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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 400x300, bad%20lunch[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4732692 No.4732692 [Reply] [Original]

What was school lunch like, /ck/?

>> No.4732703

just like that

>> No.4732704

tater tots were the shit. the burgers were shit, but i liked them because i was a child.

mexican pizza was another popular choice that i liked. and grilled cheeses made en masse in the oven were fucking good.

these days, i'd probably hate all of it, but 5-10 year old me loved it. once i got to middle school, they had the fancy line with dominos pizza, so i ate that a lot at age 11+

>> No.4732706

I almost never ate the school lunch. Now that I grew up I realized how much of a spoiled cunt I was as a kid. I'd pay for that food now.

>> No.4732707

I should mention we had really good food with a great variety, and nothing like the OP pic.

>> No.4732708

Six inch subs and other local foods were regularly brought in and re-sold so I usually didn't have to deal with their green bean casserole from a can.

>> No.4732710

Pasta came out of a giant can. Tasted like shit.

Wednesday's were pizza days from a local mom and pop shop. The best day of the week!

Friday was fish sandwich day because lolcatholic school.

I remember the Salisbury steak being pretty good. A side of fruit, veggies and a carton of chocolate milk.

>> No.4732724

I still have a list of sets from like middle school:

>Set 1:
Barley soup
Cod fillet with potatoes and sauerkraut & carrot salad

>Set 2:
Tomato soup with rice
Wiener Schnitzel with potatoes and leek salad

>Set 3:
String bean soup with potatoes
Turkey breast with rice and red cabbage salad

>Set 4:
Vegetable soup with potatoes
Pierogi with meat and cabbage plus radish salad

>Set 5:
Chicken soup
Chicken cutlet with potatoes and cabbage & carrot salad

And a variety of juices, kompots and tea for drinking. The sets changed from time to time but not all that often.

>> No.4732727

what country are you in, for reference? if US, which state?

i only ask because i see a lot of stuff on there that i never once saw in school, and it interests me seeing how different regions deal with making meals for large amounts of people

>> No.4732729


my schools didn't do school lunches, and I didn't buy from the canteen, so it was usually home lunch, a sandwich and piece of fruit, maybe a museli bar, and a small sweet of some kind.

>> No.4732732
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>> No.4732754

Sorry, reposted to fix some horrid typos.

Poland here.

>> No.4732757
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I liked what Jamie Oliveoil tried to do, even though it failed pretty badly.

School lunches are shit tier. I remember once drinking juice that was in a bag.

>> No.4732764

Probably 3 days a week we had ground chicken patty sandwiches. In the first month of school I found a massive bone shard in one of them and never had school lunch again.


>> No.4732782

my nigga. i feel every ounce of your pain

>> No.4732785


are those fried pig dicks?

>> No.4732791

>what is a turkey twizzler

>> No.4732792
File: 10 KB, 275x183, pieandchips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was school lunch like, /ck/?

It was usually some variation of Pie and Chips.

>> No.4732795

That shit does look like the bull pizzle treats at the pet store.

>> No.4732803

Amerifat here
>some typical amerifat processed food but "nutritionized" like rubber burgers with whole grain buns
>baked, soggy "fries" because frying is 2bad despite the baked foods still being drowned in grease
>raw vegetables of questionable quality or canned fruit drowned in corn syrup

Not the best of stuff.

>> No.4732831

Loved school lunch. Pizza was my fav but all of it got demolished.

>> No.4732833

Shitty, like many other schools.
We had three 'stations' (four if you count the expensive salad bar that was basically reserved for teachers). The right station was for the pizza, fries, and mozzarella sticks. Basically really cheap, greasy food with no nutritional value or flavor.
The middle section was pre-made 'burgers' and sandwiches that had been sitting out for forever in packages. The buns were often soggy and fused to the burger, so if you got one you had to dip it in condiments since the top bun couldn't be taken apart from the 'meat.' I used to like getting peanut butter and jelly sandwiches until junior year when they were taken away because of some faggot with a severe peanut allergy.
The left station had some new variety of food each day mixed with leftovers. Some good, some bad.
Taco bake, nuggets, teriyaki 'balls', etc.
If we were served white rice you had to drench that shit in hot sauce for it to be edible.

Milk was often past expiration, or a container had busted in the fridge and effectively made all the cartons sticky and wet.

The only redeeming thing we had was shoestring french fries, but some bs rule was passed so that the cafeteria wasn't allowed to serve them anymore sometime during my sophomore year. And from that point on we were served soggy baked fries with no crispyness to them at all. Although I might have enjoyed the tater tots from time to time.

>> No.4732835

Absolute shit.


>> No.4732837

Did you clap after every meal?

>> No.4732852

Oh, and I forgot to mention literally everything served hot was shipped to the school frozen and then tossed into some sort of convection oven/microwave/I don't know thing still in the plastic wrappers they where shipped in. Every sandwhich was hopelessly soggy, save for when the cafeteria workers took the trouble of taking out the chicken from the sandwiches and cooking it in the oven rather than have it steam into mush in the plastic.

>> No.4732861

Are all of you trolling, or do Americans really make their kids subsist on mostly (deep) fried crap? I know the stereotypes, Americans are fat, blah blah, but this isn't real, right?

>> No.4732865

>this isn't real, right?

It is. I hated school food, and my mom's wasn't even much to compare by. Had my parents been good cooks and gave me truly good food at home, I may have refused the school food entirely. Pretty much had bad at home and far worse at school.

>> No.4732866

did you even read the thread?

schools never deep fry. they just take stuff that would be deep fried and bake it into a soggy mess.

but yeah, school lunches have classically been pretty unhealthy in America. they finally started instituting healthier lunches in some places, though.

>> No.4732870

>do Americans really make their kids subsist on mostly (deep) fried crap?
If you took the time to read all the Americlap posts, you'd know that there's a sort of "health craze" in schools, and frying is basically taboo now.

The current food isn't much better, if at all, in terms of nutrition or healthfulness. It just tastes shittier

>> No.4732874

>frying is basically taboo now.
i honestly dont think frying was ever popular in school cafeterias. seems like it would be a pain in the ass frying that much shit when they could just throw it in a giant oven.

at least that's how my elementary school did things.

