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File: 85 KB, 635x600, 635px-GrannySmithAppleSalad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4733378 No.4733378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All right, America, we need to talk.


It even has a Wikipedia page, so this isn't just something one random count-to-potato grade moron thought up.

>> No.4733384

this is the first time im hearing of this

>> No.4733387

What the fuck is that?

>> No.4733390

i had to read the article

>It is a potluck and party staple in some parts of the Midwest of the United States

those hicks are so silly

>> No.4733395


>Snickers salad is a mix of Snickers bars, Granny Smith apples, whipped cream and often pudding or whipped topping served in a bowl

That doesn't sound all that bad.

>> No.4733403

It's no wonder your country is so full of diabeetus... Jesus christ, my teeth hurt just thinking about that

(the recipe I could find has a cup of sugar and SIX snickers bars)

>> No.4733405
File: 16 KB, 230x230, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey bitch,

That is a classic merican' dish and a staple of potluck's, pick-nicks and bbq's on a national basis. Usually made with cool whip, Jello and some random fruit for token healthiness. Now if you would kindly crawl back in to you misplaced hole of pretentiousness in whatever not as good as America country your from.

also, don't forget the mini marshmallows.

>> No.4733406

Michigan here. never heard of it

>> No.4733412



Yeah, no wonder...because of Detroit we gave you back to Mexico.

>> No.4733415

i guess it's pretty much just a chocolate/caramel/nougat covered apple slice with nuts and whipped cream

i figure it'd be a lot less horrifying to actually prepare something like that and serve it in slices rather than a big trough

>> No.4733417

yeah, the rest of the country tends to not want to associate with those fly over states

>> No.4733420

American and I've never heard of this either, but would certainly like to try it. Too bad most picnic salads and such don't actually look very appealing (potato salad, fruit salad, this, etc.) despite having a lot of good ingredients.

>> No.4733421


>Fun fact: I'm from the UK

It's something I'd be willing to try, but probably wouldn't eat ever again.

>> No.4733423

This. Althought I've never actually seen a snickers bar in it.

>> No.4733424

I've heard of it but never had it. I'm more of a jello cake or watergate salad person myself.

>> No.4733425


Also, I've had deepfried mars bars with ice cream, so it can't be much worse..

>> No.4734231

American here. Never heard of that shit until now and I'm sure the "salad" part is more for alliteration.

That or it's a dessert salad in the same sense Fruit Salad is. I'm sure most people skip the mayo though.

Whatever the case may be, you need to stop looking at the US as a collective. Shit's regional as fuck.

>> No.4734257

>Whatever the case may be, you need to stop looking at the US as a collective. Shit's regional as fuck.

They can't. Too used to the whole postage stamp country thing.

>> No.4734279

People need to realise that most of our states are larger than most of their nations. I know they know the regional differences in their own countries - perhaps even sharp divisions within their major cities (e.g. Chinatown). Why would they think U.S.A. is a homogenous mass of failure and despair?

>> No.4734315

I never heard of it. After going to the wiki page to verify that there's no Miracle Whip in it - those diseased subhumans in the Midwest will put Miracle Whip in IV bags if you don't stop them - I have decided that I am okay with the concept but not going out of my way to try it.

>watergate salad

Now THAT stuff is boss.

>> No.4734327

Texas here, never heard of this, and I travel to East Texas quite a bit. Also, grew up in a trailer park, this is some fucked up backward hick shit.

>> No.4734341

As someone who lived in Indiana and now lives in Kentucky (and who has traveled over most of the Midwest), I've never heard of this shit.

>> No.4734352

Fine flyover cuisine, is all.

>> No.4734368

While I've never had it I've been to a couple events where it was served. This girl from michigan always brought it with her. The other guests would rave about it so I guess it was pretty good.

>> No.4734444

>be from minneapolis minnesota (i guess minnesota counts as "flyover", despite being a tiny bit more refined than neighbors)
>never heard of this
it sounds good except i'd take the apples and whipped cream out and just have a snickers

>> No.4734466
File: 46 KB, 355x400, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indiana here, this isn't 'too' uncommon.. but its not really something you pick up in the 'big' chain stores like Walmart or whatever.

Every party or get-together or church function has that one fat lady who'll bring a giant bowl of that shit.
Usually its got chopped up walnuts and marshmellows instead of snickers, and pineapple chunks instead of apples.
The ingredients are very.. varied depending on the tastes of the person making it, though whipped cream and some sort of sweet fruit seem to make the base of it.
...but it always looks exactly the same as that picture there.
.....with a few green or pink-ish red variations. (Where they'll mix in some sort of minty shit or cherries for the hell of it)

>> No.4734472

Also, a note on flavor-

I've never had a 'bad' bowl of this stuff. ..but its never tasted particularly good. Or anything i'd get a second bowl of.
Its basically like having a giant mouthful of sweet whipped cream and fruit, with crunchy shit in it.

>> No.4734481

Fam from Minnesota and South Dakota - yes it is a real thing. Salad is used there in a very different way than it is in the rest of the states - this is a DESSERT salad and goes in the salad category for potlucks. My mum made it for us about twice ever, it's too sweet for our silly Californian taste buds.

>> No.4734486
File: 56 KB, 550x550, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My aunt used to serve this stuff, well not exactly that but marshmallow salad with mandarin oranges, cherries, chopped apples, grated coconut, grapes, and maybe some other stuff.

I'm not sure how it was invented, but it was good. Made me feel like murrika strong. Which, at the time, it was.

>> No.4734504

I'm from Missouri, I've literally never heard of this.

The closest I've ever seen was a bright blue made with raspberry gelatin ambrosia salad. Was fucking revolting.

