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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 93 KB, 600x800, on the balcony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4733902 No.4733902 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoy the last days of summer with me, /ck/.

>> No.4733906

I would, but I don't have any alcohol, weed, or money to get any, so I won't be enjoying anything.

>> No.4733914

I want some weed pretty badly, makes my food taste better.

>> No.4733920

>Lel drugz r so kool im twelv

>> No.4733934
File: 143 KB, 799x1000, drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure OP, I'll join you... even if visibly my camera sucks at low light scenes.

>> No.4733948


What's that? Looks like a whiskey sour

Also you must be further west than I am

>> No.4733957

Limoncello (from Di Leva Sorrento).

The light sucks but it's a bright yellow, sweet and really, just tastes like summer.

>> No.4733985

>alcohol's okay and makes food better
>all the chefs smoke, why don't you /ck/?

>> No.4734003


If you seriously can't understand the difference between an illegal mind altering chemical and cultured, sophisticated experience enhancers then I suppose your mother must have spend the majority of her welfare checks smoking crack while you were still in the womb.

>> No.4734006
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Sun already set on me, but I'll join you for my 3rd one.

>> No.4734016
File: 20 KB, 170x170, 1377029271311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I can't find my webcam app but I'll enjoy this nice tequila and diet mountain dew for you OP.

>mfw florida
>mfw the end of summer doesn't happen until november

>> No.4734019

This is bait.

>> No.4734025

>implying weed is not an extraordinary experience enhancer that make food taste like sex feels

>> No.4734023

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8
go to sleep quentin

>> No.4734037

>Implying it's not a mind altering chemical that makes people addicted to it into big enough faggots that they steal everything you own while you're in the hospital so they can buy more.

>> No.4734051
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you know how I know you're a troll?

>> No.4734059

>>implying weed is even expensive.

>> No.4734071

>Implying Florida gets cold

>> No.4734072

Weed is a gateway drug. You'll be doing meth sooner or later. Seek help now, anon.

>> No.4734082

so is food, cut back on the booz and bacon chump.

>> No.4734084

So explain to me why I've seen so many people desperately trying to get it by selling things that they need to survive, along with things that don't even belong to them. Have you ever gotten back from an extended stay at the hospital only to realize that someone you knew has sold everything you owned, and then rented your house to a pile of slobs that completely ruined it? Their explanation of it being "Sorry man I needed weed."

You know what I did? The fucker is in jail for theft and possession. I hope he's enjoying jail without his precious addiction.

>> No.4734090

>south florida
>occasionally get to low 50s
>entire city is paralyzed in fear

its silly

>> No.4734089

I've been smoking for 5+ years and ive never even touched a cigarettte. Seek willpower now, anon

>> No.4734092

>Blaming a plant for your shitty friend choices

>> No.4734094

I gotta get the bread and milk!!!

>> No.4734095

>people addicted to it into big enough faggots that they steal everything you own while you're in the hospital so they can buy more.

Projecting much.

>> No.4734100

>Implying he wasn't a great guy before it.

>> No.4734105
File: 60 KB, 490x346, Candy-490x346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weed is a gateway drug

It certainly is. A gateway to deliciousness.

>> No.4734110

Why would you need a mind-altering substance to have fun? Don't you have friends? Real friends, who share more in common with you than a love of said substances?

>> No.4734123

of course not

>> No.4734128

friend of a pot head here, we've been bros practically our whole lives. still are. people don't need weed to have fun, it's just something they enjoy, like some people enjoy drinking, and others enjoy eating food thats unhealthy, and others enjoy body building. A lot of these things are increadibly bad for you, certainly worse for you than fucking weed of all things. people who fucking get so addicted they sell their house and steal your shit? what are you some kind of jack Thompson of weed? Since when did we use the people who quit their jobs and ruin their lives over WOW to describe everyone who plays video games? why is this okay to do to pot smokers?

>> No.4734133

>Since when did we use the people who quit their jobs and ruin their lives over WOW to describe everyone who plays video games?

All the time, just look at any anti-gaming site.

>> No.4734135

>Don't you have friends?


>> No.4734137

>Don't you have friends?