>> No.4732891

Uh no dude. It's the complete opposite lately.

>> No.4732895
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My Mom packed my lunch, even during Highschool.

>> No.4732906
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>> No.4732915

it was. but theres a "healthy" trend going on now. kids are still fat though.

>> No.4732919
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>Having lunch in school

>> No.4732922

yeah but more often than not theyre fat these days because they dont get any fucking exercise.

when i was a kid, school lunches werent very healthy, nor was the food my mom made, but i stayed skinny by getting out, riding bikes, playing sports, climbing trees, etc.

>> No.4732926

>we ate pizza
>until someone turn it over and greased poured out like a river
>we ate subs
>until someone realized the bread is moldy
>we ate chicken
>until someone found a worm in one

then we ate tattertots occasionally if someone snuck them outside

>> No.4732931

Cardboard pizza, chicken fingers, fries, greasy cookies, sometimes spicy chicken fingers. I'm amazed we didn't all become lard monsters. Mashed potatoes were considered veggies.

>> No.4732933

Same here. But then again, school was out at 12.50 p.m. every day. (Germanfag.) After that I went home and ate what my mother had cooked.

But srsly, you guys. Kids are still growing, they need the best nutrition they can get. I don't understand why a country would want to treat its own future with the shittiest food possible.

Sure, kids love eating pizza alldayerryday. Kids also think jokes about poo are the most hilarious thing ever.

>> No.4732938

Kids are fat cause parents would rather plop them in front of the tv and video games than go out and play with them.

Take your kids bike riding, play catch, tag, or something god damn it!

>> No.4732945


one unhealthy meal a day saves the school money that could be spent on education, and won't make the little bastards fat if they actually get off their asses and move around some. obesity isn't only about the food.

>> No.4732946
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>> No.4732949

I went to a full-boarding school, so I ate nearly all of my meals there. Here's a menu from this week, looks broadly similar to what we got in my day (I graduated in 2007):

From the Servery: Grilled Bacon, Poached Egg, Grilled Mushrooms, Porridge, Bio Yoghurt & Dried Fruit
Cereals: Weetabix, Coco Pops, Frosties, Cornflakes, Chocolate Weetos, Bite-sized Shreddies, Fruit & Fibre, Muesli, Sugar Puffs
Drinks: Outspan Fresh Orange and Cape Apple Juice, Chilled Filtered Water, Full Cream and Semi-Skimmed Milk, Tea, Coffee and Hot Chocolate
Toast: Freshly Toasted White and Brown Bread with Butter or Flora, Jams, Marmalade, Honey and Marmite

1st Entrée: Beef Bourguignon
2nd Entrée: Chicken Fricassee
Vegetarian: Broad Bean, Pea & Dolcelatte Risotto
Potatoes: Creamed Potatoes
Vegetables: Garden Peas
Dessert: Chocolate Pudding with Chocolate Sauce
Soup of the Day: Cream of Tomato Soup with Croutons
Salad Bar: Roast Beef, Roast Turkey, Roasted Chicken Drumsticks, Smoked Mackerel, Oily Fish in Tomato Sauce, Tuna and Cottage Cheese, Jacket Potatoes, Grated Cheese
Fruit: Grapes, Pineapple, Melon, Kiwi, Pears, Apples and Oranges

Hot Choice: Duck Pancake Rolls with Vegetable Fried Rice
Pasta bar: Pasta with Oven Roasted Vegetables with Fresh Pesto & Melted Mozzarella
Soup of the Day same as at lunch
Filled Baguettes' & Rolls: choice of Baguettes, Wraps and Bagels with an assortment of Meat and Vegetarian Fillings
Salad Bar, Jacket Potatoes, Baked Beans & Grated Cheese
Fruit same as lunch
Range of yoghurts, varied daily
Drinks: Chilled Filtered Water, Full Cream and Semi-Skimmed Milk, Tea, Coffee and Hot Chocolate

>> No.4732950
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Dat nostalgia

>> No.4732952

its its all about ecinomics. the schools with the most poor kids get shittier lunches because they are poor and they should be happy with it and the schools with the most rich kids get great food with many different choices they can make themselves but thats because they arent poor and shouldnt eat poor people food. ask around and do comparisons between schools

>> No.4732958

it's actually more like

>poor schools get poor food because budget problems

schools in areas with money don't tend to have budget problems, therefore they can afford to give the kids less shitty food.

should this be the case? fuck no, but when there's only x amount to spend on food, you gotta stretch.

also rich kids got them influential parents.

>> No.4732960

holy shit

how much did you pay?

>> No.4732977

One thing I have to say is that you shouldn't blame the kids for being fat. Kids are no better than dogs when it comes to their health, it's up to the adults around them to force them to live healthy lives. Hell, teenagers are monsters that only live for their own pleasure and are practically sociopaths so little blame there due to chemical imbalances and growth spurts making them stupid sugar and fat junkies.

Eating healthy and active lifestyles start and end at home with the parents.

>> No.4732986

i agree that the kids aren't necessarily to blame since they basically take after the parents.

but fuck man, when i was a kid, my parents had to come looking for me when it got dark out because i just wanted to be outside. i always figured it was just instinct to want to play outside rather than sit in front of a TV.

guess i was mistaken. how fucking sad is that.

honestly, if the parents even preached one of those things (active lifestyle OR healthy eating) the fat problem would be less of a problem. look at all the little hoodrat kids who eat shit but have no electronics to play with. they're generally pretty skinny.

>> No.4732987

lol public schools in rich neighbor hoods get more tax dollars for better quality food because the parents pay more in taxes or something

>> No.4732993

Honestly I'm not sure, I'd have to ask my parents.

The tuition is £33,285 (~$52k) this year, it was probably a bit under £30k in my day.

>> No.4732997

Kids want to run and play at first, but parents train their kids to sit in front of the tv rather than bother them. After begging a parent to play and all you get is yelled at, lied to, or shrugged off sooner or later the you stop trying and follow the parent's example of being a fat slob. After that the parent has the gall to say the kids are too lazy.

