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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4743752 No.4743752 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey anon, glad you're moving in with us
>We keep our pots and pans and silverware all together
>Well, hurry up and unpack all your stuff anon!

>> No.4743755


I don't. I'll keep them under my pillow.

>> No.4743757

Sure! You guys know how to take care of cast iron, right?

>> No.4743758

I'll leave them in my suitcase unless I'm using them, thanks though

>> No.4743763
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I just got done with this bullshit. Food stolen constantly. A fucking pot disappeared.. Disafuckingpeared.

I'm back to being studio apartment shutin masterrace. Feels good.

>> No.4743765
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What's cast iron, anon

>> No.4743785

>Have one cast-iron pan for myself
>Have one plate, one bowl, set of cutlery
>Cook and then immediately clean
>Leftovers go into my minifridge next to alcohol
>No problems, ever
>Use their plates and shit if I have people over, then clean that night

It's not hard at all.

>> No.4743799


Oh god, you're one of those roommates with a mini fridge?

>> No.4743805


If you don't have a minifridge you're doing it wrong.

Use it for drinks, if nothing else.

>> No.4743810

Why would you want to waste space for a minifridge unless you manage to fill a regular one? Walking twenty steps to get a drink is not that hard.

>> No.4743817
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>I cleaned your pan for you, anon. I hope you dont mind.

>> No.4743825

When your room is less than 5 cubic meters then you have a limited choice. Also, people find it more difficult to steal shit from you.

I'm happy for you that you're lucky enough to have not had such nasty and childish roommates as I.

>> No.4743843

dammit sooyoung youre lucky youre cute.
even if youre second to last

>> No.4743868

>don't worry, i'll sharpen your knives for you anon

>> No.4743891


thumbs are too bendy, 2/10 would most definitely NOT bang

>> No.4743895


>giving a fuck about your friends stealing your precious 30-cent sodas
>calling other people childish

>> No.4743923

I'm moving in 6 days.. I can sense the destruction of my cookware.

>> No.4743940

Last year I had roommates who'd occasionally do a really shitty job of washing my things up so I'd secretly rewash them at 3am.

>> No.4743947
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>> No.4743955

I'm moving into new uni accommodation in September, and I'm scared of kitchen shenanigans.

What do I do? I'm massively anaphylactic, and I don't want to share my shit.

>> No.4743961

Haha don't worry Anon, we have a dishwasher, lol!

>> No.4743967

>deathly allergic to shit
Then neither a borrower nor lender be and keep your things elsewhere away from the prying eyes and grabbing hands of others, under lock and key, if necessary. Explain the sitch, and your roomies should be fine. Pretty simple, IMO.

>> No.4743976

Why wouldn't you want more space than a half of one shelf?

I've lived in 3-4 person apts since college and I have two mini fridges, one for food and one for drinks. I don't use the main fridge.

>> No.4744013

How do you guys deal with leaving ingredients in the fridge?

Should I label my shit?

>> No.4744041


Sure, I'm so happy to be here!

>unpack cheap aluminium pots and pans
>keep ridiculously expensive stainless steel pots and pans from my Grandma in boxes or in storage.
>if caught, excuse is that they were my Grandmas really expensive pots and I don't cook with them, like I wouldn't eat off the bone china set she also left me, which is being kept in my mother's safe cabinet.

>> No.4744046


always label your things clearly, unless they are house items. I had to do this with my family, if I bought sweets or something I'd have to label it or eat it right away.

ignore anyone that complains.

>> No.4744055

You guys should live with my mom:

>You don't have to let the meat (steak) rest!
>You don't need to wait for it (steak) come to room temperature. I've never heard of that before.
>Send her articles how all cooks do
>You don't need to do it. Waste of time.

Or the time she bought a cast iron pan used
>I've been letting it soak with soap and water overnight now but it's still greasy so I put a little cleaning solution in it and let it soak

>> No.4744081
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>live in on-campus apartment with school-assigned housemates
>guy that stresses you clean your dishes doesn't do his dishes
>two guys that "don't cook" hide dishes in their rooms for months
>also don't clean their dishes
>someone walked off with my can opener and turner
>used my white towels to clean up marinara sauce
never again, as long as i have housemates that are not my s/o or children, i will only use paper plates/solo cups/plastic cutlery

>> No.4744084

>having roommates
>living with other people
living alone masterrace reporting in

>> No.4744123


>want to have a 30-cent soda at 2am
>there are none
>greentext goes here

>> No.4744156

my roommates and i had an unspoken agreement, there were imaginary partitions in the fridge belonging to each person.

i really only used part of the freezer though, i kept most of my shit in a minifridge.

also it helps that my roommates were genuinely decent people, which is far from the norm.

>> No.4744195

Oh, God. Stubborn mom general

>> No.4744203

> be vegetarian/vegan
> people won't touch your food
>problem solved

>> No.4744303

No, it works the other way. People can eat your vegetarian/vegan food but you can't eat their non-vegatarian/non-vegan food.

>> No.4744316

>living with roommates

>> No.4744358

>live with room mate
>i do all the cooking except when sick or schedule is crap
>buy all the groceries
>i and roomie agree to split bill 50/50
>only food items that are snacks or personal junk (alcohol) are paid for out of our own pockets
>use each other's kitchenware respectfully
>dishes get done every night, no exceptions

I feel sorry for you poor fucks who can't sustain adult relationships. Must suck to be you.

>> No.4744371


At least your roommates didn't stick a pot of soup in the refrigerator to rot (literally) twice. I cleaned the first one, the second time they through the pot away while I was out of town.

>> No.4744372

the joke there is that vegetarian/vegan food is fucking disgusting

>> No.4744392

>Roommate never cleaned anything
>Had rich parents who would hire a maid to come in and clean up after their daughter once a week
>My bedroom door had no lock on it
>Come back one day to find that the maid had cleaned my room, stolen a few things that I had left in plain view not expecting some bitch to come in
>Had also left my expensive knife in the kitchen
>It's gone
>Confront roommate/her parents/the maid service, they all deny that anything happened
>Can't "prove" it, it's just my word against theirs

Now I live alone and I'm intensely paranoid. Everything worth over $10 is locked up or hidden.

>> No.4744425

>live with friends
>some crook breaks in
>friends break my cast-iron pan while chasing him away
You can't win.

>> No.4744434


>cast iron

fucking how

>> No.4744435

Throwing it out a second-story window at his car, missing, and hitting concrete.

>> No.4744831

They weren't smart friends, were they.

>> No.4744840

I doubt a cast iron pan would "break" from a 2 story drop.

>> No.4744886

>roommates toss it out 3rd flr
>hits bystander dead
>cops ask whose pan is it
>you say its yours
>roommates both point finger that you did it
>15 years in the slammer
>get job as cook
>become well trained cook and get job as line cook
>eventually get your own restaurant
>change name to bobby flay
>get hired by food network
>become celebrity

>> No.4744900
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>fruit is disgusting

>> No.4744967

Most cast metal is brittle, I can see it happening.

>> No.4744977

>shitty haircut
>shit taste in clothes
>eye surgery korea pig
>ugly small potato nose

and what's that white crap on her eyelashes? old dried up cum? nasty

would never bang/10

>> No.4745289

That's so sad

>> No.4745348

The fat is strong in this one.

>> No.4746115
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>vegetarian/vegan food is fucking disgusting

>> No.4746333

but it is