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File: 90 KB, 640x480, Oven Baked Potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4753462 No.4753462 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like baked potatoes?

>> No.4753473

fuck yes, but don't clean them before baking, do it after, peel it off and enjoy with some butter and salt

>> No.4753482

Why wouldn't you want the brilliant, crispy skin?

>> No.4753484

Hold on, those damned hasselbacks!

HOW! I slice them thin or thick like that and the slices cook SLOW AS HELL. We're talking an hour and a half for a dried out potato. I've never struggled with anything else like this.

>> No.4753486
File: 245 KB, 704x577, 1375427858039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat skin

>> No.4753490


Ive oil'd them well before going into the oven and it seems to work well. Crispy but not dry.

>> No.4753496

Is it normal for them to take twice as long as an uncut potato? Maybe I just find the texture unpleasant.

And yes, I rub them with olive oil too.

>> No.4753521


It did take longer to cook though i dont really recall an exact time. I don't think you're too far off. Ive made them a few times. One time they were pretty bad and chewy. Another they were crisp and delicious. Still working on technique. OP pic looks friggin' perfect.

After doing a bit of reading about these I found that some recipes call for you to par-boil the potatoes after slicing. Then finish them in the oven to crips them. Sounds worth a try.

>> No.4753533


You're using rocks painted like potatoes.


>> No.4753572

How can they get crisp with all that extra moisture, though?

>> No.4753594
File: 24 KB, 364x300, hasselhoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem hasselhoff potatoes

>> No.4753595

Oil doesn't stop things from getting crispy.

>> No.4753605 [DELETED] 


I wonder if he put Quinky sauce on his floorburger

>> No.4753610

Yes, but I think I have a completely different understanding of the term "baked potatoes" than you guys.

>> No.4753617 [DELETED] 


Why not steam and deep-fry, though?

>> No.4753620
File: 375 KB, 611x547, Screen shot 2013-08-28 at 2.51.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4753669


Potatoe have alot of water in them. Boiling them is not going to add more moisture. Baking them is just supposed to gets a crisp outside, while the inside potato will be soft.

Baked potato would normally be just like it sounds. This is a sort of wierd, bastardized baked potato chip.

Would be great if I was back in a professional kitchen. At home its just messy and a pain in the ass.

>> No.4753705

For me a baked potato was always a rather large one, wrapped in tin foil, and after it's been in the oven I would cut it open and fill it with stuff like ground beef, sour cream chives, tabasco...

I'm not from an English speaking country though, so I have no doubt that it has nothing to do with "real" baked potatoes.

>> No.4753737

Only if sweet potato OP.

>> No.4753744

That's fairly similar to what we do. You could serve that in clapistan and no one would think twice about it.

>> No.4753860

Yeah, that's about like a baked potato in America, though less likely to put ground beef on it.

OP's picture is of a Hasselback potato, which is also baked, and so could technically be called a baked potato, but nobody calls them that. I think they rose from relative obscurity to virally-spread fad a year or two ago. Its image looks good, it looks ridiculously simple, and when it's done well it's quite tasty.

>> No.4753870

Okay, nice to know. Never heard of Hasselback potatoes, but it looks fairly interesting. I think I'll give it a try.

>> No.4753871


That's not a baked potato, that's baked oil with some potato in it

>> No.4753896

I've eaten them a lot during my entire childhood. My mom would make them once a month or so. They are good and cooks a bit faster than normal baked potatoes and you get crispy skin on the top.

>> No.4753984
File: 17 KB, 205x286, 1377290404414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peel it off

Leave now and never return

>> No.4754005

I love potatoes in about every way you can prepare them. not a fan of raw potatoes though (I know people who can bite them raw and eat bits like that).

on local festivals I usually look out for a stand with baked potatoes because I find it too much of a waste of energy to oven bake them at home.

>> No.4754015

I have developed a hatred for baked potatoes.
They are allways way too hot. They taste stupid, so i have to drench them with butter salt and other shit in order for me to eat, but still dont taste good in my opinion.
The rest of my family loves baked potatoes, they think theire great. So on many ocations i have been the only miserable person at the dinner table.
I will never ever put a potatoe in my oven and bake it. I love boiled potatoes though.

>> No.4754036

Americans' "meat" of choice would probably be bacon bits - usually artificial.

>> No.4754045

If you are talking about the mid west. Then yes I would agree with you. Where I live chicken breast is the meat of choice.

>> No.4754123

>They are allways way too hot.
Wait for them to cool then.
>They taste stupid, so i have to drench them with butter salt and other shit
You're doing it wrong.
>So on many ocations i have been the only miserable person at the dinner table.
>So on many ocations
>many ocations
u wot m8
>I love boiled potatoes though
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4754141

> ctrl+ f
> no twice baked potatoes

>> No.4754875

Generally no.

The ones I've enjoyed are so damn fattening. Trying to lose weight, so it's not a good idea.

>> No.4756278

Well then enlighten me.