>> No.4733000

now that you say it, that is eerily true. my two younger cousins are like that. they used to come visit when i lived with my parents when they were very young and the first thing they'd always do would be to ask to go outside and play in the sand (we had a random patch of sand near our back yard for whatever reason). occasionally they'd get to go out, but usually their mother would just tell them to go watch TV.

fast forward a few years to last thanksgiving when i was visiting the parents and their family was there. kids didn't even ask to go outside, they just wanted to sit inside and watch TV.

and the older one blew up like a fucking balloon over those years. so goddamn sad. i used to wonder where all those chubby kids with low self esteem came from when i was in school. so sad that it isn't even their fault, but they may still be ruined for life

capcha- ooffat camp

>> No.4733001

What's wrong with juice from a bag?

>> No.4733002

>fat because they dont get any fucking exercise

>> No.4733006

i really hope you're trying to deny the truth in that statement so we can all laugh at you.

nothing. they're like a better version of capri sun. the quality of the actual juice as far as i remember (different anon here) is generally not so good, though.

>> No.4733009

Also the hypocrisy of telling your kids to eat health while buying carts full of candy, chips, and the worst kinds of processed food makes me sick.

Take responsibility for your obese children you shitty parents! "Oh but they throw tantrums or won't eat if I don't shovel crap down their throats!" Fuck you, you taught them that works by giving in to them. Kids freak out, its what they do learn to deal or don't have kids you weak, irresponsible fucks. I'm tired of seeing little land whales wheezing after getting climbing into a booth at Burger King, of seeing envisioning the heart attack a 30 that will bring them down, and the future abuse they will face for their parent's borderline abuse.

>> No.4733015

He's right though. I don't remember the last time I saw any of my neighbors dipshit kids do something outside. Guess what, they're all fat.

>> No.4733018

>school lunch
I had open lunch grades 8-12. Every day it was
>walk/tear ass out of the parking lot
>45 minutes to stuff face at five guys, micky d's, popeyes
>or eat a deep dish we'd ordered by phone an hour before
>tear ass back into the parking lot
>fuck around till the last minute of passing period

Honestly all yall eatin in the cafeteria on the daily had the worst time. Fox River Foods couldnt supply the school with edible food at-fucking-all.

>> No.4733023

when i was in high school, the school had banned 9-10th grade from going off campus for lunch due to assholes leaving and not coming back in years prior.

but i dealt with that by going behind the gym and smoking a bunch of pot. nasty school food all of a sudden wasn't so bad.

also there's no experience quite like hiding in your 11th grade friend's trunk to sneak off campus.

>> No.4733026

There used to be a Taco Bell cart on Thursdays. Oh my god, it was so awesome.

>> No.4733061

>also there's no experience quite like hiding in your 11th grade friend's trunk to sneak off campus.

Been there, done that. Also:

>need off-campus pass to leave during the school day
>they are simply yellow slips of paper with some information and an administrator's signature
>scan my friends
>change name to my name
>color back with yellow highlighter
>crumple it up to make it look well-worn
>roll out of the parking lot every day at lunch
>get $2 sub from subway (remember when they did that shit? different sub every day for $2)

High school was fun.

>> No.4733088

middle school were im from didnt allow leaving campus either. fuck that shit! years of trying to feed me nasty snot filled chicken and other inedible food. stop me. put me in detention i will ditch that as well. suspend me i dont care. i still would leave and get some good food from the grocery store down the street

>> No.4733115

It'd be nice if they had a vegetarian or vegan option, but from the sounds of it, your school was in Poland and I have never, ever met a vegetarian Pole

>> No.4733116

>ever met a vegetarian Pole

always nice to see that some communities still realize that humans are omnivores.

>> No.4733118

somehow at this one school the person who does carried the official documents and did the signature some how didnt realize the ink in their pen was of the erasable ink type.

>> No.4733119

Well, there isn't much in terms of vegetarian options in Polish cuisine.

>> No.4733129

isn't the most popular style of pierogi potato+cottage cheese? sounds plenty vegetarian to me

>> No.4733169

It's also normally served with pork rind so there's that.

>> No.4733174

>pierogi with pork rind

poland you are quickly gaining my favor for your cuisine. both of those things are fucking awesome.

>> No.4733204

Yeah, because Poland is a really advanced and smart nation...

>> No.4733229

>Fish sandwich, Burger, and Chicken sandwich were the same but with different patties
>Greasy ass pizza
>Red Baron pizza boat
>Soggy ass nachos
>Chicken wrap drowning in ranch
>Soggy, Clumped together rice bowl with gross orange chicken
>Stuff that looks like spaghetti
>5 types of Pre-packaged burritos
Yea fucking disgusting, but the salad bar was pretty decent
>Asian chicken salad with oriental dressing
>Tuna salad
>Fruit salad
>Ham and turkey wraps with the right amount of ranch
>Decent chopped egg and tuna sandwiches

>> No.4733230

It was the lowest of the low being in Britain. Basically there were two sandwiches you could get at dinner - the Walls sausage (heavily processed that sometimes had chunks in that felt like solid rubber) sandwich and the chicken burger. Practically everything was pulled out of a freezer and thrown in the oven but the sausage casserole that they did tasted pretty good cos it was around 50% salt, 20% onions and 30% seasoning. They had a bunch of other curries and pastas made with poor-quaility ingredients.

Thinking back on it now, knowing what I know about diet and nutrition, it was fucking appalling. It shouldn't be legal to sell things like that to growing adolescents because it enforces near-unbreakable habits later on in life - especially so if they're nutritionally oblivious to begin with.

>> No.4733243

Being obese is to do with diet, not exercise. You can sit around on 4chan all day and have single digit bodyfat percentage you silly black man.

>> No.4733285

Early 90s in California... my mom let me pick out 2-3 school lunches per month that she would pay for. I usually picked French toast, chicken patty melt on a bun, and corndog each month. They had the rectangle pizzas but I was never interested, they looked too gross.

In high school we had options like Pizza Hut/Papa John's personal pizzas, Taco Bell burritos, nachos, cup-of-noodles, and the regular cafeteria food which I never really ventured to.

>> No.4733297

Does anyone know where we can buy school lunches? The companies should look into that

>> No.4733306

Like human pet food.

