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4740776 No.4740776 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like we've had a rash of rice threads recently but lentils are getting very little love right now, especially relative to their nutritional value. So, you guys got any ways to jazz up lentils? I have a bunch in the pantry right now that I'm itching to use. Bonus points if the recipes include stuff you would already find in an average kitchen, but I may take a walk on over to Publix today so I could pick up some stuff there.

Pic only tangentially related; hoping to do a bit better than this.

>> No.4740781

pretty much exactly the same way you "jazz up" rice, beans, or any other fairly bland foods.
add salt, fat, and/or herbs/spices

>> No.4740788


Well, obviously. I'm mostly looking for recipes or what herbs and spices go well with lentils. They do have a pretty distinctive taste and, while they are pretty versatile, they're not quite as versatile as rice.

>> No.4740790

add ketchup

>> No.4740849

u so funee

>> No.4740852

I like to simmer my lentils with a couple of chicken quarters.

>> No.4740864

Make rice and lentils. Best of both Worlds.

>> No.4740972


>a bowl of rice and lentils

Is that all you put in it? Doesn't sound very good.

>> No.4741022

Green lentils and basmati rice is pretty much a persian staple, forgot the name of it though.

>> No.4741060

I like lentil filled oven baked red peppers.

>> No.4741080

Lentils du puy cooked with chorizo and thyme in chicken stock is awesome.

>> No.4741112

Do lentils go good with curry? I've been having slight curry craving lately, though I've never cooked it before.

>> No.4741123

>>4741112 again. This recipe:


Looks pretty easy and sounds tasty. Do you guys think I could substitute green lentils? I do't have any red.

>> No.4741326

>Bonus points if the recipes include stuff you would already find in an average kitchen

make tadka dal
it is a lentil dish and not one of the ingredients can be found in an average american kitchen (well, except for water and salt)

in a pot
1C dry lentil (preferably a yellow colored lentil)
4C water
1/2t turmeric
salt to taste

in a pan
Ghee to taste (you'll probably need at least 1t but every extra drop of ghee will improve your dish. You won't get to the point of diminishing returns until at least 3-4 tablespoons) or use oil - butter wont work
Dry Red Chilis
Slit Green Chilis
1/2t cumin seeds (or mustard/fenugreek/nigella/fennel seeds)
Curry leaves (the only ingredient you may find difficult to obtain - everything else can be easily bought if you cared)
Ginger Garlic Paste
add the boiled lentils, bring up to a boil, serve

>> No.4741339


I appreciate it but I have pretty much none of those ingredients and I already went to Publix. I only have the lentils, water, turmeric, salt, cumin. I think I'm going to try >>4741123, though I'm sure yours would be much better.

>> No.4742461

DUDE. If you can find whole cumin seeds then you don't need anything else fancy (you do not even "need" cumin seeds, but it just adds so much) . If you do not actually have ginger and garlic and onion (especially garlic) you can not make your lentils taste good in a million years anyway.

try this but do not puree so that you'll have some texture. Grains of paradise can be substituted for black pepper

>> No.4742504

Stick them in a pot with three times the water, add chopped up vegetables (onion and pumpkin are deceptively sweet, you've been warned), add spices, cook for a while. Leftover meat works too, as does bacon or ham.