places to know I didn't want to to that. the last place I worked at i swore I'd shovel shit ot of chicken barns before doing that again. little did
I know. I never went back to a restaurant, or the chicken barn. and things get tough, from time to time. and once in a while some one says, Hey lets open a place. and I say No thank-you. Its a hard way to make a living. I respect those that do, but not for me. I did a tour of duty for an absentee owner as a motel desk manager. you get all the responsibility and grief, and no ability to to change things. and where ever ya go there you are. I am happy. not every thing you see on tv or the internet is true. but some things hold true. look out for the lest of these. you might be the only one the have.

>> No.4755036


>> No.4755152

on a average day i'll drink about 1L of water every hour maybe more and that is within 10 hours of the day from about 1/2PM till about midnight

on a non average day probably half that, and when i go to see family, during my 2-4 hour drive i'll have between 4-8 litres

I think i have a problem but i love water

>> No.4755215

>I think I have a problem

Dude, check with your doctor, because unless you work out and sweat a lot that's just way too much

It could be diabetes.

>> No.4755239
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>> No.4755263

How could diabetes make you drink lots of water?

I started drinking lots of water during high school and i was pretty /fit/, still am pretty healthy besides my cholesterol being at the very top of the safe range. Don't even have family history of diabetes and my parents and grandparents weren't the healthiest bunch.

Can you get addicted to water?

>> No.4755281

it makes your body functions not perform properly and excesive thirst is prominent in diabetics who dont know they have diabetes

>> No.4755306

See the thing is i am not often thirsty, i just drink a lot of water because i love water

>> No.4755310


>> No.4755325

can i get your name and address please? i believe the love part of your love for water needs to be more heavily taxed. drinking so much water is just riding your body of extra vitamins and stuff that hard earned workers worked for and also in some way it is killing the endangered penis willows

>> No.4755344

This thread is taking English to some scary places.

>> No.4755384

I drink a shit ton because for some reason my lips get dry REALLY fast. Shit sucks.

>> No.4756380

I drink 4L of coke a day. That's it.

>> No.4756392

I'll drink the lemon flavored.

>> No.4756425

If you want to fuck up your kidneys drinking 6L of water a day is a good start!

Health freak BS, drinking a lot of water is not healthy at al.

>> No.4756450

Please read this if you're one of those 8x8 "I drink 6L a day" carrying a bottle of water everywhere dumbasses.

>> No.4756461

by this, I mean this: http://180degreehealth.com/2012/02/how-much-water-should-you-drink

>> No.4756471
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I drink about a half gallon a day.

Is that too much? You guys are scaring me.

>> No.4756515


OP here, I don't have any of those symptoms, or else I'd probably stop.

>> No.4756982

Plus flavor that makes you want to stand up and go "awoohoowoo"

>> No.4757002

Water is my number one drink, almond milk being my number two. Yes i drink enough.

>> No.4757005

>drinking so much water that you're constantly pissing

Then you fuckers go on fourchain. No wonder you don't get anything done all day.

>> No.4757015

it's called potomania and it's dangerous for your health

>> No.4757024

A normal adult drinks and should drink about 2-3 liters of liquids per day, preferably water since it's a healthy natural choice. More if you sweat a lot and/or it's hot.

>> No.4758221


I have a 70oz cup i fill up 2 or 4 times a day with water & ice

but the downfall is >>4754147

>> No.4758241


not sure if spambot or japanese shitposter

>> No.4758243

>drink shitloads of water daily, never piss yellow
>doctor says kidneys are in immaculate shape
>have pissing problems
>doctor says bladder and cowper's are fucked due to water consumption



>> No.4758308

I drink 5l of liquid a day and yet my urine still looks golden.
How fucking much did you drink?

>> No.4758329

Thanks for the good laugh!

>> No.4758339

>There is absolutely no reason to drink that much, otherwise.
Except maybe having a liking for water?

I drink around two liters throughout the day, but I can chug down almost a whole liter during meals because my mouth is weird and I have to take several sips after every bite. I think that this, along with chewing thoroughly, is what keeps me skinny...

>> No.4758368

>I drink 5l of liquid a day and yet my urine still looks golden.
That's not right. What the hell do you eat?