>> No.4733307

I always feel really sad when i see all the really bad school lunch photos. i grew up in AR and we always had really good lunches. Not everything was great but more often then not it was really good stuff,

>> No.4733314

I had a green hotdog once, I was never fond of the things and that put me off them for good
I also dropped a chicken patty once and the thing bounced
But by highschool the food was ambrosia, I'm not too sure what the hell happened, but the kids outside of highschool still had to shovel down that poor excuse for excremement

>> No.4733333
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It's like repeating digits for [s4s]

>> No.4733345


Cajunga get!

>> No.4733348


>> No.4733351

nice get, new namefig :^)

>> No.4733356

I went to a grammar school and we had pulled pork and salmon on the menu

>> No.4733377

American Renaissance? if youre talking about what I think you are the good school lunch was hardly worth what may literally have been the worst student body and most insane teachers.

>> No.4733397

i had a weird phobia of getting lunch at school. i thought i'd do something wrong and look stupid.
i always took a bag lunch grades k-8. high school i stopped eating lunch. senior year i got the courage to get hot lunch and liked it most of the time. italian dunkers were the best. then chicken sandwiches.

>> No.4733452
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Every day was a different food item, like Chow Mein or a Chicken Sandwich or Spaghetti, but you also had the standard Ham/Cheeseburger and Breadtangle of Pizza served with tater tots and milk.

If I ever have kids, I'm seriously making their lunch as much as I can.

>> No.4733470

Was any one else scared of getting dairy products at there school. I never picked up milk or nachos (sour cream) because I was afraid it was expired

>> No.4733472

Friday was soft taco day, and they were indescribably delicious. Imagine if Taco Bell was made with high-quality, expensive ingredients and all their tacos were the size of a kid's arm.

>> No.4733488
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>> No.4733490
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We didn't have lunch catering at school so everyone brought their own lunch.
Me and most of the other children brought sandwiches made by mom, a piece of fruit and a small carton of juice or milk.
Some of the more unfortunate kids brought bags of crisps, sweets and soda.

>> No.4733495

i never saw an expired dairy product, but i definitely recall some of the chocolate flavored milk product having a slushy sort of material in the bottom sometimes, presumably from the way they were stored and cooled

i avoided it for that reason

>> No.4733525

Oh and in the lower grades we would all have the option to have lunch at home.
As a kid who was getting bullied a lot it was really nice to get an hour of peace halfway through the ordeal.

>> No.4733556

Jesus, what kind of school do you go to?
Love-love bentou is best lunch
It is at this point that I come face to face with class distinctions.

I had home lunch for primary, and your standard industrial-process school lunch with milk afterwards. Nothing particularly good. Soy burgers (they tasted fine), slabs of pepperoni pizza, fries, pudding cups or jello option, wrapped sandwiches, and the like.
Kids with more money bough snack food, but I had no spending money. Never once bought any snacks at high school, sure is a different experience.

>> No.4733638

what the fuck are duck pancake rolls

>> No.4733658

cup of canned soup and a bun. We had no cafeteria or anything like that but we eventually got a free lunch program by volunteers. Before that I just never ate lunch.

>> No.4733667

>implying everyone grew up eating the same shit food you did

>> No.4733668

damn must be hard life in nigeria

>> No.4733671

I despise people who don't eat lunch.

Dirty, dirty.

>> No.4733672

>at school

sure is murrifats getting fat and developing a shit taste since childhood in here

>> No.4733679

Better than feminist loving and retard coddling murrika.

>> No.4733680

No one, no one likes school pizza.
The taste for pizza in the USA comes from professional pizza places and chains, not from industrial slabs of reheated single-serving pizza.

>> No.4733681

But pizza is a vegetable in American schools and vegetables are healthy

>> No.4733690

I wake up at about 12:30 and go to sleep at 5:00.
The concept of lunch has lost all meaning to me.

>> No.4733696

Your neurosis is duly noted.

>> No.4733702

Jamie Oliveoil also sells gardening crap nowadays.

>> No.4733704

An act of extreme dirtiness.

Filthy, filthy.

>> No.4733825

>saves the school money that could be spent on education


>> No.4733843
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>was homeschooled
>ate real food everyday
>learned to cook
>learned where my food came from and what it took to get from it's origins to mah belly

>> No.4733852

you forgot
>socially awkward

>> No.4733878


Only faggots generalize. Are you a faggot?

>> No.4733991

some pre made chocolate milk products are made with potato starch or potato flakes as a thickening agent

>> No.4734002

>Only faggots generalize

Way to generalize, faggot.

>> No.4734004

It was really delicious, because I packed my own lunches.

>> No.4734029

I think that was the joke.

>> No.4734046
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>>grade school
>>middle school
pizza and burgers and french fries all day everyday
>>High school
Pizza hand tossed in house, okay burgers and grilled cheese, weekly special that was usually pretty decent, and OH GOD SNDWICH BAR AND ITS CHEAPAND I CAN ADD ANY TOPING I WANT FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE?!

you haven't lived or loved untill you combine wheat and sour dough with 3 kinds of cheeses, tomatos, olives, onions, letuce with mayo and mustard. I'm not even vegetarian.

now if only I were smart too.

>> No.4734081
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>> No.4734142
File: 47 KB, 500x374, I Liked the Hexagon Pizza Better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, found this pic before I scrolled down.

>> No.4734154

Brings back nightmares. Only school cafeterias could figure out how to fuck up pizza so bad.

>> No.4734166

yeah... that was highschool for me.

Fucking shit.

>> No.4734167

I'm one of the 4 people who enjoyed the rectangle pizzas.


>> No.4734174

Pizza shape is completely irrelevant. Taste is all that matters.

>> No.4734176

My high school had:
>Pizza that had been sitting under a heat lamp
>Chick Fil A that had been sitting under a heat lamp
>Pick Up Stix that had been sitting under a heat lamp
>Nasty ass burritos that were filled with refried beans that looked and smelled like poop
>Pre-packaged sandwiches
It had variety, but I couldn't eat any of it without puking. I usually ate when I got home or got food from Burger King or Ralphs, which was a 5 minute walk.