>> No.4734141


>butthurt yankee

enjoy your 3 months of good weather. And please tell your kin to stop coming down here every winter and fucking up our state

>> No.4734143

Because weed as a culture is horribly annoying, on the level of Gathering of the Juggalos. Why does weed have zero sophistication associated with it?
Beer culture - mostly blue collar, but often drunk by professionals too. Has a wide range of microbreweries and is rapidly rising to being acceptable in any social situation
Wine culture-Mostly employed by the upper or middle class, but cheap wines also exist. Stereotyped as a sophisticated drink.
Tobacco culture-Used by anyone of any class. Cigars and pipes were often used to identify oneself as a man of taste and culture. Less popular now, but still enjoyed by sophisticated adults. Cigarettes have been used in a casual manner to describe "cool" people in movies for ages.
Weed culture - used mostly by teens and the poorest of the poor. Often participants are inclined to have accessories with the marijuana leaf plastered everywhere, to identify themselves. Weed becomes their identity. Members of weed culture are extremely zealous, often employing crude phrases such as "420 blaze it faggot."

>> No.4734145

Actually I live in Florida, I've just been out of state before and know what real winter is.

>> No.4734147
File: 20 KB, 200x202, 3a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the prohibition on weed for the past 80 years
>he wonders why there is no sophisticated weed culture

hey dumbass, all of those things you mentioned are currently legal. I know you're a troll but at least step it up.

>> No.4734152

I came to this thread to drink bourbon with people who weren't retarded. Fuck you all. People from all walks of life do or dont smoke weed, dont get trolled so easy.

PS god doesn't exist and I am euphoric.

>> No.4734153

Hey man, I get it. I love the seasons too.

That's why I live in a place that skips the shitty ones.

>> No.4734156

I actually drink more during the school year. I haven't been drunk for more than 2 months.

>> No.4734169

When the next ice age hits, we'll all be laughing at you dick fucks dying from 30 degree weather. Pussies.

>> No.4734181
File: 1.11 MB, 378x299, 1376582283439.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips fedora*

>implying there is no such thing as coats, or fire
>calling other people pussies for living in a better climate

jealous much? I go to work in shorts and flip flops all year round (as long as I'm not meeting a client), and I can enjoy the water all year round without a wetsuit.

The fact is, you'll end up here just like all of your kind when your bones grow old and the chill sets in.

>> No.4734190

Jealous of an entire state going into shock when it gets below 55? Not really.
>mfw you'll never experience the comfiness of being wrapped in a blanket in front of a fire drinking a nice beer while it's -10 out and snowing
It's the only kind of comfy I welcome. Plus all the blacks hibernate in the winter. So there's a plus.

>> No.4734198

>Plus all the blacks hibernate in the winter.
brb booking a trip for this winter

>going into shock when it gets below 55?
to be fair, I've been to alaska in the winter, and it was more tolerable than some winters in florida. The humidity makes the cold stick to you and no amount of layers will help. High 40's in florida feels much worse than it is.

>> No.4734203

new england is about as humid as florida is all year round except we get 20F weather with 60mph winds
so eat shit, faggot

>> No.4734214

>doge shit

kill yourself

>> No.4734218
File: 105 KB, 750x318, dogemoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruined day

>> No.4734226
File: 42 KB, 720x720, 1377025671110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lel so edgy

I only post that kind of reaction shit when its related to the topic at hand, but since yer a faget I'll post another just for you.

look out for this guy, he's from bawston everyone i hear they are tuff guys there.

How bout them patriots eh? They might make the playoffs this year.

>> No.4734247

you're honestly a really awful person, judging by the like three posts you've made in this thread

>> No.4734268

I don't need to justify smoking pot to an image board.
>there are people who will go thru their whole life without ever trying the herb once :(

>> No.4734274

Holy shit you dont live in tennessee do you? Looks just like these apartments close by

>> No.4734275

that's fine for them, pot's just w/e

this is coming from someone who smokes 24/7

>> No.4734280

welcome to globalization, everything is the same everywhere, anon
i can think of four of those apartment complexes in four different states off the top of my head

>> No.4734277
File: 68 KB, 500x687, h5AFF4344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're honestly a really awful person, judging by the like three posts you've made in this thread
>judging by the like three posts
>the like three posts

And it sounds to me like your a bitter yankee who calls other people pussies for not wanting to live in icebox. We can make assumptions all night long but where does that get us?

>> No.4734283

i'm not the guy you were arguing with earlier but i don't really care
it gets us nowhere because you're a mega-faggot and i'm an idiot

>> No.4734288
File: 152 KB, 740x454, 1376098604668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that above or below ultra-faggot?

