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File: 109 KB, 465x307, 05_breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4738365 No.4738365 [Reply] [Original]

whats for breakfast

>> No.4738372
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>> No.4738396

i ask because i have to choose between baked beans oats or im thinking of doing some potato

>> No.4738401

Muesli or leftovers.

Today it was kimchi jiggae left from last night. Not a korea-boo or anything, I just wanted to try it. It's quite good.

>> No.4738464

Porridge every day. Sometimes extra pancakes on the weekend.

>> No.4738466


>> No.4738469

supergreen protein shake with cinnamon.

>> No.4738480

Banana, oatmeal, greek yogurt, peanut butter, ice smoothie

>> No.4738481
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A swig of apple cider vinegar and half a banana to keep the vinegar down.

>> No.4738482
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Not bad but lose the fries

>> No.4738490 [DELETED] 
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It was edible.

>> No.4738495




>> No.4738509

eggs, bacon, toast.

I'm becoming more and more proud of myself for making smoother, neater looking fried eggs.

>> No.4738512

hashbrowns w/onions and red peppers

with sauted spinach and eggs

on corn tortillas

>> No.4738550
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Also a Halls.

>> No.4738552
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>A swig of apple cider vinegar and half a banana to keep the vinegar down.

>> No.4738554
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why vinegar?

>> No.4738562

I'm going to have ham and eggs with toast.

I feel unusually excited about this, as it's a very rare meal for me. Also I have a cold and feel horrible, something hot and robust will do me good.

>> No.4738585

Mine was like your pic, only no bacon or chips. And the eggs were poached and served on wholemeal toast. And there was lots of black pepper involved. So not really like your pic by anyway.

>> No.4738587


Judging by the brand name he's one of those people who believes that vinegar has all sorts of mystical health properties.

>> No.4738598


Cures my acne

>> No.4738602

Today? Smoothie. I had planned on a small steak and softboiled eggs, but after I walked (gotta start somewhere with the exercise) it was just too hot in the apartment to cook. So, smoothie.

>> No.4738604
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cigarettes and coffee.
breakfast of champions

>> No.4738607

>but after I walked
> it was just too hot in the apartment to cook


>> No.4738610

I took a three mile walk in the morning, from about 10:30 to 11:00 am. When I got back home, the apartment was too hot. I live in southern California and we have no A/C. So instead of making steak and eggs, which would have involved a hot stove, I decided to blend a cold smoothie.

>> No.4738623

Chicken biscuits.

>> No.4738656

Strong black coffee and 2 cigarettes.

>> No.4738665

so hip

>> No.4738667

Clam chowder with cubed spam.

>> No.4738668

I had ciabatta with some hummus and taramasalata.

>> No.4738684

same, with some code during.

>> No.4738696

Goddamn brits can't even do freedom fries right
>fries as pale as their sickly skin

>> No.4738721


>goddamn brits
>OP posted breakfast at 14:31 EDT (19:31 BST)

Whimmy wham wham wozzle

>> No.4738728

>not knowing a buttertooth's breakfast
They pride themselves in that slop.

>> No.4738732

does it though?

>> No.4738733

chips/fries aren't the norm in the UK.
lacking baked beans
lacking black pudding
lacking mushroom

4/10 for a full british

>> No.4738741


also lacking white pudding
also lacking fried bread and/or toast

>> No.4738745

>british style bacon

seems more british than american. puttin this one on you guys.

>> No.4738746

what does american bacon look like?

>> No.4738747

And hash browns.

>> No.4738749

i believe in europe, it's referred to as "streaky bacon" ?

more fat, less meat. also smaller pieces.

>> No.4738750
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What we normally eat, Brits would call "streaky bacon" I believe.

>> No.4738752

looks more like a "full breakfast of english" you'd get in shitty holiday towns. guess that is our fault though. sorry world.

Also, >>4738733 to add to the Full British:
Welsh friend introduced them to me. Chop some of the black pudding and quickly fry the cockles with it. Really good.

>> No.4738754

ew, i don't know why that stuff is even sold in the shops. you're right though, streaky bacon is a thing

>> No.4738756


Only the UK makes that distinction. In continental Europe "bacon" refers to "streaky bacon"

>> No.4738759

oh, i've also seen it sold as "Danish" bacon before, but only god knows why

>> No.4738762

Danish was (is?) a brand. They did/do both streaky and back bacon. Never heard streaky bacon referred to as Danish myself.

>> No.4738760

i cant speak for others, but i understand that a full english is a beautiful thing. but as with any cuisine, there will always be someone to fuck it up for everyone.

streaky bacon is actually very tasty, just doesn't have very much meat (especially when you consider how expensive it is)

>the more you know

i did not know that, thanks for the info anon

>> No.4738770


I've seen bacon with a Danish logo on it, but people I know still refer to it as either back or streaky bacon.

I personally go for either wiltshire cured, or dry cured (both smoked).

>> No.4738797

what is actually the difference between smoked an unsmoked? I always just get unsmoked.

>> No.4738809

>baked bean oats
Please explain.

>> No.4738810

ones smoked and the other isnt.

>> No.4738823


I think s/he missed a comma

>I ask because i have to choose between baked beans, oats, or im thinking of doing some potato

>> No.4738827

never mind didn't realize you meant them as separate items.