I went to private middle school and we didn't have school food, but we had microwaves in the classrooms, so I used to eat hot pockets for lunch.

>> No.4734183

My younger cousin who is a senior in high school(USA) said that his school recently started trying to be healthier, and it's alot better

But basically the set up is in one station there is pizza
the next one has burgers/chicken sandwiches and whatever else they serve that day
then there is a salad line, and a sandwich line where they make the sandwich infront of you

>> No.4734194
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Middle school had the best lunch. My favorites being french bread pizza, deep dish pizza, jamaican beef patty and cheese stuffed fish patty thingy. For sides lots of options, from fruits to salad to onion rings. Was great man.

High school lunch was absolute shit. Had to go out and buy my food.

>> No.4734207

ah those damn jamaican patties. ours were so greasy that all of the kids had wipe them down with napkins.

>> No.4734224


And those rectangular school pizzas are like a hydrated graham cracker with slightly less sweet ketchup and lowest of the low cheese product microwaved (briefly) on top.

So ....... so bad.

>> No.4734227
File: 48 KB, 620x465, norsk middag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> elementary school
Hot lunch line only, different stuff each day. Some days were better than others. Monthly-ish rotation.

> junior high school
Hot lunch and a grill line, pizza, burgers, fries etc.
We also had snickers ice cream bars OH GOD THEY'RE SO GOOD

> high school
Hot lunch, soup and salad line, grill line, a la carte line. Hot lunch was the same as elem. and junior high. Grill line was the same as junior high, but the fries went to shit after the school wasn't allowed to serve shoestrings anymore. Soup and salad was actually bretty gud. Weekly rotation of soups, one different sandwich and salad each day of the week in addition to the 3 they had everyday. A la carte was mozzarella sticks, pizza from dominos and a couple other things.

> college
top 10 cafeteria in the nation
pic related is the norsk middag that we get for dinner 5 days each year, also some zucchini and onion
> dat god tier ham
> dose delicious potatoes
> succulent meatballs
> lutefisk is cool too i guess..
> lefse is always amazing
> pork loin with apricot was good
> steamed carrots and pees, boring but not bad
> steamed beets, didn't try these last year.
Not in the pic, but there's also rommegrot, sour cream porridge- not a lot of people get it. I haven't tried it. And fruit soup which is made from the tears of Thor himself. Also, all the Christmas cookies you can eat.
get on my dick bitches

>> No.4734228

Your middle school food was also shit though, you just didn't care at the time.

And you also like shit.

>> No.4734232

What the fuck are vegetables?

>> No.4734233

All sounds disgusting. You must be poor.

>> No.4734239

So doesn't this add to the credence of the rumor that schools are feeding poor kids this way to build a solid foundation of worker bees that develop prematurely and are too chubby to protest a mediocre quality of life?

>> No.4734240
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>> No.4734246

Liker du ikke norsk mat? jævla bonde..

>> No.4734253

That image is so horrifically accurate. ;_;

>> No.4734261
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>> No.4734271
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Dat low power microwaved cheese...

>> No.4734273

I love being an American. Thanks man.

>> No.4734286

I don't know from experience, but I wouldn't be surprised either if a person with downs syndrome claimed to be happy about their condition. Just saying.

>> No.4734293
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>> No.4734303

Your jealousy is a sad thing to see anon.

>> No.4734338

What's wrong with Kermit, South Park, MnM's, Barney, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and dat ass?

>> No.4735011

I was home schooled, so I got to make my own lunches.

It was always rice.

>> No.4735590
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>tfw have two kids
>tfw can't afford sending them to a $50k a year school

>> No.4735594

You should have considered finances before having children, you selfish cunt.

>> No.4735597

We weren't allowed to bring fast food for lunch. Not sure why. But every so often my mom would get me a double cheeseburger from mcd's and put it in a plastic baggie to sneak it by. Not fat btw

>> No.4735631

>what are grants

Get to work on getting grants.

>> No.4735644

Are you like 60

>> No.4735645
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My middle school made something very similar to this. Cheese roll, I will always crave you

>> No.4735649
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>> No.4735672

Yeah, except my school would never trust the local pizza shop because of liability issues. Which is ironic, since their food was complete shit that was way more likely to kill you.

>> No.4735674

didn't have any in germany.

when i was visiting murrica it was chicken burgers and fries, tastes quite good if my memory serves me right

>> No.4735713

Elementary: same shit most of us got, cardboard pizza, salisbury steak, soggy nuggets, mushy corn/peas, syrupy fruit cups, spherical mashed potatoes, choco milk or frutopia if you wanted to pay extra. Only occasionally got breakfast but it was usually either french toast sticks or pizza logs. Highlights: eating my first tamale, I didn't know you were supposed to remove the husk. Got more fiber that day then the rest of my school lunches that year put together.

>> No.4735746

Nope, this was what my school was like too. Worst part is, lots of kids depend on the meals because they're so poo.

>> No.4735749
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Same it was shitty and small portions. 5-10 year old me loved it because I was hungry and had to sit in a chair all day. When I first saw news reports and read articles about school food in other places/better quality places I felt true rage for the first time in my life. Luvd mum but her cooking was...patchy.
>I can food pretty well for myself and make lists of ingredients recipes and foods that I like/ want to try

>> No.4735754

"Healthier" means that they make the bun out of whole grain and add on bland vegetables no one actually eats while removing the french fries.

>> No.4735759

I don't know about you guys, but during recess we weren't allowed to sit down. We had to be doing something active.

>> No.4735767

i found out recently that they dont even have recess at schools anymore. here anyway.

>> No.4735771

You don't understand the American mentality. They want the government to pay for the absolute minimum, even if it would be in their own interest to pay a little extra to have a functional society. It's very individualistic.

>> No.4735778

This was back in the mid 90's. I drove by my old school and all the playground equipment was torn down and they put a vegetable garden there. So they may also be doing away with active recess too.

>> No.4735820
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It was okay.

>> No.4735841

How do I grants.

I'm reasonably well paid but spending half my annual wage (I only make like $108k) on a single kid's yearly tuition is a bit much, especially since my wife doesn't work. I'd rather save that and pay for their college.

They're one and three years old, so I still have time but I dread the day I have to send my sons to school.