>> No.4734514

Arkansan here, I have never heard of this and I am glad I've never been forced to eat it.

>> No.4734554

chicago, eat it every now and then w/ snickers. it's delicious lol...

>> No.4734564

the pic looks like horseshit though, i do admit

>> No.4734579

I feel like I'd need to brush my teeth for 20 minutes and then floss till my gum bleed. Having said that, I'd still try it once.

>> No.4734581

I've lived in Hawaii, California and now Oregon.

Never heard of this stuff, but I bet if I hang out with rednecks more often it would show up.

>> No.4734593

American from the south here. Everything I hear about the midwest makes me sick. Holy shit you guys, cut this shit out.

>> No.4734602

Philadelphia here, seconding this.
The regional cuisines of the US, in order from best to worst, rank:
1. New England
2. The South
3. Mid-Atlantic
4. Tex-mex
5. West Coast
6. Hawaii
7. Midwest
This, of course, excludes the nectar of the gods that is Scrapple, to be fair. If it were included, Mid-Atlantic cuisine would blow everything out of the water, no contest.

>> No.4734615

I'm from Missouri and I've never heard of someone putting snickers in this type of dish. Usually this sort of thing is just fruit, whipped topping, marshmallows, and some sort of jello or something. I always see it around at family reunions and the like, but no one ever really eats much of it.

>> No.4734645

Don't you have a pig to fuck somewhere, nigger?

>> No.4734655

The only thing good about the 'south' is Louisiana.
Everything else is just 'Sweeaaaaaahht ttteeeaaa', rebel flags and drowning everything in hot sauce because they don't know how to fucking season anything
Not to mention there isn't a single good sports team to come from anywhere in the south.
Everything south of Tennessee needs to fucking die.

>> No.4734659

fuck you, we know how to cook in the midwest, how do you think we get so much meth

>> No.4734663

Never heard of this stuff OP.

>> No.4734680

Not all Southern cuisine is Paula Deen-tier, cardiac-arrest inducing shit loaded with sugar and/or fat.
Go get yourself some well-prepared grits, barbecue chicken, Hoppin' John, okra, collard greens, hoecakes, or baked beans [No canned shit] and tell me that's not both tasty and healthful.
>Not loving the glorious based upland south.
The Confederacy never controlled East Tennessee because the Federalist sentiment there was so strong. And then you have West Virginia, which exists because they said "Fuck Virginia and fuck the Confederacy, we'll rejoin the Union as our own state."
Country roads, take me home...

>> No.4734683

I'm 28 and my mother has been making this shit since I was knee-high to a grasshopper.

I'm in Canada.

>> No.4734692

>Snickers Salad
I have grown up in MO and I have never heard of this disgusting thing
That sounds horrible

>> No.4734699

... I wonder if the link is lutherans. That's where everyone I know of had it... Churches are the primary places potlucks happen.

>> No.4734709

Snickers are the worst candy bar

>> No.4734718


>candy bar
>not chocolate bar

Get out.

>> No.4734725

Minnesota, never heard of it either.

>> No.4734751

I've never even heard of that. Stop trying to stir up shit.

>> No.4734755


lived in the midwest my entire life and I've never heard of this shit

>> No.4734830

looks disgusting and shameful as is anyone who would put it in their body, shit like this is what makes other countries mock us

>> No.4734881

Who really cares what they think, at the end day they are across a fucking ocean.
Even if we didn't do what we're doing now, or not eat what we're eating now. They would find another reason to hate us. They exist to hate it is really all they have. Let them have their cake and eat it too.

>> No.4734898

My family is from Iowa, my late aunt and still-living uncle own an apple farm, and I don't know what this is.
Though really, don't be too hard on people for liking it. Pre-health-concerned America, no one cared if you put Jello, whipped cream, candy, and apples together. Jello was pretty hot shit. Kids probably loved it, what with all the sweet stuff. Having apples in it meant getting rid of fruit that might have spoilt otherwise in older fridges.

>> No.4734915

I have lived all over Illinois and have never even seen this crap. Not once across a multitude of family reunions, church picnics, bbq's, anything.

>> No.4734929
File: 28 KB, 500x400, tumblr_lzmhdpjbZg1r5umpmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag here. I dated an American for a while and went to his house for Christmas dinner.
There were no vegetables at all except for mashed potato. Instead, there was 'marshmallow salad' which seemed to be jelly, marshmallows, miracle whip and thickened cream. Those people went through miracle whip like it was candy. They were from Oregon.
It seems like it's actually pretty normal eating habits for yanks. I will never understand.

>> No.4734933

i have had this shit. a common dessert in the rural area i came up in.

im not defending the strange notion of using snickers in, well, anything, but i think you guys have the wrong idea about this stuff.

the snickers bar is chopped up to the point of being nearly imperceptible. its really just apples with whipped cream and tiny little crumbles of chocolate/candy.

i get the feeling some here are imaging snickers bars cut into bite sized pieces and covered with whipped cream. All the times i have had its its been mostly apples. i had to ask what it was, you dont really get "snickers" from it. .

>> No.4734934

>It seems like it's actually pretty normal eating habits for yanks
>Based on one family he's visited.

>> No.4734942

snickers work better in batter as the nought being denser holds up to the heat in a better fashion. Battered boost is where it is at

>> No.4734945
File: 329 KB, 500x600, 1362374788614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and you guys think we are bad for putting more than two toppings on our pizzas

>> No.4734987

Americans dislike anyone that uses more than one topping?

Are you pulling shit out of your ass?

>> No.4735063

>Are you pulling shit out of your ass?
Usually I just push. Less mess.