>> No.4738828

*one has been injected with artificial smoke flavouring and the other isn't

>> No.4738829

fuck yeah wiltshire cured. I'm a wiltshire boy, and we have some good produce down here

>> No.4738851

An entire pizza from last night. I'm fucked once my metabolism slows down.

>> No.4738854


>artificial smoke flavouring

I'm pretty sure we use actual smoke in England.

>> No.4738862

coffee,aspirin,paracetamol and the microwaved lunch from the day before.

>> No.4738868

If you buy your bacon from a meat counter, sure. If you're buying prepacked supermarket bacon then odds are good it's artificial.

>> No.4738866
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You certainly do. I'm from Somerset, so we have some good ciders to go with that bacon/pork/ham.

>my choice in wiltshire cured bacon

>> No.4738874


Actually, yeah, good point. I retract my statement.

>> No.4738876

Two eggs, sunny-side up, but then I realized that my pan sucks and it didn't cook through, so I flipped the eggs over

They ended up being somewhat poached, or whatever the term is for the yolk being on the inside

Anyway, the yolk was all runny and I hate the taste of yolk so I dipped bread in it

I didn't even finish my eggs, because they made me full so quickly, so I threw them out


>> No.4738937

Dat mother.

>> No.4738947

There are a ton of health benefits from cider vinegar, but the big reason is blood pressure. Long story, I need to get on meds for it but can't yet. The cider vinegar helps until then.

>> No.4738959

And it's not a magic brand, that's just the brand I can get locally that's unfiltered. And yeah maybe it's homeopathic bullshit, but I haven't read anything else that even claims to help with blood pressure aside from actual meds.

>> No.4739007

Roman soldiers were well known for drinking a vinegar concoction.

>> No.4739093

You're supposed to cook the (majority of the) fat out. If it's at all good, save it: bacon dripping is a suitable for cooking fat for a number of dishes.

However, the immediate advantage of streaky bacon is that it is usually more tender and moist after cooking than back bacon. It's very easy to overcook back bacon; I can't recall ever having bacon in the US that wasn't too dry because of over-enthusiastic cooking (but that might just be hotels keeping it hot...)

The worst bacon I've ever had was in Japan. Had they said "formed, mechanically recovered pig slurry, with coloring" I'd have been more prepared for what they served. Japan's a cool place, but they don't understand bacon. (Had the japanese breakfasts the rest of that trip; seaweed and strange mushrooms beat "bacon" lies.)

>> No.4739102

Granola and yogurt, with fresh OJ.

>> No.4739110


Streaky bacon certainly has its purpose, especiall if you're stewing lean meats like venison or rabbit.

>> No.4739140

what the fuck is on the tomato?

>> No.4739336

Some dried herb and salt. Probably parsley or basil

>> No.4739358

fried penis dipped in things that come from chickens butts

>> No.4739362

That stuff is godly but has loads of sugar in it.

>> No.4739703

Where I live, we don't have much breakfast.
Tea (or coffee) + bread with butter for me
friends have roughly the same or soda or juice instead of tea
some have yoghurt and cereal, or milk and cereal.
I have never 'cooked' before noon

>> No.4739723



>> No.4739845

Blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, OJ, and 2 cigarettes. Sometimes replace sausage with steak. I have to eat a large breakfast because I work in a kitchen which kills my appetite for some reason. Never hungry when I get home, so I try to get most of my calories in the morning. Love breakfast though.

>> No.4739863


Usually an apple or some yogurt, I don't have much time to eat before I have to run out to classes or work.

If I get some time beforehand I like making scones or nutbread to have on hand. I've got a great recipe for black walnut nutbread from my grandma that is great with a little butter in the morning.

>> No.4739864

I made a pan-fried cod and bacon po' boy for breakfast with shredded lettuce, tomato, tar-tar sauce, cheese and pickle
for the bun I used a supermarket french bread, lightly toasted.

god-teir breakfast.

>> No.4740356
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>> No.4740358
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Wait whats for breakfast?

>> No.4740360
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Tastes like freedom.

>> No.4740364

Peanut butter on a piece of whole grain bread. It's quick, filling and not terrible tasting. I eat that about every morning.

>> No.4740369

Leftover chicken parm and spaghetti from dinner last night, plus I added a chopped up habanero.

I love leftovers for breakfast, I'm much more into savory foods for breakfast than the sugary sweet shit that programming expects of people to want.

>> No.4740371

That sounds good

>> No.4740374

Yes, a British classic.

>> No.4740376
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Towlie sais, "LET'S GET BLAZED!"

>> No.4740452

These times I'm having millet porridge with some fuits and I'm thinking about supplementing some sort of beans.

>> No.4740455

OPs pic looks legitimately like the Wimpy breakfast here in South Africa

>> No.4740512
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fucking one of these at one in the afternoon on a killer hangover

>> No.4740516

Does anyone remember the original Bombay Bad Boys? Holy fuck they were brutal

>> No.4740525


fucking delish. wish i had a shin cup tho.

>> No.4740553

Never had one and wouldn't ever have picked it up just looking at it it looks pretty crappy. I'll get one next time I see it