>> No.4735850

I work in a sheltered workshop, where one meal is cooked everyday, and four others are shipped from an industry kitchen more than an hour away. They hang up pictures of the menu in the morning so the handicapped people can choose.
Every time I look at these pictures, what I see is just revolting and sad. I've been working there for a year now, and never once seen an appetizing meal choice.
What they call pizza looks like old and dry cheese product stuck to the bottom of a tinfoil bowl with some greenish-brown and reddish-brown chuncks thrown in. It's just so depressing.

That's what all those school lunches you guys posted reminded me of.

>> No.4735874
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>Be a picky eater
>Learn to feed off of chocolate milk from small cardboard cartons, brownies, cookies, and apples
>Eventually learn to tolerate bread rolls
>Eat as many chicken tenders as possible when available
>Nuggets are okay too
>Pizza sucks but is still pizza
>Grilled cheese is sometimes okay when they haven't had it left out for fucking hours
>Sometimes this gross as Mexican shit was served
>With Peach Cobbler
>Cheap peach cobbler is worse than a cheap cookie
>Learn to hate cobbler as this was the first form of it I ever saw

All in all it was shit

>> No.4735891

I honestly don't remember much about elementary school lunches, but jr. high and high school lunches were great. In jr. high, if you didn't want to eat in the cafeteria, there was an independently owned lunch stand right next to the school we were allowed to go to, which sold burgers, chili dogs, fries, onion rings, frito pies, dorito pies, candy, gum, sodas, etc. In high school, we had open campus at lunch, so we could leave and go to any restaurant in town we wanted to or go home for lunch. It was pretty sweet, really. I feel sorry for kids these days, constantly penned up in school with zero trust or opportunity to make do for themselves. This nanny state crap sure gets ingrained early.

>> No.4735991
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No lunch in our German schools, but this is what our university cafeteria served today. Taste was alright and it is really cheap, as everyday.

>> No.4735999

>tfw schools ban children from bringing outside lunches

>> No.4736016

Chicken patties... pretty much all the time. Sometimes they had a spicy variety, but it was nevertheless just processed chicken. Also, cardboard buns, and carrots all the time vegetables.

However, there was a sub line, and if you got to the line before it filled up, you could get a decent sub made. I usually had mine made to be pretty much an Italian sub.

>> No.4736011


My brother's kids talk about how if kids bring outside lunch to school, yard duty/security or whatever have the right to inspect the bag for illegal/banned items.

>> No.4736023

Honestly, I bet there could be a valid argument against at least some of the things that schools do as far as school lunch policies are concerned through the 14th amendment (what you put in YOUR body is your business?). But even if were back in school in a tyrant-run school like that, it just wouldn't be worth it to argue.

>> No.4736109

>that kid who was allergic to potatoes so school stopped serving anything with potatoes in it and anyone who brought anything made with potatoes would get detention

>> No.4736117


It's mainly for health reasons. School doesn't trust kids to bring healthy food from home. It's to prevent kids from bringing fastfood, soda, candy, etc from home.

>> No.4736266

school lunches for me when i was in lower school (ukfag) where really good in my opinion.
I loved the food they served, when i look back i do realise how unhealthy it was but my god was it tasty.
my favorite dishes where
>cornflake tart
cornflakes mixed with jam and corn syrup on a shortcrust pastry base
>rice pudding
shouldnt need to explain this but they gave us either a spoon of jam (jelly for usfags) or a chocolate button to mix in
>chicken pie
a tray bake chicken pie cut into slices, tasted like heaven although the chiken was slightly overcooked

the worst part was the water, they never rinsed out the damn cups and you could taste the soap

>> No.4736271

When I got into highschool the food quality increased for no apparent reason. I had gone by the lower grades cafeteria and they were still served the same mush but in high school we had the normal line which would serve food like OPs pic but we also had a salad line, a sub sandwich line and a burger/grilled chicken line.

I don't know why they did that for the highschoolers but not the other grades.

>> No.4736318


Motherfucking chocolate cornflake cakes! I never got a chocolate button with my rice pudding; it was either jam or brown sugar.

>> No.4736341


Wow, what first world country do you come from? Was lunch a school program?

Here in Canada, we had a pay cafeteria in high school (no lunch in school before) but the food was some contracted trash.

>> No.4736364

From elementary up until the beginning of high school it was shit. Cardboard tier pizza, wtf surprise, etc. High school onward it was rather good. Wings/fries, tenders/fries, pasta.

>> No.4736383

My school had healthier options but most of the kids chose pizza or burgers. If you dared to eat the vegetable curry, beanfeast or salad you would be bullied.

This is why China will conquer the world.

>> No.4736414


> It's to prevent kids from bringing fastfood, soda, candy, etc from home.

This makes no sense to me. Most of the food the schools serve aren't healthy. And unless they plan on offering free lunch to everyone, you can't just force parents to come up with money for that. That candy and soda may be cheaper for the kid to eat than school lunch.

And do they cater to people with restricted diets? Do they offer gluten-free, dairy free vegan options? Do they make sure all their processed shit is soy and nut free?

>> No.4736416

>And do they cater to people with restricted diets? Do they offer gluten-free, dairy free vegan options? Do they make sure all their processed shit is soy and nut free?

of course not

>> No.4736701

Primary School in Canada: Had no cafeteria, mom either walked a block to deliver lunch to me or packed a Lunchables if she had stuff to do that day. Usually consists of steamed veg, a stir-fry and rice or pasta.

Primary School in Hong Kong: Parents write a monthly cheque to the private school I went to,cost of meals rounds to around 3 to 4USD a meal. Food is prepared by the school kitchen with ingredients delivered from the whole-sale market on the day (unless it's a canned or dried good), cooking is done by an hour before lunch time, portioned out into lunch boxes and sent up to each floor. Rice is cooked per-floor and everyone gets a portion, seconds for at a first come first served basis. Got proper soup not from a can on Tuesdays and Thursdays, freshly squeezed orange juice on Wednesdays, school has a contract with a local juice bar that has a industrial juicer that looks impressive as shit.