>> No.4734291

Just a standard day on 4chan, full of shitposts. You think calling some retards posting doge shit was made in anger? Jesus christ how.... new and reddity.

>> No.4734299

right between my dick and your mom
that's where your face is


>> No.4734302


>> No.4734311 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4734313
File: 1.89 MB, 172x172, 1377030635191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still cares enough to respond

>> No.4734324
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>> No.4734335
File: 1.44 MB, 182x189, 1375146864196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He actually thinks this is how people who smoke act
I bet your the edgiest kid at high school, i bet you use the word sheeple too.

>> No.4734380

You don't get out very often, do you?

>> No.4734668

So you're gay then?

>> No.4735038

i dont even know where to start with this. weed being a gateway to drugs? thats like saying getting your driving license is the gate way to drinking and driving.
most truthful jpg and why weed is still illegal. the amount of money lost in some companies would make them crumble to the ground. one plant that can pretty much do it all? they just want to save profits and paid off the government some 100 years ago
your just a faggot, some people have addicting personalities, no matter what you give them if they like it they will want more of it. It fills a need in there mind that helps them in a way. once they get carried away from reality thats when it becomes a issue. No pot head would sell a house for weed. just shows how far you head is stuck up your ass to make up a story like that. Aswell there will be always one dipshit that will ruin something for everybody.
i see your argument here but will have to disagree, all said items have been allowed in society for many years and a "culture" has been build around them . weed on the other hand has always been frowned on. If legalized correctly you will have plantations similar to vineyards where people could come and have tasting and buy products, and with that a proper culture will be formed.
as a side note OP i am not much of a drinker but i will burn one down.


>> No.4735069

>>all the chefs smoke, why don't you /ck/?

Hahaha, american drug-user subhuman detected. No, chefs do not smoke. Drug abuse is for useless washouts whose work is not important enough to anyone for them to be fired as they deserve.

You Americans and your genetically hard-wired law breaking urges make the entire profession look bad. Even if you don't even deserve to be included in the brotherhood.

>> No.4735086

See, everyone. This is a prime example of a pothead. Borderline illiterate, arrogant, slothful, indulgent, self-absorbed to the extreme, full of excuses why his law-breaking, brain-rotting, passivizing habit should be considered respectable even when he uses it as a valid excuse to steal and violate the trust of others, incapable of seeing the damage and distrust his disgusting habit causes to his surroundings.

Pot on itself is completely innocent, I believe. It is the dreadlocked, unwashed, piss-smelling human waste who consider driving high to be just fine, who eat cereals and twinkies in grocery stores before they've cashed out, who shoplift because their poverty is "the system's fault", who disappoint their hard-working parents, siblings and peers with their sloth and corruption, and poison future generations by dealing and teaching the habit, that justify its illegal status.

>> No.4735087
File: 209 KB, 682x600, 1373169036319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who actually get addicted to pot are pathetic. People who actually smoke pot are pathetic.
Amphetamines is where it's at plebs.

>> No.4735098

baited me bro, 1/10.

Ive never seen or heard of anything like these examples accapt the lazy type(thats there descision) im more productive idk about the rest of people but thats just me.

>> No.4735101
File: 423 KB, 641x480, 1374110687768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/10 now you are trying just way too hard anon, you almost had me.

>> No.4735120

You're on 4chan defending potheads, you waste of life. I drop more productive, more socially acceptable shits every morning.

Reform or expect life in prison.

>> No.4735124


>You're on 4chan defending potheads, you waste of life. I drop more productive, more socially acceptable shits every morning.

>Baiting on 4chan


>> No.4735125

>life in prison

>> No.4735130



>> No.4735132

kill a stereotypical black man
self defence

>> No.4735138


haha i am 28, married , kid on the way in about 4 months and own a successful restaurant. ya and sorry for english being my second language , i forgot we are are getting graded by 4chan admins here

>> No.4735152

You are 38, living in your mother's basement, lying about yourself on 4chan, and trying to excuse your degenerate habit.

You are poisonous to your surroundings. Just you living where you do drops your neighbour's land value, because no-one will trust a criminal drug abuser and spreader like you. I hope they call the cops on you and you get to enjoy death by prison rape as your effeminate unmanliness caused by your drug habit places you on the bottom rung of inmate hierarchy.

>> No.4735157

>kid on the way

oh you poor, poor bastard..