Junior/Senior High: International school, it 'had' good food with the food cooked on site, then the school signed up with some shitty catering company called Sodexho. Prices jumped up by a around 10% every year and the food quality started falling. Didn't eat all that much back then, when I did, I skipped school to go to this shack where an old man made instant ramen with a fried egg and Spam/sausages/ham on top for a 2 dollars. Another dollar got you a glass bottle of cola.

Good times.

>> No.4736716

Jealous of what? I'm american too. I simply don't like the fact.

>> No.4736741

>Jamaican beef patties for lunch
What? Where are you from? I am jealous.

>> No.4736743

not that guy but we had them here too. this was in miami.

>> No.4736751

There's a market that sells them near me but they only sell goatmeat or vegetable.

>> No.4736754

>pizza erryday
>get tired and go get a sandwhich
>have chicken
>as a black man in America, I am obligated by law to get the chicken
>have to eat shitty chicken

Don't even get me started on watermelon day.

>> No.4736782


Kids that need special meals are excused so they can bring food from home. Food from the cafeteria looks unhealthy, but they do follow a nutritional guideline. Kids are still being served an even portion of dairy, protein, vegetables, and fruit with every meal they get. It's just a matter if the kids will actually eat it or not.

>> No.4736783


was meant for >>4736414

>> No.4736784


vegetable curry actually sounds good.

>> No.4736786

That looks almost exactly like what they served us in elementary, but ours were wrapped up like burritos, and I'm guessing it's because of location (south texas). I always ate all the outer part, but only a little bit of the filling because every other bit was cartilage/gristle/etc. Pretty gross. Would have been better if they were just filled with mashed beans. Hate gristle type stuff.

>> No.4736822
File: 12 KB, 202x248, mc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monday - Hot Dog, Tuesday - Taco
Wednesday - Hamburgers and Chocolate Milk
Thursday - Sloppy Joes and burritos in a bag
Friday was Pizza Day, the best day of the week
All the kids would line up super early just to eat

>> No.4736829

Everyone on this board is too young to know what that is. I've posted it before and they thought I was trying to promote my "own kid's band or something," if I recall the accusation verbatim.

>> No.4736841


>> No.4736843

Well ain't that a kick in the teeth. Hey though, there are two of us!

>> No.4736844

>All the kids would line up super early just to eat

I remember HS Lunch line, we would lined up so tight I'm pretty sure that I sexually molested someone along with me being sexually molested by the person behind me. Seriously, it was like those Japanese pornos, only they didn't progress past groping.

>> No.4736839


According to google image search, that's a TV show from 2012 on a relatively new cable TV channel, based on a shitty band from the 1990s.

I'm pretty sure it's more like no one knows about your interests.

>> No.4736865

Pretty good actually.

In fact, when I think about it now, it was much better for the first 4th years of elementary school when I lived in a lower middle class neighborhood than when I went to another school in an upper middle class neighborhood.

I think we actually used real plates and metal utensils including knives.

Too bad the quality dropped harshly after the government introduced some kind of a healthy food program; eating strudels for breakfast in school soon became a myth.

I actually remember eating shark meat at school.

>> No.4736868

see >>4736841
Three, at least, eh?


>> No.4736878


What year were you born in?

>> No.4736879


I always checked the expiration date

>> No.4736881

I don't remember elementary school. Jr. high was actually decent as they brought in local restaurant food and had a huge menu.

High school was another story entirely. Everything that could be frozen was and they reheated that food into overcooked hell. They also had students help (part of an elective) and the health standards were on par with sticking your hands into a recently used toilet and then touching the food.

>> No.4736884

I bet you can't beat my shitty school's hot lunches these varied by day:

-McDonalds cheeseburger orr hamburger
-Round Table Pizza (maybe only decent thing)
-Bean burrito prev frozen frozen
-Vegetarian Egg Roll
-Vegetarian soy sauce noodles prev frozen

Each item was $2.50-$3
This was in a upper middle class neighborhood.

>> No.4736890

It was a Polish public school, a pretty good one. We did pay some small fee for the lunches, although it was certainly subsidized since it was extremely cheap, and poorer kids got it for free.

Note that here in Poland the best schools in the country are pretty much all public (remnant of the communist era), so going to a public school isn't a mark of being poor. The really good ones are just very hard to get into. And most towns tend to have a whole spectrum of schools of various quality to choose from, since schools here tend to be rather small. My hometown of 170k people has something like thirty secondary schools, and many more primary schools.

>> No.4736893
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS BULLSHIT RIGHT HERE. Everything was served on and in cardboard trays. Silverware was plastic. Lots of trash because the mid-90s didn't give two fucks.

Square pizza, chicken nuggets, hamburgers, chicken burgers, horrifying off-white mac and cheese. That's literally all of the entrées that my elementary school offered.

Sides were tatter-tots, ice burg lettuce with thousand island, corn, apples, fruit cups, mashed potatoes.

$2.50. A++++ deal.

>> No.4736895


yep mostly these and the little mini pizza lunchables things

thinking about them makes me want to vomit a little for some reason, not entirely sure why

>> No.4736900


your high school had chick fil a? and you're complaining about it???

>> No.4736902

I got my first kiss in the fifth grade from a guy who just took a big bite of school macaroni, and to this day I associate sloppy kissing with creamy, tasteless, barely-yellowish, elbow noodles school mac-n-cheese.

>> No.4736903

Ok found it


Came out the year I got my first apartment on my own. Get off my lawn, kids.

>> No.4736921


Make that 5

(I loved dipping it into ranch dressing, even if the dressing our school had was really sour)

>> No.4736923


>> No.4736933


Oh ok. A kid then.

>> No.4736948

Not even that anon but 31 years old is considered a kid these days? Wow. Wait, wtf. Can you even count?

>> No.4736954

I never liked having milk with my lunch. Always made me feel gassy and dehydrated. I wish water was an option.

>> No.4736968


He was in puberty when I was in college. He's a kid.

>> No.4736972

same here. i never liked the combination of pizza with chocolate milk. the other option was strawberry milk, and that was absolutely disgusting.

>my elementary school banned water bottles because some kid brought one with beer in it

that idiot

>> No.4736976

No... you're just really old.

>> No.4736999

Goddamnit I would elect you as king of America

>> No.4737007
File: 12 KB, 225x225, harmony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn this thread reminds me of that lady selling ramen at my grade school, shit was the best ramen I ever had in my entire life.

>> No.4737026
File: 303 KB, 1280x960, pig slop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a picture of my kids lunch menu for you guys. I went up to the school to eat lunch with him once last year and the food was absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4737034

I never touched lunch in high school.

>> No.4737041

Shit. Terrible. I most clearly remember the sandwiches with hard cheese and wilted lettuce on stale kaiser rolls, doughy microwave pizzas with pepperoni chunks that were always cold, and hot dogs that came in a plastic wrapper. The last time I had school lunch was when I got a hot dog and the entire thing, including the bun, was completely black.

>> No.4737044

Posting because why the hell not.

I lived in Florida, really rural area.

Some of the meals were pretty damn good. One of my favorites was tacos; sure they have some sort of mystery incredibly fine ground beef, but it was one of the better meals.

School pizza was shit tier and lasted like plastic. There was a sort of 'premium' line for people who had money to blow, you could buy cookies, ice cream cones/sandwiches, and dominos pizza slices.

I really fondly remember two things: The curly fries and Breakfasts.

The curly fries were absolutely god tier, fried, spice and delicious.

Breakfasts were great too. Usually it would be leftover dominos pizza, or these delicious biscuits.

>> No.4737052


>Bosco Sticks

My nigga.

Man, I remember those being really disgusting back in school. My best friend used to use Bosco sticks as paintbrushes and draw "grease pictures" on his lunch tray.

Then I found some at the store one day a few months ago, bought them for the nostalgia, you know? And they were surprisingly good.

>tfw you realize your school couldn't even make premade Bosco Sticks correctly

>> No.4737060

>Shrimp Poppers
WTF, that has to be really good or abhorrent shrimp like paste

These were god tier at my middle school/ jr. high, but this was in deep South Texas with some awesome Hispanic cooks.

>> No.4737066

So did you do anything? Like telling your wife to pack him food.

>> No.4737068

The pizza in high school was like this.

Ellio's cheese pizza slabs were better.

Elementary school lunch was good. I remember the spaghetti sauce was awesome. French toast sticks were awesome.

I usually skipped lunch in HS, or would buy sandwiches which were good compared to the hot options.

College dining hall was atrocious, had really poor standards - left milk out until it curdled, food made me sick constantly, found a big chunk of bone in ground meat once, meat cuts were gross, you couldn't trust the salad bar, etc. It's pretty bad when you lose 20 lbs your first year because you aren't eating right.

I spent all my meal plan money on buying bottles of Snapple and other pre-packaged stuff, and lived off my own groceries. It was so bad that the student government held an open forum meeting one day and called out the dining hall on their shit - the next semester, the college appointed a new company, and it got a whole lot better.

>> No.4737075

1980 here, I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. I may have missed it, but Aquabats is nowhere in my memory banks.

>> No.4737085

Not really.

>> No.4737091

Went to high school at the local university. Lunch period we had the option of Sodexo so-so food, chicken tetrazzini was pretty good, Whataburger, or the best fucking salad bar I have ever been to. High school was pretty awesome.

>We also had free run of a university campus, and could choose what classes we attended

>> No.4737101

Yeah, usually we pack his lunch but for some assbackwards reason, when parents eat at the school, the kid and the parent both have to eat cafeteria food.
My niece's school usually makes the parent bring in food for both the parent and the kid, so i dunno what that's all about.

>> No.4737171

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who suffered grade school lunches. Weird how it is pretty much the same everywhere in the U.S.

School lunches, during the years I ate them, were thoroughly meh. Fortunately, I had my lunch packed for most of elementary school, but I went with cafeteria offerings starting in middle school. Funny thing is given the low cost (I think it was still under $2 when I graduated in 2008) I think a lot of adults would go for a meal at that price.

American public education is really weird. We supposedly spend over $10,000 per student per year, but we don't hardly put any money towards student nutrition apart from free breakfast/lunch programs for the poor and some token federal lunch subsidies. We are one of the most agriculturally productive countries on the planet, yet apart from bagged lettuce, frozen cubed vegetables, and high fructose corn syrup laden canned fruit, we had little to no access to fruits and veggies at school. I think we spend way to much effort trying to make lunches that kids will like (or at least we think they will like -- hence the soggy soy burgers and greasy rectangle pizza) and not enough effort of getting kids the nutrition they need. I'm amazed I'm not a fatass from eating all that shit for so many years.


>> No.4737172


High school at least was an improvement because you could go off campus and there were non-cafeteria foods you could buy. I'm glad I lived in New Mexico, because that meant that our school had cheap, hot burritos every day for like $0.75. Our school contracted with Chick-fil-a to offer lightly fried chicken sandwiches on Fridays for like $4-5, but that quickly went away when some kid started going there that supposedly had such a strong peanut allergy, even being exposed to the steam from the peanut-oil cooked chicken sandwiches could kill him. We all joked that peanuts had been successfully weaponized in an aerosol format. Naturally, I later discovered from a girl who knew this kids parents that the kid had a mild allergy, but the crazy overprotective mother had lied to the school. In the same year, the school banned sugary colas from vending machines as part of a health initiative. The sodas were all replaced with blue and red PowerAid. I nearly died laughing.

I just stopped eating lunch my senior year. Waiting half the lunch break in a long line for shitty food wasn't worth it. I would just have a snack when I got home from school and be fine until dinner.

>> No.4737255

>most poor kids get shittier lunches because they are poor and they should be happy with it
Do you think people choose to be poor or some shit?

>> No.4737313

Where I live school lunches always sucked.
>1-5th grade
Shitty 4inby4in piece of "pizza" with a side of ice cold peas and a little treat like a small cupcake if we were the lucky few to get in line early.
>6-8th grade
pizza got bigger french bread pizza with ice cold carrots and peas as the "snack"
9-12th grade
No more pizza since it was $1.50 and went up $.50 each year. Box of rice and teryaki chicken for $3 was expensive as shit.
>Highschool says it's poor and can't afford new books
but they rip us off badly at lunch time.